Trained By Her Daddy by Shelly Douglas

Chapter 4

Though he’d done his best to make sure I had all the comforts of home, it was odd waking up in a strange bed, and as I rolled over, my butt was still a bit sore from the spanking I’d earned for not observing his insane bedtime rule. But before I could yawn, his voice boomed from the hallway.

“Did you have a restful night?”

“I had to sleep on my tummy,” I admitted, rolling over to avoid his eyes, which were probably sparkling.

“Well, that will happen when you brazenly disregard my rules. But today we’ll begin with a clean slate, my darling little one and it’s a beautiful, sunny morning. So, would you like your Daddy to prepare breakfast while we make plans for the day, or would you prefer to dine in a restaurant?”

My lips instantly curved upward. “What’s on the menu here?”

“I certainly could prepare anything you desire, but my specialty is pancakes.”

“With butter and real maple syrup?”


“And you want to spend the day with me? As in, all day?”

“It’s something you’ve always wanted to do with your Daddy, isn’t it?”

As my eyes peered downward at the quilted duvet, I absentmindedly picked at a loose thread. “I guess.”

“Well, I’m available to spend the whole week with my young lady. So, why don’t you make a quick stop in the bathroom, and then we’ll meet in the kitchen for breakfast.”

It was still difficult to believe he cleared his work calendar just to train me. Gazing into his hazel eyes, I searched for the truth. “What’s really in this for you?”

His smile was warm and sincere. “Not everyone in this world has an ulterior motive, kiddo. So why don’t you think about some things you’d like to do, and I’ll try to make your wishes come true.”

“Hmm. You’re starting to sound like my own personal genie in a bottle.”

John’s chuckle was soft as he crossed his arms. “If you obey my rules, the rewards will be sweet. But when you disobey your Daddy…”

“I know, I know,” I mumbled, rolling out of bed. “I remember what happens.”

“You already felt the sting of my hand, but the next time you’re naughty, my discipline will be a bit more severe.”

For the second time that morning, my wide eyes connected with his.

“You’ll feel the kiss of my belt on your bare behind.”

John took the empty breakfast plate from me as I licked my lips. “Those pancakes were delicious. Where did you learn to be such a good cook?”

“After my wife passed, I needed a hobby. So, I turned to all the cooking shows on television for ideas and the internet for recipes.”

My sigh was heavy as I looked into his warm, expressive eyes. “I’m glad we’re going to spend the day getting to know each other better, but what should we do?”

“It’s obvious we both have a lot of personal history to share, so why don’t we talk while I show you around Austin?”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed, gathering items to return to the fridge.

“Thanks for your help, young lady. But I’d rather you get dressed while I clean up the kitchen.”

In silent agreement, I walked to the doorway and then pivoted to face him. “Don’t you think it would be a good idea to tell me where we’re going, so I’d know how to dress?”

“If you like to shop, we have a great shopping district…”

My hand flew to my rapidly beating heart. “Are you kidding?”

“I’m not only serious, I’m also buying. The whole day is on me.”

I jutted a finger in the air. “I’ll be right back.”

I’d never been to Austin before, so I was completely overwhelmed with the 2nd Street district, which was a one-of-a-kind shopping experience. It seemed the avenue was lined with boutiques rather than standard store chains and the owners were unbelievably friendly.

John bought me anything my heart desired, and I’m sure people in the stores thought he was my sugar Daddy. After all, he’s almost twice my age, and his demeanor was gentle but authoritative.

“Let me carry those for you, darlin’,” he insisted, taking the heavy bags filled with new clothes off my hands.

“When you said settle down, young lady in the boutique, I thought the owner’s jaw was going to permanently unhinge.”

“Did it embarrass you to be scolded by your Daddy in public?”

“Y-Yes,” I admitted in a small voice. “Did you really have to do that in front of everyone?”

“The next time you argue with me, you’re going to get a smack on your bottom—and I won’t care where we are or who sees it,” he chided, stopping in front of a café. “Now. Shall we stop for a short break before we continue shopping?”

“If we’re stopping so you can hear my life story, I’m warning you it’s not all that interesting…”

He raised his eyebrows while opening the heavy glass door for me. “Everything about you interests me, Lori.”

After we made ourselves comfortable at a table for two and ordered coffee from the waitress, John tilted his head. “Are you ready to tell me the real reason you decided to write a series of Daddy Dom stories? Because anyone would think your placement on the New York Times bestseller list should have encouraged you to stay in the mystery genre.”

