Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 25

The last couple of days had felt like weeks.

“Good evening, Dr. Bristol,” he said, trying hard not to smile at her. He felt happier just seeing her face. Her hair was tied back, and her eyes danced in the sunset. She was beautiful…absolutely radiant. Her dress hugged her soft curves, drawing his gaze down. Forcing his eyes back to her face, he felt warmth flood through him.

“Hi, Reece.” She smiled, not being overly friendly, which was good.

“Hello.” Locke was grinning broadly as he did up the button on his pants. “Are the Royals here yet?” He looked towards the clinic. The lights were on inside.

“Not yet. Delise and Evander are here already,” Reece said. “The Royals should be here any minute. Zaire and Andy are escorting them.”

“I’m sure they’re excited to find out how the pregnancy is progressing,” Hope said. “It’s a pity that Leukos was delayed and won’t be able to make it.”

“I’m sure they are excited,” Reece agreed. “Leukos will meet the chicks soon enough. As the king, he has duties that are important to our people.”

“I can well imagine,” Hope said.

They had delayed the appointment especially so that Leukos could be there, but unfortunately, the conference had gone on longer than expected. He was due back that evening.

“As soon as they get here, Zaire and I will take over. I’ll escort Dr. Bristol back home,” Reece said to Locke.

“You sure?” Locke asked. “I don’t mind waiting. The examination shouldn’t take too long, should it, Dr. Bristol?” He turned to Hope.

“Half an hour, perhaps slightly longer.” Hope, Delise, and Evander were examining Claire, who was growing heavier by the day. Her laying was imminent. It certainly would not be long before the chicks came. Disappointment hit Reece. They would have to stop seeing each other at that point. The level of risk was low right now; that would change all too soon. Ekon was crazy – that much had become apparent. There was no telling what the fate of the chicks would be should they fall into his talons. The Fallen king could not succeed in his endeavors. Reece was going to tell Hope that they couldn’t see each other for much longer. He’d do so that evening. Perhaps they could still have a couple of stolen moments before the big day arrived.

Hope licked her lips. That mouth. His balls pulled tight just looking at the little pink tip of her tongue as it swept over her plump lips. It reminded him of how he had felt inside her mouth. As much as he loved her mouth, he couldn’t wait to mount Hope again. Excitement surged. There was no way he was allowing anyone but himself to take Hope home. He needed some alone time with her. Craved it. “I can take Dr. Bristol home.” His voice was a rough rasp. He cleared his throat, swallowing hard.

“It’s been a long day, Locke,” Hope said. “You head on home. Reece doesn’t mind bringing me.” Hope licked her lips again. She sounded far calmer than he did. This was an opportunity for them to be alone. They could take their time a little. They wouldn’t have to be quiet either. It might be their last chance. He wasn’t giving it up for anything.

“It’s your turn to cook and I’m hungry,” Hope added, looking at Locke.


Ravenous was a more apt description of what they were. Sexting was a new word he had learned that week. It had been enough to get them by, but not enough to quell their growing need.

“Sure thing.” Locke shrugged. “I don’t mind either way. I’m making pot roast for dinner.”

“Can I have some too?” Andy asked as he walked up, still slightly out of breath from the flight over here.

“You’re early.” Reece frowned. “We weren’t expecting you for another ten or fifteen minutes. I see that Leukos made it after all.” He watched as three dragons landed. Leukos had Claire in his firm grip.

“Yes. He told Claire he wasn’t going to be here just to surprise her.” Andy grinned. “Now, about dinner… I’ll even help you cook. You don’t mind if I join the two of you, Dr. Bristol?” The male lifted his brows.

Reece felt his feathers rub with irritation. The old Reece would have strongly objected. Instead of shouting, he took a couple of deep breaths. “I’m not sure you should be intruding on Dr. Bristol’s personal time.” He was happy to note that his voice was even. He wasn’t sure why he was quite so possessive of the female. Perhaps ending things between them would not be the worst idea.

“I don’t mind if you join us for dinner,” Hope said.

Zaire approached them, still pulling on his pants. “What’s this about dinner?” the male asked, brows raised.

Andy’s grin widened. “I’m having dinner with Dr. Bristol and Locke.”

“Sounds awesome! Pity I have to work,” Zaire grumbled, looking put out.

“We have an important assignment,” Reece ground out, irritation growing. “Let’s get back to work, shall we? The Royals are here. We have a job to do.” Leukos and Magnar were getting dressed while Claire waited. The three of them were talking and laughing.

“Of course, Reece.” Zaire nodded.

Locke and Andy inclined their heads.

“Is there anything to report?” Reece asked Locke.

The male shook his head. “All was quiet today. Nothing out of the ordinary.” He shook his head, pushing his hands into his pockets.

