A Wolf Scorned by Taylor Spratt


When Ragnaron broke into Blood Moon territory yesterday and challenged Callum, Miles, and Syrus to a battle, I saw the full extent of the Blood moon curse. It was heartbreaking to hear the cries of wolves in agonizing pain and inner turmoil.

Something inside of me was set loose then, something I couldn’t fully explain. It was like an ancient entity possessed me, giving me power unlike I’d ever known. With that power I broke the curse on Callum, Syrus, and Miles.

I left like a total bad-ass, swooping in and saving the day. I’d finally awakened my full power, I’d finally become the fearless and kick-ass woman I’d always felt I was inside.

At least that’s what I'd thought. Today, I’m starting to think otherwise. I’d been out here on the front lawn of the Alpha’s cabin all morning, trying to break the curse on over a dozen pack members.

I’d done exactly what I did yesterday, put my hand to their foreheads while they were in wolf form. But for some reason the light that enveloped my body yesterday never came. Where did my new power go?

One by one, the wolves who’d shifted in the hopes of being cured, were all taken away, growling and snapping their jaws in the same cursed madness they’d always had.

Instead of being freed like the Alphas, they were all taken into the basement to be locked in cages until they wore themselves out and shifted back to human form. And I was the one who had failed them.

“Cheer up, Amira. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Miles handed me a glass of lemonade and I guzzled it down, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

Miles and I watched as a growling, mad wolf was taken away by two tall, strong men and carried through the cabin door.

“My powers worked so well yesterday. I just don’t get it.” I handed the empty glass back to Miles and he laid his hand on my shoulder.

“We will figure it out. Don’t stress, kid.” He rubbed his hand over my head making an unholy mess of my hair.

“Hey,” I playfully threw his hand off.

“Amira needs some rest. Go home for now and you will be called again later for another try,” Callum announced and the last remaining Sentinels said their goodbyes and left the yard.

Miles, Callum, and Syrus made a circle around me, and their tall bulky bodies completely blocked out all light as they conversed.

“It seems that so far your powers only work on us,” Callum nodded in contemplation.

“So, you know what this means, right?” A creepy smile formed on Syrus's face as he spoke. His eyes were glued to mine and I didn’t like where this was going one bit.

“No,” I shook my head.

“It means more training time with your favorite Alphas!” Syrus cheered, throwing his hands into the air.

“God save me,” I mumbled.

Callum took a deep breath and his eyes shifted from Syrus's to mine. “I am in agreement. This is the only way to increase your power. Then one day soon, you will be strong enough to break the curse completely.”

“Excuse us. Alpha Callum….” Two girls, looking around my age, came up and tugged at Callum’s shirt. They wore brightly colored sundresses and smiled warmly. “May we please speak to Miss Amira?”

One of them pointed directly between my eyes and all I could say was, “What? You want to talk to me?”

“Yes! Oh yes, please. We would love to. I mean, well if you have the time,” the taller of the two girls chirped, her eyes bright with unexplained excitement.

“You may proceed,” Callum said, turning to the side before casually waving for them to enter our circle.

“Miss Amira. My name is Holly,” the taller of the two said before jumping right up into my face. She put a hand on the girl beside her. “And this is my friend, Margaret. We’re huge fans.”

“Huge fans!” Margaret piped up. She then bounced from one leg to the other like she couldn’t contain her excitement.

“So, anyway. Here.” Holly pulled three rectangular pieces of paper from her dress pocket and held them out in front of me. “Those are concert tickets. The Dragon Scales are playing in the city next week. Will you go with us? Please? Please? Please?”

“I-um, sure.” I took the tickets, tilting my head and tucking my hair behind my ear.

What was going on here? The last time I’d been around the pack in the square, they all looked at me with such hatred, so why were these girls being so nice all of a sudden?

“Yaay! We can’t wait! See you around, Miss Amira.” Both girls bubbled,strolling off and talking to each other.

“Miss Amira, Miss Amira!” Another girl waved as she approached. She wore jeans and a cute pink tank top, and just like the first two girls, she was all smiles for some reason. “ Some friends and I are going to the theme park on Friday. Would you like to come with us?”

She took my hand and shook it vigorously.

“Theme park?” I replied

What is the world is that?

“Oh no you don’t, Sasily. I was just about to invite Miss Amira to dinner on Friday night.”

A tall redhead, and a rather muscular looking blonde girl popped out of nowhere and shoved the girl in the tank top to the side.

“Miss Amira. You should come to dinner with me and my friends. We’ll show you a good time. One you’ll never forget.”

“Oh- okay, thanks,” I said and before I knew what was even happening the three girls started fist fighting right in front of me. They’d fallen to the grass and wrestled one another like their wolves had taken over.

“Well, aren't you popular these days, little wolf. If you keep this up you might make me jealous,” Syrus mused.

“You two cut it out this instant!” Callum roared and the girls shot to their feet. “How disgraceful for three ladies of my pack to behave this way.

“Sorry, Alpha Callum.” They bowed their heads and scurried away before they incurred anymore of Callum’s wrath.

