Mob Boss’ Curvy Hostage by Lisa Lovell

Chapter Four


Sophie is enchanting. She keeps looking around the dining room of Katya’s as if it’s the most amazing thing she’s ever seen. To Katya’s credit, she did an excellent job with the interior design. Rather than one big chandelier in the middle, she’s dotted the room with them. She also used blood red crystals instead of traditional clear ones.

Fractals of red light shimmer across the room, adding an eerie and romantic touch to the place.

“I’ve never had Russian food before,” Sophie says as she takes another bite of shashlik. “This is so good!”

“My family is friends of the owner, Katya,” I explain. “She came here from Moscow twenty years ago. She’s probably in the kitchen now, if I know her.”

“That’s incredible. I could spend all night here, just stuffing my face.”

“If that’s what you want,” I smile. “But I would prefer to get to know you better.”

“I understand.” She dabs at her deliciously plump lips. “I am going to be handling a lot of money for you. You should know a little about me.”

“I didn’t mean that in a business way.” I struggle to find the right words. Yes, Sophie is a stranger and not a friend of my family. Ordinarily, I don’t seek relationships other than in the business sense. Not even friendships. I’m simply too busy. My father didn’t become a billionaire by sitting on his ass. I have his name, and I have to make my own as well.

Yet, with Sophie, I feel drawn to her in a way I don’t fully understand. I’m…intrigued by her and, technically, she will be handling multiple aspects of my business so I should be getting to know her. Though, I’m more interested in making her laugh and seeing her naked than I am going over her work qualifications.

“Oh!” Her eyes snap open. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure what to make of your dinner invitation so I assumed it was business.”

“I invited you to dinner because I want to know more about you.” Maybe it’s the rich Russian wine we’ve been drinking all night, but my mouth has a mind of its own right now. “You’re beautiful. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think otherwise.”

I can’t tell if she’s blushing or if a pool of red light just happens to shine on her.

“Thank you.” Her cheeks are definitely red now. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you.”

I can’t help but smile. “I wanted to take you in the elevator.”

“The elevator?” Her eyes widen. “At the bank?”

“I’m hypnotized by you, Sophie. It doesn’t benefit either of us for me to hide that.”

“Hypnotized?” The word leaves her lips on a sigh.

Need throbs through my body so violently, I almost shove all of our dishes off the table to take her right then and there.

“Would you like to come outside with me?” I ask in a low, meaningful whisper.

Sophie drinks the last of her wine before getting up from the table. A playful smile crosses her lips as she grabs her purse. I stand up as well and flag down our waiter.

“Demetri. Hold this table for us. If we’re not back in thirty minutes, put everything on my tab. I’ll settle it with Katya at the end of the week, like always.”

“Sure thing, sir.”

Before he walks away, I slip him three twenties for his trouble. He’s a good kid.

I take Sophie’s hand and lead her out of the restaurant.

“I hope we’re back in thirty minutes,” she jokes, “I want to try dessert.”

“You’re about to get some right now.” The moment we’re outside, I start kissing her. This isn’t how I pictured our first kiss, but I’m entirely overcome. For a moment, I worry I’m pushing too hard too fast, but she leans into my kiss without hesitation. I still taste the wine on her lips and tongue.

As soon as we’re in the shadows, my hands roam all over her body. Her dress clings to her every curve, leaving little to the imagination, but I still want more. When her hand wanders down to the growing bulge in my pants, I know she wants more, too.

“Follow me,” I whisper.

I lead her to the parking lot, where I find my driver, Holton, patiently waiting for our return. He gets out of the car to open our doors, but I slip him a few bills.

“Have a hot meal and a drink at the pub,” I tell him. “We won’t be going anywhere for a little while.”

With a nod, he walks away without looking back. I open the back door for Sophie.

“After you, my lady.”

“Why, thank you, handsome stranger.” She slides in, letting her skirt ride up her thighs. She pauses when she’s on all fours on the passenger seat and looks over her shoulder.

“You little tease.” I slide into the car with her. It takes some work, but eventually, I’m able to slide underneath her. She manages to get my jacket off and knocks over her purse in the process. Neither of us care.

As she works the buttons of my shirt open, I undo my belt.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she whispers between kisses.

“I’m not judging. Let’s just live in the moment.” I start to pull her panties to one side when I freeze. “Shit. I don’t have protection.”

“It’s okay,” she says. “I can’t get pregnant.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say.

“Be sorry later. Fuck me now.”

I don’t need more encouragement. I push her lacy thong out of the way and plunge my throbbing length deep inside of her waiting core. The fabric of my pants is too restricting for my liking. Sophie helps me shove them out of the way. More things clatter to the car floor but I don’t give a shit. The only thing that matters right now is how warm, wet, and tight she feels.

I grip her waist, feeling the glory of her curves and the gentle slopes of her body. Her hair brushes against my face as she leans forward. I place a hand on the back of her neck, pulling her lips to mine.

Our bodies cease to be independent of each other and melt into a single writhing mass of pleasure.

As she contracts around me, I feel myself reaching the precipice. Without fear of getting her pregnant, I allow myself to spill into her. I relish in each shudder of her body as she cries out. Our pleasures mingle into waves that crash and crash around us. When the waves subside, I wrap my arms around her.

I’m in no hurry to move as she relaxes on top of me. I could lay here all night, shielded from the world by the foggy windows, with Sophie in my arms.