Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 35

Reece shook himself, and dust flew from his plumes in a cloud that slowly subsided. He rose up on his hind legs and took to the sky, flying as fast as his wings would take him. Leukos and Magnar were thankfully with the females. Although he could breathe easier, it was his duty to protect all of them.

He’d been gone longer than intended. He glanced back at Cradock’s broken, bleeding body. Reece shook his head. He was growing weak in his old age. He’d left the male alive…barely. Cradock would hurt, but he would live. Perhaps the male would have a change of heart about how to live his life. Mistakes happened. He’d made a few himself in recent times. Although, his…relationship with Hope could not be called a mistake. He was wrong to have said that. The eggs that might, even now, be forming inside her, could not be called a mistake either. He screeched loudly at the thought.

Reece landed on the ledge and shifted, quickly walking into the nest.

Claire was straining. Magnar at her side. Leukos was with…Ekon. What the hell was that male doing here? Reece growled low in his throat.

Ekon had a pathetic look on his face. “I’m so sorry, brother. I don’t know what to say or do.” The male dropped to his knees. “I swear fealty to you. I will gladly serve you. It was Kwan who orchestrated all of this against my will.”

Like fuck!

Blast this male to hell!

Reece rolled his eyes as he strode towards them. “Don’t listen to this scoundrel, my Lord,” he said. “He planned everything. Of course, he’s swearing fealty. He just lost the war.” Reece bowed his head. “I apologize for speaking out of turn. I know that you are well aware of all this. There are some things I need to tell you about what Ekon was planning.”

“Don’t listen to this male,” Ekon spat. “I am your flesh and blood.”

“Not now!” Leukos snarled. “Sit over there,” the true king instructed Ekon. “Get up!” he yelled when Ekon didn’t do or say anything. “Go and sit over there. I want to…” Leukos didn’t finish his sentence. He locked eyes with Reece.

“I will take care of it, Sire.” Reece could see that Leukos was desperate to get back to his mate.

Leukos went back to Claire, who was pushing – hard, from the sound of things.

Reece looked up. He caught Hope’s eyes. She gave him a half-smile and then got back to helping Claire lay. He felt warm inside just seeing her.

Reece felt rage burn bright when he looked down at the Fallen king, who was certainly living up to his name. Reece gripped Ekon by the elbow. “You heard the king. Leukos wants you to sit in this chair.” He dragged the male over to the seat in question.

“Unhand me!” Ekon growled. “Do you know who I am?”

“Nothing,” Reece said in a low rasp. “You are nothing.” He threw Ekon into the chair.

“I am the rightful king,” he spat.

Surprise, surprise. The male had absolutely no remorse for anything he had done. “You’re nothing, Ekon. Like I said before, Leukos is kind and just and everything you will never be.”

“Leukos is a fraud! Look at them.” He turned his stare toward the royal family just as Claire laid her third egg.

There was much jubilation. The three of them hugged each other. Hope beamed. “Congratulations,” she said, looking absolutely radiant.

“It’s an abomination,” Ekon snarled. “Those offspring are…they’re… They shouldn’t be. They don’t deserve to live.”

Ekon launched himself off the chair. He moved far quicker than Reece ever expected, his gaze firmly on the eggs. The male still meant to harm the chicks.

Ekon screeched.

Reece reacted. He was quicker than the male. Stronger too. Ekon had grown soft on his makeshift throne. Reece pummeled Ekon, hitting him hard on the side of his head. He would have no problem ending Ekon’s life. He would do so happily, with no qualms whatsoever. There was no mistaking the male’s intentions. This was cruel and evil behavior at its worst.

Ekon landed hard at the foot of the bed with a hard groan.

“He meant to harm your—”

Leukos retaliated faster than Reece ever imagined the king could. Especially considering that Leukos spent more time in meetings nowadays than on the field or in the sky. Leukos roared as he removed Ekon’s still-beating heart from his chest.

His talons retracted just as Ekon was taking his last breath. The Fallen king’s eyes were wide in shock as blood gushed from the hole in his chest. He looked down and then tipped over…dead.

Leukos hung his head.

“I’m sorry, my lord,” Reece said. He couldn’t imagine what the male must be feeling. Ekon was his brother, after all.

“It is I who is sorry.” He looked up at Magnar and Claire. “I should have done that a long time ago.”