Omega Hunted by Linsey Moon


Thanksto the GPS on the tablet finding the cabin where Nick was being held was easy. Savannah couldn’t believe he had been so close by and she hadn’t been able to find him, but they were there now. She could smell the acrid scents of Shen, Ramon, and Lucas. Clearly an alpha’s scent told a story about the moral character they possessed because these alphas made her wish she wore a mask.

Nick’s scent mingled in with theirs too, but it was fainter and tainted by the smell of blood. God, what had they been doing to him?

“Nick’s in the back,” she said, pointing to the tablet. “I’ll knock on the front door to distract the others.”

“See if you can get them outside,” Yuu said. “I’ll be waiting.” He rolled his shoulders and the icy look in his eyes told her whoever she managed to lure out of the cabin was in for a rough fight.

“Kasim,” she said, “you go ahead around back. Grab Nick as soon as you see an opportunity.”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “Make sure you get out of there,” he said. “I want to help Nick, but if it comes down to Nick or you, I’ll choose you.”

She could see the sincerity in his eyes and knew there was no reason to argue with him. He wouldn’t change his mind. Not about this, so she just nodded. Kasim headed out of the tree line and positioned himself at the back of the cabin, then Yuu moved to the side, and Savannah took a deep breath and prepared to put on the performance of her life.

It was still raining, although not as hard as it had been the night before. She shook water off of some heavy leaves and soaked the front of her shirt, then she wrapped her arms around herself like she was freezing and made her way to the front door of the cabin and knocked.

Roman swung the door opened. “Look who it is.” He turned his head. “Shen. Get over here.”

“You,” Shen said, glaring at her.

“I know I caused you both some trouble before,” she said, trying to make her voice sound small because she knew they would like that. “I’m sorry. Can I come in? I’m tired of running. I want one of you to claim me, if you’re willing to take me as your omega.”

She wanted to choke or gag when both of their scents amplified. Yeah, they wanted her just like she’d planned, but their problem was there was two of them and one of her.

“What makes you think we want a dirty, wet omega like you,” Roman said, trying to play it cool. His scent told another story and she knew he was full of it.

Shen didn’t try to pretend. He pushed himself in front of Roman, but she couldn’t let him grab her. She needed them pitted against each other. So she dropped her arms, revealing her wet front. In the white shirt she’d grabbed from the cabin the water she’d drenched herself with didn’t leave much to the imagination.

Ramon and Shen both froze for a moment, their eyes wide and jaws on the floor as they drank her in.

“I know I’m a mess, but I promise to clean up,” she said.

“Fuck you will,” Roman shoved Shen to the side and tried to reach for her.

Before he could, Shen cold-cocked him and he slammed into the wall shaking the cabin. Lucas popped up behind them and Savannah stepped further away from the door.

“If you’re going to fight over some piece of ass, take that shit outside,” Lucas barked at them.

Roman grabbed Shen by the neck and threw him out the doorway. Savannah barely moved out of the way fast enough to keep from being plowed over. Once they were out of the way, Lucas’s eyes pinned her, snaking up and down her body. It takes all her willpower not to cringe at the lust she saw burning in his eyes.

He crooks a finger at her, “Come here.”

Swallowing down the bile at the thought of him touching her, she forced a smile and stepped forward entering the house. Nick was tied to the banisters near the back and the moment he saw her he started fighting against his restraints. She wanted to run to him, untie him, and get him out of there, but she had to stick to the plan. Otherwise it would fall apart and they’d all be in trouble.

She could hear fighting outside and she held onto hope it was Yuu taking out Roman and Shen and not the other way around. Lucas moved in on her, crowding around her. He wasn’t the largest of the alphas she’d met since being brought to The Lady’s mansion, but in that moment he towered over her and she was struggling not to feel small. What mattered was his attention was on her.

“If you want to be claimed, little girl,” he said, his voice reminding her of a serpent while he ran a finger down the side of her neck, “then you should let a real alpha take you.”

She saw the back door inching opened and knew Kasim was making his move to get inside and get to Nick, which meant she had to play along and keep Lucas’s attention on her. Smiling up at him, she reached forward and ran a hand down the front of his chest. He made a moaning sound low and deep and it almost made her vomit, but she forced it back and smiled up at him.

“I think maybe I’ve been waiting for you,” she said, the words tasting vile on her tongue.

Lucas backed her up against a wall, a sly smile stretching his mouth. He pressed into her and she wanted to scream and claw herself away from him when she felt his erection digging into her stomach.

“You don’t have to wait anymore.”

He ran his hand down her side, then up to cup her breast through her wet shirt. Then he was gone. Savannah blinked and watched while Nick yanked Lucas away from her and threw him to the ground. Lucas was back on his feet in a matter of seconds, but as soon as he got up, Nick’s fist connected with his face and knocked him backwards into Kasim who wrapped a hand around his throat and slammed him into the wall.

The front door was yanked open and Yuu came in looking like a wild animal. Savannah was glad to see he didn’t look like he’d taken much of a beating from the other two outside.

“Let me take that trash out,” he said.

“He deserves death for touching Savannah,” Kasim said.

Lucas’s eyes grew wide and he clawed frantically at Kasim’s hand, still wound tight around his throat.

“Agreed,” Nick said, putting a hand on Kasim’s shoulder, “but this is not the place.” He looked back at me and Kasim followed his eyes to me.

Kasim threw Lucas towards Yuu. “Make sure he knows never to touch her or another omega again.”

Yuu smiled. “Gladly.”

Yuu shoved Lucas outside and Savannah heard the distinct sound of punches and fighting, and a few minutes later Yuu came back inside with bloody knuckles and a self-satisfied smile on his face.

“I don’t think we’ll have to worry about any of them coming back,” Yuu said.

Savannah could feel eyes on her and turned to see Nick staring at her with an indiscernible look. “You came for me.”

“You were caught because of me,” she said. “I couldn’t let them hurt you.” She looked at the bruise under his eye. “I see I was too late.”

“No,” he said, walking towards her.

He grabbed her in a tight hug and held her close, burying his nose in her hair. “You could have been hurt or claimed by one of them against your will.”

“You were hurt,” she said. “I’m sorry it took so long to find you.”

Nick pulled back holding her face in his hands. The way he looked at her made her heart swell. “I’m glad you’re okay. Don’t put yourself on the line for me again.”

She put a hand over his. “I’m not making any promises.”

Yuu walked up with a couple bottles of bourbon in hand and Nick released his hold on her. “I could use some of that,” he said.

“I think we all could,” Kasim said.

“The Lady was stocking this place up for Lucas and his friends,” Savannah said. “She wanted them drunk so they’d …” the words trailed off when she looked at Nick. She couldn’t get herself to say it out loud. It was too fresh.

Nick took one of the bottles from Yuu and read the label. “This is pricey stuff too,” he said. He popped the top and took a long swig. Then he looked at Savannah with a wink. “That storm’s not clearing up anytime soon. I say we all get drunk on The Lady’s dime and bunk down here until things calm down outside.”

Crashing thunder roared outside as if to echo Nick’s statement.

“That works for me,” Kasim said, moving close to Savannah. He leaned in and whispered to her. “I’m glad you’re okay. Let’s never do this again.”

She smiled at him and hoped they never had to.