Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 19

“Iwouldn’t touch you if you were the last man on Earth,” she spat the words at him. Her whole stance was rigid.

This was going from bad to worse. Why was the female angry with him? He didn’t get it. He had saved her from a bad situation. Didn’t she see that? “I’m not a man, I’m a Feral.” His voice was a deep rumble. That was half the problem; she assumed, somehow, that Feral males were the same as men. Ferals were base creatures at heart.

“Same thing.”

“It’s not the same, Doctor, not even close.” Rage simmered just below the surface. He couldn’t believe the nerve of that male. Reece would not stand by and watch Shard trample over everything all over again. That bastard wanted to take advantage of Hope, plain and simple. The doctor was too kind…far too sweet. Hope couldn’t see what an asshole he was. She was going through a tough time. She didn’t know what she wanted herself. Letting Shard mount her would be a mistake. One he could not allow to happen.

Reece would look after her and ensure her happiness above all else. That her needs were met and in every way. Technically, the king had asked this of him, not Shard or any of the others. That prick could go straight to hell! He was not getting this female. “If you want sex so badly,” he closed the space between them, “I will be the male to give it to you.” It was a simple solution. Why hadn’t he thought of it earlier? They could’ve spent the night together. He could’ve accepted her advances.

If he was the one to mount her, he could control when and where it happened. He wouldn’t let his guard down. Not for a minute. She wasn’t interested in a relationship, so he could keep emotions out of the equation.

Reece expected her to reach up and put her lips on his, or perhaps give a coy smile. Instead, he was met with a scowl. Her blue eyes turned stormy.

“Don’t do me any favors!” She rolled her eyes and turned around, picking up her things. “I cannot believe you would even suggest such a thing.”

Confusion hit. What was wrong now? She had offered him sex last night. All of a sudden, she didn’t like the idea. “Fine! Go to Shard…or any of the others. It—”

She turned around so suddenly he took a step back. Reece had not known that humans could move quite that quickly. Then she threw something at him. It hit him square in the middle of his chest. “What was that for? Why are you so angry? You wanted sex. I’m offering to give it to you. I might not have any recent experience, but I have not forgotten how to please a female, if that is your fear.”

She groaned and scrubbed a hand over her face, looking at the floor for a few moments before locking eyes with him. “That isn’t my fear. I’m sure you’re quite capable.”

That was a relief.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked. “Although I can guess,” she muttered to herself, folding her arms.

Had she not heard him? “You want sex, Dr. Bristol. You mentioned that you were attracted to me. That is why I am doing it. I will give you what you need.”

Hope sighed. “You’re a lost cause.” She picked up the object at his feet. He noted that it was a book. Then she started towards the house. Her jaw was set. Her whole stance radiated anger.

“Wait,” Reece called after her. “I don’t understand. I thought you wanted to have sex with me.”

“I thought so too but it turns out I was wrong.” She didn’t turn back as she spoke, so he followed her into the living room.

“I still don’t understand. Are you so enamored with Shard? Is that it? After seeing him, you don’t want me anymore? Do you want him instead?” His voice became deep. His whole stance tightened.

She growled as she turned around. Her eyes were blazing. “For the last time, I am not a Feral. I’m not wired to have sex with a whole lot of guys. I liked you yesterday and today it’s Shard. Tomorrow it might be someone different. Then it’ll be back to you… No! That’s not me.” She touched her chest. “I’m attracted to you. At least I was attracted to you when I thought you were a nice guy. When I thought you wanted me too. I thought we could have something that could be mutually beneficial. A working relationship during office hours and plenty of sex at night for as long as we’re both into it. It turns out that I was wrong.”

“I am a nice male.”

“Nice?” She snorted. “You’re so far from nice it’s crazy. You’re a control freak.”

“I am nice,” he growled. “I’m honest. I have honor.” He beat a fist against his chest. “I also try to do what’s right. I have your best interests at heart. I am attracted to you, Hope. I’m greatly attracted to you, but I don’t want to take advantage of you while you are in a vulnerable state.” He felt everything in him bristle and tighten. “I certainly don’t want a male like Shard taking advantage. He was once my best friend. Trust me when I tell you that he doesn’t have your best interests at heart. He only thinks about himself. He has plenty of experience with human females. He wouldn’t misunderstand you as much as I do but—”

“Stop there. I’m not interested in Shard or anyone else. I’m attracted to you, Reece. Only you. I don’t want a relationship, but I also don’t want to sleep with other guys. I don’t know if that makes sense, but that’s where I am at this point in my life. As to being vulnerable…thanks for caring, but I’m a grown-ass woman who can make my own decisions. I know what I want and what I don’t want. I realize that this would be rebound sex. So what? Loads of people have sex to get over bad marriages. There’s a saying,” she scrunched up her nose in thought, looking sexy as anything, “you have to get under someone to get over someone…or something like that. It was just a thought I had. Probably not a very good one. My thinking was that it could be beneficial to both of us. You could learn about human women and I could—”

“Please stop there…” Her cheeks were a bright rosy pink. Her skin was slightly browned from lying in the sun. That flowery dress looked amazing on her. This would complicate things, but he was doing it. It had been a very long time since he’d wanted something this badly…or someone this badly. It was mutual. It was perfect. “I want you under me, Hope. I want you under me so badly, I—”

Hope dropped her book and jumped into his arms. His mouth closed over hers, his hands gripped her ass. Fuck! It was one hell of an ass. He groaned into her mouth, his tongue toying with hers.

