Omega Hunted by Linsey Moon


Savannah movedto the bed shortly after her talk with Nick to try to get some rest before she made what would probably be the biggest decision of her life. She laid there for a couple hours exhausted beyond measure, but no matter which way she laid or how many blankets she did or didn’t use, she couldn’t get comfortable. Having the weight of the decision Nick had put in front of her must have been too much. It wasn’t just taxing her mind, but her body.

Her skin was itchy and she was sure she might literally crawl out of it soon if she couldn’t get her anxiety under control. Despite the storm raging outside that brought cooler temperatures, sweat beaded on her forehead before it made its way over the rest of her skin. How could it be so cool outside but so hot indoors?

Tossing and turning, she rolled facing the living room space where the three alphas had retreated when she’d asked to nap in the bed. All three of them had their eyes locked on her. Nick was sitting on the edge of the couch, elbows on his knees, eyes boring into her. His whole body was rigid like he was ready to pounce. She looked at the other end of the couch and found Kasim in a very similar position, except he was digging his fingers into the material of his pants at his knees. It reminded her of someone trying to hold themselves back, and from the strained cords of muscle in his neck she wasn’t sure he was going to succeed.

Yuu got out of the chair he was sitting in the moment she looked at him and started making his way in her direction. Savannah’s eyes popped out when she took him in. Yuu was always a formidable alpha, and she’d been very lucky he’d been so willing to agree to her truce. However, the Yuu who was moving towards her in that moment was stalking her like a predator stalks their prey.

No sooner did Yuu get up, than Nick and Kasim were off the couch. In seconds she was surrounded by three alphas blocking her view of anything else.

“What do you need, love?” Kasim said. “You seem in distress.”

“It’s just really hot in here,” she said.

“I’ll open a window,” Nick said.

“Me too,” Yuu added.

She watched in shock while Nick and Yuu nearly ran over each other in their haste to be the first to get to every window in the cabin and open it. There were an odd number of windows and when Nick managed to get his hands on the last window before Yuu and she swore she heard him growl.

They looked like they were ready to fight each other over opening a window. Ordinarily she’d make a snarky comment about them acting like a couple immature kids, but another heatwave tore through her. This one brought an ache to her core that had her doubling over on her side, wrapping her arms around herself. It didn’t help to ease the ache and she realized it was hitting her in waves. Heat then the deep ache that kept moving deeper through her body with each new bout she faced.

Kasim moved in front of her and sat on the bed while she gripped her arms tighter around herself. He reached his arm towards her so slowly. In all their encounters he’d never acted like he might be unsure of himself. They’d kissed and she’d come so close to letting him claim her just a day before, and never once had he shown any hesitation before.

His hand finally made contact with her skin. It was such a simple, innocent touch where he pushed her hair back off her forehead where it was beginning to stick to her sweat coated skin, yet it felt anything but innocent. Savannah moaned and moved, craning her neck to push further into his touch. He was only touching her forehead, but she could feel him all over, running along every inch of her skin.

The ache in her core intensified and her body heated again, but this time she felt the heat pulse from where Kasim was touching her, along every curve of her skin, until it pooled between her thighs. Yuu and Nick were back at the edge of the bed in the next heartbeat. All three alphas had their eyes trained on her while low deep growls rumbled in their chests when each of them inhaled her scent.

Savannah’s body responded to their growls by making the ache in her core intensify and she could feel herself growing wetter with each look from the alphas in the room. Her mind went haywire with the reality of what was happening settling in. Being an omega had never been more troublesome than right in that moment because Savannah knew she was going into heat—she was locked in a cabin with three alphas who’d all made it clear they wanted to claim her, and her first heat was hitting her.

“No. No. No,” she groaned, wrapped around herself with another wave of agony derived from need.

“You’re in heat,” Kasim said through gritted teeth.

She looked at him and was shocked to see him gripping the edge of the bed. His muscles on his arms were bulging, the veins lining his forearms and biceps distended from the force he was using to grip the edge of the bed. His upper lip was curled back showing his perfectly white teeth. He looked feral, and one glance down the front of his body told her why. His pants weren’t doing anything to hide what was clearly a massive erection. He was reacting to her heat.

She looked at Yuu and Nick. They were both in similar states. Each alpha looking like they were barely holding themselves together, the strain on their bodies outlined on their arms and necks. Their bodies reactions to her going into heat made clear by the carved out ridges just behind their zippers.

As if her body was trying to tell her they had what she needed, another wave came over her making the ache in her core unbearable and she cried out while curling in on herself and pressing her thighs together.

“We can help you,” Nick said.

She shook her head curtly.

“Come on,” Yuu said. “You’re in agony. If you don’t let us help you through this your heat will drag on for days.”

“Love,” Kasim said through gritted teeth, “I would take great care of you.”

