Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 22



She shouldn’t feel real. No one should feel this good. Fucking her only makes me want more until she falls apart in my arms. So, I do just that, burying myself deeper into her as she cries out my name with every thrust. Her tight body wraps around me like a vise as an orgasm rips through us both.

I feel Olivia drop to her knees to finish me with her mouth, taking my cock deeper than ever before as if desperate for more of me. I groan and grab fistfuls of her hair as she takes me down her throat. I fuck her sweet, tight mouth until I come hard. It’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had.

Several shuddering waves emanate from my groin before I try to pull out as she hungrily continues to lick and suck, making sure I’ve given her every drop. I’m lightheaded as she licks me clean with the tip of her tongue.

When she finishes, she slims her eyes up at me and smirks. I shake my head at her. What is with this girl? I can’t exactly say what I’m feeling right now. It’s some kind of combination of overwhelming lust, depraved desire, and a dark kind of thrill.

As she stands up and brushes the dust from her knees, I realize that I’m enjoying this way too much.

I might have even crossed a line just now. She’s got me wrapped up in a knot just like she’s got herself wrapped up in some kind of fucked up relationship with me. I’m not usually the kind of guy who gets involved with this kind of shit. I like things to be nice and simple. Being in charge, and moving at my own pace is more my style. But that’s all because I’m careful. I’m careful with my money, and I’m careful with my heart.

I am so careful with everything because I’m used to the consequences of my actions. This girl is the complete opposite. Everything she does has consequences. She’s reckless, and it’s like a fucking hot branding iron to my skin. She doesn’t care who she hurts, and I can’t say I really care either.

I grab her hips and pull her back toward me, the surge of the fight leaving me. I wrap one arm around her waist, and then I kiss her. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t help myself. Her lips are soft, pliant, and completely responsive to mine. They’re so damn hot I can’t resist her.

She holds her arms around my neck, and I pull her closer to me, pressing my body against hers, reveling in the feel of her firm breasts against my chest.

“I’ve got some things I need to take care of,” she whispers.

My eyes find hers. Right. I’ve overstayed, pushed the envelope. Damn it. She’s winning. I want to keep taking her and fucking her until neither of us can stand, until neither of us can think.

Olivia tilts her head, scooping up her wet clothes from the floor and walking out of the kitchen.

I follow her, down the hall toward the stairs. “Livvy—”

She stops, reaching for a cotton robe thrown over the railing. She slips into it, arching a brow.

“I don’t want you to think…” I catch myself; what the hell am I doing?


“This.” I motion between her and myself. “I don’t want you to think that this is something that I normally do.”

She tilts her head. Jesus, why the hell do I care what she thinks of me?


“It’s just…” I clear my throat. “After what I went through with my ex-wife, I haven’t had the best relationship experiences, and I’m trying to work on it. It’s just that when it comes to you—”

“You were married?” Her eyes widen in disbelief.

“Unsuccessfully,” I grumble. “Married, then divorced.”

“You talk about your divorce like it’s an event.”

“It was,” I reply. It was a fucking disaster. Devastating and humiliating event.

“I’m sorry,” she says. Her eyes dart down and she shakes her head. “I really need to get some stuff done around the house.”

“Sure,” I say, stepping back, heading toward the front door. “I’ll, uh—we’ll talk soon.”

I hear the lock turn after I step out onto the front porch. This house really is a disaster.

The rain continues to pound on the roof and porch, washing over me as I step outside. The street is dark, lit only by the lamp post in her yard. I trudge through the mud and puddles, my feet making squishing sounds as I walk toward my house. I let out a sigh, frustrated with my inability to concentrate. I know now that my attraction to Olivia is becoming a distraction.

And I thought a run would help me clear my head. But I ended up pounding her over the kitchen counter. But even as I try to push her out of my mind, she remains there, steadfast at the forefront of my thoughts, and I know I have to find a way to corral these feelings if I want to move forward.

When I reach my front yard, I turn, glancing over my shoulder, taking one last look before stepping inside.

I begin my regular nightly routine. A shower after my run, dinner—which for tonight is leftover steak from lunch. I eat in the living room watching the game on the screen. Though it's impossible to focus on it.

I turn off the TV, rubbing my eyes.

Damn it, Olivia. Why are you so sexy?

Suddenly, a sharp movement catches my eye out the side window. I turn. What the hell?

I make out the shape of someone moving in Olivia’s yard. But it’s not her. The figure is shrouded in darkness, making it difficult to see any details. But there's something off about them. They're standing mostly still, almost as if they're watching the house.

A sense of unease washes over me. Who could it be? What do they want? I should call the police, but something about the situation causes me to hesitate. Does Olivia have a boyfriend? A pang of jealousy rises through me. More than I’d like to admit.

I head outside into the darkness to investigate.

