Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 32


open, my eyes scanning the lawn unsuccessfully for a dry path to my house. I plod, my steps quickening despite the muddy grass squeezing between my toes with each step. The rain is coming down harder now, but it doesn’t slow me down.

I had been so sure I was on the right track that I was close to uncovering the truth of Seth’s death. But everything is still so uncertain. Austin must have had a part in it all. I still don’t believe him, and his continued lies are just another betrayal that weighs on me.

He follows, several feet behind me, his face serious and stern. But whenever I glance back at him, his eyes soften, filled with feigned concern.

For now, I just need to keep moving, to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I stop. There’s a light on in the kitchen. I glance back at Austin.

“Did you turn on the light?” I query.

He shakes his head. “No. You had no power.”

My heart thuds in my chest as my hand lands on the doorknob.

Austin steps in front of me, resting his hand on my shoulder. “Let me go first, okay?”

“Is this a trap?” I plead in a tight voice. His eyes narrow.

“Livvy, no. Here, take my phone. Be ready to call the police if it comes to it.” I take his cell, clutching it tightly in my palm.

He opens the door, and we step together into the quiet entryway. The dim kitchen light shines through, illuminating soft shadows.

“Hello?” I know that voice.

“It’s just my best friend, Bella!” I say, resting my hand on Austin’s forearm. His brows scrunch together and he stops me before I can run into the kitchen to meet her.

I flip the light switch, flooding the room with light. Bella stands in the kitchen doorway, staring wide-eyed at the two of us. Noone says anything at first, as our eyes linger over one another.

“No. That’s my ex-wife,” Austin says. His whole body stiffens with frustration and controlled aggression. I blink, letting his words sink in, their meaning more than I want to deal with.

“What?” I whisper.

“Iz, what the fuck are you doing here?” Austin interrogates Bella with an icy voice.

I’ve never heard him sound like this. It’s a cold, menacing tone.

Bella has her hands clasped in front of her and she looks like she’s about to cry. Goosebumps break out over my entire body. First she dyed her hair. Then she cut and styled it exactly the same as mine. Now she’s wearing the same outfit I was wearing when we met for lunch earlier this week. It’s almost as if I’m staring into a mirror.

“I just stopped by to check on you, Olivia. Then I panicked when I saw all the lights were off and how dark it was in here. When the lights came back on, you weren't home, but your car was here, so I was about to call the cops.”

My eyes dart between hers and Austin's, but his gaze is fixated on Bella. She shakes her head.

“Bullshit, Iz,” Austin exclaims.

“I'm not lying. I was worried about Olivia.”

“If you care so much about Olivia, then why doesn't she know that you're my ex-wife?” I shout. “And why does she think your name is Bella?”

“Because—because—I knew you two are close, and I didn't want to interfere.”

I’m incredulous. I hear the words coming from their mouths, but I can’t process them. My heart sinks. She lied to me. All this time. Bella, the one person who showed up and stayed by my side after losing Seth, is Austin’s ex-wife? How did he not know she was around? He must’ve seen her, right? Or did she keep out of his view, showing up whenever he wasn’t home?

Austin looks at me and I can see the confusion and concern in his eyes. I wish he wasn't staring at me like that. Anger rises in my chest. My body twitches, and I realize I'm crying. Bella looks at me, pouting her lip like a scolded child.

“I—I'm sorry, Olivia. I didn't know how to tell you.”

“Really?” I snap.

Bella stares at the two of us, guilt written all over her face. I trusted her. I confided in her. The one person who was kind to me. The only person I actually trusted, and who made me feel safe.

She shrugs. “I know how much you hate Austin, all those terrible things he did to you. He drugged you, remember?”

“Don't you dare lie to me anymore!” I'm shouting now and she flinches, the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

“Livvy, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to, I just—”

“I thought you were my best friend, BellaIz… or whatever the hell your name is,” I say. “or is it Izabella?”. A wave of numbness sets in. She and Austin must be working together. They’re playing me. It's what makes the most sense. They worked together to plan against Seth and me. She even encouraged me to sleep with her ex-husband. Who the hell does that?

God. I feel sick to my stomach.

I turn toward Austin, who is gazing at me, his lips pressed together. “How could you do this to me?” I ask, my voice trembling. But I already know the answer. He’s been playing me this whole time. They both have.

“I was trying to protect you, Olivia. Iz—Bella—is no good. She's a pathological liar. She lied to you to get closer to you. To get to me. That's what she does. That's who she is.”

“I don’t believe you, Austin,” I say, but I’m unconvinced, and the words come out weak.

“Liv!” She marches toward me, but I step away from her. “Please,” Izabella continues. “If you can just listen. All I've wanted to do is protect you from Austin.”

“How do you expect me to believe you when you've been lying to me since the moment we met?”

“I know. I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this.”

“Get the hell out of my house.” I'm numb and I'm shaken to my core. I feel like I'm in a Halloween Fun House.

“Olivia, I'm sorry,” Austin pleads. He looks at me, his expression softening. I can see the regret in his eyes. He opens his mouth, wanting to say something else to me, but he doesn't.

Instead, he turns to Izabella. “Iz, just go.” Austin's voice is ice.

“You too, Austin. Get the hell out,” I tell him.

“Olivia,” she starts. “Don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.”

My heart pounds in my chest. She approaches me and wraps me up in an embrace. I stand there frozen and stiff before pushing her away. “Don’t you ever touch me again,” I growl.

She stumbles backward, her eyes wide.

My eyes linger on my hands as the heavy drops of rain crash on the roof with a thunderous roar, overwhelming me. “Get out! Both you!” I say, my voice short and stern.

“I didn't know,” Austin says. His voice is soft, like a whisper in my ear.

I stare down at the floor. It's so hard to believe. I thought she was my friend, but she and Austin were clearly just manipulating me, lying. He's capable of far more terrible things than I ever imagined.

“Goodnight, Austin,” I whisper in a tight voice. “I hope you and Izzy have a delightful night.” I feel so completely numb. “The two of you really are quite the match, huh? A perfect couple. Two cold hearted, narcissistic pieces of shit!”

“Livvy, I'm truly, truly sorry about what happened here tonight,” Austin says. “I never wanted you to get involved in any of this. I didn't know Iz was going to come here.”

“Leave her alone, Austin!” Izabella snaps.

“Whatever,” I say, frustrated and fed up. “I just want to be alone.” I shake my head. “So please, get the hell out of my house before I call the police.” I'm so tired of the lies and the confusion. I grasp Izabella by the arm and walk her to the door. As I open it, she starts bickering with Austin about something I don’t even care to listen to. He follows her out through the door and into the wild and chaotic lightning storm. The wind howls, and the rain beats down on them in sheets like a relentless hammer, and a smile comes over my face as I watch them disappear into the rainy darkness. I've never been more grateful for such a massive rainstorm. They deserve it.

After they’ve disappeared from view, I close the door and go upstairs and into my bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I realize my eyes are red and puffy. I brush my teeth, change into sleeping shorts and a tank top, and climb into bed and nestle under the covers.

I close my eyes, but sleep doesn't come.

She was there. The day of Seth's funeral, waiting, lingering to approach. They planned it from the very beginning.

At this moment, I hate Austin. I hate him more than ever, and I've never been more certain that he killed my husband.