Not wanting to make eye contact with him, I twisted my neck and gazed out the window. “I’d fantasized my whole life about being cared for and loved unconditionally, so it seemed like the right time to put my feelings on paper.”

“I understand the D/s genre has exploded in popularity. But it seems you’re also turned on by it, and you must know some readers like to fantasize about taboo sex. So, I’m wondering why you never included much of that in your books? Were you afraid of the truth?”

“Ahh, the therapist in you emerges once again.”

He chuckled and cupped his hand over mine. “Since you’re staying in my home to be trained in this lifestyle, wouldn’t it be a good time for honesty?”

“Uh-oh. Here’s our waitress…”

“A regular black coffee for the gentleman, and a vanilla latte for the lady. Enjoy, folks!” the server announced, before pivoting on her heels to make a quick exit.

As I watched him blow the steam off his mug, the edges of my lips curled. “I hate to change the subject, but you haven’t told me your story yet.”

“Fair enough,” he said, sitting back in the chair. “I married Jeannie when she was eighteen years old, and Jake was born after our first anniversary. While studying for a degree in psychology, it occurred to me that my wife desperately missed having the love of a real father, so I stepped in and became part husband, part Daddy. And the rest, as they say, is history.”

“I’m so sorry to hear about your wife.”

“Thank you. Unfortunately, my son worries that I’m lonely.”

“But your patient schedule must keep you busy…”

Moving forward in his chair, he took a small sip of coffee. “Okay, enough of my past. I’ve been honest with you, so now it’s your turn.”

Once again, I started to swivel my head toward the window—but he gently grasped my chin and tipped it upward. His hazel eyes were serious and striking.

“My grandfather is a Holocaust survivor.”


“And my father survived him.”

His voice softened. “Ahh, I’ve done quite a bit of research on survivors of the Holocaust. Sometimes, those who’ve been bullied—turn into bullies.”

Though I had told friends about my family history, it was the first time I’d heard such a compelling response. “At the age of thirteen, my grandfather was herded into a concentration camp where he spent the next five years of his young life with Nazis who tortured him physically and emotionally. It’s understandable why he was a troubled soul who didn’t know how to love.”

“It’s amazing he survived.”

“And then he traveled to this country with a sixth-grade education and two dollars in his pocket. It wasn’t easy to succeed financially without help.”

“Tell me about your father. How would you describe your relationship with him?”

“We didn’t communicate much when I was a kid, because he was always completely wrapped up in his own world. Unfortunately, my grandfather taught him money is more important than relationships. But when our paths did cross, he was usually unhappy and tired. My father made it abundantly clear on a number of occasions that he didn’t want to waste a minute of his precious time with me.”

“Did he ever abuse you physically?”

My body stiffened. “If you’re asking if he beat me, the answer is no. I’m sure there are plenty of people who had it much worse as a child than I did.”

“You shouldn’t compare your experiences with someone else’s. There are many forms of abuse, and everyone’s situation is significant to them.”

“What if a father repeatedly tells his daughter that she’s stupid and worthless?”

“That would be considered bullying,” he said in a soft tone. “Are you comfortable giving me an example?”

“When I was five years old, we were on vacation in New Jersey and my parents let me walk to the bathroom by myself in the lobby of a hotel. Who would let a young child venture alone down a strange hall to search for a public restroom? Naturally, I made a wrong turn trying to find my way back.”

John’s concerned eyes studied mine. “And how did your father react?”

“He called me a dumb ass and kicked my backside for getting lost. For God’s sake, I was a little kid.”

“How did your mom respond to his type of parenting?”

“She never said a word.”

“I see,” he said with a calm resolve.

“Would you like to hear another warm and fuzzy memory I have of my dad?”

“Go on.”

One night I came home from a date and instead of asking me how my evening was, he cornered me in the bedroom and waved his heavy rubber tennis shoe in my face as though he was going to smack me with it. As usual, my mother stood in the hall silently while he ranted like a maniac and called me a good-for-nothing whore for absolutely no reason. There were many times my father verbally abused me, but she always kept her mouth shut. I think she was afraid of him. Afraid he’d leave her penniless if she didn’t agree with his every thought. He treated her in the same disrespectful manner my grandfather regarded my grandmother. History conveniently repeated itself.”

His nod was slow but steady.

“He’s a control freak, John. Just like some of the leading dominant men in my books.”

“But you need to understand the type of relationships you’re familiar with are not the same as the D/s couples you’ve been trying to pen. In the loving DD world my wife and I lived, she always had a voice. She always had a choice.”

