Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 39

Four days later…

Reece opened the door abruptly,causing it to bang against the wall. He and his team entered the building.

“What is the meaning of this?” Delise yelled. “What are you doing here?”

Her eyes widened. “Evander! Evander…where are you going?” she shouted after the fleeing healer. He tried to shift, but one of the males tackled him, quickly bringing him down. A healer was no match for a warrior.

Shard held on to the male, grinning. “Not very intelligent, is he?” He swatted Evander on the side of the head. The male cried out. “He’s wet himself.” Shard made a face. “You’re a coward.”

One of the others pretended he was going to hit Evander. The male flinched away, and everyone laughed.

“Stop!” Reece shouted.

“You heard our new head guard,” Shard shouted. Everyone cheered.

Reece doubted that he and Shard would ever be friends again, but they could get along as colleagues. Particularly since Shard was his second-in-command now. Reece had to bite back a smile. Leukos had called him in the previous day to promote him. “Actually, I’d say that Evander is highly intelligent.”

“Can someone tell me what is going on?” Delise put her hands on her hips. Her eyes were bright. “Why are you chasing and beating my healer? Unhand him immediately,” she shouted at Shard, who looked sheepish. He even bowed his head. “I can’t, Delise. I have orders.”

“Please,” Evander moaned. “This is a mistake. Please, Delise, help me!”

“What orders?” Delise asked.

“Orders from the king himself,” Reece said. “Evander is a spy. It was he who told Ekon of the queen’s movements. He was feeding all the inside information to Ekon.”

“What?” Delise narrowed her eyes. “Is this true, Evander? It can’t be.” She looked back at Reece.

“It’s true, Delise. We pulled his cellphone records. He was in constant contact with the Fallen. Mainly with a male called Kwan. He was the one who told them that the queen was having a checkup at the clinic that day the Fallen raided. He tried to tell them that the appointment was running early but you wouldn’t let him use his cellphone,” he told Delise. “He couldn’t get the message through in time. That’s why they ended up taking Hope and me instead.”

“The feather rot?” Delise whispered. “You said that it was a patient with a case of feather rot,” she muttered to Evander. “There was no feather rot. You made excuses afterward. We never ended up seeing anyone with feather rot. You lied. How did I not see it?” she muttered to herself.

“Do not blame yourself. Evander was devious,” Reece said. “It was because of Evander that Ekon knew so quickly that he had the wrong people. He knew who Hope was, who I was. All of it.”

“You were privy to all the information because you were my shadow,” Delise was still talking softly.

“Very clever, Evander. Quiet, unsure Evander. You were there, but we didn’t even see you,” Reece said to the male. “Leukos moved the queen to an abandoned tower nest on the eastern border. The royal guards and Delise went with the queen to keep her safe. You were there. You sent the Fallen a pin location. You are the spy…the traitor. It was you all along.” His anger towards Shard had blinded Reece. He’d been so angry for so many years that he had stopped living his life. He didn’t want to invite the male to be his friend again, but he also wouldn’t throw away more time on hate. He had Hope now. They all did. Hope for a better future.

“Take him away,” he told Shard.

“You are right, I am a shadow.” Evander spat before Shard could act. “I’m nothing here. I’m not seen or recognized. I’m worth less than dirt. I could’ve been a general for Ekon. He promised me—”

Delise closed the distance between herself and Evander and slapped him…hard. “You insolent child. Why would you believe a male such as him? I agree with Shard; you’re not very intelligent.”

“See,” Evander snarled. “This is what I have to put up with.”

“I am hardest on my brightest students. On my shining stars.” She shook her head in disappointment. “You could’ve had a bright future. Such a waste.”

“Wait!” Evander called as Shard was yanking him along. “What? What did you say? What do you—”

“What will become of him?” Delise asked once they were out of earshot.

“It is for the king to decide.” Reece looked up at the ceiling for a moment. “I don’t think he’ll be put to death.”

Delise sighed, nodding. “That is something, at least.”

“I imagine that he’ll be flogged and banished. Forced to live a life of solitude.”

“Leukos is a good king. A just king,” Delise commented. “Whatever he decides will be the right thing.”

“Indeed.” Reece nodded.