Ambushed by M.E. McAndrews

Chapter 36


kitchen, staring out the window, watching the wind turn over the leaves as it knocks them from the trees, scattering them throughout the yard. My fingers curl tightly around my coffee cup. I'm not going to be able to make the mortgage payment. I knew it would be a struggle when my parents left me this house. They couldn’t have known what was going to happen with the surrounding properties, and that the new McMansion subdivision would jack the taxes sky high. If I hadn’t been late to that interview because I missed my bus, I may have been able to scrape up the money for this month. Because of Austin, I didn’t get hired, and without a job, my savings have officially dried up.

How the hell did I end up with such a shitty year in only a matter of months? My thoughts continue to wander, and I stare off into space, the image of the flying leaves becoming an indistinct swirling blur. How could this happen to me?

The sound of crunching leaves snaps me out of my wandering thoughts, bringing my eyes back into focus, but I see nothing unusual. I turn to search through the window on the other side of the house, and catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head. My hands go cold; a shiver races down my spine.

A hard knock crashes on the front door. I freeze. I’m not expecting anybody. My heart pounds in my chest. It can’t be the bill collectors already. I’m not officially late yet.

My body becomes rigid, and my wide eyes are still.

Another knock at the door, this time faster. And louder. Every muscle in my body is tense, and my chest constricts as if I’m being crushed inside a vise. My breath becomes shallow while my heart hammers against the inside of my chest like a wild animal frantically fighting to escape from a locked cage.

I don’t move, not at first. I realize that whatever it is, I’ll have to face it, eventually. Besides, if whoever it is were here to hurt me, they probably wouldn’t knock first. Just in case, I reach into the drawer in the kitchen and pick up a knife, clenching it tightly in my fingers as I shuffle toward the front door.

Before opening it, I peek through the peep hole.

Shit. It’s Austin.

“Go away,” I shout through the door. “I want nothing to do with you.”

“Olivia, please. We need to talk—”

“I told you. I never want to see you again, Austin. Now go away. Please.”

“I understand if you don’t want to see me, Olivia. But there is something I do need you to see.”


“Let me show you. Please. Open the door.”

“No. What is it? Hold it up so I can see it.”

Austin lifts his hand up in front of the peep hole. He’s holding a file folder.

“There are some things in here about Seth that you need to see.”

The folder is exactly like the one in Austin’s bedroom. I set the knife down on the entryway table, and step back to open the front door. Only then do I realize that Bella—Iz—is with him, her face pulled into a devious grin.

“Why is she here?” I push the door closed.

“Wait, Livvy,” Austin interrupts, stopping the door with his foot. “You need to see this.”

Austin shoves the folder through the crack in the door as I watch a sly grin creep across Izabella’s lips.

“This is going to be good.” She snickers.

Austin pushes the door open, and I don’t resist. “Can I come in?” he asks.

“Fine. But you’re not staying”, I respond, flipping the folder open as I sit down in the armchair.

“I think you're going to want to see this, too, Iz.” He motions for Izabella to sit on the couch next to him at the table.

I sit there for a moment, staring at the folder, not sure what to do. Then I take a deep breath and flip it open. Inside there are photos and documents detailing Seth's death. I pull out a stack of papers, some printed from the internet, some handwritten notes. It’s all there, every detail of Seth's last moments and the events leading up to his death. The report shows the exact time of his death, the location, and even the cause of death. My chest tightens.

“I don’t understand…”

“Look at the photos at the bottom of the stack,” Austin says. I shuffle through them until a particular image with a date stamp that reads AUGUST 15 catches my attention.

There’s a tall woman with long blonde hair standing on my front porch.

“That’s you!” I exclaim, staring straight at Izabella. “Before you changed your hair.”

“It doesn’t mean anything, Olivia,” she replies. “I was there to see your husband.”

“You knew Seth?” I ask. My eyes lock onto her, and she rolls her eyes.

“Liv, be smart. You’re about to lose this house, okay? That’s why we came here. Of course, I knew Seth. You know Austin has been after this property for quite some time.”

“Iz, stop,” Austin says sharply.

Then I see it. A photo, a small white pill bottle with a label reading “Ampien” sits on a clean white surface. The label on the bottle displays the patient’s name, the prescription information, and the pharmacy’s logo. The bottle is half-full, with a few pills still visible through the clear plastic.

My mouth goes dry, and my throat tightens.

“You…” I whisper.

My hand covers my mouth as tears blur my eyesight. My knees buckle beneath me, and I slowly sink deeper into the armchair. I can’t believe this is happening.

“I—don’t understand,” I finally choke out. “You poisoned him, didn’t you?”

“Wait? You think I did what now?” she gawks.

I hold up the photo of her Ampien pills. The same ones she suggested I try using.