“I’ve obviously had difficulty separating the two worlds, which is why I haven’t been able to successfully write a romance in this genre. It’s not that anything earth shattering happened to me as a child, but I have trouble relating to any type of positive family bond.”

“It was a lack of love which apparently left an empty space in your heart,” he said, taking my hand in both of his. “What you need is to feel the affection and care of a real Daddy.”

“Naturally, Jake thinks I need more experience. He said I need to understand that punishments and rewards only come from a loving partner. A protective partner.”

“That’s right,” he declared, his sparkling eyes connecting with mine.

“So, what’s on our agenda tonight, Sensei?”

Angling his head, he lowered his voice. “Your Daddy is going to bathe you.”

Jesus Christ.

At the end of the day, I trailed behind John to the guest bathroom, and my eyes were drawn to a few items sitting on the narrow shelf of the white porcelain sink: a woman’s wet/dry electric shaver, a disposable razor, and a can of shaving gel.

“That was so nice of you to supply me with toiletries, but I brought my own shaving kit.”

“Yes, I’m sure you did. But while you’re staying in your Daddy’s house, he’ll be the one to shave your pussy and the area around your tight little pucker. I want them both smooth as a baby’s bottom.”

My gulp immediately followed his subtle wink. “Silly me. I thought those were for my legs.”

“I’ve set a towel in the corner of the bathtub for your behind to sit on when I’m ready to shave you,” he maintained through a lopsided smile while turning on the faucet, “and I highly suggest undressing, so you don’t get your clothes wet.”

At first, my eyes were drawn to the rush of water spilling into the tub, and then my gaze slowly traveled to his. “Don’t you think we should talk about this?”

“There’s only one thing we need to discuss,” he said, adjusting the temperature handle. “Are you in charge, or am I?”

“You are,” I responded, lifting my arms so he could remove my top.

As he knelt on one knee, his head angled toward mine, and my eyelashes lowered as I corrected myself.

“You are, Daddy.”

“Wonderful. Now take the rest of your clothes off, and I’ll help you into the bathtub. After you’re all nice and clean, we’ll work on that shave.”

I thought it would be embarrassing for John to watch me remove my bra, but it didn’t hold a candle to his unwavering stare as I lowered and stepped out of my panties. His glittering eyes were glued to the soft blonde waves that covered my mound, and he apparently felt no need to hide his focus as he stretched out a hand to assist me into the tub. Finally, as my bottom cheeks touched the warm water, I watched him squirt something from a pink plastic bottle under the flowing faucet.

“When was the last time you were given a bubble bath, sugar?” he asked, tilting my head back slowly before pouring a cup of warm water through my hair.

“Never.” My admission came quickly as I held my breath for a moment, hoping there wouldn’t be any more questions about my miserable past. I’d read some people who enjoy this lifestyle have had perfectly normal childhoods, so what would be the purpose in him asking me for another sad story? Thankfully, he must’ve sensed my angst over the subject and brought the conversation back to the present as he massaged a clear fragrant shampoo into my scalp with sturdy fingertips.

“In this house your Daddy will lovingly bathe you every night,” he advised, rinsing the lather out of my blonde shoulder-length hair. “If you behave yourself, I will make sure you have a special treat before bed… but if you’re naughty, your bare backside will receive a good tannin’.”

“Fuck. Are there consequences for everything in this house?”

“You’re about to find out. Stand up, turn around, and hold onto the railing, little one.”

“Shit. I didn’t mean it,” I said, cupping my mouth. “It just slipped out.”

“You were warned about that type of language. Now, up you go.”

With his assistance, I pulled myself out of the water and held on tight to the ceramic bar, waiting for his large hand to land on my warm, wet ass. But when I heard something jingle, my curiosity got the best of me. And after I turned around, the noisy inhale that came from my throat was loud and dramatic.

“I always keep my promises,” he declared, pulling the brown leather from the loops of his pants.

Focusing on the hefty belt he began to double, not another sound emerged from my parched throat.

“It seems you need to be taught a firm lesson. You’ll count each time this leather lands on your bottom and then you will say, I’ll never swear in front of my Daddy again. Are those directions clear enough?”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled, my face flushing hot with embarrassment.

“Now push those warm, pink cheeks out. I want you to offer them to me.”

While jutting my quivering ass outward, I looked up to the ceiling and waited anxiously for a sign from him that the punishment was to begin, so I could prepare myself mentally. But the only warning I received was the damn leather whistling in flight before it cracked across the seam of my backside.

