Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 38

Two days later…

Hope watchedas Reece huffed out a pent-up breath, still staring at his phone screen. He’d been looking at the thing for five minutes now.

“I know your shoes are tight, and that it’s very noisy here in the city, but we’re nearly there. Put your phone away before you fall on your face.” Hope elbowed him softly.

“I’m a Feral. I won’t fall on my face. My shoes… That’s not it.” He looked around them, his nose scrunching up. “Although you are right about those things. And then there’s the stench. You forgot to mention the stench. This place smells disgusting. It smells of garbage and body odor and…of excrement. Thankfully, mostly urine and not—”

“I get it.” Hope laughed. “You’re cute. You know that, right?”

“Cute?” He frowned. “I looked up that term, and I don’t know if that’s a compliment.” He slid his phone into his pocket.

“I think it’s a compliment.” Hope smiled at Reece, who put his arm around her.

“I have to admit,” he said, pulling her close, “whatever you have to say counts for a lot. A whole lot, since you are carrying my—” His hand slid to her stomach.

She grabbed his fingers. “We don’t know that I’m pregnant.” She pulled them away.

“I have this feeling.” He beamed at her.

“Don’t say that. I don’t think I am.” She smiled while she said it, trying hard not to get excited. “You need to stop saying things like that. I’ll take a test in two weeks.”

“Twelve days.”

“Twelve days. We need to try not to think about it till then.”

“An impossibility.” He pulled her in closer, his hand rubbing the side of her arm.

“I know, but still.” She gave him a pointed look.

He leaned down and kissed her softly on the temple. “You’re beautiful, I’d wear a thousand human coverings for you.” He pulled on the back of his jeans. “My dick might never work properly again.”

She giggled. “Shoes and clothing, Reece.” She laughed. So darned freaking cute. “And your dick will work just fine. We’ll check a little later, to be sure.” She winked at him, then felt a little queasy as she appeared to remember why they were there. “Thanks for coming with me.”

“I’m glad you let me come with you. I would’ve hated the thought of you all alone here in the big city.” They had arrived the night before and stayed in a hotel since Hope had given up her apartment.

“I can take care of myself,” she reminded Reece.

“I know.” He smiled. “You are small but fierce. I’ve seen you wield a candlestick. I’ve seen you growl at a Fallen warrior.”

She laughed. “Yes, you have. Facing my ex will be a whole other ball game.”

“Ball game? I know what each of those words means. I can guess what you are trying to say.” He narrowed his eyes in thought.

“So, why were you upset earlier when you were looking at your phone?”

Reece rubbed a hand over his face. “I received the cellphone records I requested yesterday for all of the Feral. I specifically checked one. Shard wasn’t in contact with anyone on Fallen territory. There was nothing untoward. At least not in recent weeks. Perhaps he communicated in some other way. When we are done, I’m going to request all his email history as well. There must be something there.” He rubbed his chin, the light stubble catching.

“You should look through all the other records first. Maybe you will find the culprit or culprits,” she tried, knowing this was a touchy subject.

“I really thought it was him. That Shard was the spy.” He sighed. “I still am. It’s him, I know it is.” Reece didn’t sound as sure anymore.

“It might be him, but you should cover all your bases.”

“You’re right. I will have all of those records checked and delve deeper into Shard too.” His eyes hardened.

“Here we are.” They’d arrived at the lawyer’s offices. Hope pulled in a deep breath. She looked up at Reece. Thank god she didn’t have to face Emmet and her sister alone. “Don’t be rude to Emmet. I know you don’t like him. I mean, he’s my ex, so it would be understandable, but—”

“I dislike the male because of everything he did to you. Everything he put you through.” Reece’s jaw tightened, and his eyes narrowed.

“Please try not to growl at him.”

“It will be hard, but,” Reece nodded once, “I promise to do my best.”

“No…not just your best.” Hope was trying to bite back a smile. “You can’t growl or threaten him. Please don’t hit him, either.” Hope stopped walking. “He can be an arrogant asshole, but you can’t—” She shook her head hard.

“I won’t hit him.” Reece got this feral smile that made her stomach flip-flop. “I would kill him if I hit him. Just one blow with this meat sandwich…” He hit his fist against his hand.

“I think that’s a knuckle sandwich, but I much prefer your version.” They walked into the elevator and she pushed the button for the fifth floor.

Hope’s stomach churned. She hadn’t seen Emmet in months. The last time she’d seen Lizzie was at the practice a few weeks ago. She’d contacted her sister after getting home from the whole Fallen debacle. It sounded like she and Emmet were back on track. That her sister’s fears were a false alarm. They hadn’t talked for long; the conversation was stilted. She and Lizzie had a long road to walk. Hope feared their relationship would never be the same. That was life. Some doors closed, while others opened. Reece glanced at her. His eyes softened. It was still weird looking into vivid green eyes instead of his gorgeous golden ones. Since a Feral’s eye color was so unique, they had to wear contact lenses when on human soil.

The elevator dinged, and they walked out. Reece took her hand and squeezed. “You’ve got this.”

“I know.” She smiled.

“You let me know if you change your mind about that meat sandwich.”

Hope laughed just as they arrived at the reception.

Lizzie and Emmet were already there. They both stood up. “Hi,” Hope said, still smiling. It was weird; as soon as she saw them her nervousness evaporated. She could tackle this. She could tackle anything she put her mind to.

“Hi,” her sister said. Lizzie’s belly was rounded. There was no doubt anymore that she was pregnant. Lizzie stepped forward and hugged Hope. It was awkward and thankfully lasted all of three seconds. She took a step back when Emmet looked like he was considering doing the same. Reece put his arm around her.