“Come on! You’re not thinking straight. Austin’s messing with your head. Okay? He took them from me!” Bella snaps, lurching forward. “He took those pills and used them to kill your husband.”

Austin glares at her. “I had my private investigator follow her when she went MIA for a few months. Got me worried she was up to something. And she was.”

“It's all a lie!” Izabella whips around to face Austin, “you told me this very morning, everything in the envelope was enough to get Olivia out of the house. He told me that, Liv. This morning he called me and was like ‘we’re getting the property’. He’s just trying to mess with you!”

The world suddenly stands still and everything that happened over the past year begins to make sense. It comes together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle clicking into place as the images take shape. Austin steps forward to place his hand on my shoulder, and for a moment we just stand there in silence as I process this new information in complete shock.

After what seems like hours but is only moments, Austin speaks up. “We need to show this to the police,” he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper.

Izabella bolts upright from her seat and makes a dash toward the door, but Austin blocks her path.

“Sit down, Iz.” She grimaces as Austin shoves her back into her seat.

“How, Bella? How the hell could you do this to me?” I look up at her with watery eyes. She glares back at me. “Seriously?” She tosses a handful of hair. “Are you going to believe him over me?”

“How could you?” I'm frozen, unable to bring myself to move or even speak. “The evidence is right here!”

“He’s lying. He could’ve made all of those documents up. He has power. And billions.”

“I don’t believe you, Bella.” I interrupt.

Bella rolls her eyes. She's so cold, so cruel. I look at her with pity, shaking my head and wondering what happened to my friend, the one who had been so kind and so compassionate when I needed it most. She seemed so different when we met. None of it was real. Ever. I knew it was over between us when I found out who she really was, but this? Killing Seth?

“Are you done with the act, Iz?” Austin asks.

She laughs, a brittle high-pitched sound. “Act? You think I’m pretending?”

“Olivia, call the police now,” Austin says.

“Don’t listen to him!” Bella shrieks. “He’s just trying to get me out of his life.”

“Alright, fine. I’ll make the call,” Austin says reaching into his pocket for his phone.

“Wait! I did this for you, Austin. For the house. For the property. For your business. She's the bitch that's in the way of our future. The future you and I were meant to have. I knew how much this meant to you. How much you needed the land.

“You’re sick, Iz,” Austin says, holding the phone away from his ear.

“I should have just killed them both,” Izabella continues, her voice cold and empty, as if it was a simple business transaction. “But then I had a better idea. I saw the way you looked at her. The lust in your eyes. You used to look at me like that, remember?”

“Jesus Christ, Iz,” Austin mutters. He looks to me, his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw tight. I look back at him, needing an answer. Once again, his gaze softens.

“You used to love my long blonde hair. But somewhere along the line, you changed your taste. Now you’re into this brunette thing.” She waves her finger at me without looking at me.

“What are you saying?” Austin asks.

“Well, I figured… if she was afraid of you… or better yet, if she hated you… then you’d go to any extreme to get her back.” Izabella bobs her head and fluffs her hair with her hand as she twirls her head.

“I saw how pathetic and gullible she was,” she continues. “Don’t you see what I went through for you? I wanted to—”

“Wait a minute!” I interrupt her tirade. “So you changed your hair to look like me. So… what? So you could take my place?”

“I never said you were stupid,” Izabella replies.

“And let me guess, you’re the one who threw the rock through my window?” I continue my questions.

She doesn’t deny it. Instead, she sits in the armchair, defiant.

“What about the party?” That was you, too. You’re the one who handed me that fresh glass of champagne.

An evil grin rises on Izabella’s face. “Let's be real, Austin,” she rises in her chair to face him. “It wasn’t so difficult for her to think it was you. Deep down, you’re just as evil as I am.” She steps toward him.

“Don’t!” Austin shouts at her.

“You and I were made for each other, dear. Do you have any idea how much I love you?” She steps toward him again, her eyes glistening.

“Goddammit, Iz!” He pushes her back down into her chair. “Do you have any idea how fucked up this is? I’ve always known you were crazy, but this is totally fucked up.”

“I did it all for you, Austin. You should show your gratitude.”

“You need help, Izabella. You're definitely not well,” I whisper.

“You. Shut up!” she snaps at me, spraying me in the face with her venomous spit.

“You're a monster,” I say through gritted teeth.

Izabella lurches toward me, and Austin jumps in front of me, shoving her back down.

“Get out of my way, Austin,” she says. “Let me finish what needs to be finished. We can’t be together as long as she’s alive.”

“You’re crazy,” he says. “Don't you see it, Izabella? This isn't your home. You aren't her. And I'm neverever going to be with you. You need to get some help.”

Iz's eyes widen, and she stares at him. She then sweeps her gaze toward me, and back again to Austin. Her eyes light up as some sick epiphany forms on her face. “Austin, darling. I am your wife. I saved you when your business was stalling. I know you remember that.”

