Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 21

“There you are,” Locke said, grinning. He was on the deck, tongs in hand as he watched meat cooking on the barbecue.

“And?” Hope lifted her brows. “How was your weekend away?”

“Great! Trace and I spent every minute together. I almost told her several times about being a shifter.” He turned a steak; it sizzled on the barbecue.

“That smells delicious, by the way.” She licked her lips. “Are you allowed to divulge such information?”

He made a face. “We have to get a female to sign a nondisclosure agreement first. I had the agreement with me in my bag, but… I don’t know, it felt a little wrong, somehow. I couldn’t bring myself to use the thing. I have to tell her, but I also have to keep my people safe.” His eyes got a faraway look for a moment. “If I’m honest, I’m worried she won’t want me anymore.”

“If she has real feelings for you, she’ll still want you.”

“You’re sweet to say that, but not everyone is as open-minded as you are. I think I know her well enough to know that she is an open-minded person, but this is big news. It’s huge. You never know.”

Hope nodded. “That’s true.” She thought she knew her sister. Her own flesh and blood – and look what happened. Lizzie still wasn’t talking to her. She decided to give it a couple of days before trying again.

“Also, if I make her sign the agreement, it will look like I don’t trust her. I do trust her. I just don’t know if she can handle such a revelation.”

“You don’t have a choice in the matter, though. There are rules in place for a reason.”

He looked up for a moment. “There’s always a choice, so that’s not completely accurate. If I really care about her, I’ll trust her enough not to have to make her sign an official document before talking to her.”

“If you’re wrong, she could end up exposing the Feral species.”

“She’d make herself look like a crackpot if she started spouting about griffin shifters.”

“If enough people come forward with similar stories over a period of time, it will start to hold water.”

“Do you think that could happen?” Locke took the last piece of meat off the barbecue, placing it on a tray. “I cooked for you, too. I figured you hadn’t eaten if you were hiding from Reece. What is that all about?” He frowned.

“We haven’t finished talking about you yet. I don’t want to even talk about Reece.” Hope had to work to stifle the biggest smile. She could feel it building inside her just thinking about him. She had this not entirely unpleasant soreness between her legs.

“There isn’t much more to say. I like her a lot.” Locke shrugged. “She wants to visit me next time. Which is a bit of a problem.”

“Oh, boy!” She made a face. “That is a problem.”

“I’ll figure it out. I’m sure I’m worried about nothing. Tell me about your weekend. No, first tell me about the smashed lamp. You tried to throw it at Reece?” Locke laughed. He walked toward the door leading inside, glancing back at the last second. “Are you coming? I even made a salad.”

“That’s awesome. Thank you!” They walked into the kitchen and she grabbed some plates, hoping he would forget about Reece.

“Out with it. Tell me what happened already. Reece didn’t say much.”

“He’s just infuriating, that’s all.” She shook her head. “Speaking for me when I’m perfectly capable. Then assuming that I want to sleep with everyone.” She rolled her eyes.

“He’s jealous. You know that, right?”

She frowned. “I don’t know anything of the sort.”

“What made you throw a lamp at him? It must have been really bad.”

“I don’t remember. It’s all a jumble. He was rude, and I was mad. I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry with anyone.”

“Funny that.” Locke rubbed his chin. “Reece also can’t remember exactly why you threw the lamp.” He scrutinized her for a second. “I buy it from him because he doesn’t fully understand you…a human female.”

“We fought. That Shard guy really set him off.” She shook her head.

“Not his favorite person. That asshole should know better than to snoop around.” Locke looked her over. “There’s something different about you that I can’t quite put my finger on.”

“I’m tanned. That deck is amazing.” She pointed in the general direction.

“I don’t think that’s it, but…” He looked at her for a little longer. “I suppose it could be. You look far too relaxed and happy for someone who just had a huge fight.”

“Reece can go to hell,” she pushed out. Hope didn’t like sneaking around like this. “I’m not going to let him ruin my Sunday evening…that’s all. I’ll let him stew for a few days and then we can make up.”

“Make up, huh?” Locke grinned.

She threw him a dirty look. “Not like that. What is it with you?”

“Nothing. I guess I think the two of you would make a good couple…that’s all. The chemistry between you is off the charts. It could go from throwing stuff at each other to burning up the sheets in an instant.”

“Stop it already!” She waved a hand. “You really think there’s chemistry?” Shit! Was their attraction that obvious?

“Crazy chemistry. That’s how I know it’s jealousy making Reece a little nuts. You need to forgive him, and…just go for it.”

“I’m not going for it.” Too late! “He made that whole rule about—”

“Rules are made to be broken. It’s about time that Reece lived a little. It’s been so long since—”

“Since?” she asked when he didn’t continue.

Locke shook his head. “Not my story to tell. Forget I said anything.”

“Fair enough.”

“Now let’s eat before our food gets cold.” He sniggered.


“You and Reece…” He sniggered some more.

“There is no ‘me and Reece’, you fool.”

“Not yet, but soon.” He winked at her. “Something is bound to give at some point.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s just a matter of time, mark my words. He’s jealous because he wants you for himself.”

“Stop right there! Let’s change the subject because right now, he’s on my shitlist.”

“Remember what I said about going from throwing things to burning up the sheets. They’re one rung apart on the ladder.” He laughed.

She shook her head, looking at him like he was a crazy person, which he wasn’t. Locke wasn’t stupid. They weren’t going to be able to mess around for too long. It looked like their rebound thing was going to be short-lived. Probably better that way. Hope couldn’t help but feel disappointed. There was some relief there, too. These things had a way of turning into more, and more was the last thing she wanted.

“We can stream a movie tonight if you want?” Locke asked.

“Sounds good.”