“Hey!” I shout. The rain is coming down in sheets, but I don't care. I need to know who this person is, what they're doing here. I take a step forward, trying to get a better look, but the figure suddenly darts away from the house, bolting onto Springer Trace before disappearing into the darkness on Springer Mountain Road.

I wait a moment, staring out into the empty backyard, soaking wet. Probably some teenager up to no good. Nothing to be concerned about. Right?

I walk back into my house, peeling off the wet clothes and marching upstairs to take another shower. I’m tired. Exhausted really. My shoulders have tightened, and I can’t focus on what I need to do. It’s been like this for weeks. But I haven’t been getting much sleep lately, thanks to the lack of forward progress with Olivia’s property. It’s almost been a relief to have her as my fucktoy. I don’t have to worry about the emotional stuff with her. I don’t have to worry about being tangled up in some sort of relationship. I know that she’s a needy little sex kitten, desperate for my attention.

Out of the shower, I slip on a pair of sweatpants. My body is still running uncomfortably hot after today. I grab a book and plop down on the bed’s edge. Just because she’s sleeping with me, doesn’t mean I’m closer to that property deal. Not yet anyway. That’ll take some time.

A sharp rap knocks on my front door. I sigh, wondering who could bother me at this hour.

I hurry down the stairs and yank it open, ready to give whoever is on the other side a piece of my mind.

Then I see her.

“Iz,” I say.

She's shivering, with her hair plastered to her face from the rain, and tears are streaming down her cheeks, leaving trails of black mascara. I can't help but feel a twinge of concern, despite the anger and resentment I still harbor toward her.

“What's wrong?” I ask, stepping aside to let her in.

She sniffles, wiping away her tears and the rain as she hurries inside.

“I'm sorry,” she says, her voice shaking. “I didn't know where else to go, Austin.”

I lead her to the living room, where she collapses onto the couch, her whole body shaking with sobs. I have no idea what's happened, but I can tell that she's in an awful place.

I brace myself for what's to come. I can tell that this is going to be a long and difficult night that I’m going to have to face head on. I can't run from my past, or from the pain that I've caused, or the hurt that I've endured.

“Austin, I’m completely fucked. I've lost my house, and I have no one else to turn to.” She looks at me, and I see the desperation and fear written all over her face.

“What happened, Iz?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

“It's a long story,” she says. “But the bottom line is that I made some terrible investments, and now I'm paying the price. I've lost everything, and I don't know what to do.”

As I listen to her words, I feel a wave of uncertainty wash over me. I sense the genuine distress in her voice, but I also remember all the times she had betrayed me in the past. I can’t help but wonder if this is just another one of her schemes, and if she’s trying to manipulate me into giving her a place to stay.

The sooner I get her out of here, the better.

“Did you drive here?” I ask. I don’t remember hearing a car pull up, though I haven’t been in the clearest state of mind.

“No. I took a cab.”

“Iz, I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I just can't have you stay here,” I tell her firmly. “I'll get you a hotel for the week and that's it. After that, you'll need to figure out a long-term solution.”

Disappointment settles in her eyes, but I can't give in to her pleas. I must protect myself and my own well-being. I can't let her back into my life and risk getting hurt all over again. The end of us was a messy hell.

She shakes her head, resting her hand on my thigh. “Are you sure you don’t want me to spend the night? I can see you’re stressed. Is the business not going well? I’d be happy to help you.” Her fingertips glide up along my leg. “I can take your mind off things.” She licks her lips and leans in, locking her eyes on mine.

I reach down and grab her hand, pulling it away from me.

“It’s fine, Iz. It’s just not a good idea.”

She groans, a pout forming on her lips. “I’m sorry, Austin. I know I fucked up. I just didn’t know who else to turn to.” She inches closer to me, sliding her hand on my chest.

“Iz, stop. Please leave.”


I hold her at arm’s length, trying to keep some distance between us. “Iz, I’m serious.” I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm. “I’m not going to have sex with you.”

She looks at me with wide eyes, hurt and shock written on her face. “What?” she whispers. “Do you have a girlfriend?” she asks, her voice tinged with curiosity.

“No, I'm not seeing anyone right now.”

I walk to the kitchen and call her a taxi. A mix of guilt and frustration rushes through me, knowing that I'm helping her, even though I don't trust her. But I can't just leave her out in the rain, especially in her current state.

I wait in the kitchen until the cab arrives. When it does, I escort her to the front door, where the taxi is waiting nearby in the driveway. I hand her a wad of cash, enough to cover the ride and a few nights in a hotel. “This should be enough to get you through the week,” I tell her, trying to keep my voice steady. “But after that, you're on your own. I can't help you anymore.”

“I understand.” She nods. I watch her as she gets into the cab, then shut the front door as they drive away.