A King to be Feared by Brea Alepoú

Heat envelopedTitos fully as he rested in Alfrik’s arms and took in a big gulp of fresh air. Being outside, even for a brief second, felt great. It was strange—Titos hadn’t felt like he was cooped up, yet tension had seeped out of him the more they walked around and he took in fresh air. In his past, going outside was always a gamble. He did the bare minimum—he’d go to work or get food, but he mostly spent his time indoors, hidden away from the world and those who’d rather him dead. It helped that all his keepers were there. Before, going outside and having a life seemed like an unnecessary hassle. He’d constantly have to look over his shoulder, but now he didn’t have to. Well, technically he did, but he wasn’t alone any longer.

Mazki: We will watch over you.

A smile pulled at Titos’s lips. His little fire bird seemed to always stay attuned with him. In fact, all of his keepers did. Alfrik’s arms tightened around Titos as if to reassure him of what Mazki said. Titos felt weightless as he felt the affirmation from all of his keepers come through the link. Even Kail had opened himself back up somewhat.

Their resident troublemaker was in a better mood, to say the least, but he still was somewhat unsure of everything. Titos’s life had changed, but Kail’s had completely turned upside down. Everything he knew about the world had changed, and he was tossed into a world where rules and customs were completely different.

Titos felt along the bond he shared with Kail.

Kail: I’m fine. It was for Titos alone.

Titos: Okay. Don’t ever feel like you can’t talk to any of us or just me. If you’re ever struggling with something, let me know.

Kail was silent for a bit, and Titos focused intently on the bond, making sure the man didn’t shut it down once more. It had felt odd without Kail’s bond thrumming right there along the others.

Kail: I will promise.

Titos turned his head on Alfrik’s chest and tilted slightly back. He had to move the man’s thick auburn beard in order to see his face.

“Thanks for your help with Kail,” Titos said.

Dark green kind eyes gleamed down at Titos for a brief second before once again roaming their surroundings.

It was truly hard not to be at ease out in the open when all of his keepers were so vigilant about his safety. Titos never had so many people care for him before. At times it felt overwhelming, and others he couldn’t imagine his life any other way.

Alfrik’s large, gruff hands gently caressed against Titos’s arm. “It was no problem. We all grew up in this culture, and it’s a lot to handle.”

Titos sighed. “It doesn’t help that I feel drawn to another edoli.”

Titos’s eyes found Gin with ease, his slender frame next to his sister. The jewelry around his arms glistened in the sunlight. He tucked his black hair behind an ear, and more jewelry glittered in the sunlight.

“Do you want him to join us?” Alfrik asked.

Titos couldn’t deny there was a pull. He felt along the breeze, allowing the little magic he did have out, and instantly it wrapped around Gin. The man turned, and their eyes locked as if he’d felt it. If it wasn’t for Alfrik’s arms around him, Titos would have closed the distance between them. That’s how strong the pull was. But it had been that way with each of his keepers, before he’d been too new at it all, but now that he’d bonded with five of them, it was harder to reason the feeling away.

Gin actually took a step toward them, but his sister stopped him, and the longing in Gin’s gold eyes hit Titos right in the heart. Would it be so bad if he added another keeper? At what point would he stop? But it wasn’t as if Titos felt a pull for every edoli he saw—that had to mean something, right?

Titos shook his head and finally broke the intense stare-off with Gin. He withdrew his magic once more and bottled it back up. Just because he felt the desire to bond with Gin didn’t mean he had to be a slave to it. But it was damn near impossible to ignore.

“Depends on what kind of person he is,” Titos said.

A deep chuckle rumbled up Alfrik’s chest, and it made Titos smile hearing it.


“He’s a flirt, that’s for sure, but more than that, he already looks at you as if you hold the key to happiness.”

Titos rolled his eyes. “That I don’t have, I can assure you.”

Alfrik softly grabbed Titos’s chin and turned his head. “I’d have to beg to differ on that.”

Titos’s heart skipped a few beats, and he audibly swallowed. He could almost imagine love shining back at him from Alfrik. Could it be possible? He banished the wandering thought instantly before any of his keepers felt it. Another day and time.

Titos smiled. Gin was interested that Titos could tell at least, but that wasn’t enough. There was a lot about Titos that was different, and Gin had to accept that first before anything happened, not that Gin asked to join them.

Mazki: He’s going to ask.

Titos: You sound so confident.

Mazki laughed through the bond.

Mazki: Of course. He keeps sneaking glances your way, thinking he’s subtle about it.

Seth: You are supposed to be keeping your eyes on our surroundings.

Mazki sighed through the bond, and Titos covered his mouth to hide his laughter.

Seth: I know you’re laughing over there, Titos.

Titos: Me? Never.

Seth: Adding him simply because he finds our dynamics interesting won’t be enough.

Titos nodded his head, even if his gaze was steadily drawn to Gin, and he wondered what type of edoli he’d be. He couldn’t blindly give in to his desires.

Adom: Agreed, but it ultimately rests in our master’s hands.

