A King to be Feared by Brea Alepoú

“I’m not a two-dollar hooker.What you’re asking of me is illegal and can cost us our very lives,” Kyo shouted, slamming her hand on the table.

They were still in negotiations, and Seth doubted they’d be getting up anytime soon. Between Kyo and Adom, they were going to be there all freaking day.

“Hey, hot rod, stop making googly eyes at my brother.” Kyo pointed in Mazki’s direction.

Seth: Stop pushing her buttons.

Mazki: Oh, come on, I can’t be the only one getting in trouble here.

Seth: We need her for a job, and flirting with her brother isn’t helping.

Mazki: I don’t think it’s hurting either.

Seth kept his sigh back. Mazki wasn’t the only one—Titos’s sight continued to stray to their guest. It didn’t help that Gin was flirting with both of them as well. Another troublemaker wasn’t ideal, but Seth couldn’t exactly think of a reason to say no to Gin either. If more edoli were being called to it, that meant he had more power than they had originally thought. This could get harder, meaning guarding him and the territory he decided to keep needed to be protected.

Seth: Adom, we need to speed this up.

Adom: She wants an insane amount.

Titos: Will it break us?

Adom sighed through the bond.

Adom: No, but she is trying to get over on us. I know she’s triple the normal price and trying to use the fact that we are an unregistered house to her favor.

Seth: Get close to it. There is no price that isn’t worth it for Titos’s protection.

Seth glanced over at Titos. Brown curls framed his face. A slender jaw with a light dusting of facial hair that began to grow. Titos’s head turned, and piercing green eyes that never failed to pull him stared back at him. There was so much love and trust in them.

Seth would do everything in his power to never let that light die out. He would protect his master to his very last breath.

Kyo plopped back in her chair, leaning so far back before flopping her shoes onto the table. Ever since Liby was sent out, she’d started acting with blatant disrespect.

Seth growled a warning. She was a guest, and they did need her help, but there was only so much he would tolerate.

“Feet down,” Seth said.

Kyo stared him in the eyes for all of a few seconds before she dropped her gaze and turned away from him.

“I am not a part of this house. What some muscle-bound alpha says isn’t important to me.”

Seth made a move to stand, but Titos’s soft hand landed on his forearm, an instant balm to his anger.

“How about we go and walk this breakfast off. We can show you the immediate ground that is in need of a barrier.” Titos stood.

Kyo put her feet back down on the ground. “We haven’t ag—”

“And once we are done looking around here, I’ll have Liby and Ginger show you the border of my territory.”

Kyo went still at the mention of Liby’s name. She never finished her retort, instead standing. “Fine, let’s see what I’m working with.”

The whole table stood, and not to Seth’s surprise, Gin found himself over by Mazki.

Seth: Hands to yourself.

Mazki: You never let me have any fun.

Mazki stopped in his tracks and was quickly being left behind. Seth followed Mazki’s gaze to Adom, who was walking as if nothing had happened. But Mazki’s flushed face and all-too-happy grin said otherwise.

Marble-colored eyes full of entirely too much mischief stared back at Seth. Mazki winked at him, making him all too aware of what had most likely transpired.

Mazki: Want to know what he sent me?

Seth shook his head. He needed to stay focused, and he was sure Adom sent something dirty to make Mazki smile so big. His fellow keepers were getting closer each and every day they served under Titos.

When Seth branched out from his original house, he’d never imagined himself in such a house. Where everyone was more partners, and rank wasn’t constantly thrown around. There was no need for manipulation and sacrifice to get his or Titos’s favor. It was surreal, and at times, it still took Seth by surprise.

Warmth that could only be his master caressed against his arm. Titos’s slender arm wove its way around Seth’s, linking them together. His soft brown curls tickled against Seth’s skin before Titos rested his head on Seth’s shoulder.

Seth slowed his steps down a bit as they continued to walk. Not only did he want Titos to be comfortable, but Seth also wanted to prolong the contact with his master.

Seth: What is on your mind?

Since they were all pretty new still to the house, they let Ginger lead the way and point out exactly where the barrier should go. Titos’s eyes roamed all over the grounds. Seth realized that Titos hadn’t really been out of the mansion since they moved in. The way his master took in a deep breath and his shoulders eased, Seth saw the error of his ways. He’d kept Titos locked up.

