Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 2

Worry churned in Reece’s gut. Why had the king summoned him?

Many things had changed in the last couple of moon cycles. Reece was no longer Leukos’ second-in-command. Not since the king and Magnar had both mated the same human female. Magnar had stepped up to take the second’s position, which made sense since the male was no longer a Fallen…no longer the enemy. He was now Reece’s direct superior and a part of the royal family. Reece didn’t have a problem with Magnar. In fact, he liked the male…even respected him.

Reece slowed, hovering over the landing before touching down. His clawed talons scraped on the surface. He shifted into his human form before announcing himself at the royal chamber door.

He needed to stop being so damned negative. Perhaps the king had summoned him with good news. Maybe he was going to get the promotion he had been working so hard toward. It was between himself and Shard. Reece felt his whole body tense up. His beast clawed to be freed. It wanted the male’s blood. He hated that bastard with every fiber of his being. There was no way he would ever report to the likes of him. Shard was a hothead and a traitor. Unfortunately, he had proven himself to be a decent leader. The males respected him. That was because they didn’t know Shard like he did. The male was not to be trusted.

He and Shard were evenly matched when pitted against each other. They were pretty evenly matched every which way you looked at it. That was why it had taken Leukos so long to choose between them.

Worry churned in Reece’s gut. If Shard was promoted over him, he might have to leave his home and his people. It wasn’t what he wanted. If Shard got the leadership position, he would have to…would be forced to go. Hate burned within him, strong and true. Years may have passed, but nothing had changed for Reece.


Was the king giving him the position, or was he going to let Reece down gently in person? After essentially being demoted, he deserved to be given the title. He, of all people, knew that life wasn’t always fair, though. It could go either way. By feather, he wished he knew the answer. Shard, ever the thorn in his side. He gave his head a shake. He needed to be focused for this meeting.

“Come in,” Leukos shouted from inside.

With a soft sigh, Reece pulled the billowing curtain aside and entered the nest. It was large and airy. Gold, wood, and stone were the primary materials used in the making of the structure. A whole lot of gold. It glinted from all sides of the nest. From the door handles to the candelabra. Even a large tub to the one side of the bedroom was made from solid gold. “Sire.” He inclined his head.

“Enough with the formalities,” Leukos said.

Reece nodded once in acknowledgment. He noted that Magnar and the queen were also in attendance. Magnar wore a double-breasted suit, just like the king. “Your highness.” He gave a quick bow through the waist in the direction of the queen, noting how much more prominent her belly was beneath the dress she was wearing. The clutch was coming along nicely. That was good news. The birth of an heir was going to be a joyous day, indeed.

“Call me Claire,” the human smiled. “I can’t get used to all the fanfare.” She flapped her hand at him, not really looking his way.

This was the last thing he expected. Why was the queen there? Magnar was understandable, but the queen…not so much.

“Please take a seat.” Leukos gestured to a nearby chair.

Magnar threw a pair of pants at him. “The queen still finds nudity…off-putting.”

“Not off-putting.” Claire shook her head, her ponytail bobbing in time with the movement. “I’m just not…used to it. Not yet. You don’t have to dress on account of me. I don’t mind at all,” she said. Reece noted that she still didn’t quite look at him. Her cheeks looked a touch pink.

He took the pants and pulled them on, doing up the zipper and clasp. Humans called them jeans. They were uncomfortable. Not as bad as shoes, but a close second. His prick and balls felt squashed. He wanted to adjust himself, but refrained.

“Thank you for coming.” Claire finally locked eyes with him as she sat on one of the nearby sofas. Leukos and Magnar sat on either side of her. Magnar put his arm along the back of the chair. The king put a hand on her lower thigh.

It was a strange set-up. One Reece couldn’t quite understand. It was normal for their species to share females. They had been compelled to do it more and more as Feral females died off. Four or five males to one female was completely normal. At least it was normal up until mating. Then the female would pick her favorite and they would mate. He couldn’t think of a single three-way mating within their species. Especially with a human female. He thought they were timid about such things. Claire couldn’t even handle nudity, but she was fine with being pleased by two males at the same time. He turned his attention to the king and the meeting at hand.