“Don’t you think that was a little harsh?” Syrus glanced over at Callum, and Callum’s nostrils flared at the accusation.

“Are you questioning my leadership style?” Callum asked as he and Syrus began bickering like children.

“Okay, let’s give those two some space.” Miles led me a few feet away from the feuding Alphas and closer to the cabin.

“Miles, why is everyone treating me so differently?”

Miles laughed as if I’d told him a joke. “Isn’t it obvious? You’re the powerful half-witch who broke a curse that no one else has ever been able to. Once word got around, you’ve been all everyone in the pack’s been talking about. You're like a celebrity now.”

“A celebrity? Me?” Never once in my life did I ever think it was possible for me to actually be popular. I’d never had more than one friend since the day I was born.

“Yes, Amira. You’ve brought hope back to the pack. And you may not have noticed but...” Miles took a deep breath. “We haven’t had the luxury of hope around here for a while. You’ve come and changed everything.”

Miles’ eyes met mine and a myriad of emotions shone from the beautiful hazel color.

“Amira,” he leaned in close to my ear and whispered in a deep soothing voice. Hot desire rolled off his tongue as he spoke.

He gently bit my delicate lobe and my heart jumped. The warm tip of his tongue traced the rim of my ear and my legs turned to fucking jello.

“Amira,” he whispered once more and my pussy clenched, compelled by the power of his voice.

“Hiya. We’re not interrupting anything are we?” A feminine voice ripped me from my sensual haze and I leapt away from Miles.

“Nope, you aren’t.” Two girls stood looking right at me. My cheeks were hot and I prayed they weren’t red enough to give away what had just happened between Miles and I.

Miles’s eyes darted in every direction, his expression looking more than a little embarrassed. “Well then, I um. I’ll let you ladies chat. We’ll talk later, Amira.”

With that, Miles disappeared through the cabin doors.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Amira, I’m Mandi,” a tall, angelic looking girl said. She had short, platinum blonde hair and her silver eyes were so striking they demanded attention.

“And I’m Kalisia,” the girl beside her said. She was equally lovely, with smooth mahogany skin, her jet black hair short and refined. Her eyes tilted up at either side to give her an almost fox-like appearance. Her smile was the real showstopper, though. It shone like the light from the sun, making her appear more goddess than wolf.

“It’s nice to meet the two of you,” I said.

“No need to be so formal,” Mandi glanced about the yard seeming to check if we were being watched. “You're looking at your new best friends after all.”

“My new best friends?”

“Exactly! And let me just say I’m loving your outfit. It’s so unusual, it’s chic.” Kalisia trailed around me, scanning me from the top of my long sleeved button up blouse to the bottom of my denim skirt.

“Oh, I just found this in my closet. It’s nothing special.”

“Your closet?” Mandi’s brow rose with curiosity and she spoke so fast you could hardly tell where one word stopped and the other began. “You mean your closet in the Alpha’s cabin? That closet?”

“Yeessssss,” I said, drawing out the word suspiciously.

“You’re so lucky!” Kalisia groaned as she cupped her elbows and swung her body from side to side. “What’s it like living with MH3?”


“Well ye-aaah. The Mega Hot Three. Alpha Callum, Alpha Syrus, and Beta Miles, of course,” Kalisia said.

Of course that was their nickname. Made sense that I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

“Well…” I pinched my chin and glanced skyward. “I suppose it’s just like living anywhere.”

“What?!” Kalisia exclaimed, placing her hand over her lips.

“You couldn’t be more wrong,” Mandi came in close and whispered conspiratorially. “You're the first and only she-wolf who’s ever been allowed to live in the Alpha’s cabin. So yeah, it’s a big freaking deal.”

“So why don’t we get to the good stuff,” Kalisia said. “Is it true that Alpha Callum keeps a collection of severed heads under his bed?”

“Well, Callum can be a bit much to deal with, but I don’t think even he would have a stack of heads under his bed.”

“OMG! You just called him ‘Callum.' I wish I could get away with that.” Mandi was wide-eyed with wonder as if I’d done something salacious.

Taking her turn next, Mandi held both her palms out in front of her and straightened her back. “Okay, okay, so is it true that Beta Miles lets all sorts of wild creatures live in his bed and closet?”

“Nah, not Miles. He keeps them in cages,” I explained. “Though when I really think about it, I wouldn't put it past him to let them roam free in his room from time to time.”

Both girls squealed and giggled.

“Okay, Amira. That settles it. We simply have to exchange phone numbers.” Mandi pulled a small black device from her pocket and started tapping away at it. “Do you have Whatsapp?”

Both girls tapped away at their devices but I hadn’t a clue what to say. I’d only just made some new friends. I didn’t want them to think I was weird or backward for not having a clue what they were talking about. So I just nodded.

“Great, so you have your phone on you?” Kalisia asked before seeming to realize something. “Oh wait, you're from the hole right? They don’t have phones down there, do they?”

I just nodded, hoping they wouldn't ask me anything about the hole. That would be the one thing that could ruin what was otherwise a pretty nice day.

