A Wolf Scorned by Taylor Spratt


Agiant of a man with shoulder length blond hair stood in front of my open closet. Everything about him looked raw and savage, from the thickness of his blond hair and beard, to the black tattoos that covered most of his neck and muscular arms.

He smelled of wolf but anyone who saw him would think he was a Viking. His striking blue eyes whipped in my direction and pierced me to the soul with their dark intensity.

Though rugged, his features were as manly as they were beautiful. He had a pointed nose, eyes that slightly tilted upward at the sides and cheekbones that went on for days.

The floorboard creaked under his impressive weight as he ventured toward me.

“Stop right there! I asked you what you're doing in my room and I won’t be asking you a second time.”

I inched away from the strange man, not taking my eyes off him for a second.

He just kept staring at me, as if stunned by my appearance. Did he realize he was the trespasser here?

“Please, do not fear me, Red Wolf. I have dreamed most of my life for the day I would meet you. I must say you are far more beautiful than I imagined you would be.” His deep and booming voice complimented his appearance, though he sounded more calm and well-mannered than I expected.

“Red Wolf?” I cocked my head to one side. “How do you know I’m a red wolf? Have you been spying on me or something?"

“No, well…..” He scratched his head. “Not you exactly. I was spying on the Blood Moon Alphas. I saw you shift at the witch Maxine’s cabin. I watched you run through the forest from afar.”

“Why were you spying on the Alphas?” I folded my arms and pursed my lips not liking where this was going.

“I am Ragnaron.” He folded both hands at his sides and looked skyward, pausing as if expecting me to fangirl over him.

“Erm, Ragna-who?”

His shoulders sank and his expression darkened as if he’d been wounded.

“Wait, wait a minute!” I hit my palm with my fist. “I’ve heard of you. You're the Alpha of the rival pack. Miles said you’ve been giving the Blood Moon shifters hell, taking over their packlands and killing the Sentinels. What’s your problem? What gives you the right to...”

“Just wait a minute, Amira. I can see they have poisoned your mind against me, but I promise you that they are the ones you should be afraid of. Not me.” He pointed at the bedroom door while taking a few brisk strides closer to me, his eyes beaming with fascination that only increased the closer he got to me.

“Wait, did you just say my name? How do you know my name?”

“I know more about you than you could ever know. For instance I know this red hair of yours is exceptionally rare for a wolf.” He combed his fingers through my hair, eyeing it as it wrapped around his digits. “Its every strand holds unimaginable power. And in wolf form it’s simply breathtaking.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep inhale of my hair. It was a reverent act, as if he were worshipping my hair, worshipping me.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You like red wolves.” I pulled away and my hair slipped through his fingers.

“There is only one red wolf and she is you.” His posture went rigid and his gaze fell to the floor. Under his breath he continued. “Just like your grandmother knew you would be.”

“What do you know about my grandmother?” I lunged for the man, latching onto his massive arm. “I’ve been asking everyone here if they know anything about her but all I’ve been getting is the run around.’’

“They don’t want you to know who you are. That is why they all lie to you.” He swung his hands outward to snatch my arms and I released his. His brows knitted as his voice grew louder. “They know damn well about your grandmother. Everyone knows about her, your grandmother and her entire history is quite famous.”

“Then can you tell me? I’ve been feeling so confused and incomplete. I mean how do I even have these damn powers? Why did my mother never tell me? Is my grandmother still alive?”

“The Bennet witches are some of the most powerful witches in the world. You are descended from them, Amira. I can tell you everything you want to know and more. All I ask is that you come with me.”

Ragnaron made a beeline for the window and jerked it wide open. He stuck his head out to make sure the coast was clear before bringing it back. “Come away from these liars. I will keep you safe. I will tell you everything they so selfishly kept from you. Let me be the first Alpha to treat you with the respect you truly deserve.”

His eyes were gentle, his voice earnest and true. He held out a hand to me and something deep inside of me burned with need. The need to find out who I truly was.

But something about this was all wrong. I’d never met this man. I couldn't just go with him. And as much as I hated to admit it, I really liked Miles and I didn’t hate Syrus and Callum enough to just run off with their mortal enemy.

“I can’t. I-well. It’s too soon,” I blurted, shrinking away from his hand.

“It’s not safe for you to here, don’t you see? I can protect you from them.”

He marched up to me, the gentle smile reaching his eyes. He enveloped my body with his arms and hugged me delicately.

His sweet earthy scent mixed with mine, sending goosebumps raising all over my body. My delicate flesh tingled from his soothing touch.