Titos: I’d prefer if everyone was okay with it first. No matter what my title is, I won’t be ruling over all of you as if you’re mindless bodies.

Alfrik hugged Titos even tighter.

Kail: I’m still a little unsure if I’m okay with it. I just may take a little more time.

Titos’s shoulders sagged a bit, and the heavy weight in his chest lessened slightly. Kail wasn’t unreasonable; he was willing to work with them. That’s all Titos could hope for at the moment.

Titos turned in Alfrik’s arms and placed a kiss to the man’s thin lips. The coarse hair of his beard tickled Titos’s face.

“Better get over there and be all kingly,” Titos said.

Alfrik smiled, and it lit up his face. “Of course, Master.”

Titos groaned, but he refrained from correcting Alfrik. They still had guests, and Titos knew the importance of looking the part. Even if he hated being called master. It felt as if he was more important than his keepers, but that was the furthest thing from the truth.

“Is this doable?” Adom asked.

Ginger fiddled with her bright green hair. “The overall territory only stretches to the city over, and the previous king already had a thin barrier placed there long ago. It could do with an update for King Titos.”

Thank goodness for Ginger. She wasn’t only the best asset ever, but she’d been around the territory a lot longer than any of them. Her knowledge was invaluable.

Kyo glanced Titos’s way. “I’m sorr—”

“Kyo,” Gin interrupted.

The siblings had an intense stare-off as Titos held his breath. If she decided they weren’t the risk, not only would he have to continue to not sleep with all of his keepers, but they’d be on high alert at all times. At least with a barrier, they’d have some type of added protection.

Liby walked over to the sibling pair, and Kyo’s shoulders rose instantly. Liby bent over slightly and whispered something in Kyo’s ear. Her eyes went right to Titos. He had no idea what Liby was telling the woman, but he could only hope it was in favor of a barrier.

Ginger made her way over to Titos, and she gave him a soft smile. “I just hope Liby doesn’t put her foot in her mouth.”

Titos cocked an eyebrow. Liby was cold and quiet. If anything, Titos was surprised she was talking at all. She mainly said nothing; she was more of a slice everything up type of person.

“Fingers crossed,” Titos said. He should get to know everyone better. He might have been new around there and entrusted into the role of king, but he still needed to give it his all.

“Are you in need of anything, Ginger? You do so much for us. I want to make sure you’re well taken care of.”

A deep red blush crept up Ginger’s round face, and her painted purple lips turned up in a huge grin. “No need for that. Thank you.” She dusted off fake lint from her blouse. “You have done more for me than anyone has ever done. I love my job, and I am truly grateful that you have allowed me to stay and work for you.”

Titos looped his arm with Ginger’s. She went a bit stiff but soon relaxed as Titos smiled at her. She wasn’t just his worker or the person who got everything done mysteriously. She was more like a mother.

“Don’t be afraid to tell me if you need anything, Ginger. If you need a day off, you got it. You work too hard sometimes.” Her eyes went soft and a little watery as she stared at Titos. “Don’t make me cry. I’m having a good makeup day.”

Titos placed a quick kiss on Ginger’s cheek. “I really am thankful for you. I doubt I’d be able to run half of the stuff you do.”

Ginger waved her hand in the air. “I do what I can so that you can focus on what you need to do. It’s a team effort.”

Wasn’t that the truth?Movement in his peripheral pulled Titos’s focus as Kyo and Gin made their way over toward them. Titos stood up straight once more. Liby walked past the siblings and moved to stand right behind Titos. He wondered what was said.

Adom: From what I could tell, there is definitely some history between Liby and Kyo, and she might have used it in our favor.

Titos bit his lip as his stomach tightened. Was that the right thing to allow? Liby shouldn’t have needed to use her personal life to get them what they needed, but the fact still stood they absolutely needed the barrier.

“After careful consideration, we might be able to take this job on,” Kyo said.

Titos glanced over to Gin and caught a charming smile from the man. It oddly helped put Titos’s nerves at ease.

“What are your terms?” Titos asked.

Adom moved closer to them, and he could feel all of his keepers through the bond, aware and waiting.

Kyo’s gaze swept up and down Titos and then roamed around him, only stopping briefly behind him where he knew Liby stood.

“I’m assured you are not like most rulers and that you don’t subject your edoli as the others do.”

Titos’s nodded. He’d been in the lower ranks of edoli society and knew firsthand how harsh it could be. He’d also seen families torn apart if an edoli who had the ability to shift was born into a family that were mainly hunters; they’d be stripped away to be raised with higher-standing edoli. Titos had no desire to do such things. He wasn’t mad with power.

Kyo sighed. “We are not affiliated with any house, but it is getting harder and harder to stay that way,” he said.

Gin rolled his eyes. “What my sister is beating around the bush about is we would like asylum here in exchange for the barrier.”

Kyo looked ready to punch her brother, but she plastered a smile on her face and nodded.

Adom: The trouble that they undoubtedly have will come looking for them.

Mazki: Eh, add it to the list of fuckers coming for us.

