Trained By Her Daddy by Shelly Douglas

Chapter 10

Through the open door of John’s bedroom, I could feel him stare as my nimble fingers reached underneath the short white fabric to pull down my panties. The nightshirt I was wearing barely fell below my buttocks, and I seized the moment by bending over slightly to wave my bare cheeks in his direction.

“You’re such a tease, Lori.” In a matter of seconds, I was lifted onto the bed, my knees were bent, and a swift and deliberate smack was delivered to my trembling bare ass.

“Aghh! What was that for?”

But rather than answer my question immediately, John’s stiff palm began falling onto my lower cheeks in quick but well-placed swats. “I want to fuck your tender cunny,” he finally grated out through a one-sided grin. “But first, I want this adorable round bottom to be bright red.”

I groaned as he squeezed my hot globes and hoped he couldn’t see how wet my pussy was from the spanking. God, how is it possible to be turned on and embarrassed at the same time?

“So, should I teach my naughty girl a lesson tonight? Because that’s what she deserves for blatantly waving this sexy ass at me every time she has the chance.”

My breathing became heavy and labored in between yelps as he continued to administer a sound spanking to my bare bottom. I knew he wanted an answer, but the words weren’t coming out.

“I want to hear you say it,” he rasped. “I want to hear that my discipline turns you on. I need to hear this is the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.”

Breathlessly, I moaned as he cupped my tingling flesh with both of his hands. “Yes. I want this… I want you!” My voice was barely heard as he lowered his lips onto mine, invading my eager mouth with his soft tongue.

Christ, this man could kiss.

His kiss was intense, almost punitive, and our tongues twisted together furiously as we silently assured each other this was what we both wanted.

What we both needed.

Moving quickly, he took hold of my wrists and pulled my arms straight up in the air. John’s feral darkened eyes locked onto mine as he yanked my nightshirt upward and with an unwavering obedience, my hands remained in the air, so he could raise the cotton fabric easily over my head. Wantonly, his eyes raked up and down my naked quivering body, and a rush of air emerged from my throat when he captured my breast in his hot mouth. Dear God, my core constricted with an almost painful pleasure as he proceeded to suck relentlessly on my supple nipple until it was transformed into a hard pebble. And before I knew it, his soft lips were kissing a short path to my delicate cunny, which was trembling with an urgent desire to be fucked.

But he didn’t seem to be in a hurry. At all.

One side of John’s mouth curled into a crooked smile as he lovingly stroked and caressed my bare pussy with his fingertips, clearly knowing how difficult it was for me to be patient. Then he slowly drew my thighs apart and lowered his face close to my needy vibrating sex. As I felt his warm breath on the slit of my sensitive skin, my knees instantly closed together. There was no way I’d be able to wait for his permission.

Permission to come.

He raised his head and spoke in a low, gravely tone. “If you don’t settle down, young lady, I will take you across my lap, give your bottom a good hard spankin’, and you’ll go straight to bed with a reddened behind. Is that what you want?”

“No,” I whispered, and shook my head.

“Then you will spread those knees open and behave yourself.”

Knowing it was in my best interest to obey his orders, I obediently moved my legs into position and he immediately traced the seam of my soaked cunny with the tip of his tongue. My back inadvertently arched, and I jutted my hips in the air, wanting more. It was obvious by his expression that he knew I was on the verge of an orgasm, and it was about to happen.

With or without his permission.

“You need to remember who’s in charge here,” he scolded, lifting my ass to administer a sharp swat to it. “Maybe I should bend you over the side of the bed and tan your naughty behind with the slipper paddle?”

“Aghh! No! Wait! Yes, I remember! I’ll behave!”

“You’re wearing my patience paper thin,” he warned with an undertone, returning his attention to my hardened clit with his skillful tongue. A soft cry escaped from my throat as he relentlessly nibbled my slick sweet spot with his agile lips, and my body vibrated with a fevered desire to ride my fast-approaching orgasmic wave. Changing the pace, he slowly laved his flattened tongue over my wet folds, and I started to groan, moving my hips to the rhythm of his steady but hearty licks.

He stopped, pulled back and stared me in the eye.

“Do you want me inside you right now?” he growled, jerking his pants down, his hardened shaft jutting upward to sway in the air. “Do you want my cock throbbing deep inside your greedy cunny?”

Watching my eyes grow wide, he positioned the head of his hard shaft at the opening of my narrow sheath. “Words please.”

“Yes, sir.” My breathless response was quick, and I hoped there wouldn’t be a need for more conversation. But of course, my Daddy did love to drive his point home.

“You will not come until I give you permission. Understand?”

While I bobbed my head, his large hands spread my legs further apart before inching his thick cock into my snug sex.

“Jesus. You’re so big,” I grunted through clenched teeth, though my obvious arousal was shameless.

“Relax your muscles,” he encouraged, sliding his stiff cock further inside. “Would you like me to lubricate your cunny to make it easier for you?”

There was no reason to answer him—we both knew the size of his cock was the issue, not a lack of moisture. Pressing forward, I did my best to envelope his ample girth as he continued stretching the walls of my nerve-filled sheath. “Are you almost in?”

“Be patient, my good girl, I’ll be filling you completely soon enough.” His raspy voice was filled with lust as he licked his finger and tapped it over my crinkled rosette. “Would it turn you on to have my finger between your cheeks while I fuck your pussy?”