Titos: Yeah, like a princess in a tower. Too bad you’re not a dragon.

Seth glanced down at Titos and found a bright smile and light green eyes full of mirth shining back at him.

Mazki: We don’t need a dragon. I can set anything on fire just fine, and so can Pooh Bear.

The mind link was open to all of the keepers. There was no surprise that Alfrik chimed in at Mazki’s nickname for the lava bear.

Alfrik: Anything I set on fire will be turned to ashes instantly.

Mazki: Is that a challenge?

Alfrik: To a setting things on fire contest?

Titos chuckled, and Seth couldn’t help but smile hearing his master’s sweet laughter.

“I feel as if I’m missing out on something good,” Gin said. He was all smiles as he got closer to Titos.

A deep growl rumbled out of Seth’s chest as he caught sight of how close Gin was getting to Titos. They might have flirted, and there was some interest from Titos, but the man was not a keeper. Yet.

“Maybe you are,” Titos said, biting his lower lip.

Seth wanted nothing more than to pry it free from between his teeth and soothe it with a kiss. Titos looked up at him instantly, an all-too-knowing smile on his face.

Titos: Anytime.

The bonds were constantly open, most thoughts and emotions shared freely. With how Titos had things, Seth hadn’t felt the need to close anything off from his master or fellow keepers. They were more than fellow edoli working together; they were together in a way that was uniquely theirs.

Seth returned Titos’s smile with his own and allowed himself a few more seconds before clearing his throat and focusing once more. Titos’s safety came first and foremost. All the keepers were outside and scattered around the mansion, but Seth still stayed vigilant. They had enemies, and with Titos being what he was, more were sure to come. There was a stigma about soul eaters that Seth wasn’t too sure about.

They made it toward the woods in the backyard. Titos slipped his arm free and moved a little ways away from the group, winding in between the trees. Seth kept an eye on him the whole time to make sure he was safe but at the same time gave him his space. He could only imagine how Titos had been feeling with all the drastic changes, going from being by himself on the run to being cooped up in a mansion and forced to be a king of a territory he didn’t grow up in.

“You would think this is his first time outside,” Gin said.

Seth said nothing, not letting his eyes stray from his master.

“No,” Gin gasped. “Poor thing—he’s deprived of fresh air.” Gin hammered the nail of guilt deeper into Seth’s soul.

With everything happening, Seth had let such a simple realization slip past him. As Titos’s alpha, his first priority was the well-being of his master, and how Titos looked running around in between the tree showed just how badly Seth was lacking in such an area. He vowed to do better in that instant.

Gin moved in front of Seth, tucking the gold strand of hair behind his ear.

“Are you intentionally trying to avoid looking at me?” Gin asked.

There was a smirk on his slender face. Gin fiddled with the black hoop that pierced his lip, his gold eyes filled with so much mischief. Seth’s gaze roamed over Gin briefly. He was objectively striking in his own way. But there was something lacking about the man. A warm chuckle came from the woods, and Seth’s gaze was once again drawn to his master.

Seth: We really don’t need another Mazki.

Mazki: I resent that—there is no one like me.

“You’re talking about me, aren’t you?” Gin asked.

His head tilted to the side, showing off one ear that was full of piercings. A smile curled his lips, and he took the tiniest step toward Seth.

“With who is the question?” Gin glanced around as if he would be able to tell just by looking.

Seth decided to be honest to see what Gin’s reaction would be. “Everyone.”

Gold eyes bored into him, but Seth stayed steady, even if they felt as if they were trying to stare into his soul.

Gin crossed his arms and took a step back. His eyes roamed all around before landing back on Seth. “You’re all bonded?”

Seth listened intently to how the question was asked. He didn’t detect any disgust from the man. In fact, he nearly sounded intrigued by the notion.

“Does that mean you all are intimate, with not only Titos but each other?” Gin asked. His voice for sure was laced with excitement.

“If we are?” Seth asked back.

Gin’s face went red as his golden gaze roamed up and down Seth. “Unusual, but who the heck likes normal?”

Seth huffed out a laugh. “No one is around here.” Maybe Gin would fit in—the man was unusual for sure, but it wasn’t up to Seth. If Titos decided to add the feisty man, then so be it. They’d make it work.

