Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 21


I can think about is him. Even while strolling through the grocery store, my mind wanders back to the past two nights with Austin. I’m filled with immense guilt, as if I'm betraying Seth’s memory. With someone who is a bully, a rich and entitled jerk who treats everyone around him with disdain. The man who probably killed my husband.

Why the hell am I almost giddy when I think about Austin? I feel the twinkle in my own eye, the flush across my cheeks, and the smile that won't seem to leave my lips. My mind is turning, the way his lips tasted when I kissed him goodbye, and the desperate heat in his body when he begged for more. I can't help but feel empowered, like I have something that no one else has. I’m completely alive when I’m with him, and it's exhilarating.

Mainly because for the first time, I now have control, and am no longer his victim. I'm afraid. Afraid of making the wrong choice, afraid of losing any more than what I’ve already lost. And I'm running out of time. I'm questioning myself, wondering if I'm making a huge mistake. I don't know what to do.

My thoughts become a jumbled mess as the rain starts pouring from the heavy gray skies on my drive home from the grocery store. I decide to call Bella.

“Hey, you!” Her bright voice chimes through from the other end of the line. “What’s up?”

“Ugh, I don’t know…”

“Oof, what’s wrong?”

I chew on my bottom lip as I turn down my road. "I don't know what I'm doing," I admit.

“With what?”

I tell Bella the story about last night, leaving out none of the details.

“I can’t stop thinking that I'm betraying Seth.”

“Why? It’s not like you’re in love with this jerk.” Her voice is sharper than normal, but she sighs. “And Seth is gone, anyway. Besides, you’re just trying to get control of your situation. That’s all. Austin’s a fuck boy. He deserves to be used and manipulated. And to me, it sounds like you’re doing a pretty damn good job.”

"I know, but it just feels so wrong. I don't want to forget about Seth."

“You never have to forget about Seth, Olivia," Bella says softly. "But you also don't have to punish yourself for the rest of your life.”

“You're right. I'm just scared. What if this is one massive mistake, and it blows up in my face?”

She goes silent for a moment before answering. “Life is full of risks and uncertainties, Liv. But you can't let fear hold you back. You have to trust your gut and go with what feels right for you. At least this way you don’t go down without a fight, so to speak.” She laughs at her own joke. “And if you’re still having trouble sleeping, you should try some of my Ampien. I promise. It’ll help you sleep and relax.” Other voices come through her phone. “Listen, Liv, I got to go. I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

“Thank you. Seriously. You’re the best—”

“Bye!” she says happily, clicking the phone off before I finish my response. I sink into the driver’s seat, rubbing my temples with my fingertips. She’s right. I can’t start second guessing myself. It’s a bit late for that now.

I grab my bags from the back seat and make my way to the front door.

I groan as the rain pours down, soaking me the instant I step out of my car. My hair sticks to my face and my clothes cling to my skin. I try to protect the grocery bags, but the rain is relentless, penetrating the paper and soaking the contents.

This storm really came out of nowhere.

I try to fumble for the keys while I trudge up the steps to my front porch, my arms straining under the weight of the groceries. I concentrate on getting inside, but I don't see the puddle on the top until it's too late. My foot slips, and I tumble down the steps, the grocery bags scattering their contents across the ground.

I lie there, dazed and soaked. I can't believe this is happening.

Suddenly, a strong hand grips my arm, pulling me up from the ground. Sure enough, there’s Austin, standing over me, looking concerned. He’s soaked to the bone, too, but he doesn't seem to care. He gathers up some of the scattered groceries effortlessly in his arms.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice filled with concern.

“Yeah. Just being a klutz.”

He tries to hide a smile as I let out a laugh. “What the hell are you doing out in this rain?” I ask.

“I was going for a run. Got caught up in it.”


I notice then he’s in his athletic gear, black tank-top and shorts that cling to his body, damp from the rain. His perfectly sculpted arms hold the disintegrating bags like they weigh nothing.

“Let's get inside,” he says, and all I can do is sit on the steps in shock. I can't believe he is here, that he is helping me. He appeared out of nowhere. Coincidence?

We’re supposed to be enemies. Doesn’t he understand?

I follow along, as Austin takes the groceries into the kitchen. He dumps the failing bags onto the table, and several cans roll across it and fall onto the floor, hitting the pine board floors with a series of loud crashes.

“Thank you,” I say, reaching down to pick up the stray cans.

“It’s no problem.” His eyes fasten on my lips for a moment, and I feel a hot flush go through me. I force my gaze to his.

“I have to get out of these wet clothes,” I say, my voice a little shaky. My clothes are soaked and my hair is dripping, but I’m not cold. I’m heated.

He runs his thumb along his jaw back and forth, watching me. “Are you asking for my help?”