“Do not lose focus,” Reece warned, looking at each of them in turn. “Do not think for one second that the queen is safe. The laying is almost upon us. We will find out more about the exact timelines after the queen’s examination today. Any information regarding the laying is strictly confidential. If this information should get into the wrong hands,” he shook his head, “Ekon could end up with the upper hand. We can’t have that.” There were spies littered within their ranks.

“We won’t say anything,” Locke said, his whole stance tense, his eyes filled with sincerity.

“You can count on us,” Zaire said, nodding.

“I won’t say a word.” Andy pretended to lock his now closed mouth and to throw away the key. It was stupid. Must be a human gesture. Stupid, but somehow apt. He had to bite back a laugh. Reece didn’t laugh while working. Not ever. So he stopped himself.

“I hand-picked each of you, and I trust each of you.” He glanced at the Royals, who were now entering the building. “Locke and Andy, the two of you are dismissed. Zaire, you take up watch at the north side. You know the alert signal?”

Zaire nodded. “I do.” He jogged away.

“I’ll see you all later,” Hope said, looking over at them. She turned and walked towards the clinic.

“Later,” Locke said, watching her walk away. “Make sure you get Dr. Bristol home safely.” Again, Reece was sure there was a strange look in his eyes. It was mischievous. Did he know something? Reece pushed out a breath. No! He was being paranoid. This was Locke and he was just being himself.

“I will. You’d better get home and start cooking. You heard Dr. Bristol…she’s hungry.”

“Yes, sir.” Locke gave a mock salute, removing his jeans so that he could shift.

Reece turned to man his post at the entrance of the clinic just as the last of the sun slipped below the horizon. A chill crept into the air.

* * *

Delise smiled warmly at Claire.“You are in good health, my Queen. I estimate that you will lay within the next few days.”

“How can you be so sure?” Hope asked. “I’m interested to learn all I can from you.”

“Of course, child,” Delise responded; her warm smile stayed firmly in place. “I go on the size and shape of the belly. You can see that the eggs have moved down…ready to be expelled.”

Hope nodded. “Yes, I noticed that.” These things weren’t an exact science with humans. A fetus could drop in week thirty-four and then sit tight until forty-two weeks. Perhaps things were different when it came to the Feral. She didn’t want to dismiss anything.

“And then there’s the queen’s mammary glands,” Delise said. “They are plumper. I would need to examine her nubs. I am sure that she has milk.”

“Does this happen close to the laying with Feral women?” Hope asked. “Because it can happen early on in the pregnancy with human women. Milk production isn’t necessarily a sign of impending labor.”

“You should answer this question, Evander,” Delise said, turning to the other healer. “What are you doing on that contraption?”

Evander had just taken his phone out of his pocket. “My apologies, Delise.” He bowed his head, putting the device away. “There is a male with feather rot who—”

“It can wait. The queen is more important. I don’t want to see you on that thing again.” She looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“My apologies to all of you.” Evander inclined his head.

“Did you hear the question?” Delise snapped at him.

“I did indeed.” Evander’s cheeks were a bright red.

“Good.” Delise cocked her head, eyes still firmly on him. “I want to see if you have been paying attention, since you love that little block of yours so much.”

Hope bit back a smile at the exchange. Delise was as old school as they came, and Evander was a young man. She felt a little sorry for him. The young healer stepped forward. He cleared his throat. “Certainly.” His hands were clasped in front of him. “Yes, Feral females produce milk close to the expelling of the eggs, usually a day or two before a female is due to lay. Before that, no milk will appear if the nubs are squeezed.”

“That is correct.” Delise nodded, taking a step towards Claire. “My queen, I would like to—"

“Um…thanks…” Claire put up her hand. “I’ll perform this particular test myself, if you don’t mind.”

“We’ll help you,” Leukos said, looking and sounding playful, which wasn’t like him at all.

“In that case, I am done with my examination,” Delise said. “I am comfortable that all is well with the queen and her clutch. I look forward to the laying.”

“That is good news.” Magnar grinned. “We cannot wait to meet our chicks.”

“Where do you need me, Doc?” Claire asked. “I’m sure there are a couple of tests you need to perform.”

“I’d like to check your blood pressure. It’s standard – not because I’m concerned with anything.”

“Of course.” Claire pulled her shirt down, covering her large abdomen.

Hope wheeled the machine over, placing the cuff around Claire’s arm, and waited for it to fill with air. Then she waited for the beep, followed by the reading. “Good.” Hope made a note in Claire’s file. “That looks just fine.”

Hope tore the Velcro apart and removed the cuff from Claire’s arm. “Your blood pressure is normal. I’m happy with all the readings thus far as well. You are progressing normally.”

“That is a relief.” Claire smiled. She was holding Leukos’ hand.

