Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 26

Reece looked around the room. “Get on the bed,” he instructed her in his deeply masculine voice. That alone was enough to send a thrill through her.

Her heart pounded. There was a part of her that had been expecting some small talk. She was glad it wasn’t the case. Especially after her conversation with Locke, when he had warned her about Reece potentially falling for her. This was sex. That was all. She couldn’t freaking wait. “The desk,” she pushed out.

Reece watched as she perched herself on the edge of the desk, pulling her lacy underwear down her legs and dropping them on the floor. She kept her dress on. She’d let Reece peel that off her later.

“Open your legs,” Reece instructed her.

“You’re being bossy today.” She loved bossy.

“We don’t have much time and I want to fuck you as well.” He licked his lips.

Holy shit!His words caused heat to pool in her lower belly. She felt her nipples tighten. Her clit gave a zing of need.

“You make a good point.” Hope slowly shimmied the dress up her thighs. Then she opened up…wide.

His eyes flared with lust as they roamed between her legs. “Fucking gorgeous,” he murmured.

Reece moved between her legs. His pants were slightly open. Not enough to see what was going on, but enough to tease. His shoulders were wide. His abs popping. He went down onto his haunches, slowly leaned forward, moving closer and closer to where she needed him the most. “I’ve been dying to get my tongue inside you,” he whispered.

Hope let her head fall back, staring up at the ceiling. Her dress and bra suddenly felt tight around her breasts. Everything felt tight with need and anticipation. When his tongue finally laved her clit, her back arched and a loud groan was pulled from her. That felt amazing.

Reece chuckled for half a second. “No holding back this time. There is no one in the vicinity of the clinic. I made sure of it. We’re alone. I want to hear you come. I want to hear all of it. We clear?”

She nodded, not sure she could talk.

He was so damned sexy. Her mouth opened as he laved her again. She pushed out a breath, her eyes fluttering closed.

His mouth closed over that very sensitive, swollen bundle of nerves, and she yelled from the sheer pleasure that moved through her in a rush. She already felt like she was near, and he had only just started.

There was more laving and sucking. Hope clenched her teeth and then moaned. Her hands grabbed onto the edge of the desk. Her eyes were wide, her body felt tense. Poised for release. Already. What? Then again, Reece was that good. Plus, it had been a few days since they’d been together.

“Mmmmmm…” He had his mouth over her clit, and he started to hum. The noise caused vibrations that moved right up her spine. Her nipples tightened right up. Then he stuck his tongue inside her while thrumming on her clit softly with the tip of a finger.

That was it.


Her back bowed again, and she groaned deep, feeling his tongue inside her, his finger on her clit. She groaned so deeply that her throat hurt. He had to know she was coming because he changed places. His mouth closed over her clit, where he suckled her. Using two fingers, he pumped into her. Firm and quick, slowly easing off as she came. Hope was panting hard. The guy was good with his mouth. No, he was better than good; he was fantastic.

Her body felt boneless. She could actually feel the endorphins coursing through her. His tongue still felt amazing on her clit.

His fingers, too.


Reece pumped his finger a couple of times. His tongue remained soft, his strokes easy.

It didn’t take long for that to change. Before long, there were two fingers inside her again. Deep inside. She could hardly breathe. His tongue stroked her clit. Not too hard, not too soft. Just right. Just so. Just… Yes…oh god… Again? No…surely not! She’d never come twice before. Her hips rocked. Hope was humping his face, but couldn’t stop. “Oh god!” she moaned. “Oh…oh…” She humped him faster. Her hand in his hair, gripping.

Hope felt that familiar fluttering. That familiar tightening. Everything coiling. “Again?” She yelled as the tightening intensified. “Yes! Yes!” she shouted. Her eyes rolled back, and she was plunging. She could feel her channel squeeze his fingers. She yelled out, shouting his name. Her second orgasm was quick and powerful and left her in a quivering heap.

Holy crap.


Holy freaking crappity, crap… Shit!

She couldn’t catch her breath. She was sitting there on her desk, next to her open laptop, still moaning. Hope finally forced her gaze on him. His eyes were dark gold and wild. His lips were wet. Reece licked them slowly, making her own mouth feel dry. He gave her the sexiest half-smile she had ever seen in her whole life. He pulled at his pants, and her eyes were drawn to his erection as it sprang free. “I’ll give you a minute.”