Seth refrained from answering that question. They hadn’t all bonded individually like some edoli did in order to speak with each other mentally; it was all Titos’s doing. In fact, it was uncommon for keepers to be intimate with each other. Most competed with one another to see who would be praised by their master, but there was no need for that with them. Titos didn’t force any of them to show their worth in order to gain his favor.

Titos: Because above all, I trust all of you. You all had a choice to be with me, and each one of you stayed. I need no further proof of loyalty.

The bond was filled with affection. Even Adom, who was engrossed in the conversation about the barrier, turned to look at their master. Mazki ran over to Titos, wrapped his arms around him, and kissed him as if they were in the bedroom and not outside amongst a group of people. Warmth spread throughout Seth’s chest at the sight, emotions coursing through the bond. He’d gladly pledge himself to his master again and again.

“Something just happened, didn’t it?” Gin said.

Mazki ran over toward them and jumped up, forcing Seth to catch him.

“Maybe you will find out one day,” Mazki said, winking at Gin.

Gin smiled, but he looked at them longingly.

Mazki locked his legs and arms around Seth’s waist and wrapped his arms around Seth’s neck. He kneaded the tight muscle there while bringing Seth down for a kiss. Seth growled as he tightened his hands on Mazki’s plump ass. Damn fiery minx.

Seth: We are supposed to be keeping an eye on Titos at all times.

Alfrik: I’m here standing next to him.

Seth hadn’t noticed Alfrik being so close. He sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to get out of kissing Mazki.

Seth: You need to be punished.

Adom: Don’t worry, he has a spanking coming already.

Mazki’s moan vibrated against Seth’s lips, making him growl for more. They were all there for Titos, but there was no doubt that their desire for each other was there as well. It all felt right. Seth deepened the kiss, taking over Mazki’s mouth, and demanded more from the phoenix, earning more whimpers and moans from the man.

Seth pulled back, effectively ending the kiss. His gaze instantly sought out Titos, who smiled at them. Mazki, still in his arms, panted as if he’d run a marathon.

Seth: We will all be present. I know of another who needs a punishment as well. Seth sent an image of a whimpering Kail tied to the bed throughout the bond. It had everyone’s interest piqued.

Kail: Wait—that’s not fair.

No one listened to it. Now that the thought was in everyone’s head, Seth was sure it was going to happen sooner rather than later. Just as long as they got the barrier up and they all could be in the same bed once again.

Mazki groaned while licking his lips. He wound a dread around his finger. “Will you help with my punishment?”

The way Mazki said “punishment” sounded as if he didn’t believe it to be just that. Seth arched up an eyebrow but didn’t answer Mazki. Instead, he let him slip down his body, ignoring the hard length that Mazki made sure to press up against him before pulling fully back.

Seth found Gin staring at them in wonderment. Their eyes met, and Gin grinned at Seth politely before turning around. He’d expected the man to flirt like he’d been doing since he stepped through the doors. But that hadn’t been the case. Seth almost stopped him and asked what was wrong but reminded himself that Gin was not one of them and he wasn’t an edoli Seth needed to worry himself over. Gin made his way back over to Kyo’s side, and Seth found himself watching the man intently.

Mazki: You think he will join?

Seth shrugged. If he did, Seth couldn’t say he’d be upset about it. Of course, Gin would have to find where he worked in their system. Everyone was still a little new, and each day that passed, they found their footing within their unique dynamic.

“Maybe. Why don’t you get back to work for now,” Seth said.

Mazki sighed. “Or we could make out again. That kiss was really good.”

Seth laughed. “Not happening. Get to the skies.”

Mazki pushed out his bottom lip, but he was already taking a step away from Seth. “Yes, Alpha.”

Seth: Adom, add more swats to Mazki’s count.

Adom: Done.

Mazki stuck his tongue out before shifting into his phoenix. Warm air wafted off the bird as sparks of fire went off around him. Mazki in phoenix form was a beauty. His wings were pure flames, but his body was made of red and orange feathers. His marble-colored eyes gleamed back at Seth, making him look even more majestic.

Mazki: Checking me out, wolf boy?

Seth: Skies now.

Mazki flapped his wings and took to the sky, taking his warmth along with him. Seth found his master kissing Alfrik, pressed up against a tree. It was easy to see how gentle Alfrik was with Titos. Even in the heat of the moment, he was still ever so soft with their master.