Hope pushed herself against him. All of her softness mashed against him. She whimpered, and his hard cock pressed up against her belly.

He gripped her ass a little tighter. Then he dipped his head down and nipped at her throat. “I want you…so badly. I can’t think straight…”

“Yes…we need to hurry,” she murmured.

Blast and damn!“Locke will be home soon. I’m a fool for waiting this long.” They were walking toward the bedroom. Reece still had his hands on her ass. She was walking backward. He was maneuvering her to where he wanted her…namely, his bed. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, pushing her up against the wall in the hallway, pressing himself against her. His mouth found the pulse at the base of her throat. He breathed in her scent while he kissed her neck.

Hope hooked a leg around his thigh. Her breathing was rapid. He could feel the thrum of her pulse against his mouth.

Reece cupped a hand over her snatch. He rubbed in the vicinity of her nub. Hope’s eyes flew open and she moaned.

Good, she liked that. He figured that human females would be much the same as Feral females, but he wasn’t entirely sure. He tried again, rubbing with one finger.

Her mouth fell open and she made a little noise of frustration, even though it was laced with pleasure. Reece reached under her dress, stroking her through the thin snatch-covering. She moaned and arched into him.

He yanked the fabric aside, looking into her eyes. Reece ran a finger over her seam. “Wet,” he whispered.

“Yes…” Her eyes fluttered closed, and her head fell back as he rubbed his fingertip over her swollen nub, using her own juices as lubrication. “Oh…that feels good… Oh…”

Reece pushed a finger into her, and she groaned low, her mouth opened in an ‘O’.

“So tight.” He swallowed thickly. She was going to feel amazing on the end of his prick. “I’m not sure…um…what you need. It has been a long time since I was last with a female, and I…I have no experience with humans.”

“This is a good start.” Her voice was strained. Her hips rocked against his hand. “An amazing start.”

He didn’t want to assume. “Do you like sex on all fours…on your knees? Would you prefer that?”

“I don’t have a preference…oh…oh…” He was thrusting a little deeper, moving his hand faster. “I don’t mind either…ooohhh…way.” Her breathing was ragged.

“What about my mouth on you?” His balls pulled tight just thinking about tasting her.

“That would be—” She sucked in a sharp breath as he put his thumb onto her nub, still fingering her. “Oh, god… Oh!” she moaned loudly. “I would love…love…oh…your mouth…your fingers are amazing too. Your mouth…ohhhh...” She was rocking harder against his hand. Her mouth was open a little, and her eyes were hazy. Her voice was laced with pleasure. Husky and yet high-pitched.

“I’m sure I will need to be very careful. You’re so soft and tender.”

“No!” She gripped his arms. “I want hard sex. Don’t be soft and tender.” Her eyes looked a touch panicked. Why would she panic at the thought of tender sex? He thought it would be the other way around. Reece definitely didn’t understand humans…not at all.

He stopped moving. “You are a delicate human. It would not—”

She was panting a little. Two lines had appeared between her eyes as she frowned. “Listen, Reece, don’t hold back. Take me like you would any other woman. I won’t break…I swear. I don’t want soft and tender. We’re having fun. I promise, I’ll let you know if I’m not happy with something.”

“Noted.” He rubbed on her nub a few more times. He was going to get her to cream on his hand. Then he’d take her into his room and make her scream his name a couple of times, wrapped around his cock. They had at least an hour before—

“Honey…I’m home!” a male voice shouted from the front door. For the love of fur!

Hope sucked in a breath. Her eyes went wide as saucers.

Reece looked up, cocking his head towards the front entrance. “Blast!” he whispered. Locke was home.

“He’s early,” Hope mouthed.

“I’ll take care of it,” Reece whispered.

“Where are you guys?” Locke shouted.

Hope frowned. “How?” she mouthed.

Reece opened the door into his bedroom. “Wait for me. We’re finishing this!”

“Some other time.” She shook her head.

Reece pulled her dress down. “No…now.” He wanted to brush a kiss on her full, pink lips, but…it didn’t feel right doing so. Too intimate, perhaps.

Thankfully, she didn’t argue for once. Hope went in to his bedroom.

Reece walked out into the living room, just as Locke was getting ready to head down the hallway. He stuck his hands in his pockets, hoping that Locke didn’t smell the musky scent of Hope’s snatch. “Hi.” Blast! He sounded too…nice. “What are you doing back already?” he growled. Now he sounded like he was interrogating the male. He and Locke were friends, which could be tough considering he was the male’s superior.