“You’re probably wondering why I called you here today,” Leukos commented.

Reece nodded. “I am, indeed.” He felt his body tighten and a frown form on his forehead.

“You need not worry any further,” Magnar said. “We asked you here to offer you a very important role.”

“An all-important role.” The king sat forward, his expression grave.

His heart beat faster. This was it. They were about to offer him the position of the head guard. Shard could go to hell.

“It was a tough decision choosing between the best our warriors have to offer,” Leukos went on. “I chose you, in the end.”

He couldn’t help but smile. “I am honored, Sire.”

“There isn’t a greater role than head royal guard.” Magnar leaned back more into the chair, his hand brushing the back of the queen’s neck.

“It would be a….” Reece began. He suddenly realized what Magnar had said. “Head royal guard? Forgive me, Magnar…Sire… What is a head royal guard? I’m going to assume it’s different to the head guard position?”

“It is a new position,” Leukos said. “A more important one. My spies tell me that Ekon plans on stealing our chicks as soon as they are hatched.” There was a hard growl to Leukos’ voice. His eyes narrowed. “They have it on good authority that he intends to go through with this crazy plan of his. The wheels are already in motion.”

“The Fallen king is unstable, to say the least.” Magnar leaned forward, clasping his hands in his lap. He sighed. “This is a major task we have set for you. One that must be seen as the most important role that there is.”

“Exactly,” his king said. “Do not underestimate this position. The future of our people is at stake. The heir to the throne is inside my mate’s belly.” Leukos placed his hand on Claire’s rounded stomach.

Our young.” Magnar’s voice had an edge, too. Reece found himself wondering who the father was. Did they even know? Would it be questioned?

“It will be alright,” Claire said, putting her hand over Leukos’ one. He could see the fear in her eyes. “I know Ekon isn’t… I guess he has mental problems, but he would never take babies that aren’t his.” She shook her head. “No! That’s pure madness.” She was trying to convince herself. But, from the way her chest was rising and falling quickly, he could see that she wasn’t succeeding.

“No, my sweets.” Magnar put his arm around Claire. “This is merely a precaution. One of us will be at your side at all times. Then there’s Reece. Not only is this male a fantastic warrior – a stronger male does not exist,” he looked Reece’s way, “but he is the best at risk management. At looking for weaknesses…finding problems before they become an issue. Reece will keep you safe.” Magnar touched her belly, too. “Between the three of us, you have nothing to fear.”

Despite the shocking news, he still felt his chest warm at the compliments. He was both proud to be given this role and frustrated because he might be missing out on the head guard position.

“Okay.” Claire smiled. She looked somewhat placated.

“Do you need time to think things through?” Leukos asked. “I would urge you to take the role. You would need to pick out three strong males to stand at your side. Individuals you trust to keep the queen safe. Males who would fight to the death. Those who can stand in your shoes when you are resting. Ekon’s spies are everywhere. You will need to choose wisely. Claire is due to lay within the next moon cycle. There are plans in place to take down Ekon, but they could take several months…moon cycles,” he quickly corrected. It was clear that he had been keeping the company of a human. “Your place would be here at her side. You and your team. This is especially important if we are both called away.” Leukos and Magnar shared a look. They were both frowning darkly.

“There will need to be two shifts,” Reece said. “Myself with another male, and then another team of two males. I would want Locke leading the second team.”

“No problem,” Leukos answered quickly. Too quickly, perhaps.

“Who will take the head guard position in my absence?”

Magnar and Leukos shared a look. Reece didn’t like what he saw. Apprehension, definite tension.

Leukos’ jaw was tense. “Shard will take up the position temporarily as head guard.”

Blast and damn!