“Oh, God! That hurt!”

“Yes, I’m sure it did, but you’re supposed to be counting along with a promise never to swear in front of your Daddy. If you like, I can start over…”

“Noo!” My body swiveled around as I shook my head and started to count. “One! I’ll never swear in front of my Daddy!”

“Excellent, we’re finally on the same page. Now, bend over and stick your bottom back out,” he directed in a stern tone before his supple belt snapped the tender flesh at the base of my buttocks.

“Aghh! Two!” I managed through clenched teeth.

He touched the leather to my inflamed skin. “I’m going to run out of patience, missy.”

“I’ll never swear in front of my Daddy again,” I choked out, my eyes swelling with tears.

“No. I’m sure you’ll think twice next time.” Touching the targeted area right above the last strike, he cracked the belt down onto my wet skin.

“Oh, my God, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, and I won’t swear ever again!”

“If you lose count, Daddy will start over.”

“Three,” I yelped, waving my bottom from side to side as a tear ran down my cheek. “Please stop. You’re killing me!”

“I don’t believe anyone has ever died from a belt landing on their butt, so bend over and push that naughty behind of yours back out.”

Turning my neck, I could see him tapping the doubled instrument repeatedly against his palm, patiently waiting for me to reassume the position. And then he landed the fourth stroke directly to the crease underneath my burning ass.

“Four!” I shrieked, my fingers flying back to soothe the burning pain.

“I would highly suggest you move that hand of yours and continue with your promise… unless of course you want to go for ten strokes instead of five.”

My voice was almost unrecognizable as tears streamed down the sides of my face. “I’ll never swear in front of my Daddy again!”

“Get into position and take the rest of your punishment,” he warned, before his belt left one final burn across my shuddering buttocks.

“Five!” I screamed and once again reached to rub out the fire. But his large palm caught my hand as he angled his mouth toward my ear.

“Tell me what I want to hear, so we can finish your bath, little one.”

“I’m sorry, and I won’t swear in front of my Daddy ever again,” I sobbed, shaking my head.

“Okay, okay, sweetie. Sit back down in the tub and let me suds you up while the water is still warm.”

“But isn’t that going to hurt my…”

His warm breath tickled my ear as he softly spoke three words. “Sit. Down. Now.”

I winced as my inflamed bottom touched the bathwater, but John paid no attention as he soaped up his hefty hands and lathered my belly. “Turn around, so Daddy can wash your neck and back,” he instructed matter-of-factly before massaging the tight muscles in those hard to reach places.

Lowering my wet eyelashes, I reveled in his gentle touch, but my relaxation was brief as his fingers reached around and brushed over my nipples. Though I sucked in a short gasp, there was no point in hiding my crooked smile. We both knew how turned on I was.

“I thought you might like that,” John said as he rinsed my soapy body with a plastic cup and lovingly watched the water cascade off my pale skin. But when he finished, my eye spied him reaching for the shaver and a can of shaving gel.

“Now, move your backside onto the ledge, so I can get you properly shaven. I want your sweet cunny smooth as silk.”

After turning the battery-powered device on, he quickly sheared my mound, and it occurred to me it would’ve been much less embarrassing had I shaved before making the trip to his house. But when he slathered the thick gel over my pussy and began using the razor, my humiliation morphed into a stunning arousal as my labia swelled with each movement of the implement. And from the sparkle in his eyes, I guessed he saw fresh cream collecting in the delicate seam of my sex.

“Hmmm. I think someone is enjoying this.” His eyebrow arched as he continued his mission with quick, careful strokes until all the lather was removed from my mound with the razor.

“Can I rinse now?”

“No. You’ll bend over and hold onto the ledge, so I can shave that adorable puckered hole of yours.”

The rapid eye roll I shot him earned me two swift smacks to the tops of my thighs.

“When your Daddy gives you an order, you’ll respond instantly or face the consequences. I’d think you’d know that by now.”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered and turned around, bending my ass toward him. “It’s just…”

He rounded my anus with the tip of his finger before tapping it gently. “Just what, my little lady?”

“Well, maybe it’s not in my DNA to be a submissive.”

“That’s interesting because I was thinking the opposite,” he said, lathering his hands with soap before applying them to my furrowed entrance. “Now spread your legs a bit more and hold still while Daddy gives you another shave.”

Shutting my eyes, I didn’t dare move in fear the razor could slip out of his hand, and I hoped the humiliating procedure would end soon. But naturally, he took his good old time carefully gliding the cutting instrument over my soft skin, and as each vertical stroke slid close to my tight hole, I gasped. “Are you almost done?” I eked out while holding my breath.