I shake my head. “No. Of course not.”

“Then what’s stopping you?” he asks.

I shrug. “Nothing.”

A streak of boldness races through me. Here we are again, standing in my kitchen, but this time, he’s the one who wants something from me, something that he has to work for, something he can’t just take. Now I understand why he’s back. Leaving him hanging the other night probably left him with a serious itch that he needs scratched. I shouldn't be like this. The old Olivia would feel bad about what I’m doing. But I don’t. And it’s liberating. I slowly unbutton my shirt, watching him as I do.

His brow rises. “What are you doing?”

“Getting out of these soaked clothes.” I feel the intensity of his gaze on me, burning into my skin like a fiery brand. His gaze slowly travels over my body and he takes a step closer.

“You shouldn’t tease me, Olivia.”

“Oh, I’m not. I’m just getting out of these wet clothes.” I shrug the shirt off, letting it fall to the floor.

His jaw clenches. My heart beats, like it’s about to explode. My hands are shaking as I pull the shirt over my head, watching him watch me.

“But is that what you want?” I ask, my tone playful. “To be teased.”

“A man can only handle so much.”

“Yet, you keep coming back.” I unsnap my jeans, bending forward to wiggle out of them. God. They’re stuck to my skin.

I look up at him, and he’s taking in the sight of my breasts. I love it—watching his agony. I kick away the jeans, and now I’m in my cotton boy shorts and a matching lace bra.

He swallows, his eyes intent on my body, burning a hole in my skin.

I straighten up, enjoying the thick tension in the air. “It’s like you can’t get enough of me,” I say as I pull one bra strap down.

“You think so?”

I turn back to him and shrug my shoulders, returning to my task of putting away the groceries. I’m still wearing my bra and underwear, and they’re wet, but I can’t take them off just yet. His eyes are molten. Burning, and I feel their heat on my body.

“Are you planning on staying for dinner or something?” I ask, shuffling away. I bend over to open the pantry as the sound of the rain beating loudly against the window echoes through the room.

“Depends on what you’re making,” he answers over the noise.

I shrug, still bent over, placing cans of soup onto the shelf. “I haven’t decided on anything yet.”

“Livvy, I know what you’re doing,” he says coldly, stepping forward.

“What?” I ask, in my most coy tone.

“Oh, you damn little vixen.” He steps forward. His hands grip my hips, pushing me hard between himself and the counter. “I think it’s about time I teach you a lesson.”

My breath hitches.

“One where you’ll pay the consequences for that mouth of yours,” he breathes, his lips brushing against my earlobe. My whole body shudders. I feel his hardness against me, ready for what he thinks is next.

“One you need to learn.”

“Oh no, did I upset you?” I whisper, my voice filled with sarcasm, my eyes glinting. I know that I’m pushing it, but I can’t help it. My body is on fire, and I want this, even if it’s just once. It’ll be so hot, so wrong, so forbidden, and I want all of that. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. I’m tired of being a good girl. Always doing the right thing. I want a taste of control.

I pretend to act coy. I pretend my heart isn’t pounding in my chest. “Did I do something wrong, Austin?” I ask, my voice low and teasing.

“Oh, you think this is funny? You’re going to pay for that. For leaving me last night. For torturing me.” His hands come up to my shoulders. He pushes me forward, and I bend over the counter. I have him exactly where I want him. Now he’s the one on the brink of losing control.

One of his hands yanks my bra down, grasping my breast. His hardness presses against my ass as his other hand grips my hip, his fingers digging into my skin as he pulls me against his engorged groin.

His lips move against the nape of my neck, his breathing labored and heavy. His fingers slide under the waistband of my underwear. Before I can react, he rips them off, tearing them and tossing them to the floor. I gasp at the suddenness of it all and twist my neck around to look at him, wide-eyed.

He watches me with an intensity that’s breathtaking—his eyes dark with desire as he stares at me hungrily. He looks at me like he’s out for revenge; this isn't something I'm used to, but I want more, more of him and more of this forbidden pleasure.

Who knew fucking someone you despise so much could be so exciting?

I feel myself melting into the sensation that is Austin Blackwater. His hands move down the front of my belly, exploring every inch of me with skillful vigor, heat radiating from his palms like an inferno.

When he slides a finger inside me, my head falls back and I let out a moan. Shit. I can’t let him know how much I want this. How good this feels.

I clench my jaw, refusing to let my excitement give me away. “Is this it?” I say. “Is this you teaching me a lesson?”

He chuckles softly. “You really are bold, aren’t you?” He groans and pushes me against the counter, and I feel the cold of the tile surface against my chest as he presses himself on top of me from behind.

“You’re just torturing yourself, Austin,” I tease, grinding my hips against his hand.

