Trained By Her Daddy by Shelly Douglas

Chapter 5

The next evening, John made a dinner reservation in his favorite restaurant, and I’d just finished dressing when my cell phone rang.

“Hey there, Lori. I haven’t heard from you or my dad, and the silence worried me. Is everything all right?”

“Things are fine, Jake. Hey, I’m sorry for not calling, but I’ve only been here a few days, and I didn’t think you’d want to hear all the gory details.”

“Gory details?” he repeated, cutting my thought short. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Let’s just say my Sensei is doing his job, and he’s doing it extremely well.”

“Hmmm. I guess it should’ve occurred to me that no news from either of you was good news, and far be it from me to question the Master’s teaching process. So, here’s a light conversation we can have. What do you think of Austin?”

“God, I love this city! Yesterday your dad took me shopping, and tonight he’s taking me out to dinner, so I can wear my new dress!” My high-pitched, giddy voice sounded like a babbling teenager instead of a grown twenty-four-year-old woman.

“Hmmm, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were being romanced by my dad instead of taking instruction from him.”

“Ahh, but I’m supposed to be writing kinky romance, right, Boss?”

“Look, I didn’t call to pry—it just seemed like a good idea to stay in touch and make sure everything is going smoothly. I would’ve called my dad, but he’s such a private man.”

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I touched my blushing cheeks and thought about my latest fantasy. “Things are going well between us, and I think I’m getting a handle on what the readers want. He’s been really helpful in a lot of areas.”

“Yes, I’m certain he has been,” he said, his tone laced with a bit of sarcasm. “But remember, if you ever feel like you’re in over your head with this arrangement and want to get out of it, call me. I’m only an hour away.”

“Thanks, Jake. Listen, I hate to cut this short, but I’m supposed to be ready in five minutes.”

“No problem at all. I know my dad is a stickler for people being on time.”

“Yes, he’s a stickler about a lot of things,” I agreed, watching my eyes roll in the mirror. “Tell me, has he ever been checked for OCD?”

As if on cue, John softly knocked on the door. “Are you ready, princess? Your chariot awaits.”

“He’s waiting for me, so I better go.”

“I’ll keep the OCD comment under my hat for now,” Jake promised. “Just knowing your saucy personality, I’m sure you’ve already gotten yourself into plenty of hot water.”

“Imagine that,” I mumbled with a clear memory of the night before. “And this is only my third day here.”

Jake’s laugh was deep and hearty. “Right. Call me if you need anything.”

“Will do. Bye, Boss.”

As I opened the door, John stood there looking handsome as ever in a starched white shirt, tailored navy jacket, and dark denim jeans. “Were you on the phone with Jake when I knocked?”

Slowly my head bobbed. “Was I that loud?”

“Not really, but these walls are kind of thin. You might want to remember that.”

“Good tip,” I said with a straight face.

“So, I guess he wanted to know how things are going.”

“He seemed worried we haven’t been in touch with him.”

John’s arms folded in front of his chest. “There’s more, right?”

My eyes connected with his. I knew this was supposed to be only business, but what had gone down between us so far was the strangest damn arrangement I’d ever agreed to. And fuck me if I wasn’t turned on by this dominant man with the sexy salt and pepper hair. “I’m supposed to call him if I decide to end this agreement before the week is over.”

“The exit card has always been in your hand to play.”

“I know,” I purred, latching onto his elbow.

“Let’s talk about how exquisite you look in your new black dress, and then we can discuss my OCD that you sounded so concerned about.”

“So far, I’ve learned you have terrific vision, impeccable hearing, and possess no sense of humor. What other information do I need?”

His lips pursed. “I have a nose like a bloodhound.”

“How about if I invite Jake to join us for a cookout on Friday night? You’ve never seen him in person, and it seems like a good time for you two to meet.”

Clearing my throat, I thought for a moment and swirled the fragrant burgundy liquid around in my goblet. “Hmm. You aren’t thinking about setting me up for a humiliating scene that I can write about, right?”

His hazel eyes sparkled in the candlelight that illuminated our table in the small family-owned restaurant. “In my house there are no scenes, only real-life consequences. So, you’ll have nothing to worry about if you behave yourself.”

“I have been behaving,” I lied, recalling my earth-shattering orgasm the night before.

John’s eyebrows knitted together as he put his wineglass on the table. “Do you really think I believed your moans last night were caused by a nightmare?”

My mortified body inched back into the padded booth as I drew in a deep sigh. What was I supposed to say? I’d been so turned on by his latest threat I created a fantasy and masturbated to it?

“You knew and didn’t say anything?”

“Your erratic breathing was a dead giveaway, but I wasn’t sure… until now.”

I dropped my head, not wanting to make direct contact with his disappointed eyes, but he cupped my chin and raised it. “Do you know better, young lady?”

“Yes,” I whispered, my cheeks burning with sheer humiliation. “Please lower your voice.”

As his nostrils flared, he looked like a judge eager to hand out a sentence. “You’re going to get a good spankin’ from your Daddy when we get home, and I promise it will be one you’ll never forget.”

My eyes welled up with tears of embarrassment just knowing the older couple sitting next to us had heard him scold me. It was to be the longest three-course dinner of my life.