His slick fingertip slowly rubbed my smooth anus and then he swatted my wiggling ass. “Yep. You can sit back down in the tub and rinse off. Now you’re looking delicious enough to eat.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, whirling my head to face him.

His gaze met mine as he spoke slow and deliberately. “Daddy is going to lick your velvety little rosebud until you scream for mercy, but there will be no coming until I say you can. If you disobey me, your bottom hole will be punished with a silicone plug… and I won’t be using the smallest variety in the box.”

It was difficult to believe those startling sentences came from his mouth. But I’d heard every word clearly, and the glint in his eyes was unmistakable.

“Okay, sugar. Drop the towel and drape your backside over the side of the bed.”

A streak of heat rose in my cheeks as I got into position, and my heart was beating rapidly just picturing what was to come. I could barely think about where he wanted to put his tongue.

“Your Daddy wants to taste your sweet ass, and he’s not waiting a minute longer,” he said, pulling my fleshy globes to the sides, barely touching the tip of his tongue to the rim of my anus. “Mmm. My naughty girl likes this, doesn’t she?” he teased, patting my bottom.

It was too embarrassing for me to admit how much that turned me on, so I swiveled my head in his direction and crossed my eyes.

“Your twitching rosebud has already told me, so don’t even think about lying,” he warned. “A dishonest young lady will always be disciplined severely in my home.”

“Oh, God,” I moaned as his tongue continued its journey, licking circles around my pucker before delving inside.

“Touch yourself and see how wet you’re getting while my tongue fucks your tight hole, princess. I know how moist you are, because your delightful scent of arousal is definitely in the air.”

This was a man with a game plan, and you didn’t need to be a genius to know the direction in which his thought-out strategy was going.

“Go ahead and finger that greedy cunny of yours, but there will be no coming until I say you can.”

“Okay, okay,” I whispered, knowing it wouldn’t take much for him to push me over the precipice. But then he stopped licking my anus and started sucking on it like it was a soft piece of caramel candy.

Fuck. There was no stopping that train.

My breathing had become ragged as his strong hands boosted me higher up into the air. “Oh, God. I’m coming. I’m coming,” I mewled, rubbing my clit furiously. But his only response was to give my ass a brisk smack, and then it seemed like he stepped backward for some reason. Not paying any more attention to the lack of his presence, I pressed down onto my throbbing nub and whirled myself into a familiar happy place. But as I exhaled a satisfying breath, his deep voice startled me.

“Were you given permission to come?”

“No, but…”

“Hold this while I prepare your bottom hole,” he scolded, presenting me with a pale pink silicone plug. “You don’t seem to understand who presides over the rules here.”

The large mirror that hung over the bed allowed us to watch each other’s reaction, and I shouldn’t have given him the satisfaction of seeing my jaw drop. But as our eyes connected, and I saw his expression darken, the scent of my damn exhilaration once again betrayed me.

“My naughty girl is going to have her little ass finger fucked before it’s properly plugged.” His words were well-chosen and drawn out as he flipped open the container of lube.

A hiss of air escaped from my throat as his wet fingertip slid into my crimped entrance, and then he pulled it out only to push it back in further. There was something so embarrassing about the way he was punishing me, and yet his discipline had my clit aching for more. As his finger twisted and turned, delving further into my quivering rosette, I raised my face once again in hopes of seeing his countenance in the mirror. I wanted to know if John was annoyed with me or aroused.

Strangely, the blending of both emotions proved to be hot as hell.

“Head down, there’s nothing for you to see,” he scolded in a firm tone, pumping his thick digit in and out of my dark abyss. Then he finally released his finger to give my ass a proprietary squeeze. “Hand over the plug and spread these cheeks wide for your Daddy.”

Placing the plug in his palm, I reached back to stretch my buttocks open, and in a nanosecond, my shuddering anus was being nudged with a hard tip.

“You’ve never had anything like this inserted in your tight bottom, have you?”

“N-No. N-Never.”

“Well, the plug will slide in much easier if you relax, but it’s going in either way,” he advised in a calm, measured voice. And at the exact moment I inhaled a lungful of air, he pressed the damn silicone instrument inside me.

“Wait! Wait! It hurts! It hurts!” I yelped in a high pitch with the hope of deterring the process. But there was no stopping his determination as he continued pushing the stiff phallus into my pulsing rectum.

“You will learn there is always a punishment for disobeying your Daddy.”

