Omega Hunted by Linsey Moon


Savannah grabbedhis hand and turned back toward the house.

“What are you doing?” Yuu said, trying to stop her.

“Come on,” she said. “I know where we can go get out of the rain and maybe even find some info to help us find some leverage to stop the cheaters, or at least find out if Nick is okay.”

“You know, for someone who isn’t interested in taking an alpha mate, you sure are worried about Nick.”

“He did the right thing helping me save those omegas. I’m not going to let something bad happen to him in return. Now come on. I know where The Lady’s office is. With the party going on we can slip in and hopefully find the information we need.”

Yuu stopped and tugged my hand but it was too late, we were only feet from the office door. “Are you crazy?” he said in a low voice. “Do you know what she’ll do if she catches us in there?”

Savannah’s cheeks blushed remembering how the Lady had caught her in her office the night all this had began.

Yuu leaned in so close she could feel his heat engulfing her. “What are you thinking about omega?”

Savannah’s body wanted her to react to his nearness, but she had to keep a straight head. It was just so hard with the feel of his breath teasing her neck. She felt her body leaning into him of its own accord, but then she heard a voice and froze.

Her eyes grew wide and she looked at him and held a finger over her lips. There was a lavish party going on. Nobody should be upstairs, unless an alpha had snuck up here with his omega the same way she’d been caught before. Nothing about the voice she heard sounded like a newly mated alpha with his omega.

As quietly as she could, Savannah moved closer. The door to the office was ajar and she soon recognized the voice. It was The Lady. When she looked back at Yuu it was clear he recognized the voice too because he was motioning for her to leave with him, but she shook her head. Something told her she needed to stay.

The Lady passed the door with her back to them and Savannah saw the phone held to her ear. “Everything’s running smoothly. In fact, our little problem may just resolve itself.” She paused. “Frost’s little pack already has him. With any luck, they’ll get carried away and deal with him for us.”

She laughed and it was the the kind of sound that Savannah knew would haunt her dreams. “Frost’s father will happily foot the bill to ensure we conceal his son’s indiscretions, so we won’t even be on the hook for the disposal.” She paused again. “I’m having their cabin restocked with a full minibar as we speak. I doubt it will take anymore than that to encourage those nasty boys to do exactly what we’re wanting them to. That Frost boy has a nasty streak.”

Savannah’s heart was thundering in her chest. Nick. The Lady was referring to them hurting Nick, or worse, killing him. It didn’t make any sense. Nick was one of her paying customers. She’d seemed to respect him just as much as the others the night of the first ball. It’s not like he was here to collect an omega to take back to his waiting boss the way Yuu was.

Whatever was going on, Savannah wouldn’t just sit back and let Nick get hurt. He was only at that cabin with Lucas and the others because she’d insisted on saving Corrine and he wouldn’t leave her side. He did the right thing and she wasn’t going to let him get hurt for it.

She bent down and moved closer to the door, peering inside. Yuu dug his hand into the back of her shirt and tried to pull her back but she ignored him. He was free to leave, but she had to do something even if she didn’t know what she could do.

There was a cabinet near the door and on top of it sat the tablet she had seen The Lady carry around with her. Nick had said something about GPS. Maybe that was why she always had that tablet. Savannah waited for The Lady to walk further away from the door with her back facing it, she snuck her arm inside and quickly snatched the tablet.

Yuu pulled her back into him and whispered into her ear. “We’ve got to get out of here. Now.”

She had what she needed, so she nodded in agreement and allowed him to pull her along until they made it outside. They hid under an alcove at the end of the house, out of the rain, and she pulled the tablet from the safe place she’d held it against her chest and thanked her lucky stars she had been right.

The names of every alpha lit up on the screen. Some were moving and others were still. Several were right where her and Yuu were—the alphas who’d already claimed omegas and were currently at the party celebrating.

The omegas were on the screen, too. She groaned seeing her own red dot flashing on the screen where she stood. The good thing was, it told her exactly where she needed to go. She pointed to Nick’s name on the screen, her teeth grinding when she saw Lucas, Ramon, and Shen all near him.

“We have to help him,” she said.

“We can’t just go in blind,” Yuu said.

She waved the tablet at him. “We’re not. We know right where he is and where they are.”

“I know,” Yuu said, “but we need to take our time to plan this a bit more thoroughly. The Lady said it herself. Lucas is wicked and after you and Nick helped those omegas escape his clutches, I guarantee he’s taken precautions to ensure nothing like that happens again.”

Savannah wanted to argue with him, but she knew he was right. Those guys had proven they were willing to lie in wait once already when she’d gone back looking for Nick the first time. After what happened to them then, they were probably more pissed off. God, she hoped they hadn’t taken their renewed anger out on Nick.

“I know you’re right. It just feels wrong leaving him out there when he helped me.”

“We aren’t leaving him. If we go after him now, chances are those assholes are just going to wind up with two more people held captive.”

Lightning cracked through the sky, reminding her that there was a storm raging and the resounding thunder that followed told her it was only growing stronger. Yuu pulled his jacket back over her head, but with the wind picking up it wasn’t going to do much for long.

“We need to get out of this storm and come up with a plan,” he said.

“Fine,” she said, finally giving in. “I know where we can ride out the storm.”

Yuu cocked an eyebrow at her. “We’re not going back in that mansion.”

She smiled. “Never again, I hope. There’s a cabin that’s safe. We might even have a friend there who can help us plan.”

“A friend, huh?” Yuu smirked. “For a girl who doesn’t want a mate, you keep surrounding yourself with alphas.”

She smacked his arm. “Shut up and come on.”