“Beta Miles, when are you gonna give Amira her own phone? How can you have this poor girl walking around without a phone?” Kalisia yelled out and Miles blushed, visibly embarrassed from being publicly called out.

“I’ll get her a phone tomorrow,” Miles called out before slinking off into the trees.

“Thanks, Miles,” I called after him.

Mandi shot me a devilish little grin, and Kalisia joined it with a mischievous wrinkle of her eyes as she looked at me.

“Are you open for one last question?” Kalisia asked.

“It depends,” I said, feeling a tad suspicious about what was coming next.

“Oh come on. It’s all in good fun.” Mandi patted me on the back encouragingly. “Do you have a thing for one of the Alphas? And if so, which one do you like best?”

“Come on, you can tell us.” Kalisia playfully poked at my shoulder.

Thoughts of my more interesting encounters with the three he-wolves came flooding to mind. Callum almost made me cum with just his knee. Syrus brought me to the edge of temptation more than once, and Miles and I sucked each other's lips off.

I did have a thing for them and not just one. I was attracted to all three of them. But I couldn’t say that out loud. They’d think I was nuts.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” I said, trying to seem more interesting without giving away my secrets.

“Have you ever, you know? Done it with one of them?” Kalisia asked, and Mandi slapped her on the wrist.

“You can’t ask her that. It’s rude,” Mandi scolded.

The two girls bickered and I imagined what it would be like if I really did have sex with one of the men. There’d be so many rock hard abs. I bet they’d be huge down there, too. Like a stone pillar.

“Dominion to space. You still with us, Amira?” Kalisia asked.

“No, I haven’t done anything with the Alphas.”

“Well, it’s never too late to have a little fun, you know. I’d aim for Alpha Callum if I were you.” Mandi elbowed me in the side and winked. “The rough, tough, mean ones are always the best in bed.”

“I hope you girls are not bothering Amira with any inappropriate questions,” Callum called out, his voice sounding more menacing than normal.

“Crap, did he hear us? Damn their Alpha super hearing.” Mandi poked her foot into the ground before turning to wave at Callum. “Sorry, Alpha Callum!”

“You girls had better get home. Preparations for the dance are about to start,” Syrus said to Mandi and Kalisia.

“What dance?” I asked.

Syrus beamed what had to be the warmest and most genuine smile I’d ever seen on the man. “It’s a little shindig we’re throwing tonight to celebrate you for what you’ve done for us.”

Callum left Syrus's side to march in my direction. His expression was firm and his posture rigid.

“We’ll come pick you up later and we’ll go to the dance together, okay?” Mandi said and she and Kalisia briskly excused themselves, seeming to want to get as far away from Callum as they could.

“I wanted to talk to you about something important.” Callum’s shoulders slumped as if he were hesitant or even unsure of what he wanted to say. “This is not easy for me to say. But I was wrong about you. Your power is incredible and you have brought us hope again. For that I am truly grateful.”

Callum folded his arm over his chest and bent down on one knee. This was the ultimate show of respect. For an Alpha to bring his head lower than another was almost unheard of.

Syrus gave Callum a rip-roaring round of applause and I accepted his apology in the traditional way, by curtseying.

Callum rose to his feet, resuming his impressive and towering stature. “One day soon, the curse will be completely broken. Of that I have no doubt, and when that day comes you will be free to go, if you wish, or you may stay and call yourself a Blood moon shifter. Whatever you decide, I will accept.”

Syrus nodded in full agreement with Callum's words.

This was the best opportunity I had ever had to finally get my biggest questions answered. Since coming to this place and learning about my witch heritage. I had felt like there was a hole within me that desperately needed to be filled. Only by learning who I truly am, would I ever be able to find lasting peace and happiness.

“There is one thing I would love if you could do for me, Callum.”

“Name it.”

“Could you please just tell me something about my family? Not knowing who I really am makes me feel so incomplete.”

Callum smiled down at me and his smile made his eyes wrinkle at the sides.

In a calm and patient voice he said, “Do not worry about such things. They are in the past. Look to the future.”

Callum turned to reveal three dozen pack members who’d only just arrived. They bore bouquets of flowers and baskets filled with fruit.

“More of your fans are here to see you,” Callum said, leaving me to the happy newcomers.

They greeted me with open arms, eagerly shaking my hand, and handing me more gifts than I could carry.

Children handed me necklaces and I happily accepted their gifts and the praises from their parents.

They were all so kind. This place was becoming one that I thought, maybe, I could find a real home in. One where I would have friends and be truly happy.

But there was one big problem with all of this. It all felt like a dream that was too good to be true. Ragnaron had warned me that Callum, Miles, and Syrus were hiding something from me. Something that would change the way I looked at them forever.

Callum went on his knees to apologize to me and still he would not answer my questions. He was obviously hiding something from me.

There was only one choice left for me now. I had to find a way to make the Alphas tell me the truth about my family. Tonight’s pack party was where I’d do it. There would be drinks aplenty. With a little prodding from yours truly, one of them was bound to have a little slip of the tongue.

Watch out boys, Detective Bennett was on the case.