A King to be Feared by Brea Alepoú

The library was packed.Kyo came up to him, and she once again reinforced the barrier around the main house.

“It’s a tad bit weaker, but as long as no one attacks for a while, we are good. Did you feel them when they entered the territory?” Kyo asked.

“It was small. I didn’t know what it was until they were closer to the main house. That’s when their hostility could be felt,” Titos said. But now he knew what he was looking for. He wouldn’t let anyone get so close again. They’d planned to attack his home where he and his keepers slept. Where his newfound family gathered. The previous Titos would have taken the attack as a warning and ran, but now Titos had too much to protect.

“Okay, well, it might have been the case that they had a magic user who was capable of hiding them as well,” Kyo said. She took a seat next to Liby once more. “But that’s just for the outer layer. If I make it too strong, then your own edoli might get pushed out.”

“Leave it as is. I know what I’m looking for now. They won’t get the drop on us again,” Titos said.

His hand was clenched tightly to the point his blunt nails dug into the palm of his hand. Seth’s warm hand covered his and helped ease him. Titos took in a deep breath. They’d won, and no one was hurt. He pushed out the image of Mazki turning into ashes from his mind. His keeper was there and very much alive.

Ginger walked into the room, Theo right behind her. He looked a little frazzled, but other than that, he was moving things around according to Ginger’s instruction. Theo set up a laptop as Ginger made her way over to them. Her black eyebrows were drawn down, and a frown was placed firmly on her beautiful face.

“Are you okay, Titos?” she asked.

Titos got up from Seth’s lap and hugged her. She might not have been bonded to him, but still she showed him more concern than any person in Titos’s life.

“Yes,” he answered.

Ginger hugged him tightly before letting him go. She fixed her poodle skirt before glancing behind Titos. “Everyone here is fine as well?”

Alfrik: Do we even deserve her?

Mazki: Nope, we need to get her a present.

Kail: And a vacation.

Titos: Adom.

Adom: Don’t worry, I will see to it.

Ginger’s head tilted. “I feel as if you all were doing that mind thingy and talking about me.”

Seth cleared his throat. “We are all fine, Ginger, thank you.”

Her bright pink–painted lips turned up in a smile. “Of course. You all are like children I never desired to have.”

Titos chuckled. Two of his keepers were clearly older than Ginger. Not to mention she was no more than forty.

“But I thought you were on—” Seth slapped his hand over Kail’s mouth before he could finish saying anything.

Ginger cocked a brow at them.

Seth: Never comment on a woman’s age.

Kail: But she isn’t old.

“I knew there was a reason you were the alpha. Saving your fellow keepers’ lives,” Ginger said.

Titos chuckled and went back to sitting on Seth’s lap. “So were you able to get in touch with anyone in Olvix house?”

Ginger’s face morphed into one of business; she was serious once more. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Titos refrained from correcting her.

“The king himself has responded, and I went ahead and sent him a summons,” Ginger said.

Titos trusted Ginger’s opinion on the matter, even if he didn’t want the man in his home. “How soon?”

Ginger turned to the laptop, and her fingers flew over the keyboard, filling the room with the clicking sound of her keys.

“In an hour, sir. The ballroom is being prepared as well. He has requested to bring his keepers,” Ginger said.

Before Titos could ask how many, Theo was rushing over to them and handing them each a piece of paper.

“I went ahead and took the liberty of finding out who his keepers are. This territory has been out of the loop for a while, so some connections were burned. However, I was still able to get some information on every member,” Ginger said.

Titos flipped through the small packet. It seemed King Olsen of the Olvix house only had four keepers. There was information on each of them, even down to the discord between the keepers. There was a fight to become alpha between two of the members.

“Impressive,” Adom said.

Titos nodded. He had to agree—it was detailed beyond anything Titos thought they’d have going into the meeting.

“It is my job to make sure Titos can run this place the best he can,” Ginger said. She stood up taller.

Titos grinned. “I’d be lost without you.”

A blush blossomed over Ginger’s face. “Thank you.”

“I know you might not like it, but it would be best if all of you change into something a bit more formal,” Ginger said.

