Savage Prince by Alison Aimes


Alexi strode down the main corridor of the Skolov compound toward Nikolai’s study, adrenaline pumping.

“Alpha Lord.” Two omegas emerged from a doorway and stepped into his path, tits thrusting forward as they preened. “How nice, running into you.”

“Omegas.” He offered his customary grin and polite bow and skirted past them.

He was all for rutting—maybe too much—but he had particular requirements and preferred his usual haunts where they knew the score and followed his rules to the letter.

Plus, he couldn’t believe he was thinking it, but he did not have time right now for a quick fuck.

“Alpha Lord.” A crowd of three different omegas pushed up from the chairs where they’d been sitting, checking his forward motion. They eyed him up and down, the scent of their lust filling his lungs. “We haven’t had a chance yet to thank you for rescuing us from Aldar.”

“We’re grateful.”

Very grateful.”

He should have taken the back route, but he’d been trying not to be late. For once.

But thanks to the recent arrival of the omegas they’d rescued from the auctions at Tess’s request, the Skolov compound was temporarily packed—and a damned minefield.

“A tempting invitation.” He smiled once more. “But I am summoned by my eldest brother and one does not keep him waiting if they don’t want their face rearranged.”

They gasped as one. “No. Not your pretty face.”

“He wouldn’t dare.”

Swaggering past, Alexi gave thanks that Damien wasn’t with him now. The shit he would have received would have been merciless.

Honestly, Alexi didn’t see anything particularly noteworthy about his face: two eyes, a nose, a mouth—but he did know his countenance had proved appealing to more than just these omegas. For that reason alone, he’d hate it until his dying rotation.

“Come find us when you’re done,” called out one of the omegas.

He wouldn’t.

Finding a fuck partner had never been a problem for him. Giving a shit who it was, had.

Probably because he felt so little—and less and less every rotation.

The only thing that made him feel remotely alive was pushing the edge, skirting closer and closer to destruction every time.

He would have already gladly gone over the edge—except he saw the look on his siblings’ faces before he went out each night and then he staggered home each morning.

He knew how much they’d already lost. He didn’t want to be the cause of any more of their pain.

Hells, he hated how much grief he’d already caused them.

He knew just how brutal living with that kind of agony could be. How it ate away at one’s soul. Stole every ounce of joy until there was only anger and hate left.

Chest tight, he shoved the door to Nikolai’s study open and sauntered in—only to stop short.

Damien was the only one within, pacing back and forth, though he stopped long enough to issue an annoyed grimace. “Finally.”

Omegas tended to run from Damien rather than swarm, so Alexi didn’t bother issuing an excuse for his tardiness. “Where are Nikolai and Maxheim?”

Damien didn’t answer. Instead, he marched to the door and pushed it open. “Wait for it.”

It didn’t take long.

“She’s what?” Maxheim’s shout echoed down the hall.

A series of soothing murmurs followed. Alexi picked up on Nikolai’s rumbled voice and Tess’s higher one. Both appeared to be trying to calm Maxheim down.

He looked at Damien for further explanation. His brother just shook his head.

“Maxheim, you need to put me down. I’m fine.” This time, Tess’s voice was easier to hear. Probably because it was growing in volume with every word—as if she was rounding the corridor bend.

Rumbled footfalls echoed down the hall.

“It’s perfectly natural.” This time it was the doctor who spoke. The poor guy sounded harried as usual.

“You can’t carry me around for the next few months,” admonished Tess.

“Watch me.” Maxheim stormed by the doorway in a blur, Tess cradled protectively in his arms. The doctor, Dahlia, Nikolai, and Anya all chased right behind, heading toward Maxheim and Tess’s wing of the compound.

“Breeding, huh?”

Damien nodded. “This should be interesting.”

Alexi agreed.

Maxheim was as gone for his omega as Nikolai was for his. Watching the two of them try to balance their aggression with their protectiveness was never dull. But their love for their females was never in question.

Alexi suspected he might have been an Alpha mate like his older brothers, as fierce in his affection as he was in his vigilance, if things had been different so many years ago. Honestly, he wished he could have been like them, but that part of him had been stolen long ago.

Now all he was . . . was broken.

“Thank the gods, there’s still one other sane bachelor in this place.” Damien punched him in the shoulder. “It would be a nightmare otherwise.”

Alexi just nodded. He and Damien had been getting along better these last few weeks. Plus, Tess’s progeny was big news he had no intentions of overshadowing. He didn’t see the point in shaking things up now.

He’d break what he’d done to Damien and the others soon enough.

He knew they’d protest. Nikolai and Maxheim, especially. But he wasn’t backing down.