Locke grinned, folding his arms. “Why? Did I interrupt something? Where is Dr. Bristol?” He looked around the room. “Is that her book lying on the floor?” He frowned, looking confused.

“In her bedroom. I think she is sleeping. Neither of us slept well last night.”

“Oh.” His grin widened. “Why would that be?” He narrowed his eyes, looking cocky.

“Not for any of the reasons that are going through your mind right now. I’m not sure on her part. I didn’t get a chance to fly yesterday. I felt wound up.”

“I’m sure you did,” Locke said.

“Don’t do that.” Reece frowned. “I went for a flight today, leaving Zaire to watch over Dr. Bristol, and that bastard Shard came around.” He ground his teeth just thinking about it. It still angered him, even though he and Hope had cleared the air. Excitement coursed through him at the thought of the little human. He needed to get rid of Locke, and fast.

“Oh, did he?” Locke lost all his good humor in an instant. “Why was he here?”

“He wanted to introduce himself to Hope,” Reece snorted.

“Hope?” Locke lifted his brows. “You’re calling Dr. Bristol Hope these days?” He lifted his brows.

“Um…we’re on good terms now. At least, we were on good terms.” It was the first thing that came to mind.

“Oh, I see.” Locke scratched his chin. “What happened to ruin things?”

“Shard happened. I may have said some things to her after the bastard left. Things I regret.”

Locke winced. “What things?”

“It doesn’t matter. Only that she told me she can think for herself. That she doesn’t need me to look out for her, or to speak for her. She told me that she doesn’t think I’m very nice.”

Locke chuckled. “Oh, shit! That’s not good.” He shook his head.

“I want to apologize to her. I need to fix this. I was out of line. You know how angry Shard makes me. That asshole waited for me to leave. He has no scruples. Hope threw her book when she stormed off,” he muttered, looking at the object in question.

“Okay. We could talk until she decides to come out of her room.” Locke smiled. “I’m sure you’re interested to find out how my weekend went with Tracey. I can offer you a beer. We can—”

“No! Thanks,” he quickly added, to soften the delivery. “I would rather wait on my own. Speak to her without an audience. Can you give me an hour or two?” Locke was technically still off duty. It would be wrong to order him to leave and might come across as suspicious if he did. Also, Reece felt bad about lying to the male. Locke might have become a friend in recent months, but he was ultimately Reece’s subordinate. He was part of the royal guard. Locke could never know that this had happened between Reece and Hope. Never!

“You want me to leave after I just got back?” Locke frowned. “We flew fast all the way home. Jock and Flint were initiating races. I’m exhausted.” He fake-yawned. Bastard was enjoying this.

“You? Tired? Get lost!” He gave Locke a hard look. “Go hang out with Zaire or Andy, or one of the others. I’ll call you as soon as the doctor and I have talked. If you haven’t heard from me in two hours, it will mean that Dr. Bristol is still holed up in her room.” He shrugged.

“Should I go and check on her?”

“No…leave her. Give her some time to cool off. Shard didn’t leave that long ago. If she doesn’t come out, I will try again tomorrow. I don’t want to force things.” He shook his head, sighing. “I have to try to make it right. I acted like a,” he frowned, “like a shudder. Is that the right word?”

Locke looked at him like he was crazy. “Um…no…that doesn’t sound right.”

“A shake?”

Locke shook his head.

“A jolt? These human words. They make no sense.” He shook his head, trying hard to remember what it was.

“Oh!” Locke grinned. “A jerk. You acted like a jerk.”

“That’s it! And yes, I acted like a big jerk. I need to make it right so that we can continue working together.”

“I most certainly won’t stand in your way. I have my phone. Let me know when you’re done. Or I’ll be back in two hours. I’m hungry. I worked up an appetite on my weekend away.” He rubbed his belly.

Reece smiled. “Did you have a good time?”

“I had the best time. Human females are delectable.” The male licked his lips. “You are missing out.” He gave Reece a look. “Anyway, let me get out of your feathers. I hope she forgives you.”

“Me too.”

“I’m sure she will.” Locke smiled at him broadly. “Dr. Bristol is a very sweet female.” He started towards the door, looking back over his shoulder.

Reece nodded. “I hope I didn’t take it too far this time.”

“Do whatever it takes to make it right.” Locke laughed. Then he was gone, the door banging shut.

Reece frowned. That sounded like an innuendo. Did Locke suspect something? Probably. Suspecting and knowing were two different things.

“Is he gone?” Hope asked from behind him. Reece vibrated with need as he turned. To him, her dress seemed shorter, exposing more of her soft thighs. Her breasts looked plumper, straining against the fabric. Everything about her was beautiful, from her bright blue eyes to her tiny feet.

“He’s gone but not for long.” Reece advanced. There was no way he could stop this from happening. It was too late for that. It would be like trying to stop a volcano from erupting. A storm from raging. Not possible. He didn’t want to. He prayed that Hope hadn’t changed her mind.