Titos glanced over all his keepers. He liked the way they dressed, each of them with their own taste. He knew some houses made their keepers look more unified, but Titos had no desire to take that away from his men.

“I agree. A united front is what will look best,” Adom said.

Titos sighed. “Okay, is there anything you need from any of us, Ginger?” Titos said as he stood up again.

She shook her head. “I have everything handled, thank you.” She turned on her heels. “Come on, Theo. We have to go check on the ballroom.”

“I don’t know what you pay her, but I’d triple it,” Kyo said.

Titos glanced over to Adom and met the man’s gaze, and he gave a slight nod that he’d see to it.

“Kyo, I’m guessing you will be in there with us?” Titos asked.

She’d fought with them and risked her life along with his guard and keepers. As far as Titos saw it, she’d earned herself a spot with them. She was trustworthy.

“Consider it done,” Kyo said.

Seth cleared his throat. Kyo and Seth had a stare-off for a few tense seconds before Kyo offered her hand.

“I get it. You are the alpha keeper, and I saw how you handled things out there. I wouldn’t mind listening to you sometimes,” Kyo said.

Seth seemed to accept her offer. A brilliant smile overtook his face They left back out of the library. Unlike before, they made quick work of getting changed. No one said much of anything. Titos was too far in his own head. Another house was going to know about him. He had no idea why Queen Mia wasn’t telling the whole truth about him, but for now, Titos was going to use it to his advantage.

Titos tugged at his button-up.

“You two need to stop that,” Adom chastised.

Titos glanced over to his keeper and saw Kail was doing the same.

“It feels stuffy,” he grumbled, but he stopped tugging. Gin looked strange without his jewelry on.

“Is this necessary?” Titos asked.

“Yes, Olvix house may be the lesser house out of the big four, but it is still considered a powerhouse. Any show of weakness or difference will be exploited,” Adom said.

Titos sighed, knowing all too well Adom was right. He didn’t like it, but things were the way they were. The ballroom was set up with two chairs facing each other. Titos’s keepers circled around his chair, and Kyo was close to the window, giving her a better view of the room. She had her guns on her hips, ready to be drawn. Liby was next to the entrance, her hands behind her back, her sword on her hip. Everyone was dressed formally.

It felt stuffy and only made Titos nervous. He fidgeted in the seat, trying to get comfortable. It was going to be plain to see he didn’t belong in a seat of power; it just kind of happened. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, and Titos was instantly calm.

Adom: You will do fine.

Seth: We are here for you.

Alfrik: Just be yourself. You are stronger than you think.

Titos listened to his keepers as he took in a deep breath. They were right—he wasn’t alone, and time again and again, he’d proven to himself and his enemies that he had a stronger will to live than they did to end his existence. Titos’s marking on his back started to tingle, and he sat up straighter instantly. His gaze went to the door. He let his power out, which felt ten times strong than before. It blew past Liby, moving her long blond ponytail. It wrapped around her, but she was familiar; she was safe.

Liby didn’t so much as bat an eyelash at the wind that surrounded her, but as the door opened and their guest filled the entrance, she turned ever so slightly, and her hand rested on the hilt of her sword.

The wind tickled along their guest. The king took a step back. He was a tall man with a thick black beard that touched the middle of his chest. He wore a suit that no doubt cost a small fortune. His hair was cut short and groomed back to perfection. The corner of his eyes had laugh lines that made Titos think he might smile often. But that wasn’t the case at the moment. Olsen Olvix’s mouth was set in a flat line, and his brown eyes were devoid of any laughter.

Titos let his power feel about their guest for another short second, but his marking on his back never intensified.

Titos: Be wary.

Titos fully pulled his power back and relaxed back against his seat.

“King Olsen, please come in,” Titos said.

Olsen took a step forward. He stood up strong, and everything about him screamed king. His power could be felt as he entered the room, and to think he was at the bottom of the four powerhouses. Titos had no idea what Ginger had done to get the man to come, but again he was reminded that Ginger deserved every penny they paid her and then some.

“You are not what I expected,” Olsen said as he sat down in the chair right across from Titos.

