Trained By Her Daddy by Shelly Douglas

Chapter 12

Placing my hairbrush next to me, I sat on the bed at exactly five o’clock and listened to John’s heavy footsteps advancing down the long hall.

Slow, methodical, footsteps.

Who came up with the barbaric idea to spank their child with a hairbrush? The old-school tradition should be outlawed, and I silently vowed to protest that archaic discipline at another time. But as the bedroom door opened and John’s brawny frame filled the doorway, my rational thought ended, and my ragged breathing commenced.

I once read a story where the heroine who was about to be spanked was filled with relief. Relief that her guilt would soon be over, and she would be able to move on with a clean slate.

Sounds cleansing, no?

Unfortunately, relief was not one of the emotions running through my veins. Embarrassment that I, a twenty-four-year-old grown woman, was about to be spanked with my own hairbrush? Yes. The clear understanding of why I’d been given the instruction not to wear panties under my jammies. Indeed.

Honestly, at that moment I wasn’t feeling any type of relief. Nope. Not one bit.

Taking a few steps in my direction, John slipped his hands into his pockets. And then he stopped and held out one hand for the hairbrush as his eyes radiated with disappointment. “Now then, let’s hear the real account of what happened, little miss, and you better tell me the truth.”

John pulled me to standing and immediately made himself comfortable on the bed before he jerked down my pajama pants—one side at a time. Then he took my arm, gently guided me across his lap and rested his large hand onto my quivering buttocks. “Were you adjusting the volume on the car stereo, or texting on your phone? Either way, I’m unhappy your eyes were taken off the road—but right now, I want your honesty.”

“I’m so sorry, Daddy.”

“Is that an answer, young lady? I don’t think it is. So, tell me what would help you focus. Should I get the bath brush to help you have a moment of clarity? Because I have one hanging in my bathroom.” He shifted his weight as if he were about to get off the bed.

“No, sir! I-I was texting my friend while I was driving, and I’ll never do it again.”

He sat back down and patted my bare behind. “And?”

“A-And I lied to the officer,” I quavered in a hushed voice. “I’m so sorry.”

“Yes. I’m sure you are.” Readjusting my rear end over his lap, he wasted no time bringing his thick hand down onto my bare ass.


Besides the initial shock of the first smack landing, my first thought was it felt like his hand rather than a wooden implement, so it seemed as though he wasn’t using the hairbrush. Not yet, at least. I guess this was his idea of a warmup—and thank God in heaven he didn’t have a bath brush placed next to him.

Some things you need to be grateful for in this world.

But then reality reared its ugly head as I felt his palm coming down in a slow and unrelenting rhythm. It was one slap landing right after the other, and my bottom was starting to burn as he covered every inch of my tender skin. Even so, I tried to hang in there and be tough, hoping the spanking wouldn’t last too long. Maybe he’d forget about using the hairbrush.


As his hand began falling harder, involuntarily groans and whimpers spilled from my mouth. It was then John decided to scold me in between each spank to make sure his points were coming across crystal clear.

“Don’t you know how dangerous it is to text and drive? Don’t you know how many people die in car accidents because someone like you was foolish?”

“I’ll never do it again! Oww! Please stop! I learned my lesson!”

“And then you had the nerve to lie to the officer? Well, the lying will stop right now, little lady.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” I whimpered, not knowing what else to say.

“Make no mistake, this will be a painful lesson you will never forget.” His voice was serene but penetrating as his hand squeezed my tender buttocks.

As much as it embarrassed me to be over his lap and chastised this way, I knew I deserved to be punished. Not only did I break an important rule of his, but then I had the audacity to lie to the officer. John knew what was best for me, and in his own way, he took the time to show me how much he cared and valued my life. His stern hand hurt like hell at that moment, but I knew there would be a loving hug in his arms to follow my punishment. And boy, did I look forward to snuggling into his chest.

But unfortunately, he wasn’t done. Nope. My punishment was far from over.

Reaching behind my body, he grabbed the hairbrush and rested it on my blazing bottom for several minutes. The cool, smooth wood seated on my inflamed skin brought tears of embarrassment back to my eyes. Without a doubt, he was pausing to silently reinforce why I was being punished. And then he spoke in a calm, low tone. “After every smack, you will respond in a polite and contrite fashion. Do you understand?” he growled before releasing the first crack of the brush against my poor ass.

“Aghh! Yes, sir.”

All it took was the disappointment in John’s voice and the smack against my rear end to open the floodgates. But my sobs didn’t seem to move him. The next thing I felt was the flat of the brush as it snapped against my skin. Again.