She nodded, trying to catch her breath. Half a minute later, she felt a need unfurl inside all over again when she took in his impressive erection. Hope couldn’t help herself; she palmed his cock, watching his eyes flare with desire and his jaw tighten with need. He made a grunting noise. “Can’t wait to mount you,” he said, his voice thick with arousal.

“Can I mount you this time?” she asked, taking her bottom lip between her teeth.

He frowned. “Females don’t mount males.”

“Sit your ass on that chair.” She pointed at the one at her desk. “I guarantee you that you’ll love it.”

“It’s not natural.” He shook his head, doing as she said anyway.

“It is natural. We’re trying it.” She straddled him, whispering into his ear. “I’m going to sit on your dick.” She giggled softly, feeling so naughty. “I’m going to bounce all over it until you—” His eyes flashed upwards.

He put a finger to his lips.

“What?” she whispered.

“Shhhhh,” he said, eyes darting from left to right. He was listening for something. “I thought I heard a noise outside,” he whispered. His head cocked to the side. “There it is again. Shouldn’t be anyone—”

“I didn’t hear anything,” she whispered, feeling nervous.

Reece stood up, taking her with him. He placed her on her feet in front of him, noting that his erection was almost gone. He leaned down, picking up her underwear. “Go into the changing room. Hide. Now!” he added when she didn’t move. “Stay there, no matter what you hear.” This couldn’t be happening. It was a false alarm. It had to be.

Mouth dry, panties in hand, she did as he said and went into the room to the side. It wasn’t the changing room, though; it was the closet. She turned the light on and look around. There was a whole lot more in there, including mops and brooms; things she could use as weapons. It was more than likely a false alarm. She was reminded of when Reece went to perform checks several times during dinner the other night. That was also based on Reece hearing goings-on outside…same as today.

After pulling on her panties and straightening her clothing, she grabbed the broom, holding it in a defensive stance. It was going to be hilarious when Reece opened up the closet in a few minutes. They could laugh and have sex. Everything was going to be just fine.

“Don’t!” someone yelled.

She heard the start of a screech, followed by a loud crash.

“Don’t move!” a booming voice shouted.

Shit! Shit! Shit!That didn’t sound like Reece. It wasn’t him.

She heard a moan. It was loud and laced with pain. That sounded like Reece, but she couldn’t be sure this time. She prayed it wasn’t him.

“Stay down if you know what’s good for you,” another voice.

Oh god!This was bad. Was this the Fallen? Were they here? Why? They were early. Far too damned early. Shit!

“I said stay down, you bastard. You are outnumbered by a mile. We have more warriors outside, so running would be futile.” That answered that particular question. There were a number of them.

“What do you want?” Reece! He sounded strong and pissed off. Oh, thank god.

“Where is she?” This voice sounded different.

“I’m alone,” Reece said.

“Do not lie to me!” someone shouted. “We know that the queen is here. She is being examined.”

“Your spies lied. There is no one here but me.”

“Could that be?” There was a question in the other voice.

“No! Kwan was clear. He trusts this particular spy. The queen was supposed to be here for at least another five or ten minutes. The king is delayed at the conference of kings. This is the perfect opportunity. Where is the queen? Tell me right now, or you will regret it.”

“She’s not here! Torture me. I don’t care.”

There was a loud, thudding noise. Reece grunted, sounding like he was in pain. She covered her mouth with her hand to stop from making any noise. Her heart raced. Her hands felt clammy.

“Where is she?” the voice snarled.

“Stop!” another voice said. “I don’t think she’s here. We need to go to the royal nest. It’s not far from here and I didn’t see many guards posted in this area. There are enough of us to overpower them and to take the queen. They were only expecting us once the chicks come.”


This was bad! So, so bad.

The other Feral laughed. “Don’t you love it when we’re underestimated?”

“I do,” the first Feral responded with equal humor. “All right, Ambrose and Yuri, tie this bastard up.”

“No…wait!” Reece started.

There was a loud thud. “Cradock, you gag him. Put that sack over his head,” the Feral said. “I’m sick of hearing his voice and seeing his ugly face.”

“Tybalt and Arie…” Hope wasn’t listening anymore. She had a few seconds to come up with a plan to save the queen. It sounded like there were a lot of guys out there. They might just get it right. They might just kidnap the queen and her unborn chicks. Hope couldn’t allow that to happen. Looking frantically around the small room, her eyes landed on a pile of pillows, sheets, and blankets. There was also a box of medical supplies and some stationery, among other things. Could it work? Probably not in the long run, but she had to try. Her ploy would hopefully buy the queen some time. She scribbled a note on the wall and reached for a pillow.