A King to be Feared by Brea Alepoú

Arriving earlyin Nebraska was by far their smartest decision. Adom watched the world go by for another second before focusing on his master once again. Titos had been falling asleep more often as of late. Kail and Seth both reassured Adom that it was okay. Sometimes Titos went into a deep slumber for a few days. It would be up to all of them to watch over their master in his time of need.

Mazki brushed a few curls from Titos’s sleeping face. They were all enamored by their master. His heart was big, and he could remind them all he wanted that he was new at it all, but in Adom’s eyes, Titos had already surpassed many rulers before him.

“He looks so peaceful,” Kyo pointed out. “I’d worry he isn’t taking this serious, going to another’s territory, but I’ve seen him when he’s awake.”

Adom nodded. “And that is why we will let him rest as much as he needs.”

Gin, their newest member, reached across and placed a hand on Titos’s knee. Adom could feel his desire and love through the bond.

They shared a polite smile. Seth cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention.

“When we get there, our priority is protecting Titos. Everyone knows their positions,” the alpha said.

He received a collective head nod in agreeance. Adom’s gaze was drawn to the man who’d lain claim to them all, light snores leaving him as he rested against Seth’s side.

Adom would use all of the knowledge and skills that he acquired over the years of working for the council. Sure he worked in the lower sections, but that had been by choice. He knew from an early age how corrupt the council actually was and had no desire to be tangled in their webs of deceit.

“We are approaching the gate,” Ginger said.

The air in the limo grew tense as everyone became all too aware. They had already been on alert the moment they had left the safety of their own territory, but it was now intensified. The limo that the Amongie house sent came to a rolling stop.

Adom’s heart thudded steadily in his chest. He took in a deep breath and held it to the count of three before letting it out, easy and controlled. He was in command of himself completely by the time the limo stopped completely, and there was a knock on the window.

“Titos, it is time to wake up,” Seth said.

Adom waited until Titos was fully up and coherent before lowering the window down. An edoli looked in the limo, his gaze instantly going to Titos, making tension rise in Adom’s body.

“Invitation?” the guard asked.

Ginger passed it over, and Adom presented it. The man glanced it over and nodded.

“You’re early,” he commented.

Mazki: Strike one with the ’tude.

Kail: I say he is on strike two. Did you see how he looked at Titos?

The two troublemakers of the groups were ready to fight at the drop of a hat. Adom on the other hand needed to be the sound mind in the situation, even if he slightly agreed with them.

“Yes, we already informed your queen that we would be,” Adom said matter-of-factly.

The guard cocked an eyebrow and stared into Adom’s eyes. It was a challenge, one that was unnecessary but wasn’t unheard of either. Adom felt no threat from the man, he looked down his nose at him. Adom kept his composure, even as the bond filled with annoyance and anger.

All too soon, the man broke the stare-off and cast his gaze to the side. He took a step back and gave a slight bow.


Adom said nothing and barely acknowledged him after that. Instead, he clicked the button for the window to rise. He relaxed back against the plush leather seat.

“I say we go teach him a lesson,” Kail grumbled.

Adom’s lips curled in a smirk. “No need. It will happen often while we are here.”

Kail groaned, and Titos, now fully awake, reached over and patted his knee. “So we just have a staring contest?” Kail asked.

Adom shook his head. “Most will witness a challenge and will acknowledge you instantly. As keepers, we are already considered above most edoli, except masters and mistresses,” Adom said.

“If you are challenged, you are not to back down,” Seth added sternly. His hazel eyes swept over all of them, and the bond that they all shared through Titos’s radiated with power. “Are we clear?”

There was a resounding yes from everyone in the car, even from Ginger and Kyo, who had no link to them whatsoever.

The main house was an older style of home with large white pillars and red brick. There was a porch that seemed to stretch around the entire place, and multiple rocking chairs sat out front.

“I was expecting more of castle theme or more like our place and be all big and over-the-top,” Kail said.

“The first main house was. I had this one built once I came into power,” a woman said.

Adom turned and caught sight of Julyanah and her three keepers. There was a tug on the bond that had Adom’s gaze moving to Titos. The wind brushed along them, a familiar power that had Adom’s griffin wanting to spread its wings.

Titos: No hostility.

Adom relaxed and stepped forward. He knew Titos was counting on him to lead things with him having the most experience. “Thank you, Queen Julyanah, for accepting us into our territory ahead of time,” Adom said.