Her eyes met his and the hooded dark eyes that were staring back at her made her clench her thighs again. She wanted him. Hell, right then she wanted all of them, but if she let one of them help her through her heat she would need to know they wouldn’t claim her, and she wasn’t sure Kasim or any of them could promise that.

“Would you claim me?” she said on a groan.

He bared his teeth at the mere mention of it. Before he said a word she knew what that meant.

“I’m barely holding myself back now,” Kasim said. “If you let me help you through your heat I’d be honored, but love, I will claim you. I wanted you before your heat hit, and now I’m teetering on the edge of going into rut, and once you let me cross that line I know I will claim you as mine.”

Savannah wasn’t surprised that he said he would claim her, but she was surprised by how vehemently her body seemed inclined to want him to. Every time the word claim slipped through his lips her core clenched and she grew wetter, further slicking herself between her thighs. At that point her pussy was so coated with slick she probably could have taken all three of them at once—that thought made her moan and all three alphas lurched closer towards her, groaning and gripping their erections through their pants.

“Jesus, Savannah,” Nick gritted out.

She looked at him. “Could you do it without claiming me?”

“No, baby,” he said. “I’m fighting my drive to claim you with every last bit of restraint right now.”

She turned to Yuu and he shook his head. “Even though you weren’t supposed to be meant for me, I’d break my vows to my people if I took you right now because there is nothing that would stop me from claiming you.”

Heat like pure electricity gripped her and made her moan. All three alphas moved closer. They were losing their battle to keep away from her. She could see it in their eyes. Their instincts were taking over and soon they’d be fighting over her until one of them drove inside her and dug his teeth into her neck.

“Maybe I can just ride it out,” she said. “If you three can put more distance.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Nick cut her off. “Besides, you can’t stay here in heat for days. I won’t be able to extract you if you want to go while you’re like this, and I’m damn sure not leaving you here. If not one of us, some alpha will come and claim you against your will. I’m surprised we don’t already have others knocking down the door your scent is so powerful and sweet.”

She shook her head, burying her face in the bedding before pushing it away entirely because it felt too abrasive next to her overstimulated skin.

“There has to be another way,” she said, not looking at them. “What if we tied something around the mouth of whoever mates with me. That way he can’t bite me to claim me.”

“You’re seriously underestimating the power of an alpha’s jaw,” Yuu said, “especially one in full rut mating with an omega as alluring as you.”

“He’s right, love,” Kasim said. “You could put my whole face in an iron mask and I’d break free from it to claim you in rut.”

Nick and Yuu grunt their agreement.

“Isn’t there anything else?” she whimpered.

Kasim reached for her again, but stopped himself, suddenly snatching his hand back and pinching his eyes closed tight. He looked pained. If he was feeling an inkling of what Savannah was then he was and she felt awful for putting him and the others in that predicament.

The storm outside was getting worse. She could hear the wind whistling against the outside of the cabin and feel the frigid air blowing in through the windows Nick and Yuu had opened. Honestly, the cold air was the only thing keeping her from melting into a puddle of agony and nothing. Snow was coming. She could smell it on the wind. If the guys were going to get away from her, take a chance to get away from the agony of being locked inside with her while her heat intensified, they would need to leave.

“You guys should go,” she said.

“What?” Nick said.

“Not happening,” Yuu said.

“I’m not leaving you,” Kasim added. “You need tending to during your heat, and I’m not leaving you alone and vulnerable for just any alpha to come by and take you against your will.”

“You guys shouldn’t be forced to deal with this,” she cried.

“You aren’t forcing us to do anything,” Nick leaned in closer to her, and his scent intensified making her slick coat her pussy again. She was going to have to throw out her panties and pants when this was all over.

Kasim moved in closer, sitting back on the bed, but stayed on the edge. His eyes darted between Savannah and the guys. “I’ve got an idea. It’s the only thing I can come up with that might keep all three of us from claiming you, but it’s still a risk and it might be more than you’re wanting to take on. I think it might be our best option though.”

Nick threw up his arms. “Tell us already. I’m losing my restraint over here.”

Kasim’s eyes locked on Savannah. “Allow all three of us to help you through your heat. It’s still risky, but this way if one of us gets lost in rut and tries to claim you the others can stop him. It isn’t ideal but I think it’s the best option to make sure you’re taken care of with the highest chance of you making it through your heat without being claimed.”

Savannah opened her mouth prepared to say no. He couldn’t be serious. It was bad enough that she’d placed them all in this impossible situation, but to make them share her just to sate her need and help her through her heat. She’d already asked so much of each of the three men before her. She didn’t think she could ask them to share her, none of them allowed to claim her. It was cruel, wasn’t it?

Before she could protest and tell them to just go, she was hit with an ache so strong she completely doubled over and wrapped around herself. God, she wasn’t going to survive this. How did unmated omegas make it through their heat because it felt impossible to make it through the next minute, let alone days.