As our eyes once again locked in the mirror, my clit twitched. “I didn’t think you’d really use that thing,” I mewled as he gave a final twist to the plug making sure it was fully seated.

“Was it a worthwhile lesson?” he quietly inquired while administering a smack across my cheeks, making the plug vibrate.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good to hear. Now, take your pink plugged bottom over to the corner and think about why your Daddy needed to punish his bad girl.”

As I pulled myself upward, he patted my butt and gave the implement a quick tug. “The next time you disobey me, it will be my hard cock filling this adorable behind of yours.”

My face felt like it could melt from the heat as I rushed to bury it in the corner, but there was no point in trying to hide my feelings from him. This man obviously knew me better than I knew myself, and before I could have another thought, his fingers were threaded through my wavy hair, gently pulling my face toward his. “Does the idea of me punishing you in that way excite my sweet little lady?”

Not wanting to admit my arousal, I pressed my forehead onto the wall and clenched my shuddering cheeks together.

“I thought so,” he said, his fingers dipping in between my slick pussy lips. “There’s no sense in running from the truth, Lori Hope. You are a dirty, naughty girl.”

His tender touch immediately had my clit throbbing in rhythmed beats. “Please don’t tell Jake,” I begged, praying my body would stop trembling.

But his response was noncommittal as his finger tapped the plug. “Your Daddy will always decide what’s best for you.”

Rolling over in the middle of the night, I’d been awakened by the silicone instrument that was still nestled in between my cheeks, and I couldn’t stop thinking about John’s threat to punish my ass with his stiff shaft. I’d never seen his cock, but I imagined it matched his personality—solid and commanding. Naturally, my first inclination was to masturbate while fantasizing about him, but then I remembered masturbation was not usually acceptable in the D/s world, unless the submissive was given consent by her Dominant. I was not given any type of permission, and his room wasn’t too far down the hall, so there was a chance he’d hear my deep groans of delight.

Because I’d lived alone for many years, there had never been a reason to keep my moans to a minimum while engaging in self-pleasure, so this was going to be a bit of a challenge. But anyone who knows my true nature will tell you I’m generally up for a quick act of rebellion. Without another thought, I hardened my nipple through my pajama top with one hand as my warm fingertips journeyed under the elastic of my panties with the other. My freshly shaved pussy felt so smooth and silky to the touch, and as my finger pressed inside my slippery lips, I quickly conjured up a sexy fantasy. Though I’d never had a daydream about anal sex, I felt certain it would reward me with a happy ending.

John told me to get onto my knees and firmly crossed his arms while watching me submissively crawl into position. In curiosity, I raised my head from the mattress and watched his expression remain stern as he reached for a large tube of lube.

My clit had already started trembling from the scene I’d conjured up and while massaging my needy nub, I dropped my knees to their sides and let the delicious fantasy unfold.

“Your naughty behind isn’t red enough,” he said, smacking my ass before pushing his cock inside my rosebud. “You know I like this bottom good and red before I give it a proper fucking.” My anal muscles clenched his hard shaft and throbbed wildly as he held on tight to my hips, thrusting deep inside me.

Imagining my ass was filled with his cock, I rubbed my fevered button even harder, drawing myself toward one hell of an orgasm. Of course, the damn plug was pressing onto my nerve endings as I wriggled relentlessly on the mattress, but in my dream, John had pulled his stiff member from my pulsating hole, only to thrust it back in deeper than before. Finally, my clit beat uncontrollably with an extraordinarily powerful orgasm, and I let out a loud groan.

That’s when I heard a tap on the door.

“Is everything all right? Can I come in?”

Immediately, I removed my hand and rolled over onto my belly. “Sure. I’m fine,” I said, willing my heart to stop galloping.

As John poked his head inside the dark room, I could see his concerned expression from the illumination in the hall. “You were moaning, kiddo. Did you have a bad dream?”

“A real zinger,” I maintained with a poker face while sucking in an exaggerated breath. “I-I have them every once in a while.”

He came into the room and stooped beside me. “Maybe we should talk about it. I’d like to help.”

I shrugged, hoping my ragged sigh didn’t give me away. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“The next time you have a nightmare, I want you to wake me up,” he said, moving my panties to tug on the base of the plug.

“Can you take this thing out of me now?”

“No. Not until tomorrow morning.”

I rolled onto my back to face him, relieved I’d not been caught in the act. “Good night, Daddy.”

“Sleep tight, baby girl.”

As he closed the door, I smiled, knowing I’d sleep like a rock.