It was his turn to step up and take responsibility for his family.

He’d reached a dead-end in his effort to find out more about his baby brother through more subtle means. They needed someone on the ground and in Sartin’s home territory to separate truth from fiction and track down whoever was hiding their brother.

Because someone in the nest of Sartin vipers knew his baby brother Mikhail’s real identity, and Alexi intended to find out the truth and bring his brother home, no matter the cost. Then he’d find his missing sister.

Which is why he’d accepted the Sartin prime omega contract in Maxheim’s stead and tied himself to a female he intended to, at best, tolerate if she proved innocent of her family’s crimes, or, at worst, destroy right alongside her lying, guilty kin.

The certainty that this was what he was meant to do beat inside his chest. It strengthened with each rotation, along with an intangible sense of inevitability that had only grown since he’d smeared his name on the Sartin prime omega contract and agreed to the deal.

For whatever reason, this was what he was meant to do.

He just hoped his bride-to-be was ready, because he was coming for her and her family—and he didn’t intend to stop until he got what he wanted or one of them ended up dead.

* * *

Wantto know what happens to Alexi and his Sartin prime omega bride? BROKEN HEIR: A Dark Mafia Omegaverse Fated-Mates Romance is coming next! Click I want more Skolov Alphas to sign up for my newsletter so you stay up to date on my latest release plans.

For a BONUS CONTENTsneak peek into the early lives of the tight knit Skolov family, click Show me life in those ice caves. (If you’re already an Alison Aimes VIP newsletter subscriber, you received this glimpse into the siblings family life in your inbox previously so you’re good to go.)

In the meantime,want more scorching hot DARK MAFIA OMEGAVERSE FATED-MATES romance? Have you read Ruthless King and Forbidden Flame, the first two romances in my Dark Mafia Omegaverse Fated-Mates Series?

He's the most brutal crime boss in the galaxy—and she belongs to him now.

Click RUTHLESS KING Book one in the Ruthless Warlords series to read now.

“Ruthless King is Absolutely FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! Oooooo, I LOVE these kinds of stories. Sexy, strong hero, lots of action, interesting bad guys and a wonderful storyline that makes it impossible to put down.”-5Star Reviewer

“100 "Fated Mates" Stars! An Enchanting Start to this Epic series! A Sci-Fi Blockbuster Story with Emotional past, Heart-gripping Suspense, Loads of Drama, Betrayal, Action, Secrets, Lies, Hurt, Steamy times, Truth, Happiness, Swooney Love, Laugh-out-loud Fun, Surprising Twists, Kept me on Edge Showdown, A Gorgeous HEA AND I want more!”-5Star Reviewer

Here’s a taste….

The guard tossed Dahlia inside the darkened glass cell, head first.

Her forehead hit a hard smooth surface, her palms slammed against the floor. The door slid shut, the lights flickering off as the darkness closed in.

Her breath rasped loud in her ears, her mind screaming as the walls and ceiling contracted, the pressure on her back increasing like a boot on her spine, shoving her to the floor. Panting, muscles tense, she waited, the sensation of being crushed as terrifying as always. Thankfully, the ceiling stalled as her belly hit her knees, her body folded on itself and pinned in place. The omega submissive first position, achieved without her consent.

Her bowed position made it impossible to do anything but stare out at the spectacle beyond her cell. Floating over head were fifteen huge windows arranged in a circle, each lit from within by a blood red light that illuminated a massive throne—and the even more imposing figure sitting within.

She’d never felt smaller or more insignificant.

Drawn by an invisible force, her gaze rose to the window directly across the way.

Piercing amber eyes bore into hers.


The Ruthless King.

Even now, after so many years, she recognized him. The boy was gone but not the mesmerizing power or the breathtaking handsomeness that had been his birthright. Even the scars on his neck and hands only added to his air of danger.

Gorgeous. Brutal. Huge. Red-Skinned. Horned. Nikolai Skolov was still the most beautiful Alpha she’d ever seen.  With thick sloping brows, wavy  jet black hair, powerful onyx horns that curled downward behind his ears, a square jaw, and full sensual lips, he was a masculine masterpiece.

He was far bigger than he’d once been—larger even than Olan— and the heavy five o’clock shadow that now covered his stunning face blended perfectly with the thick black skin designs on his cheeks and neck, a common trait of all Skolovs.

For one brief beautiful moment years ago, she’d thought he might be her savior.

Until he became her greatest enemy.

As if he sensed her stare, his lips pulled back, his fangs flashing.

And she knew that whatever was happening to her now was in no way better than the horrible fate she might have suffered as the prime omega of the eldest Verish son.

