Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 41

Five months later…

“Here you go.”Hope put three glasses of orange juice down on the coffee table.

“Thank you,” Claire said; she had a baby on each breast. “Are you still okay, Trace?”

Tracey nodded. “Yep, I’m doing great.” She looked down at the little one sitting on her lap. “How cute are you, Murry?” she cooed.

“Careful,” Hope said. “It’s contagious.” She rubbed a hand over her lightly distended belly.

“No.” Tracey smiled, shaking her head. “Locke and I only mated last week. We want to enjoy our life as a couple for a while first. Probably in a few years’ time.”

Hope and Claire exchanged a look. They both laughed.

“What?” Tracey asked.

“You do know that you’re married to a Feral?” Hope said. “I said pretty much the same thing and look at me. I’m laying these precious ones next month. That will be less than six months after I said I wasn’t ready to get married again.”

Tracey smiled. “Our relationship has moved quickly since coming here a few months ago. Especially since I only planned on visiting. I never planned on staying.”

“Exactly. Before you know it, you’ll be buying maternity wear,” Claire said.

“You’re probably right. Locke and I want a big family.” Tracey smiled. She was a sweetie. Hope could see why Locke was head over heels in love with her.

“That’s good, since the Feral kids come in batches of three.” Hope laughed.

“Talking about being with clutch,” Claire said. “When is your replacement coming?”

“Next week. I recommended that we hire someone who can stay on once I get back from maternity leave. The clinic is getting very busy. There must be something in the water.” She winked at Tracey, who grinned.

“There were four matings this month.” Claire lifted one of the babies, using just one arm. “There are seven planned for next month.”

“Wow, that’s incredible,” Hope said. “I’m so glad that things are working out.”

“Me too.” Claire nodded. Her eyes widened in thought. “By the way, has your sister had her baby yet?”

Hope nodded. “Yes, a couple of days ago. She named him Seth.” Hope got out her phone and pulled up a picture of her nephew. “This is him.” She showed Tracey and Claire.

“He’s lovely,” Tracey said.

“I take it that she and Emmet still aren’t together?” Claire asked.

Hope had to work not to roll her eyes. “No. He’s tried hard to get her to change her mind, but Lizzie won’t budge. Thank god. He’s a real piece of work.”

“You’re telling me,” Claire said. “I still can’t believe he tried to get you back like that.”

“He hasn’t wasted any time and is apparently dating his personal assistant. Lizzie is convinced that he was cheating on her with the PA.”

“He probably was,” Claire said.

“Guys like that just can’t stop themselves.”

“Emmet has only been to see the baby once. I think Lizzie is going to be raising Seth on her own. She’s back to living with my folks.”

“Serves her right,” Tracey muttered. “Sorry, I just can’t believe that your own sister had an affair with your husband. It still boggles my mind.”

“I’m over it. I’m glad it all happened the way it did, or I wouldn’t be here mated to a wonderful man and expecting our children.” She smoothed a hand over her belly again. “It’s funny how something wonderful can come from something so terrible. Reece is everything to me.” She couldn’t take the smile off her face.

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