His fingers thrust inside me, and I grimace. I’m not sure how long I can play this game; this is so much better than anything I ever could have imagined.

“Do you like what I’m doing to you, Livvy?” he whispers into my ear, his hot breath sending a trail of goose bumps down my body. I don’t utter a word, holding back my moans, but my breathing is getting heavier, faster, and I’m finding it harder and harder to contain how much I want him.

He leans over me, keeping me pinned down on the counter as he continues stroking my G-spot. God, that feels so fucking good. I want him to keep doing that.

My body is stiff with an ecstatic tension, and a tiny moan escapes from my lips.

“I asked you a question,” he says, moving his hand faster. His fingers sliding inside me, thrusting in and out and massaging me, causing the fire inside me to spread. I’m on the edge of an explosion, and I’m helpless, pinned beneath him.

He yanks my head back, forcing me to look at him.

That’s when I see it: the hunger. I’ve never seen him like this, but I like it. I like it because it means that he wants me, almost to the point of needing me.

His fingers slip out from inside me, and pleasure shoots through my body, but it’s not enough to satisfy me. I’m craving more.

I look over my shoulder at him, biting my bottom lip, pleading with my eyes. I can feel him against my backside. It’s huge underneath his shorts.

I rock my hips back, pressing against it. This is so much different from what I was expecting from my trip to the grocery store. I reach one hand around behind me and hook my thumb around the waistband of his running shorts, pushing it downward. He uses his hand to help, and his shorts fall to the floor around his ankles.

He presses his engorged and exposed dick against my ass. “This is how you belong,” he whispers. “Bent over. Your ass up in the air. Your legs spread open for me. Dripping.” His words make me shiver, and I feel myself getting wetter between my thighs. I want to enter a world where I’ve never been before with someone who I can’t stand. And it’s beyond hot.

His fingers press into my butt, and he rocks his hips against me. He’s freaking huge, and he feels like heaven. I want him to take me here and now. I want him to give into this temptation. To let me know I’ve won.

He lets out a groan, a guttural sound that tells me he’s about to snap. He grabs my hair, pulling on it hard. The pain and pleasure mix, turning me on even more.

“Damn it, Livvy,” he curses, and I can feel his hardness even more. I want more. I want more of him. I want to push him over the edge. I want him to give me what I want. I want him to want me—desperately.

He’s not playing anymore. This is it.

He tugs harder on my hair as he slides his thickness inside me, and pleasure explodes through my body. His full-length pushes deep inside, injecting me with fire with each thrust into me. Over and over again.

“Oh, God!” I cry out, carnal pleasure exploding through my body.

A shiver runs down my spine, and electricity crackles in the air, surging through my body and straight to my core. It feels like I’m on fire and nothing else matters.

I press my forehead against the cold counter and moan loudly, letting him know how much I’m enjoying this. To hell with control. The sensations running through my body are beyond what I’ve ever felt before.

He’s fucking me faster, harder, and deeper than I’ve ever been fucked.

“I knew you’d be this fucking hot. I knew it,” he says, his voice a growl, and that growl turns me on so much, I can’t stand it. He’s so big and thick that my body aches for more. And when I get it, it’s even better than I imagined. I want him to keep doing this.

I want him to keep fucking me like this.

No one has ever made me feel this way before. My nails scrape into the counter and I come hard, my body exploding into a million pieces around him. “Oh my God!” I cry out, my body shuddering.

Pleasure crashes through me in waves, and I can’t help but scream out his name.


I’m senseless, and totally out of control. I lean back onto his chest in a haze of pleasure, and I can’t think straight.

He’s still fucking me hard and fast. His hands are on the counter beside me, his mouth by my ear. His breath is hot on my neck as he moves in and out. I lean against him.

His hand slips between my legs, toying with my clit. “I want you to come again,” he says, his voice hoarse.

“I don’t—” It’s impossible to talk as his hands continue to work my wet, throbbing center and his cock enters me again and again.

There is no romance between us, no sweet kisses or kind erotic words. This is raw, primal. His breath is hot on my skin, and the thumping of his heart beating against my back is pure heaven.

I whimper, but I can feel it beginning to happen. My body coils up inside, ready to come around him. The intensity of it catches me by surprise, and the orgasm crashes through my body. It’s the best feeling ever. He keeps thrusting himself into me, his cock like a thick rod inside me. He doesn’t stop until he’s ready. He has complete control over me, and he uses it to his advantage.

I turn my head and view him, and finally see him for the first time. He’s gorgeous; I can’t help but stare. I wonder what it is about him that has me so turned on. What it is about him that has me so obsessed.

As soon as this thought crosses my mind, I know the answer. It’s his eyes. Whenever our eyes meet, it’s as if there’s an electric current jumping between us. He looks at me like he wants me, but there is something else there, too.

Something that scares me.