Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


Nervous anticipation raced through Sissy. What had she been thinking to agree to get on the back of a motorcycle? That was a stupid question. She knew exactly what she’d been thinking. Cole. And making him happy. There was a lot she would do to make Cole happy, especially after the way he'd come to Mississippi and rescued her.

Hell, who was she trying to fool? The only reason she hadn’t been willing to do more to please Cole in the last ten years was simply because he wasn’t there. Still, she had thought about him.

Sissy hurried to change clothes. The last thing she wanted was for Cole to get angry because she took too long. As she stepped into the hallway after pulling on the boots Cole had gotten for her that morning, it occurred to her to wonder why she was so worried about Cole getting angry because she took so long. That wasn’t like Cole. It was like Troy, and even more like Daddy, but Cole wasn’t like that at all. She shook her head and wondered how long it would take her to get over the knee jerk reactions to do things to keep someone from getting mad at her.

In the clothes Cole suggested, she went to find him. Cole was standing in front of the kitchen sink, a wet towel in one hand and a helmet in the other.

“I’m ready whenever you are,” she said, stepping into the room.

“Perfect timing. I pulled this out for you, but it’s been sitting a while, so it was covered in dust.” He finished wiping the surface, tossed the towel beside the sink and turned to face her. “A jacket. You need a jacket.”

Sissy looked down at herself, not sure why he thought she needed a jacket.

“I don’t have one, besides, it’s hot out there.”

He set the helmet on the island where he’d set her earlier and headed down the hall. “I have a jacket you can use and it’s not for the temperature.” He was gone less than a minute before he reappeared carrying a long-sleeved denim jacket. “Leather would be better, but I don’t have one that wouldn’t make you look and feel like a child wearing it. As cute as that would be, it wouldn’t work on the bike.”

Sissy frowned but took the jacket, then stood holding and looking at it, wondering why he wanted her to wear it.

“If it’s not for the warmth, why do I need a jacket?”

“To protect your sweet skin, just in case, sweetheart.” He leaned in and dropped a quick kiss on the end of her nose. “Put the jacket on and we’ll go get some dinner. I’m going to have to add a good leather jacket for you to the list of things we need to get.” He grabbed the helmet he’d left on the counter and headed for the door out to the carport where he’d parked the truck when they arrived.

As they stepped outside, Sissy noticed the motorcycle sitting in the empty space beside the truck he’d left when they pulled in. She’d wondered why he’d pulled into one side rather than in the middle but hadn’t wanted to ask.

“You were busy.” She glanced over at the pickup and found the bed completely empty. There hadn’t been things from the truck all over inside the house so he must have already dealt with them. She’d slept harder than she thought. She went to the bike and stood next to it, staring at it, uncertain. “I don’t know how to do this.”

“I’ll tell you what to do, sweetheart. No worries.” He settled the helmet he’d carried out onto her head, adjusting the buckles, and making sure it was snug before turning away and picking up another helmet from the bike. “I’ll get on and start it, then you climb on. Put your feet here and swing your leg over the back just like when you ride a bicycle. Be careful of these pipes. They’re hot and will burn the shit out of you.” He pointed to parts.

Sissy hoped she could keep them straight. She didn’t let him know she was confused though but nodded as if she understood and would remember.

“When we’re riding, do what I do. Lean with me, just follow my movements and we’ll be fine. I promise. Did you decide what you want to eat?”

Sissy shook her head. “You decide as long as we can go in and sit down, I’ll be happy.”

“I may hold you to that.” He turned away and stepped onto the bike. Sissy looked at the motorcycle trying to remember where he’d said to put her feet and reminded herself to do it without touching that big tube. How had he said to get onto the bike again? She hoped she could remember it all.

Movement caught her attention, and she looked up to find Cole waving a hand at her.

“What?” she shouted over the rumble of the engine. It seemed to bounce off the wall of the carport and come back at her despite the heavy helmet he’d settled on her head.

He waved for her to come closer then motioned behind him. It took a second to click but she realized he meant he was ready for her to climb on behind him. She did her best not to let her apprehension show as she put one foot on the little metal post. With one hand on Cole’s shoulder, she braced herself and pretended to be mounting a horse. They called these things iron horses, didn’t they? How different could it be?

She swung her leg over but couldn’t find the post on the other side. She fumbled, slipped, and thought for sure she was going to land on her face, embarrassing herself. But before she went far a pair of arms wrapped around her thighs, pinning her against his firm back. He held her there for a couple of breaths then wrapped one hand around the calf of her right leg and guided her foot onto the post. Once she had both feet under her again, she eased herself down onto the seat. Cole slipped his hands around her knees and tugged her close against his back.

He reached up and tapped her hands on his shoulders, then indicated for her to hold on around his waist. When she moved her hands, he tugged her arms until they wrapped around his middle.

Once she was settled to suit him, he walked the motorcycle backwards out of the carport. Why didn’t he just put it in reverse?

Before she could think about it too much, he did something with his foot and they shot forward at what seemed much too fast, but Cole didn’t seem phased by it. Sissy clung to Cole as the world seemed to speed by. After a moment she closed her eyes, finding it easier to follow Cole’s movements, like he’d told her to, if she couldn’t see how fast they were going or how close cars and things seemed to be.

By the time they reached the restaurant, Sissy had opened her eyes a few times but still felt better if she kept them closed and just trusted Cole to get them there. During the meal, she had a chance to relax and was still a little nervous about getting back on the bike to go home, but she did it, with less trouble this time, though Cole checked her feet to make sure they weren’t too close to the tubes before they left.

Back at the house, she took a shower and put on the oversized shirt she’d chosen for pajamas. At bedtime, she considered going back to the bedroom he’d given her but decided she didn’t want to be alone. And after this morning, why bother hiding she wanted to be with him?