I watch as her eyes trace his face, studying him, searching for a way to get into his head.

She continues. “Austin? Why don't you just let her die? The bank will take her property, and all your problems will go away. Besides, you and I both know you're not going to leave me. Let me just finish this. You don’t need to have any part in it.” Tears stream down Izabella’s face as her cheek muscles twitch and her brows twist together in a contorted mess.


“I’ll kill her, for us, Austin!” she shouts.

That’s when I see it. Iz lunges from the armchair in my direction, knife in hand. Austin reacts quickly, grabbing her and pushing her back against the wall. She screams and wriggles in his grip, trying desperately to break free. But before she can, the knife sinks into him.

I can’t move, and Austin’s eyes meet mine as he lets out a groan of pain. The knife handle sticks out from his chest, and blood oozes from the wound, but he doesn’t let go of his grip on Iz.

“Call 911,” he says, his voice low.

My hands move before my mind can catch up, reaching for my phone.

The operator comes onto the line, and I’m sobbing so hard I can barely get my words out. With his large build, Austin keeps Iz pressed against the wall with one hand while holding his hand against his chest next to the protruding knife handle.

A blot of crimson red spreads out over his shirt.

“We need help, please. Hurry.” I’m sobbing and I can barely keep myself together.

“What is the nature of your emergency?” the operator asks.

Austin doubles over but keeps Izabella pinned against the wall. I can smell blood in the air, and the faint metallic taste on my tongue..

“My boyfriend has been stabbed,” I answer.

“Is the assailant still at the scene?” the operator asks.


“It’s over, Izabella!” Austin shouts.

“I love you, Austin. I’m sorry!” she screams, in her high-pitched, desperate shrill. She looks at him, her eyes wild, her face twisted with grief and rage. “Why are you doing this to me?” she cries out.

I remain on the line with the 9-1-1 operator for several minutes while Bella… Iz pleads with Austin for his forgiveness. After an excruciatingly long time, the wail of sirens approaches, and moments later the front door crashes open.

“Everybody! On the floor, do not move!” an officer shouts.

Another officer quickly observes the knife protruding from Austin’s chest and looks at me…Then at Izabella… unsure which of us is the threat.

“Thank God, you’re here, officer!” Izabella shouts, pointing at me. “Grab her,” she continues.

The officer moves toward me, and I step back as Izabella continues “Kill her now. He ruined everything I did for him, and now she needs to die! If you don’t do it, I will.”

The policeman stops and looks at Izabella, realizing in an instant that the wild-eyed woman making ‘kill’ commands is the real threat. He turns away from me and jumps on top of Izabella, taking her to the floor in a choke hold.

“You don’t understand!” Izabella’s muffled voice shouts from beneath the officer. “I have to kill her. For Austin! Please! Let me go!” her screams fill the house mixing with the sirens wailing outside.

The paramedics and the other police officer surround me.

“I’m okay,” I tell them. “He’s been stabbed. He needs help.” I point to Austin, who is sitting on the floor, his back against the wall. A large blotch of red covers his entire chest and abdomen.

The paramedics, who had not yet noticed Austin, rush to him and quickly start attending to his wound.

Austin stares over at me, wheezing. His eyes are fixed on mine, and I can tell that he’s doing his best to not show his pain.

The entire scene becomes a flashback of the night Seth died. A swarm of officers and paramedics, encircling and bombarding me with questions. But I don’t answer their questions. My eyes remain fixed on Austin while the paramedics wrap his wound, making sure not to move the knife.

As they roll him out on the gurney, chest up, I walk beside him. “Why the hell did you do that?” I ask. “You knew she was crazy. You knew she wouldn’t think twice about stabbing you.”

“You were in danger,” he replies, his voice weak and raspy.

“Stop talking,” the paramedic says.

“You don't understand. I-”

“Save it,” the paramedic interrupts. “We need to get you to the hospital.”

Austin shrugs giving me a half smirk as they wheel him out. His face is pale, and dark circles remain beneath his eyes. I want to go with him, but the detectives intercept me.

“Are you family, miss?” One asks.

“No. We’re…I’m his… neighbor,” I respond.

“Then we’ll need you to stay and answer some questions.”

One has already found the envelope and is going through it meticulously.

“Is there anybody else in the house?” an officer asks. I just shake my head numbly. “Are you certain?” The detective asks, eyeing me suspiciously.


“Why don’t you wait outside, okay?” he says gently, ushering me toward his partner. Outside, the summer air settles over the yard. A slew of police cars lines my driveway. The second detective hands me a cup of water, and I take it gratefully. “Are you okay to answer a few questions?” he asks

“Yes, that would be fine.”

“Okay. So, what was your relationship to Izabella?” he asks.

“She was a close friend of mine.”