Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 35


pier, the wind whipping against my face as I gaze out over the water. The sun rises, bouncing its sparkling rays off the tops of the waves. I lean against the railing, feeling the wood creak under my weight, and close my eyes, letting the sound of the waves lull me.

I knew I shouldn't have fallen for her. I knew that our relationship was dangerous, that it was bound to end in heartbreak. And Henry knew it. He warned me, but I denied it the entire time. I couldn't help myself. Something magnetic drew me to her, to her feistiness, her strength, her courage. And oh god, was she a beauty, too.

It's been a week since I last saw Olivia, and it feels like it’s been forever. Every minute without her feels like a year. I've replayed our encounter from that stormy night in my head so many times. What was said and the emotions that were felt. Iz’s appearance out of nowhere. Part of me regrets what happened, but another part knows that it was necessary. That this was the only way to ensure Olivia’s safety.

I sigh heavily, wondering if she's okay. If she's happier now that she's away from me and my drama. But then I remember how quickly she left—without saying goodbye or anything—and my heart breaks all over again. It feels like I'm standing on a precipice, one false move could lead to disaster.

Enough of this self-pitying—I can't let myself get dragged back down into despair again. I need to stay positive. I take in the view before me; the sun’s rays dispersing and melting my gloominess. The waves crash against the pier beneath me, creating a peaceful rhythm which somehow mirrors my own inner turmoil perfectly.

My gaze drifts from the horizon out across the water as my thoughts turn inward once more; no matter how hard I try not to think of her, images of her creep unbidden into my mind.

She’s determined and brave and strong—qualities that I have not seen in anyone else, which drew me to her despite all the warnings telling me to stay away. No matter how much my conscious mind told me otherwise, there was something about her that was too strong for even logic itself to quell.

I shake my head slowly as if trying to banish the thoughts of her from my mind, but it does little good, no matter how hard I want it. Now, I'm paying the price for my foolishness. I've lost her, and there's nothing I can do to bring her back. The emptiness I feel is like a physical pain, one that gnaws at me incessantly, day and night. I want to blame her for this, for the way she made me feel. But I can't. I was a willing participant in the game. I was the only one who could have changed the outcome of it all, who could have altered the course of the events. I was the one who kept reaching out to her, who kept making the choices that led us to this conclusion. And, now, I'm the one who has to live with the consequences. I'm the one who must deal with the heartache and pain and loss.

The pain of it all is unbearable, and I know I've hurt her, more than I ever intended to. I didn't mean for any of it to happen. I was stupid and naïve, and I don't know how to forget her. I can't think of anything else but her, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get her out of my head.

I catch a movement from the side on the pier, and turn toward it. “You're right on time,” I mutter, seeing Ivan leaning against the railing a few feet away.

He side-eyes me, nodding. “I've got something for you.” He reveals an envelope tucked inside a leather binder. He hands me the binder, and I take it from him. It is thick and filled with papers. I whip it open and shake it gently, so as not to spill the contents into the ocean.

Ivan chuckles. “Nervous?” he asks.

I swallow hard and nod. “Very.”

“Relationships suck.” His tone is light, but there's a sadness to his voice. I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but I have a bad feeling about it.

“What does it say?” I ask, flipping through the pages.

“A lead into Seth Williams's death.”

“Was it suicide?”

He sighs, adjusting the sleeves of his jacket. Ivan and I look at each other in silence. He lets out a long breath before answering my question. “No, it was not suicide,” he says. Ivan takes a deep breath before continuing. “Seth's life was complicated and messy,” he says slowly. “There were drugs involved, some kind of financial trouble…”

My heart beats faster as I process this new information. “Do you think it could implicate me in this?” I ask nervously.

He shakes his head reassuringly. “No,” he says firmly. “I know you had nothing to do with this. And nothing in here will suggest it. Everything you need to know is in there. I don't have time to stick around and chat. But you take care of yourself and be careful. I'm giving this to you before I go to the cops with it, alright?”

“Thanks, man. I owe you,” I say, before Ivan nods and turns, walking away down the pier, his form slowly disappearing into the distance.

My gaze returns to the files, as I take a seat on the nearest bench. My eyes scan the pages. It all looks like a bunch of gibberish to me, or files I already have. There are photos of the crime scene, documents from Seth's laptop, and interviews with his friends and colleagues. I scan the first few documents quickly. It looks like the police report and a few parts of the autopsy. I skim through the police report, then turn to the coroner’s report that claims it was a suicide.

I keep reading, hoping for some kind of understanding about why he did what he did, but there is nothing more than conjecture. Finally, I come across something that catches my attention. My heart crashes into my abdomen as the realization sets in.

The words are blurry, and my hands shake as I continue reading.

There is no way I can undo the damage I've done. I know I can never have Livvy back, or turn back time to make my relationship with her work. I realize that now, for certain.

I try to push away these thoughts as I slowly put down the papers, letting out a deep breath before standing up from the bench.

My heart is pounding as I pull out my phone. This is it, the moment that will change everything. I take a deep breath, scrolling through my contacts until I find the number I'm looking for. I hesitate for just a moment, wondering if this is really the right thing to do. My hand trembles as I dial the number, my heart racing as I wait for the call to connect. I'll finally be able to give Olivia the closure she deserves, to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and make things right.

My heart is in my throat as I wait for the other end to pick up.