Her face was void of a smile. She kept her gaze trained on Titos, and her keepers were poised for an attack, as they should be. By all rights, Titos came off as a threat. He had six keepers surrounding him, and there was no doubt that they could feel the power that surrounded them.

Adom was sure if they got to see the power that lay hidden within the bond, Julyanah and her keepers would have asked them to leave instantly. Titos didn’t realize it just yet, but he had the power that rulers wished for.

“Yes, well, Dakota vouched for some of you,” Julyanah said. Her black eyes strayed only for a second before they were back on Titos. “Not to mention you were more than forthcoming about all who were attending. I have no doubt some will be trying to sneak in others during this event.”

Titos stepped up next to Adom, along with Seth.

Titos: Handshake?

Adom: That will be fine.

Titos offered his hand and a sincere smile. There was a tense second before Julyanah shook his hand. She seemed to come to her own conclusion as her shoulders dropped and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly.

“Our king, Titos, the alpha, Seth,” Adom started. He pointed to himself. “I am Adom. This is Kail, Alfrik, Mazki, Alfrik, and Gin.” Adom gestured to the last few of their party. “Ginger, Liby, and Kyo.”

Adom had forgone any last names. None of them had ties to their old houses, and that meant their last names held no benefit for them.

“Welcome. Dakota speaks highly of Ginger and Liby. Said if Liby serves anyone, it would be a worthy king.”

Adom grinned. The compliment was accepted.

“Julyanah Amongie is our queen. This is Vince Amongie, and here is Dakota, and I am Archie, the alpha,” Archie said.

Adom: Good sign—they don’t have an attachment to their own houses either.

Titos: And I haven’t made a fool of myself yet.

Adom sent reassuring vibes through the bond. Titos was doing perfectly fine. They were shown inside of the house, and much like the outside, the interior was more homey than extravagant.

They went about getting a grand tour of the home. As time ticked by, each of them relaxed further.

“Queen Julyanah, baby Alice is awake,” a woman said.

She brought a baby to Julyanah, and it was like all tension left her at once.

“Oh, there is my little girl,” Julyanah said.

Her keepers surrounded her and cooed at the quiet baby. Adom gently pushed Titos to move toward them.

Nervous energy fluttered through the bond as Titos moved closer, but Adom stayed calm.

“She is adorable,” Titos said.

Julyanah smiled, and it was as if the stiff ice in the atmosphere had cracked. Interacting with the Amongie house was much easier than Adom had assumed. He found himself getting along with Vince. Seth, Alfrik, and Gin were talking it up with Archie, Julyanah’s alpha. Kail and Mazki stuck close to Titos, who seemed to be enjoying his tales with Julyanah. Liby, Ginger, and Kyo were catching up with Dakota.

Adom chatted away with Vince, Julyanah’s husband. He was the keeper who handled the house’s finances, with them being so new and not previously established.

“So if you invest in these companies, you are more than likely to see a return sooner,” Vince said.

“There you are, Adom. You have to see this,” Mazki said as he was tugging on Adom’s arm.

Adom lifted a brow in question, but Mazki continued to tug his arm.

Vince chuckled. “It sounds important.”

Mazki groaned as Adom stayed still. “It is,” Mazki stressed.

“Vince, hurry,” Dakota shouted, running into the room.

It seemed Adom wasn’t the only one needed. They both stood at the sound of urgency in Dakota’s voice.

“What’s wrong?” Vince asked.

Adom followed behind Mazki, waiting for an answer.

“You just have to see it for yourself,” Mazki said.

Adom checked the bond, and there was no fear or anger. Adom relaxed a bit as they came to a halt before entering the living room. A soft giggle came from the room. Mazki kept Adom from entering but moved enough to let him catch sight of the amazing moment happening in the living room.

Sitting in the living room were Titos, Kail, and Julyanah. But what had Adom so enamored was the way the baby giggled in Kail’s arms as he cooed at her.

Mazki: If it was possible to knock one of them up, I’d jump at the chance.

Alfrik: You have issues.

Gin: You have to admit, this is so adorable.

Adom had to agree. The way both of them were caring for baby Alice pulled on the heartstrings.

Titos: We can hear and feel all of you watching.

Seth: It’s impossible not to.

“This is the first time I’ve heard her giggle. I want to go in there, but I don’t want to interrupt either and my little girl stops giggling,” Vince said.

Adom stood there with the others and watched on as Kail and Titos played with Alice. Maybe one day their master would desire children. Adom couldn’t help the warmth that spread in his chest at the thought. It had never been on his list of things he wanted in his life, but all too easily, he could picture all of them with children to spoil.