His four keepers stood behind him, their gazes focused on Titos’s keepers. Olsen also had four more edoli with him. Clearly, they were hunters. Titos paid them little to no attention.

Titos smiled at the man. “Oh, and who did Mia say I was exactly?”

A thick black brow lifted along with the corner of Olsen’s lips. The small smile lasted all of a few seconds before his face was once again blank.

“That you are nothing more than a benevolent child playing at king,” Olsen said.

Titos shrugged. He didn’t expect to hear good words from his former queen. “And so that is how she got you to attack my territory?”

Olsen’s fingers slightly twitched, and if Titos hadn’t been paying such close attention to him, he might have missed it.

“Did any of my people survive the attack?” Olsen asked.

Anger was hot and blinding as it coursed through Titos. He fought with his body to keep from balling his fist or crossing his arms.

Adom: We are all here.

Mazki: I am okay.

Titos heard and felt all of his keepers. They were there, and no one was hurt physically. But still, Titos’s heart ached at the memory of nearly losing Mazki.

“If you were in my shoes, would you have allowed any of them to live?” Titos asked.

Olsen was quiet for a second. “Each person is differ—”

Titos shook his head. “Let me rephrase the question. If someone attacked your home unannounced and placed the people you love in harm’s way, would you allow them to love?”

Olsen’s snapped his mouth shut and met Titos’s gaze. They stared at each other intently. The air in the room grew tense as the overbearing silence weighed down on them.


Titos relaxed a little. If the man had gone with yes, then he’d end the meeting right then and there. Titos had no desire to speak with him if he didn’t have someone important. People who had nothing to lose were reckless with their lives and the others around them.

“Now that you see I’m not as Mia says or even remotely as weak, what are your intentions toward my territory?” Titos asked.

Olsen’s gaze roamed around the ballroom, which was polished to perfection. The curtains were drawn, allowing in the midday sunlight. It bathed the room in warmth and made the prominent gold colors stand out even more.

“You are not officially a king,” Olsen pointed out.

Gin: You’re more of a king than he is.

Titos would argue he wasn’t, but he kept his focus on the king before him. “And that is a problem for you because?”

Once again, the corner of Olsen’s mouth quirked up in a smile. “Well, technically it isn’t personally my problem.”

Titos could practically taste the “but” that was coming.

“The four powers that stand are to be the example of a good territory. If we allow someone who doesn’t have the title officially rule over a territory, it looks poorly on us,” Olsen said.

Titos opened his mouth, but Olsen raised his hand.

“However that may be the case, I have no desire to battle against you,” Olsen said. He looked to each of Titos’s keepers. “You might be an unknown, but it’s clear that you have the power to be a king.”

Adom took a step forward, and the moment he did, Olsen’s keepers’ bodies tensed. But Adom stopped right next to Titos.

“Your people attacked unprovoked. There was of course damage that occrued,” Adom said.

Olsen nodded, and one of his keepers pulled out an envelope from his back pocket. “The one called Ginger went ahead and totaled the damages. Please let us know if it isn’t enough.”

Titos: Damages? What’s the money for?

Adom: It is a way of him showing that he has no ill will towards us. If he still planned to attack, he’d refuse or try and spin it on you.

Mazki: Most rulers would ask you to be compensated since you killed all of the edoli that attacked.

Titos’s head tilted to the side as he studied the man before him. There was a knock at the door, and both kings turned just in time to see Ginger walking in with her head held high, her green hair curled and pinned in an updo. Theo trailed behind her, pushing a table on wheels.

“Your Highness,” Ginger greeted Titos as she bowed her head to him.

He gave her a smile. She’d gone above and beyond once again.

“King Olsen, welcome,” Ginger said. She moved to stand near Titos and his keepers, and Theo left the table in between them. On it were two identical stacks of papers.

Adom moved forward and grabbed one and handed it over to Titos. One of Olsen’s keepers did the same for him. Titos glanced over at Ginger for a short second. He wished he had a bond with her just to ask her what was happening, but he knew he could trust her. He skimmed the first part of it and knew instantly what it was. It was a contract or in better words a treaty.

