A Wolf Scorned by Taylor Spratt


Iwas born to be Wolf Alpha Supreme. There are none stronger than me, none faster. My bite is feared from the great Mount Andal to Lake Dominosa and my word is law to the thousands who follow me.

From the days of my father’s rule, there had only ever been one group to rival us. One breed of mongrels so treacherous they would dare defy our superiority. These were the Blood moon shifters.

I was raised with the single-minded goal of ruling the wolf shifter world. And in pursuit of this noble goal both of my parents died. I swore on their graves that where they had failed I would not. This was why the Blood moon shifters had to fall, there could be only one.

Through the nights of my childhood, I dreamt of only two things. One was ruling as Alpha Supreme and the other was her, the red wolf. I’d thought her a thing of legend, a creature of such beauty she could only exist in my dreams. But from the moment I saw her, I knew she would be mine and those damn Blood moon shifters would never keep me from claiming her.

“Alpha Ragnaron!” One of my Betas, Jason, barged through the marble double doors and busted into my throne chambers.

I’d almost forgotten how long I’d been sitting here on my throne, with my mind lost in space.

“What is it, Jason? Can’t you see I’m busy?” I slumped over to hold my chin in my palm, with my elbow on the arm rest.

Instead of buzzing off, Jason marched over the Persian carpet and came right up to the throne, until his oversized body completely blocked out the chandelier light.

“Alpha Ragnaron, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but we have to talk about our loss to the Blood moon shifters the other day.”

My blood boiled at the mere mention of the word ‘loss’.

“That was a tiny setback and nothing more!” I growled.

“I know, Alpha. But if you had merely killed the red wolf when you snuck into her chambers, then she wouldn’t have broken the curse on the Alphas and that Beta. Our informants on the inside say she’s trying to break the curse on the rest of the pack. What if she succeeds? What if they…”

“Jason!” I shot him a look so deadly I no longer heard him breathing. He moved away from my throne as sweat trailed down his face. “What did I tell you about the red wolf?”

“That she- that she’s yours,” he stammered.

“Good boy, now if I hear a word about killing her again, your blood will wash the floors of this room. Do you understand?”

He merely nodded, too ashamed to speak.

“I will do anything to claim her as mine. Once she is here, she will be my alpha female and then she will not be able to break any more curses for those wretched Blood moon shifters.”

“Brilliant plan.” Jason kneeled at my feet. “May I ask what your plan is to acquire her, Alpha?”

The smell of dirt and root crops spilled into the room and my lips tugged up into a grin.

“You’re about to find out. I think my plan has just arrived.” I flicked a finger at the door. “Go out and show our guest inside.”

He went outside and when he returned, he was with a rough, grizzled man with messy black hair and a blocky forehead. He stank of dirt and moss so strongly, the scent rolled off him in waves and irritated my sensitive nose.

“I trust your trip from the hole was a pleasant one, Alpha Logan?” I rose from my throne to greet the man.

Alpha Logan walked into the room, stopping halfway between my throne and the door. His brows knitted up and his face twisted into a tight scowl.

“I heard you have some news that I would be interested in, Alpha Ragnaron. That’s the only reason I dropped what I was doing and rushed over here.”

“I know, and I appreciate you rushing. Would you like a drink? You must be thirsty after such a long trip.” I gestured for Jason to bring something to drink but Logan raised his palm.

“No thanks, I haven't the time. You see my mate's run away. I’ve been tracking her for two weeks now with no success.” He squeezed his fists tight, looking half ready to punch a wall.

“That is exactly what I wanted to speak about.” I flung myself in my chair, pulled out a large piece of parchment from under the seat, and showed it to him.

It was the warrant he’d spread far and wide, offering a reward for anyone who could give information that would lead to Amira’s safe capture.

Logan blinked rapidly, his eyes unbelieving.

“Wait, so you mean you know where she is? Saints alive! Goddess Selene, you truly do work miracles!” He looked skyward, offering praise to his Goddess before his sights landed back on me.

“Indeed, I do know where she is. This mate of yours has been causing me quite a bit of trouble. As we speak, she is aiding my sworn enemies with a nefarious plot against me.” I dropped the warrant to the ground and gave a bitter groan.

“What? Amira Bennet? Helping your enemies? How could that be possible? She’s just a lowly half-breed.”

Listening to this man speak about my Red Wolf in such a manner made me want to strangle him where he stood. But I resisted. I needed him for my plan to get her in my grasp.

“Well, this Amira Bennett of yours is indeed the woman I am talking about. She is being held at the Alpha’s cabin in the Blood moon shifter pack lands. She has her own cozy little bedroom there and everything, just down the hall from the two Alphas.”

“You mean to tell me…” Logan struggled to form words against how tightly he now grinded his teeth together. “…that my mate-my property is shacking up with two other men?”

“Three, actually. A Beta lives there as well,” I casually threw in.

His face looked so red it was fit to burst a blood vessel.

“Where is she?” he rasped before driving his foot into the ground.

“The cabin is about sixty miles north of here.” I pointed out the window to the left of the throne room. “But I wouldn't recommend you go barging in there, fangs blazing. The Blood moon shifters are more than formidable.”

“You expect me to just leave her there?”

“Quite the contrary. I want you to take her back to the hole just as badly as you do,” I lied, stroking my fingers over my armrest. “As far as I am concerned, the sooner you take her back, the better.”

He nodded, soaking up my every word like a sponge. The fool actually believed me. He actually thought I was going to let him lay a hand on her? I struggled not to laugh.

“You and I should make a deal,” I continued.

“A deal? What kind?” He tossed his head to the side.

“Yes, we both want to get her away from the Blood moon shifters. So, if you could just help me capture her, you can take her home and she will no longer be able to help my enemies. It’s a win-win.”

“A win-win, huh?” Logan’s deep, rowdy laugh spread about the room like a swarm of bees. “I like the sound of that.”

I rose from my throne to walk over and shake the big fool’s hand.

Hook, line, and sinker.

“Excellent, so do you have any useful information on the girl that I can use to lure her in with? Maybe her likes or dislikes?”

“Likes or dislikes, huh?” He scratched his chin, glancing off to the side before continuing, “No I ain't got any of that. But I’ll do you one better.”

Logan lifted a finger, gesturing for me to wait as he left the room and returned with a very disgruntled-looking woman.

She had long black dreadlocks and her blouse and jeans had enough scratches running through them that it was clear she wasn’t here of her own accord.

“Take your hands off me. I’ll never help you catch her. Just leave her alone!” the girl screamed at Logan and then breathed heavily as she looked at the room around her and then at me in despair.

Logan held a tight grip on her arm, one that she resisted by continually yanking at it to no avail.

“This fiery little lady is one of my Beta’s pups. She’s also Amira’s best friend. She’ll tell you what you need to know. Go on, Riley.” Logan shook the girl’s arm, making her hair flap about. “What does Amira like most?”

I listened keenly, only to watch the girl spit directly at my feet.

“Up yours, asshole. I’m not talking.” She turned her face aside.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Um, I don’t know. Maybe because you look evil as hell? And besides, I’d never do that to my best friend.”

I took a step closer to the girl, coming right up in her face. I sized her up from head to toe. She tried to step back, but Logan would not allow her to, holding her firmly in place.

“It doesn’t matter. You don’t need to tell me anything,” I said.

“I don’t?” She blinked.

“She doesn’t?” Logan asked, seeming confused.

I turned away from them and strolled back toward my throne, before falling into the seat and crossing my legs.

“No she doesn’t, but she will help us to get the girl nonetheless. I’ve got a plan.”