I’m guessing his question was rhetorical, because he pressed his wet fingertip into my crinkled hole before I could answer. And yes indeed, it was instant gratification.

“Take my cock deep inside your cunt and squeeze it while I finger fuck your tight little ass.” His thick digit slowly and repeatedly pumped inside my bottom as his broad shaft drove into my taut sheath at the same time. If he assumed it would excite me to hear those dirty words, he was correct. And if he also assumed that filling my ass with his finger would take me over the edge with desire, he was correct again.

As my pussy relished the steady cadence of his throbbing broad cock, my anus shivered and pulsed from his penetrating finger. His hazel eyes were filled with desire and I could only guess mine were begging for a release, because he chose that moment to use two fingers on his other hand to rub circles onto my blazing hot button.

“If you ask politely, this sweet spot of yours will have my permission to beat like a drum.”

I exhaled a loud and dramatic gasp while mouthing the words, please, Sir.

“You may come now, my good girl.” His gravelly voice lowered in pitch as he held my shivering body firmly against his. Basking in the sensation of his hot skin pressed against mine, my clit vibrated with an instant pleasure, and a lustful surge of electricity barreled through me right before he released a guttural growl.

“Fuck, baby doll. I’m coming.” In seconds, robust rhythmic spurts powered into my nerve-filled channel, and I came one more time from the exhilarating sensitivity deep inside me.

Waiting patiently for my trembling to cease, he finally slid his cock from my soaked pussy and captured my lips with a tender kiss. “Now, go to sleep, my love. We have a big day tomorrow.”

The next day, I turned to find John still in bed next to me. Since I’d been staying in his house, he proved to be an early riser and was usually brewing coffee at the crack of dawn. But even though some experts think that night conversations are better because we’re more relaxed, I decided to try my hand at some eye-opening morning banter.

“Do you think it’s time I started writing my new novel?”

As he stared out the window into the morning sun, there was a glint in his eyes. “Without a doubt, you now have plenty of information in order to pen a book about a DD relationship.”

“Too bad I can’t write our story, it’s such a good one…” Stopping myself mid-sentence, I don’t know why such a ridiculous retort would escape my lips. He’d already made his views quite clear on the subject—and it was way too early in the day to be spanked.

John’s head cocked to the side. Never a good sign.

He didn’t need to speak—his expression spoke volumes. Of course, I loved that he wanted to keep our private life as something sacred. This was real life. Our life. But writing a true D/s narrative would be so much easier than creating some tale out of thin air. Naturally, there was no sense in continuing the conversation once his eyebrow slowly arched. The man was as serious as a heart attack, and he rarely changed his mind. “Did we or did we not have this conversation yesterday?”

“We did,” I said, snuggling my body into his. “Am I not allowed to feel disappointed with your ruling?”

“You may, but understand there are no appeals in my court, young lady. My decision stands firm.”

“In my father’s house, I wasn’t ever allowed to feel upset or angry. He said anyone who had a roof over their head and food to eat didn’t have a reason to be sad. And then he’d bring up all the horrors my grandfather endured in the concentration camp. I hated when he made that comparison.”

Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he cuddled me close to his chest. “I’m a firm believer that children should never be robbed of showing emotion. Sadness and disappointment are most certainly a difficult part of life. But what you need to understand is that the willingness to look at those emotions directly also fuels empathy and a deep connection with others.”

“I’ve always had a tough time with relationships,” I admitted through a sigh.

“It’s never too late to try and connect with people, sweetheart.”

“Instead of feeling sad that I can’t write our story, I should try to be more compassionate and understanding where Jake is concerned. It’s selfish of me to be thinking of myself right now when he’s so worried about you. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “Whoever thought our business association would become so personal?”

“Do you think it was my destiny to live with a therapist?”

“I’m not sure what I believe about fate, but when it comes to family connections, it’s good to remember that the situations we’ve tackled in the past are what makes us the people we are today.”

Absentmindedly, I ran my finger along the neckline of his white t-shirt. “So, are you saying if my life had been different, I might not be interested in writing spanking novels? Which means I might not be here in bed with you right now?”

“Mmm hmm. And do you understand why I want our story to remain private?”

“You’ll get no more arguments from me on the subject. You’re the Daddy. You’re in charge.”

“Ahh. I feel we’ve made some good progress this morning. And now this case is closed, little miss. Understood?”

There was a tinge of chastisement in his undertone, and he knew just how to make my toes curl. It didn’t matter why Jake brought us together—this was the man I wanted to be with. The man I’d always needed in my life. “Yes, sir.”

“Good to hear. So, now it’s time for you to pen a new novel, and I need to go back to work. There’s an important meeting in Orlando, tomorrow, but I’ll only be gone one night. Do you think it’s possible to behave yourself while I’m gone?”

Why does my breath catch when he accentuates that word in a sentence? There’s no doubt he knows what it does to me. “Yes, I promise to adhere to all the rules. Would you like me to drive you to the airport?”

He angled his head toward mine. “I thought I’d take an Uber and leave you with my car.”

“Would it be okay if I explored the city on my own?”

“You don’t need to ask permission to go out when I’m away, sweet girl. Just make sure you stay within the shopping budget and obey all traffic rules.”

“Got it.”

“Wonderful. And just so you aren’t tempted to make any calls while you’re driving, I suggest you keep the phone in your purse.”

“I will, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”