It was, in fact, far worse.

She knew too exactly why she was here and how futile it had ever been to believe escape might be possible.

Now, she and her whole family would pay.

To find out what happens next click: GIVE ME MORE RUTHLESS KING.

Prefer the audiobook version? Ruthless King is also available in audio format and it is one seriously scorching HOT listen. Prepare for serious eargasms. Click TALK GROWLY TO ME to listen now.

* * *

He's out for revenge. She's out to escape. Neither intends to fall in love.

Click FORBIDDEN FLAME, Novella one in the Ruthless Warlords series to read now.

“Forbidden Flame was intense and so steamy, like melt the pants off you HOT.”-5Star Reviewer

“Forbidden Flame by Alison Aimes is a sizzling masterpiece. It's packed with action, intense love, revenge and hot love scenes that will leave you on fire, pleading for more.”-5Star Reviewer

Here’s a taste…

Magnus was done talking. Anyone who still didn’t like his plan could take it up with his claws.

It was past time to look inside the bag.

A strange, humming excitement sizzled at the base of his spine. Bending over, he leaned forward in his throne, his hand stretched toward the first fastener.

The sack moved.

Pavel jumped. Axel reached for his weapon. The smuggler began to pray. Several of the Alphas who’d been leaning against the wall stood up straight.

Magnus peered closer.

Sliding off the throne, he squatted next to the sack and untied the first fastener. Then he grabbed the zipper and tugged. Slowly.

His other hand rested on his blaster.

A tiny opening appeared.

The sack twitched more violently than before.

The smuggler whimpered and drew back. Magnus leaned in closer.

A honeyed scent drifted from the opening, even better than the Romealon powdered sweetener the cook used to add to his desserts.

Except this scent wasn’t just sugary, but decadent. Better than any melt-in-your-mouth pastry he’d ever had. It was nectar and sin and an explosive burn all in one.

A growl he hadn’t intended to make rumbled from deep in his throat.

His wrists throbbed. They’d never done that before.

An alarm blared in his gut.

“W-what is it, Alpha Lord?” For once, Pavel used his official title.

“Get back!” Primal possession slammed through Magnus, his fangs flashing as lust and need shrouded everything blood red.

He’d rip apart anyone who tried to take this package from him.

With a roar, he slashed a claw along the length of the bag, careful to cut just the bag material and no deeper, as he bypassed the numerous fasteners and the zipper.

Parting this new opening, he peered inside.

Wide amethyst eyes blinked up at him.

They were housed in a delicate, stunning face half obscured by a cloud of dark, tangled curls streaked with indigo blue.

A gorgeous, mouthwatering omega—and all his.

She was trussed up and curled on her side, wrists and ankles tied with rope, fabric across her mouth too. Her body, encased in a flimsy, pale pink toga gown that had slipped off her shoulder, clung to each curve as if she was a present wrapped just for him.

Like her scent, her skin was a feast for the senses, her flesh caramel dipped in gold with speckles of pink. She looked like she’d been dusted in glitter and baked to perfection, her curves large, succulent and tasty.

Nostrils flaring, the beast inside him howled mine.

“Hello, little omega.” His voice was little more than a growl. “It looks like I received a special delivery, after all. I can’t wait to unwrap each and every inch.”

The winged eyebrows of his upcoming rut partner rose. “Nomttfff-ahh-gohhh-ideff.”

Even her muffled voice through the binding was sexy.

“What was that you said, sweetheart?” Gently and as carefully as possible, he sliced at the fabric around her lips. “I want to hear every word from that lovely mouth before it’s stuffed full of me.”

The dirty cloth fell to the side leaving two faint pink impressions on her cheeks he wanted to soothe away with his tongue.

But no luck. Her pink, bow-shaped mouth started moving immediately. “You have no idea how bad I wish you could follow through on that intriguing offer . . . but you can’t.”

Continued refusal? Enduring disrespect? Magnus threw back his head and roared. He’d had enough challenges to his authority to last a lifetime. “It wasn’t an offer. It was a promise.”

She simply blinked. Unfazed. “I’ve heard more broken promises than you can imagine.”

His chest went tight at the thought. He’d soothe all her pains and bring her so much pleasure—once he’d secured her obedience and taught her how he expected his omega to behave.

“That’s not what’s happening between you and me. Not now. Not ever,” he assured her. “There will be no broken promises. Only satisfaction and fulfillment—once you understand exactly who is in charge.”

He reached for her.

She reared back. “Don’t even think of laying a hand on me. Not unless you want to die.”

To find out what happens next click GIVE ME MORE FORBIDDEN FLAME