Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida


Drake knewthe verdict before Jerry called them back to the office. With disappearing evidence, they would now need to prove tampering. Unfortunately, that would never happen.

“We are agents of justice, and this situation is abhorrent. Mr. Rommer’s family deserved justice for his death, but with the dishonest way the defense comported themselves, it’s no longer possible. Due to lack of evidence, justice may not be served,” Jerry said in disgust.

“I will file a motion to dismiss the case immediately,” Jenny said.

“You do that, Miss Nguyen. My clerk will set a date for the hearing.”

“I’d also like you to reconsider your decision to deny bail.”

“Mr. Russo will be released on his own recognizance.”

With a Cheshire smile, Jenny bid the men farewell. She was on the phone conveying the good news to someone before the door closed behind her.

Che cazzo! You can’t do this, Jerry.”

“I’m bound by the law, Drake. They played a good game. I’m dismissing without prejudice.”

“That’s not good enough. My career is over because of this bullshit. This was all I had,” Drake fumed.

“Had, not have. Go home to your wife, Drake. Lick your wounds. We all lose sometimes.”

“No!” Drake pounded his fist on his mentor’s desk.

Jerry stood and glared at Drake, putting the petulant child in his place.

“Pull yourself together. This career may have been all you had at one point, but that’s not the case anymore. You’re married now. Grow up and take responsibility for your damn life.

“You act like this was done to you. But don’t forget. I stood beside you at that altar. I don’t care what excuses you want to use, but you’re deluding yourself. You made a choice. You said those vows.”

“She was always supposed to be mine, Jerry. I couldn’t say no when I saw her coming down that aisle. I didn’t come to my senses until I lifted the veil,” Drake admitted in defeat.

“I support you in a lot of things. I went to bat for you when the higher-ups wanted your immediate removal from this case. Results were promised to buy you time, and now it’s time to pay the fucking piper. Sometimes you have to use bait to catch the bigger fish. I was once a criminal who was given a second chance. Look where I am now.” Jerry gestured to the framed degrees hanging behind him.

“I will find another way to bring the Russos to justice. Alessandra will provide that for us. You’ll see.”

“Mark my words. The longer you jerk that poor girl around, the more she will hate you when she finally discovers the secrets you’re hiding,” Jerry said.

“I need a fucking drink,” Drake sighed.

He looked at his mentor. Drake appreciated the no-nonsense attitude and blunt honesty Jerry offered. But he didn’t want tough love.

Drake left his car in the garage, and Jerry drove them to his member’s-only club. Instead of wearing masks and mingling with members on the main floor, they headed to Jerry’s private office.

Drake took a swig of the generously-poured whiskey Jerry offered. One wall was a mirrored panel that allowed them to scan the floor and watch the entertainment privately. On stage was a burlesque dancer. She swiveled her hips to entice the audience as she slowly removed her glove, biting and pulling each fingertip.

It was his first time in the club since his bachelor party. He hadn’t played with anyone since he proposed to Riley last year. Alessandra was the first woman he was with in a long time, and he had no desire for anyone else.

“Have you thought more about bringing Alessandra here? You should introduce her to this side of you in a safe environment.”

It had been a month since their wedding, but it already felt like a lifetime with every argument and problem they had faced thus far. There were many times it seemed they wouldn’t arrive at this date.

“Since she committed herself to submission, then debut her here. I’ll help you set the scene. If you give me a shopping list, I can ensure your room is stocked for you.”

“Collaring her was incredible. You should have seen how unbridled and sexy she was. The way she moves and the way she fucks is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.” Drake shook his head, and the spark in his eyes dulled. “But she removed it the first chance she had because I screwed up.”

“You need to reconcile your head and your heart. You wouldn’t continue to have the same conflict if you were honest. A good Dom treats his sub with respect and comports themselves with dignity. I’ve taught you better than to be an alpha-hole.”

“Alpha-hole?” Drake snorted.

Jerry nodded. “Imagine if your sister told you a man was treating her like you’re treating your wife. Would you stand for it?”

Drake sagged. His friend was right. If he found out some guy was mistreating his little sister, he’d punch his fucking lights out. After all, he was ready to rain hellfire on Anthony Russo.

“Show Alessandra how much you value her. Spend your monthiversary with us.”

“Monthiversary?” Drake raised his brows.

“Urban Dictionary, my friend. It means you’ve been a total fuck-up, and you owe your wife something special because she’s put up with your ass for a month. If you want to keep her, treat her right.” Jerry laughed. “Besides, Noah’s sweet on her and will help show her the ropes. We’ll make sure she has a great time. The rest of the marriage is up to you.”

They finished their drink, and Drake indulged in a couple more. While Jerry took him home, Noah picked up his car so it wouldn’t be left in the court garage overnight.

It was late when Drake entered the apartment, only to find his wife asleep on the couch. She slept peacefully with her auburn hair splayed around her like a halo and cherub pout. Her left breast strained against the thin pink cami, offering a glimpse of her areola. All he had to do was hook his finger around the fabric to coax out the nipple and help himself to a taste.

Drake’s groin tightened at the fantasy of taking his sleeping beauty. He scooped her up and shushed her when she stirred. She seemed so small and vulnerable in his arms.

Sweet, squeaky sounds escaped her in this intimate moment, and she snuggled closer. Drake’s heart revved in his chest, and her eyelids fluttered as he kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Drake gently laid her in their bed. She rolled over and hugged her pillow immediately. Drake said goodnight to each delicious curve as he pulled the comforter over her. She sighed contentedly as he gathered her in his arms and pulled her against his chest.

“I’m sorry, bella. Loving me is poison, but I’m too selfish to let you go. I can’t live without you and will only break your heart,” he confessed to the dark.

His secrets continued to haunt him. He hoped she could forgive him for the continued deceit when she finally learned the truth.

Arrangements through marriage were often made to strengthen the standing and legitimacy of the families. Once he ensured Alessandra was safe, he’d cut her strings and offer her the chance to be free. It would kill him if she chose to walk away, but he loved her enough to let her go.