“So long. I’ve dreamt of this day for so long. You are everything I imagined you would be. My red wolf.” He whispered and his crystal blue eyes almost seemed to twinkle.

I didn’t understand what this dude was talking about. But man, was there something mesmerizing about his eyes and his body, his beard, tattoos. Everything about him was mesmerizing.

“Leave these ‘blood moon’ losers behind.” His hold around my waist tightened and he tilted his head down toward mine. “Be my Alpha female.”

Before I knew what hit me, his lips crushed over mine and we shared a deep and passionate kiss. My toes curled and my heart galloped in my chest like a championship racehorse. This was more than just a kiss, it was devotion and possession.

The hot, movement of his lips only whet my appetite for more. I returned his kiss with absent-minded fervor and with every desperate nibble I took from his lower lip, my body’s need grew more relentless.

The bedroom door flew open, the sound of it crashing into the wall, forcing me back to earth.

“I thought I smelled a rat!” Callum growled.

I broke my lips away from Ragnaron’s and his arm fell from around me.

Callum, Syrus, and Miles stood in the doorway, visibly stunned by what they’d just seen. They glared at Ragnaron with murder in their eyes.

“How dare you touch her!” Miles roared.

“I’m going to rip your fucking throat out,” Syrus added, balling his fist at his side.

“You really must have a death wish coming here alone, Ragnaron,” Callum said through gritted teeth, as his entire body trembled with anger. “How did you get past the Sentinels guarding the peripheries of our lands?”

“Wasn’t that hard,” Ragnaron said in a smug tone. A fiendish grin tugged up at his lip. “Me and my Betas came in on motorcycles. We used smoke bombs to mask our scent.”

“Why?” Syrus grunted.

“Well, I just had to meet this lovely little she-wolf you've had locked up in here.” Ragnaron’s eyes explored my body and he bit his lower lip. “I’ve heard of locking away a beautiful damsel in a tower but isn’t this a little cliché, boys?”

“Get away from her!” Miles yelled before raging forward and blocking Ragnaron from me with his body.

“I’m not giving up on her. She’s mine now,” Ragnaron snarled baring his fangs. His blue eyes shone as if a fire had been lit behind them.

“Over my dead body,” Miles said.

“If you want her so badly. You're going to have to fight for her.” Ragnaron strode forward to bump his chest into Miles. A bold move that would have frightened a smaller man. But Miles was almost as big as Ragnaron and just as brave.

“Fine by me,” Miles replied.

Ragnaron took a step to the side and shot me a wink. Then in the blink of an eye he shifted into an enormous grey wolf and fell on his paws. He stared down Miles, Syrus, and Callum then howled his challenge so that Goddess Selene herself could hear.

With that he turned and sprang out the window.

The three men looked at one another, making their silent agreement before nodding.

“I know what you're all thinking and you can’t. It’s too dangerous. You can’t shift.” I pushed Miles in his chest to get his attention before staring daggers at Callum and Syrus. “He’s trying to draw you out. Can’t you see that?”

“His challenge has already been accepted and we cannot allow him to get away. Today Ragnaron draws his last breath.” Callum shifted, his body taking on the form of an enormous and beautiful white wolf.

Kicking off the ground so hard the floor shook, he catapulted himself out the window.

“What will happen if you lose control and go feral? You could end up killing each other, you won’t even know what you're doing anymore.” I turned from Miles to face Syrus. “You're still injured. Have you forgotten that?”

“We have no choice, Amira,” Syrus said before pulling away from me. He and Miles both shifted to their wolves. The pair were a beautiful mixture of black and white.

Shaking the ground in their wake, the two powerful wolves leapt out the window after Callum.

“Wait! Can’t you see how dangerous this is?” I ran to the window and peered through it. Ragnaron and two wolves I’d assumed were his Betas faced off against the guys. There was so much fighting and scratching, I could barely tell which wolf was which.

Until something gave it away. Something so terrifying it left a dark stain on my soul. Callum, Syrus, and Miles's wolves had piercing red eyes while the others did not.

They looked as though they were going insane, their wolves lashing in haphazard and jagged movements on the battle ground. Worst of all, the cries of their wolves pierced my mind so clearly it might as well have been my own wolf. They were in unspeakable and excruciating pain.

The evil compulsion of the curse was tearing them apart, both body and soul. I didn’t know which side had the advantage in this battle but I knew one thing for damn sure.

If I didn’t stop this fight, Callum, Miles, and Syrus’s wolves wouldn't live to see nightfall.