“Screw this,” Nick said, ripping his shirt over his head. “It won’t be easy to share you, but it’s a hell of a lot better than watching you suffer. I’d rather tear my own eyes out than stand here another second not seeing to your needs.”

“Thank fuck,” Yuu said, making quick work of discarding his clothes. “I’m not used to sharing, but we will make it work for you, babe.”

Kasim was already undressed when she turned to look back at him. All three of them stood before her like they knew she needed a minute. Maybe they could sense her anxiety, or her curiosity. She wasn’t sure which of those two was dominating, but above everything else clouding her mind she was consumed by desire and need. Each alpha before her was beautiful and masculine all in their own way—similar but different. Yuu was the shortest of the three.

His skin was golden brown and even though his hair was buzzed close she could see it was black. He was lean, but she’d already known he was strong. Without his clothes to hide him, she could see he was solid muscle. Every inch of his skin on his chest was covered in ink, the main focus being a tiger who looked like it was jumping off his skin, straight for Savannah. All his ink led down to his muscular thighs, and thick erection standing hard against his lower abs.

Nick was taller than the other’s. Savannah would guess around six foot five. He was also the bulkiest, but not by much. Kasim was large, too. Nick’s skin was tanned from the sun which didn’t surprise her. Somehow she just knew he spent a lot of time outside. There was a thick scar that ran down the right side of his abdomen and she felt the urge to kiss it and find whoever put it there and end them. God, being in heat was really messing with her head. Just like Yuu, Nick’s cock was hard and she could see a bead of fluid on the tip. Her tongue darted out, running over her lips with images of taking him in her mouth on her mind.

Somehow even naked Kasim looked regal. Not because he seemed like he thought he was better than anyone, or anything off putting. There was just something about the way he held himself that made him seem like a leader. Like he was the one to follow. She was glad to follow his lead because she had no clue what she was doing.

His body was made of solid muscle. He might be a prince but he could clearly fight for himself if need be, she had no doubt. Even with his injured foot, Savannah knew he was strong. Her eyes moved to his hand which was wrapped around his cock, and then back up to meet his hungry eyes. Fire roared to life deep in her core. She wanted him. She wanted all of them, but she needed them to take the lead. Heat or not, she didn’t know what she was doing.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she said softly.

Kasim stepped forward. “We’re going to take care of you, love. All you have to do is relax and let us love you.”

Her heart beat faster, swelling inside her chest with his words. Giving them control had been the one thing she’d been so adamant about avoiding, and now it’s what she needed if she was going to make it through her heat without spending it in days of pure misery.

She met each of them in their eyes and nodded. “Take care of me.”

“Gladly, darling,” Nick said.

“All you ever have to do is say the word,” Yuu said.

Kasim was the first on the bed, moving towards her. He cupped her face and just his touch was like a balm to her over sensitized skin. Then his lips were on hers, claiming her mouth, even if she wouldn’t allow him to fully claim her soul. She moaned into his kiss, her body humming to life when she felt two more sets of hands on her, guiding her pants off, and then her panties.

She thought she was hot before, but that had been nothing compared to the inferno raging within her feeling their hands and Kasim’s lips on her. It was too much but not close to enough all at the same time. Why had she thought having all three of them take care of her was too much. She couldn’t imagine not feeling all three of them touching and caressing her. She might never want to let them go after this.

Kasim pulled his lips away and she whimpered, protesting the loss. He smiled and pulled her shirt off, leaving her naked before her three alphas. No, they weren’t hers. They were just helping her through her heat. But for a few hours she could pretend they were hers.

A gust of cold wind surged through the open cabin windows blowing in a white icy powder that landed on her. She smiled while her three alphas gathered around her. The horrible storm had took a turn into something beautiful, kind of like her going into her heat. It was snowing.

Nick grabbed her legs and pulled her to the center of the bed, then he moved between her legs, crawling over her body. A bit of snow blew in, landing on her nose and Nick smirked before he licked it off the tip of her nose.

“Do I taste good?” Savannah asked, smiling up at him.

“Divine,” he said, his voice husky. He dropped his lips to hers kissing her deep before looking back up at her with dark, hooded eyes. “I bet your pussy tastes even sweeter.”

“Oh god,” Savannah sighed, feeling herself get even wetter with his words.

Nick moved down her body and settled himself between her legs, lifting her thighs to rest on his shoulders, putting her sex on full display. Then he ran his nose through her sex and inhaled deeply making her quiver.

“You smell heavenly,” he said. “I can’t wait to have your scent all over me.”

Yuu bent over her and sucked her nipple into his mouth groaning. “Mmm, he’s right, babe. You taste like my favorite dessert.”

Kasim leaned down, kissing her again. “Better than dessert,” he said against her lips.