He flipped through it, and he could feel all his keepers looking over his shoulder.

Seth: They would not aid us if we were under attack.

Adom: Yes, but they will also not attack us again.

Kail: So what, it’s like a leave each other alone contract?

Adom: That’s exactly what it is.

Seth: But they are a powerhouse. If we can get them in our corner, wouldn’t that be better?

Titos: But as Olsen pointed out already, I am not officially a king. I have yet to have a crowning ceremony in front of the council and other rulers. He’d be insane to risk his standing for an unknown.

“Normally this contract would be perfect,” Olsen started.

Titos stopped talking to his keepers mentally and focused on the older man in front of him.

“However, I am somewhat a betting man.” Olsen leaned forward and placed the contract back on the table. “I can feel your power from here, and I have a distinct feeling it’s only the barest amount. I felt more when I walked in.”

Titos’s back went stiff as prickles skated up his arms. Olsen seemed unaware of just how uneasy he’d made Titos.

“I want to have an alliance with you, but one of secret,” Olsen suggested.

Titos: What does he mean?

Adom: It will not be publicly known that he stands with you. But he will not publicly take a stand against you either.

Titos’s shoulders fell back down. “And when Mia decides to get you to attack me again?”

Olsen’s smile dipped slightly. “That was my mistake. I took their words at face value. I am man enough to admit when I have done wrong.”

Mazki: So he isn’t a complete piece of shit.

Alfrik: He is showing more promise than most rulers.

“Why did you make the mistake?” Titos asked. He emphasized the word “mistake” because it had truly been one. He and his keepers had decimated the enemy. It was a game of survival, not spilling milk on the kitchen table.

Olsen gave a slight bow. “I had been led to believe you were going to make a play for more territory, that you had plans to overtake mine.”

Titos’s eyebrow shot up. What?

A deep chuckle rumbled out of Olsen’s chest. “I can tell by your face this is news to you.” He shook his head and seemed to relax more in his seat. He brought a leg up and draped it over the other. “Your lovely proxy over there already sent over everything showing proof of the exact opposite.” He pulled on his long beard and seemed to look off into the distance.

Titos glanced over at Ginger, who gave him an endearing smile.

Adom: What would you like to do?

Titos had no idea. He was still angry with Olsen. He’d sent people after Titos and his men.

“I’m willing to pay any difference. I want this agreement to be a clean slate for the both of us,” Olsen said.

“You don’t care that we killed every single one of the edoli who attacked?” Titos asked.

Olsen’s hand went still, and his foot dropped down. His brown eyes went hard as a rock as he glared at Titos.

“I am enraged. They were my people, some who were of my own family,” Olsen growled out.

Seth growled back in warning, and Olsen’s keepers took the tiniest steps forward. It had Titos’s men reacting in the same manner. Even Kyo had her gun drawn but kept it aimed away from people.

“Back down,” Olsen said as he turned to his keepers.

Titos said nothing but felt Seth tell the others it was fine.

Olsen smoothed down his facial hair. “My anger is not aimed at you. If I were in your shoes, I would have done the same. Might have even planned an attack on the very people who came after what was mine.”

The thought had briefly come to Titos, but it just as quickly disappeared. It wouldn’t have been worth the trouble. He’d have to go to war, and depending on the outcome, he’d be painting a bigger target on his back.

Titos: What do all of you think?

Kail: I’d rather fight him, but objectively, having him back us will be good, right?

Adom: Yes, he is rank number four amongst kings and queens.

Alfrik: It’s whatever you want, Titos, but having him will look favorable if you decide to come out publicly.

Seth: I agree, but we keep an eye on him regardless. We shouldn’t put all our trust in him.

Mazki: I second Seth.

Gin: Ask him what Dehyrus said about you and if they have a good relationship.

“I know the four powerhouses have a truce, per se, but are you allied with any of them?” Titos asked.

Olsen didn’t seem at all surprised by the question. “I am with Zeger house, but based upon the recent events, we will be revisiting the alliance we have.”

Titos glanced over to Ginger, knowing all too well she’d more than likely already checked. She gave him a slight nod. Titos sighed as he contemplated everything.