Seth: It is not that simple. We don’t know who or what is after them.

Titos listened to all of his keepers go back and forth as he stood there staring at Gin and Kyo. “What are you seeking asylum from?” Might as well get the biggest question out of the way.

Gin opened his mouth to answer, but Kyo covered his mouth and gave him a pointed look. “I get that you aren’t like others, and I can see that for myself a bit, but that doesn’t mean I trust a king.”

The word “king” held nothing but pure disdain. Seth growled, and Adom stepped closer. Titos could feel the frustration practically rolling off of Liby through their link. Everyone around him clearly took offense to how Kyo felt about rulers except Titos. He got it.

“Fair enough, but you are asking me to place my territory and my keepers in more danger. I’d prefer if it’s not unknown,” Titos said calmly.

Kyo’s hand had traveled down to her hip, resting on a weapon, Titos was sure. Gin, on the other hand, although clearly aware of everyone around him stayed perfectly still.

“That’s fair, but if you lack papers from the council, I’d say you’re already in a shit ton of trouble,” Kyo pointed out.

Kail: She isn’t wrong.

Seth growled through the bond, and Titos sighed.

Titos: Everyone, calm down. She is clearly wary.

“The council doesn’t know of our assistance yet,” Titos said. It was only a matter of time now, but he’d cross that bridge when he got there.

“Kyo,” Gin stressed.

Titos pulled on one of his curls. “I need a service from you, and you want the safety of my territory. All I’m asking is who you are running from. I prefer not being blind when someone comes to attack us.”

Kail: It’s a shit experience.

Titos wholeheartedly agreed. Kyo glanced over at her brother, and they seemed to have a wordless conversation. “Okay.” She looked anything but. “The Dehyrus house—it’s where we were born and spent years there locked away.”

Titos knew of the house. It was run by a king and said to be one of the largest territories. Unlike his native house, Dehyrus was known for its magic users. Made sense as to why Kyo was highly sought out—if she’d grown up in the Dehyrus house, then she’d learned from some of the best. Even the council sent their magic-using edoli to the famous territory to learn.

“Why?” Adom asked.

Kyo looked ready to murder him. “That is per—”

“Kyo if you want assistance, then you need to be open to it,” Liby pointed out.

Titos glanced over his shoulder. Liby stood there, straight-backed as always. He’d have to think of some way to thank her. He turned back to Kyo, but it was Gin who spoke.

“Edoli there who can use magical items are placed higher than any others. The king decided he’d only take magic users instead of the shifter type of edoli.” Gin side-eyed his sister. “And Kyo is the best at using defensive magical items because King Arlo declared that Kyo join his harem.”

Kyo rolled her eyes. “Literally. He didn’t just want me as a keeper but as some concubine.” Her eyebrows dipped, and her nose scrunched up.

Kail: I thought not everyone sleeps with their keepers?

Mazki: Yes, that is the case most times, but rulers have the right to demand it. Most don’t because they believe it below them.

Titos: They are staying.

There was no argument in the decision that was made. “Okay, thank you for telling me. You’re both free to stay here.” Titos glanced at Ginger as he was about to add to the woman’s workload. But the smile he received back told him she didn’t mind one bit. “If you would like to stay in the main house, that’s fine with me. I’m sure two spare rooms can be made available. If not, give Ginger a little time. She can find an available house somewhere in the territory.”

Ginger nodded with a smile on her face and her phone out. “Consider it done. The two spare bedrooms are on the second floor, and they are getting aired out currently.”

Adom: She is truly a hard worker.

Titos: Yes, we’d be knee-deep in bullshit if it wasn’t for her.

Kyo jutted out her chin and stared deeply into Titos’s eyes. He stood there unflinching as she came to terms with what he said.

“Thank you, we’d like that,” Gin said. He smirked and took the tiniest step toward Titos. “And I’d like to stay in the main house.”

Kyo’s shoulders dropped. “I’d like it in writing that you won’t force my brother or I into being your keepers or pledging to your house.”

Gin rolled his eyes.

“Okay, that’s fine,” Titos said. He shrugged. “I have no need or desire to force someone to be with me. You are free to leave whenever you want to. Both of you.”

Kyo still looked somewhat skeptical of Titos, but she nodded nonetheless and shook his offered hand.

“I’ll get started once everything is signed,” Kyo said.

“Give me about thirty minutes, and I will have all contracts ready to be signed,” Ginger said, already walking away with phone to ear.

“Ginger’s thirty minutes is more twenty tops. She just might surprise us in ten.” Titos watched the green-haired woman go before turning back to his guest.

“You are a stran—different kind of king,” Kyo said.

Titos: Am I strange?

Mazki: Yes, but it’s what makes you the best.

Kail: Hundred percent weird.

Seth: No, but you are different in a good way.

Alfrik: I like your strangeness.

Adom: You stand above the rest, is all.

All of his keepers basically agreed with Kyo’s assessment, but Titos didn’t think it was a bad thing that he was a bit odd. He wasn’t raised to be a ruler; it kind of just happened.