Hope opened a drawer and took out some latex gloves. “I want to check your cervix to see if there has been any change. It’s normally the best way to predict impending labor. We can see if you are effaced. Perhaps your cervix has started to dilate.”

“How exciting!” Claire’s eyes widened, then her face quickly fell. “Wait a minute, will it hurt?”

“What does all of this mean?” Leukos asked. His eyes were narrowed.

Magnar was frowning, his arms were folded across his chest.

“Essentially the doctor will put her hand into my vagina to feel if I have started to open to let the eggs out.”

“Is that dangerous for the eggs?” Leukos asked, a thunderous expression on his face.

“If performed correctly, it’s not dangerous, Sire,” Delise said. “I have performed this procedure myself. We normally do it when it’s taking a long time for the pains to start.”

“Exactly what Delise just said.” Hope nodded. “It is a little uncomfortable, but it won’t hurt. I will use lubricant. It’s also not always a reliable indicator. I’ve had women who were two or three centimeters dilated, who only gave birth weeks later.”

“Why do it, then?” Magnar asked.

“Because it is normally a good indicator.” Hope shrugged. “It’s up to you Claire.” She looked at the pregnant woman.

“I would like you to do it, please. We’re looking at anything from a day or two, to two or more weeks. It would be nice to get some sort of idea.”

“Just wait and let nature take its course,” Leukos murmured. He whispered something in Claire’s ear, and she giggled.

Magnar took Claire’s free hand. He also murmured something, and all three of them laughed.

“The Royals have missed each other,” Delise said, smiling. “They are eager to get home.”

“Please check my cervix, Doctor,” Claire said.

Hope nodded. “Certainly.” She placed a large towel over Claire’s middle. “Can you remove your tights and underwear, please? Keep this over you to protect your modesty. I will be the one to perform the examination. Can I ask Delise and Evander to please move to that side of the room?”

“Of course, child.” Delise and Evander did as she asked, and Claire removed her clothing, which Magnar folded, placing them on a chair. He took back her hand.

Hope used liberal amounts of lubricant before inserting her fingers into Claire’s vagina. Claire made a noise of discomfort. “I’m nearly done.” Moments later, Hope said, “You’re already around a centimeter dilated.” She smiled at Claire who shrieked, and clasped her hands together.

“That means it won’t be too long now?” The queen’s eyes were bright.

“It shouldn’t be too long. I agree with Delise, a couple of days. But these things aren’t an exact science. It might take longer. Don’t be disappointed. Try to enjoy the last of your pregnancy. Sleep in and read books. Do all of the things you might not have time for when your hands are full.”

“I will, but I still can’t wait,” Claire said, her voice animated. “I’m not sure if I should be afraid. I have to push out three eggs…three!” She held up three fingers. “I’m not afraid…I’m so excited to meet our boys.”

“It’s interesting that no females have been born in a species and human mating. It is across the board with all the shifters, the vampires…” Hope almost said to herself, pulling the latex gloves off and disposing of them in the correct bin. Then she washed her hands in the nearby sink.

“It is a concern,” Leukos said. “One we will have to address soon. It was one of the items on the agenda at my conference,” he added as he helped Claire to dress. Magnar held the towel in place.

“How interesting.” Hope nodded.

“We would love to stay and chat,” Leukos said, “but I am eager to get home. I have missed my mates.”

“Of course, Sire.” She inclined her head.

“You should come to dinner again soon,” Claire said. “Maybe tomorrow night? If I haven’t popped before then.”

“Popped?” Delise looked concerned.

“If I haven’t laid yet. It’s a human saying.” Claire grinned.

“Not a good one.” Delise chuckled softly. “Evander and I need to go. We have a case of feather rot to attend to.” She looked at Evander, who looked shell-shocked.

They all said their goodbyes.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” Claire said as they left.

“Fingers crossed,” Hope called after her.

“We should invite Reece,” she heard Claire say.

Hope’s smile widened. Taking her white lab coat off, she found her phone and sent a quick text to Locke.

I’m running late. I have some paperwork I need to take care of.

Three dots appeared. Then a vibration to alert her of an incoming text.

By paperwork, you mean Reece. You need to take care of Reece.He added an eggplant emoji, followed by two laughing emojis. Hope laughed.

That’s exactly what I mean, she texted back. Followed by. I will have worked up an appetite.

Three dots follow by: Spare me!!!!

The front door clicked shut. Reece stood there in all his glory. He unclasped his jeans as he strode towards her. “Did you text Locke?” He looked pointedly at the phone in her hand.

“Yes.” She sounded breathless. Just looking at him made her insides feel like mush. He was larger than life. So strong and handsome…so intense.

“Did Zaire leave with the Royals?”

Reece nodded; his eyes were golden and beautiful. “I’m going to make you come with my tongue deep inside you.” His voice was a rumble.

Holy shit!Just hearing him say it made her throat go dry in an instant.