Reece had to work hard to hold back the emotion. He knew it! If he took this role, he would lose out to that bastard, Shard. If he didn’t take it, he would be snubbing the king and queen…Magnar too. He finally sighed softly and nodded once. There was no other option for him but to take it. Mainly because it was the right thing to do. Ekon was dangerous. Left unchecked, the male could destroy the Feral species. Destroy his people, and just when they had found a way forward with human females. They could take mates and successfully breed. It was something he had given a lot of thought to. Once he was promoted to head guard, he planned on taking a female of his own. Everything had been carefully mapped out in his head. It was time for him to move on. It was time. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way, though. What now?

“All we ask is that you keep the queen and our chicks safe for the next three moon cycles.” Leukos stopped there, his jaw tightened, his eyes were blazing. The need to protect his female, to take down any enemies, had to be riding him hard. Reece could see it all over his king.

“Do this for us and you will be given the head guard position,” Magnar added when Leukos looked too shaken to continue. Reece had never seen his king like this.

“Of course, I will,” he said. “You should give the head guard position to whoever is best suited.” It burned him to say it, but he forced himself. “I will watch over the queen and the chicks when they come because it is my duty. I am greatly honored to be chosen for this role. I will give you my life…willingly, your highness,” Reece told the queen.

“Thank you, Reece.” Her eyes glinted with unshed tears.

“We have already decided,” Leukos said, “that you will be given the head guard position. Three moon cycles, and it’s yours, Reece. All we ask is that you keep what is most precious to us – to our people – safe from that madman. Removing him will need to be done with tact and care. We have a plan, we just need time to execute it. Once he is neutralized, we will be able to breathe easy.” He sighed. “That’s the problem with Ekon, he always uses a scapegoat. It’s never him directly to blame. We’ll get him soon enough. We can’t have the Feral fighting amongst themselves or joining the Fallen. This needs to happen one step at a time.”

“Understood. In the meantime, you can rely on me,” Reece said, looking each of them in the eyes. Three months and he would be head guard. Three months and he would be able to move onto the next phase of his life. Until then, his life belonged to the queen and the unborn chicks.

“One last thing,” Leukos said.

“Yes, Sire?” He caught the look in the other male’s eye and quickly said, “Yes, Leukos.”

His friend smiled. “We have hired a human healer. She specializes in pregnancy and birth.”

“A human?” Reece said, frowning. Claire was mated to Feral males, about to lay eggs. “With all due respect, we have healers. The chicks will not be human. We know this already.”

“I’m human,” Claire stated the obvious. “I love Delise. She knows what she is doing. She’s been nothing but kind to me. However, I think I would feel more comfortable with an Ob-Gyn as well. There has only ever been one human who has done the whole egg-laying thing.” Her eyes widened. “We’re covering all our bases.” She looked at each of her mates in turn.

“That makes sense,” Reece said. “Excuse my insolence,” he said to Leukos and Magnar. “Forget I said anything.” He gave a head bow to the queen.

“Doctor Bristol is arriving tomorrow,” Leukos said. “Please meet her and show her the accommodation. You will need to make her feel welcome and ensure her safety, particularly when she is with Claire. We foresee that she might end up being a target as well.”

“Of course.” Reece nodded. A human was an added complication, but if the queen needed a doctor, then he would step up. “No problem. No harm will come to either female.”

“Good! One other thing,” Magnar added. “With the threat of Ekon looming, I don’t like the idea of the human being alone in the accommodations at night. Depending on the shifts you and your team work, I would prefer it if one of you slept in the room next door to the doctor.”


It was the first thing that came to mind. He drew in a breath, gathering his thoughts. The last thing he wanted was to fledgling-sit a human.

“I could put a general guard on duty, but I would prefer it if we kept it to a small group who oversees the human. There are very few who I trust implicitly. Since the four of you will oversee her already, when she is with Claire, it makes logical sense to have you, or another male, do it,” Magnar said. “Our first choice would be you. The second choice would be a male you can trust to take the duty seriously. Locke perhaps?”

“No problem,” he pushed out.

“It’s more of a formality than anything else,” Leukos said.

“Of course, Sire.” He inclined his head, praying for the next three months to go quickly. A human! Reece didn’t like it. A human female complicated things.