Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida



A panicked Alessandra shook Drake awake and put her phone on speaker so he could hear what Luca said. Drake quickly grabbed his phone from the nightstand and began recording the conversation.

“I’m very disappointed in you. You were warned that you only had one week. Did you think you’d actually get away with this?”

“I’m not signing the goddamn papers. As a matter of fact, the copy was destroyed. I won’t allow you to threaten my wife like that,” Drake said.

Luca laughed down the line. “That’s so sweet. I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in this matter, Mr. Walker. Alessandra knows the consequences of her actions.”

Alessandra looked at Drake, and he nodded. “Please, Luca. I… I care about Drake. I don’t want him to get hurt. There must be some other compromise or arrangement we can make.”

Drake laced his fingers through Alessandra’s and squeezed them. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“You’re weak, Alessandra. How can you care for that Neanderthal? I told you before, he’s just playing with you. Same little bird, different gilded cage. I’m sick and tired of you disrespecting me. You have always been mine.”

“I’m not weak, Luca.” Alessandra’s lip trembled. Drake moved closer and gathered her in his arms.

“A ring on your finger doesn’t change things. Marcello’s only option is to plead if you refuse to divorce Drake. Mr. Walker will be offering him a very generous deal.”

“No way in hell! That’s not happening. You don’t get to hold me over a barrel. Alessandra is my wife, not a pawn,” Drake spoke resolutely.

“Ah, clearly, you’re just waking up and haven’t heard the news yet.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Drake asked.

“You know how it is, Walker. Sometimes things just get misplaced. There is no evidence against Marcello Russo. You can’t possibly prosecute an innocent man without evidence to back it up.”

Drake and Alessandra looked wide-eyed at each other, trying to determine the validity of Luca’s words.

“Well, aren’t you happy, Alessandra? Your brother will be home much sooner than expected. You should be grateful. Remember where your loyalty lies.”

“Fuck you, Luca! I’ll never be yours.”

“We’ll see, darling. Ciao, bella.”

Luca ended the call, and Alessandra resisted the urge to chuck her phone across the room. She turned to Drake, who was already scrolling through emails on his phone.

“Fuck! Jerry is calling us into his chambers this morning.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Of course it’s not okay. Damn it! This is all your fault. I can’t believe you’re this naïve.”

He hopped out of bed.

“How is this my fault? You can’t keep blaming me for this. We should be past this by now. We’re a team, Drake!”

“If you had told me the truth about Luca’s threats initially, I could’ve prevented this from happening. I would’ve warned Jerry. How did discovery disappear when I’ve been combing through it all week? My case has gone to shit because of you. Fuck! I should’ve known better.”

Alessandra felt as though she’d been slapped. “How dare you pin this on me? I had nothing to do with this. I was trying to protect you.”

“I don’t need your fucking protection. Don’t bother anymore.”

Drake walked into the attached bath and slammed the door behind him. Alessandra attempted to follow, but the door was locked.

“Fuck you, Drake Walker! You’re a fucking bastard!” Alessandra yelled through the door.

They were constantly taking one step forward and two steps back. Alessandra was stuck between two men and two worlds, and their words cut deep.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was mussed from sex and sleep. She had several love bites from Drake and their animalistic lovemaking. She began choking, suffocating with an albatross around her neck. She clawed at the collar’s clasp with her manicured nails.

Drake promised to keep me safe and protected by giving me this collar. I thought he cared about me…

The collar was a heavy, stinging weight in her palm, and she dropped it. She stared at it, unsure of what to do next. Eventually, she picked it up and placed it in a drawer.

Alessandra chose a romper with a low-cut lacy top, showing off ample cleavage and her graceful neck. She wanted Drake to see she’d removed the collar without his permission.

She made a pot of coffee and a bagel for breakfast. Drake gave her a once-over.

“Are you dressing to show off your curves so men will drool over you?”

“Maybe I want them to look at me, Drake. Maybe I’ll find someone who thinks I’m worthy of their time.”

She stroked her neck and drew her hand between her breasts to settle on her hip. Drake followed the movement with his eyes.

“Where is your collar?”

“What collar?”

“God damn it, Alessandra, this isn’t a fucking game!” He stepped closer to her, anger radiated from him, threatening to burn her. “You wearing that collar means something to me.”

“You’re damn right. This isn’t a game, but you keep playing with my emotions anyway. You gave me that collar as a symbol of your commitment. You should take care of me, cherish me. Instead, you instantly jump down my throat the moment something happens.

“How is that fair? I’ve been patient and understanding. I’m your wife, not your emotional punching bag. We’re supposed to be partners. I thought things were changing. I can’t do this anymore.”

Her voice cracked, but she was determined to hold back tears. She turned her back needing a moment to breathe. Drake enveloped her in his strong arms. His warm, firm chest pressed against Alessandra’s back. Despite their fight, she leaned into his comfort.

“I’m sorry, Alessandra. You’re right. This is ridiculous, and I should be past it. But as you can see, I’m still a fucking mess. Please forgive me.”

Alessandra spun in Drake’s arms and looked up at him. She couldn’t hold back the tears at his heartfelt words.

“This is the last fucking time, Drake Walker.”

Though he seemed sincere, she couldn’t help the anger that flashed through her. Their whole relationship, she had been catering to his emotional whims. It was time to put the issue to bed. If he couldn’t trust her now, he never would.

“You need to decide once and for all whether we’re staying together or getting a divorce. I mean it this time, Drake. The next time you treat me like this, we’re done. I will walk out that door and not return. You need to trust me. I’ll forgive you, but this is the last damn time.”

Drake hung his head and sighed, pulling Alessandra closer to him. She rested her head on his chest, soaking up his woodsy scent, and listened to his heartbeat.

“You’re right, Alessandra. You are right. You deserve better than me. I swear from now on, you will receive my all. Please stay with me. Give me one more chance to prove I’m all in this with you.”