“Very well, but when I come out to the council, I expect Olvix house to back me,” Titos said.

Olsen’s head tilted slightly. “You do plan to claim this territory publicly?” He leaned forward and rested his elbow on his knees. “Why haven’t you done so already?”

Titos met Olsen’s gaze dead-on. “I have my reasons.”

There was another quiet, tension-filled moment before Olsen gave in and nodded. “Very well. Shall I have—”

Ginger moved forward, her heels clicking against the marble floor as she placed new contracts down in front of them.

Titos cocked a brow at her but picked it up and read over it.

“I went ahead and had a few contracts written up. Any changes either of you want, please let me know,” Ginger said. She stepped back next to Titos.

“I don’t know where you found her, but if we weren’t signing a contract, I’d try and poach such a beautiful woman from you,” Olsen said.

Ginger blushed and gave him a polite smile.

“How kind of King Olsen, but I’d decline either way. King Titos is the only king I will ever serve.”

Titos was filled with a sense of pride. Ginger was a part of his household; she was family, and he’d make sure she saw it that way as well. Titos finished reading over the paperwork. Ginger, of course, was thorough in everything, and he read it only because he knew it was the right thing to do.

Olsen nodded. “Very well. Do you have a pen?”

Theo handed them both a pen, and Titos stood and moved to the table in between them. Olsen followed suit. Both sets of keepers stayed back as they met face-to-face. Titos had to tilt his head slightly back to look Olsen in the eyes. He was nearly as tall as Alfrik. They signed the contract at the same time.

Seth moved next to Titos and handed him a blade and another to Olsen. Most edoli would have bared their fangs and cut into their flesh that way, but Titos lacked that feature. Olsen didn’t question it; he took the offered blade, and they both cut into their thumb. Titos let a few drops land on his paper near his name before moving it to Olsen’s contract. The other king did the same.

“I, Titos, enter into a contract with Olsen Olvix and hereby pledge to uphold the agreement,” Titos said.

Olsen repeated it back to him, and power surged around them, ruffling Olsen’s beard and Titos’s curls. It was disappointing, and Titos took his contract. There on it was Olsen’s blood oath. If either of them broke it, they would face consequences such as sickness or even in some cases loss of power.

Olsen took a step back and handed the contract over to one of his keepers. “I should be going. Thank you for hearing me out.”

Titos nodded, knowing all too well he couldn’t stay longer. Not that Titos wanted him to. They had a contract, but it didn’t mean Titos trusted the man with his very soul or any of the secrets they kept.

“I will see you out,” Ginger said.

“Liby, Kyo, go with Ginger,” Seth said.

Both women nodded and accompanied them all out of the ballroom. The moment the coast was clear, Titos sagged, and Seth’s strong arms caught him.

“You did great,” Adom said.

Titos glanced over to him. “Thanks.”

Mazki appeared in front of Titos and placed a kiss on his nose.

“That went better than I thought it would,” Gin said.

Titos nodded.

“I have to agree, but from what Ginger provided, Olsen is a powerhouse, but he doesn’t exactly run things like the others,” Adom pointed out.

“Maybe many houses are changing. Mine wasn’t typical with everything,” Alfrik said.

Titos could only hope. Edoli needed to move forward with time. Sooner or later, humans were going to be able to tell that they lived amongst others.

“So Gin, are you ready to move into the room? You missed shower time,” Mazki teased.

Titos rolled his eyes at him, but he anxiously awaited Gin’s reply.

“Yeah, when we had to change into these boring clothes, I packed up the rest of my stuff,” Gin said.

Titos thought about Mia, his old queen, and the other two powerhouses. No doubt they would learn of Olvix’s failure to kill Titos. Just how much time did he have? How soon would the council figure out where he was? There were so many ticking time bombs surrounding Titos he could barely hear anything.

He shook himself free of the darkening thoughts and paid attention to what he could understand. He needed to live in the moment. He’d prepare for the future, but for now, he just wanted to be with his men.

Titos smiled at his men as he pulled out of Seth’s arms and stood on his own. “Let’s get Gin moved in.”