“You will never text while driving, young lady.”

“No, sir!” My cry was loud as the words shot out of my mouth, but then I made the mistake of flailing my hand behind me to block his next smack. I didn’t do it to rebel—I swear, it was just an automatic reflex.

In response to my idiotic move, he grabbed my hand and pinned it to the small of my back before smacking the wooden hairbrush slowly and methodically against the lower part of each cheek. And the swats continued as he reprimanded me and released my hand. “I want those hands kept in front of you, Lori Hope. Understood?”

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry! So sorry, Daddy!” It was difficult to eke out words of regret as he relentlessly spanked my sore behind, but I did my best to respond in a humble fashion between sobs and heartfelt cries of remorse. It was then I started to beg before making the critical mistake of trying to block the brush again. “Aghh. Please no more! It hurts! It hurts!”

Just for the record, it’s not easy to remember all the rules when your ass is on fire.

“What did I tell you about those hands? If I see them one more time, my belt will be the next thing to punish your naughty hide.” His tone seemed to lower an octave as he swiftly caught my hand and placed it in front of me. “And from the looks of your fiery bare bottom, it’s not in shape to withstand the wrath of my leather strap right now.”

“I forgot, I’m sorry!” My sobs were loud and dramatic as he snapped the brush against my disobedient rump several more times. “I won’t disobey you ever again,” I screamed. “Not ever!”

Without a word, John stopped the spanking and pointed toward the corner. As I made my way off his lap and bent over to pull my pajama pants up, his voice stopped me in my tracks. “You know better than that. Leave them right where they are.”

Like a deer in headlights, I froze for a moment. Hadn’t he punished me enough? Apparently, my new Daddy didn’t think so. And though I was going to be one hell of a sight shuffling across the room with my ankles covered in fabric and my ass aflame, there was no sense in arguing with him. “Okay, okay.”

“I want your nose against the wall and those red cheeks jutted out, pointing in my direction. And in case there is any confusion on the timing—I want you to move immediately!”

There was no need to answer. He watched me pivot and then stumble off toward the corner with my pajama pants wrapped around the tops of my feet.

“Tomorrow, you will visit Officer Green and apologize for lying to him, then you’ll tell him how you really caused that accident. I’m sure there will be a fine for texting and driving, which you will pay for with your own money.”

There’s no doubt he was admiring my reddened buttocks as he scolded me and quoted the statistics of car accidents from texting and driving. Then his last threat came in a low and daunting tone. “Right now, you should be thanking your lucky stars no one was seriously hurt in that accident. Because I’m certain it would be one hell of a guilty memory for you to live with for the rest of your life.”

In truth, I’d never been held responsible for my actions before, and it was quite different having someone who cared enough to hold me accountable. Even though we’d only spent a week living together, I knew John possessed the type of fatherly love I’d always needed. Without a doubt, this man would continue to be strict with me, and he was the loving daddy I’d been dreaming of.

About fifteen minutes had passed, and I was lost in my own thoughts when he finally spoke in a grave voice. “Come over here.”

Oh my God, I could hardly wait to climb into his lap and feel his strong, warm embrace. After turning to see him sitting on the bed, I hobbled across the room with my pajamas still banded around my ankles.

John allowed me some time to stand in front of him before he brushed my hands away from my sore ass. Then he gathered me in his arms, lifted me onto his thighs and gently rubbed circles onto my back as I had a good cleansing cry. So many emotions ran through my mind as I sobbed and shed tears of true remorse, but most of all a sense of relief had washed over me. My punishment was over, and I hoped I’d been truly forgiven.

Because I had my head down, it didn’t occur to me how emotional he’d become. But as my sobbing eventually reduced to hiccups, I noticed him quietly wipe away a tear that slowly dripped down his cheek.

“I never told you how my Jeannie died, did I?”

No words escaped from my lips. But as I shook my head, he pulled me a short distance away from his chest and looked straight into my swollen, tear-filled eyes. “She was killed by someone who wasn’t paying attention to the road. The man’s eyes were on his phone instead of on the highway. Do I need to say more?”

It was difficult to respond as I choked back fresh tears. “No, sir.” And then we gave each other the biggest bear hug our arms could manage. It’s challenging to describe the mind-numbing explosion of love I felt for him at that moment. Love, respect and gratefulness are just a few words to define the flood of emotions that ran through my shaking body. “Thank you for sharing that with me,” I managed through syncopated breaths as he brought me in close once again and hugged me with a firm resolve which I hoped would never end.

“I don’t ever want to lose you, sweet girl. Not ever.”