Mob Boss’ Curvy Hostage by Lisa Lovell

Chapter Three


By the following afternoon, I still haven’t stopped thinking about Ryan Madison. He didn’t leave any of the papers behind, giving me no chance to come up with a plan for transferring that much money.

I didn’t think regular people had access to money like that. I know billionaires exist, but something about Ryan Madison tells me he’s not an ordinary man.

I log on to Amy’s computer – my computer now – and check my email. I’ve received an official offer from HR to take over Amy’s position. That was fast. Too fast. I open the email. My eyes are drawn to two words.

Ryan Madison.

Apparently, he called the bank’s president and told them how I need to be permanently promoted immediately or he will take his business elsewhere.

“Sophie!” Diane bursts into the office. “I just heard the news! Congratulations!”

“I just heard the news myself! Some client pulled strings with the president, I guess? I don’t fully understand it. I have to go meet with HR in an hour to finalize everything.”

“A client? Who? I thought only the Valente’s had that kind of swing.”

“Funny.” I can’t help but wonder if she has a point. As charming as he was, Ryan Madison was very mysterious and I have almost no information on him at all.

“Maybe I can sit in next time you meet with that client. What was their name, again?”

“You know I can’t tell you,” I chide. “Elite clients are always confidential.”

“I know, I know,” Diane rolls her eyes. “But just blink really slowly if it’s one of the Valente’s.”

I keep my eyes wide open until my vision blurs.

“Fine! Keep your secrets,” Diane laughs. “I’ll catch you at lunch, okay? Let’s eat in your new office. The view up here is spectacular.”

Diane sweeps out of the office, leaving me to continue my self-orientation process until my meeting with HR. Just as I leave my office, my phone rings.


“That’s not a very professional greeting,” a man’s voice says. “I expected more for the new Elite Accounts manager.”

“Mr. Madison,” I smile. My stomach does a funny little flip. “I need to thank you for telling the president about me. You didn’t need to do that.”

“You said you’d be taking over her position anyway,” he replies. “I just wanted to bypass some aspects of the process.”

“Like you want me to do with your accounts,” I nod. That’s what this is about. He gets me a promotion in exchange for me making the transfer go through quicker. “Mr. Madison, I can only do so much. Both of your accounts are international. I have no control over policies in other countries.”

“You misunderstand me,” he says. “The promotion isn’t a bribe. It’s simply a favor. I don’t expect anything in return but-”

“I knew there was a but coming,” I chuckle. I suppose I can start packing my things up. If Ryan Madison wants me to do anything illegal or suspicious, I can’t keep this job. Shame. I really like this office.

“But I would like it if you had dinner with me tonight.”

“What?” I blurt before I can control my mouth. “I mean, yes.” Shit, did I sound too eager? I don’t know how to talk to random, charming, attractive, wealthy men.

Oh god, I fantasized about him in the shower! How can I ever look him in the eye? Is it too late to take back my answer?

“Great, I already made the reservation. I’ll send a car at five-thirty.”

“Sounds good.” Now, I’m too curious. Who sends a car for people nowadays? Unless he just means an Uber.

I can barely focus for the rest of the day. Thoughts of Ryan fill my mind coupled with eager anticipation for whatever wonders tonight holds. Is this a date or a thank-you dinner? Or is it a business dinner? I probably should have asked for clarification on the phone.

The real question is, do I want it to be a date?

I consider myself a rational person when it comes to dating. Too rational as Diane would say. It takes me a long time to get into a relationship. I need to feel a person out first, really learn who they are and what they stand for.

But Ryan…

I want to date him. I want to kiss him and touch him and tear his clothes off. I don’t know what’s come over me.

What makes it even more unusual, is the rare type of endometriosis I had since I became a teenager. The disease that made me put on a few extra pounds and took my ability to conceive. I made peace with my body. I don’t really care about having a low libido. It’s the inability to have a baby that really gets to me.

I want a family one day but there’s no way I can fall pregnant. Getting over this is the hardest. My libido has practically disappeared over the years so dating hasn’t really been my thing lately.

Yet here I am with Ryan inviting me to dinner, and all those feelings and sensations are coming back… I’m baffled.

I can’t let my feelings show at dinner. If it turns out to be a business thing, I’ll be royally embarrassed. If it is a date, I’ll seem too eager.

Too bad I’ve never been able to play it cool even once in my life. I’m an expressive person and I refuse to see that as a bad thing, even if others do.

I go through my meetings, even the meeting with HR, in a daze. I don’t even remember having lunch with Diane. By the time it’s four-thirty, the entire world slows down, stretching the remaining hour into infinity.

I tidy up early and go down to the lobby. There is a long line of people waiting to speak to tellers before the bank closes, but they pay me no attention. I pace the shining lobby floor for fifteen minutes until a shiny black car pulls up.

The same driver that brought Ryan here steps out of the car. Everyone in the lobby watches me as I go outside and allow the driver to open the back door for me.