“Who is this?” Emmet’s eyes narrowed. Her ex wasn’t as big as she remembered him to be. He was six feet tall. Hope had always considered him to be buff. She was wrong. At least, he wasn’t tall or buff next to Reece. His hair looked like it was thinning on top. It was more noticeable since she’d last seen him.

“This is Reece,” she said to Emmet before looking at Lizzie. “Reece, this is Emmet and Elizabeth.”

“Lizzie,” her sister corrected. “It’s nice to meet you, Reece.” She held out her hand, and Reece shook it.

“Reece who?” Emmet was frowning.

“Just Reece,” Reece said, his voice low and gravelly.

“Why is this guy here?” Emmet asked Hope, pointing at Reece with his thumb.

“This guy is Hope’s boyfriend.” Reece took a step towards Emmet. “I’m here to support Hope. That’s all you need to know.”

“You have a boyfriend?” Emmet’s voice was whiny.

“What difference does it make if Hope has a boyfriend?” Lizzie asked.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate that she—” Emmet started to say.

“Appropriate? You want to start lecturing me on what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate?” Hope laughed. This man! He was too much. What had she ever seen in him?

“You can’t just bring some guy to—” Emmet started up again.

“Reece isn’t some guy, Emmet. He’s my boyfriend. I invited him here,” Hope said.

“You may go in now,” the receptionist chimed in from behind them.

“I don’t want him here.” Emmet folded his arms.

“Why are you acting like this?” Lizzie said. “It shouldn’t matter that Hope has a boyfriend, or that he’s here.” She shrugged.

“Are you going to start up on me again, Liz?” Emmet kept his arms folded.

“I’m not starting up on you,” Lizzie half-whispered. Her cheeks were pink. “Can we just go in and do this?”

“Not if he’s here.” Emmet looked at Reece.

“Oh, my god!” Lizzie licked her lips, looking down at the carpet under her low heels. “Emmet, this is what we’ve been waiting for.” She took his arm and gave it a tug, but Emmet didn’t budge. “Let’s get these papers signed so that we can get married.” Another tug. “Emmet! Now!”

“I don’t think I want a divorce.” He looked at Hope with pleading eyes. “I think I made a mistake.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Reece bristle. She saw his shoulders tense. He seemed to grow taller.

“What?” Lizzie shouted. “What are you talking about? I’m pregnant with your child. We already had the ceremony. I’m wearing your grandmother’s ring.”

“I still love you, Hope,” Emmet blurted, keeping his eyes on her and ignoring her sister.

There was a loud slapping sound as Lizzie hit Emmet square across the jaw.

Emmet took a step or two back. He looked at Lizzie. “I can’t do this anymore!” His eyes had this look of panic.

We are doing this. I’m pregnant, you asshole!” Lizzie shouted.

“You’re crazy,” he yelled at Lizzie before looking back at Hope. “Your sister is crazy. She follows me around. She checks my phone. She drops in at work at all times of the day. I’ve lost two clients because of you.” Emmet’s eyes blazed as he looked back at Lizzie.

“I apologized,” Lizzie sobbed, tears running down her face. “It’s the hormones.”

“No, it’s not the hormones. You blame everything on the hormones. I can’t take it anymore. You don’t trust me,” Emmet whined.

“Can you blame me?” Lizzie yelled.

“Yes!” Emmet yelled back.

“I want a divorce,” Hope said, starting to turn towards the open office.

“No!” Emmet shouted. “I’ll contest. I want you back, Hope.” His eyes were glistening.

“Emmet!” Lizzie was still tugging on his arm.

Hope stepped forward, letting go of Reece’s hand. You have to do certain things on your own in life, and this was one of them. “I don’t love you.”

“Don’t say that,” Emmet tried.

“I don’t love you. I don’t think either of us has loved each other for a long time.”

“I do love you, Hope,” Emmet whispered. “I made a mistake.”

Lizzie sobbed louder.

“You don’t love me! All I feel is sorry for you. For both of you.” She looked at her sister for a second. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the two of you deserve each other.”

She glanced at Reece, and they walked towards the office.

“I won’t do it!” Emmet shouted. “I won’t sign!”

“Can I hit him yet?” Reece whispered.

Hope rolled her eyes and pulled in a deep breath as she turned back. “I ultimately don’t need you to sign. I have plenty of grounds for a divorce.”

“I’ll fight this.” He looked pointedly at Reece for a few seconds.

“I’ll still win in the end,” Hope pointed out.

“Your soon-to-be ex-wife is correct.” It was their lawyer. He’d stepped out of his office. Hope was sure that even people down the hall could hear the shouting. “If you don’t sign, it’ll end up costing you a lot of money in lawyer’s fees and you will still lose. I suggest you sign today, Mr. Robertson. It will save you time and money in the long run.”

“I don’t want to.” Emmet sounded like a child.

“I can’t believe this.” Lizzie stamped her foot, looking like a child, too. The two of them really did deserve each other. Hope watched as Lizzie walked off in a huff. Her sister paused halfway down the hall, probably expecting Emmet to run after her. She started sobbing loudly when he didn’t and kept on walking.

Hope couldn’t find too much sympathy for her. She felt numb.

“Mr. Robertson,” their lawyer said, brows raised.

Emmet’s shoulders sagged. He sighed. Then he nodded once and walked towards them.

Reece put his hand to the small of her back. “I’m proud of you,” he whispered. Hope was proud of him, too. It would have been difficult for Reece not to react that whole time. To let her stand on her own two feet. But he had done it.

Her heart pounded as she signed. It pounded even harder as Emmet signed as well. This was the start of her future, and she was excited. She couldn’t help but put her hand on her stomach for a second. Just a second.