Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida


Returning to the penthouse,Alessandra felt lighter. Maybe things weren’t as bleak as they seemed yesterday. Perhaps she could even forgive Drake for his transgressions. Regardless, they needed to talk about the state of their relationship. She would demand complete monogamy from this point forward.

Noah pulled Alessandra in for a comforting hug. She sagged against him, thankful for his much-needed support.

“Thank you for today, Noah. I needed to get out of my head for a while. I have a lot to think about. Riley is an unwelcome pest in our marriage.”

“Look at me, Alessandra. Despite your rocky beginning, Drake is a faithful man. He wouldn’t take her back.”

Words didn’t negate the lipstick she’d seen on Drake’s collar or explain why he hadn’t returned home the other night. But then, last night, he’d held her and comforted her when she’d needed him most.

Worrying made her head ache once more. She shook it with a bittersweet grin. Spinning her wheels would only make things worse. She needed to talk to her husband.

“No matter what happens, Jerry and I are in your corner now. We’ll never turn our backs on you.”

She turned to Noah again, wrapping her arms around him in thanks. Noah leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

A slow clap could be heard from the shadows. Several men in black suits approached, grabbing Alessandra and Noah. A meaty hand covered her mouth before she could scream. The panicked expression on Noah’s face mirrored her own.

Luca sneered as he approached. The man holding Alessandra warned her not to scream before he lowered his hand from her mouth. There was no trace of the boy she once loved in the man standing before her. His hand cracked across Alessandra’s face.

“Isn’t this sweet? I knew you were a whore. Is this another lover of yours? It’s bad enough I have to share you with that asshole, Walker.”

“How many times have we been through this? I’m not yours! Drake is my husband. I love him!”

Luca scoffed. “You love him even though he knocked up someone else?”

“What are you talking about? Are you stalking me?”

“I saw you offer yourself up in a room full of people. Did you enjoy having people watch you be fucked like an animal? You should be ashamed of yourself. That’s not how you were taught to act.”

“And you would know all about that, wouldn’t you?”

Alessandra had made peace with allowing Drake to dominate her and use her body in front of a room full of strangers. Knowing Luca had been stalking and watching her with Drake made her blood run cold.

Luca pulled a knife from his belt and brandished it in Alessandra’s face. She screamed, and a hand quickly clamped over her mouth.

“Quiet now, Alessandra,” Luca said. “If you enjoy getting fucked in front of others, I’ll make that happen in a moment.”

She bit Russell’s hand and yelled at Luca, “What do you think you’re doing? Noah’s my friend.”

Luca turned toward Noah and studied his face intently. Grabbing Noah’s chin, he turned it left and then right. “He’s pretty, isn’t he? I think we can offer him some character.”

Alessandra screamed as Luca stabbed a struggling Noah in the gut.

“Leave him alone! Noah!”

She renewed her efforts to fight the burly man holding her.

“You need to calm down, Miss Russo,” Russell said. “Don’t make things worse.”

“Please, Russell. Don’t do this. Let me go,” she begged. “Don’t let him hurt Noah. He’s just my friend. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Russo. I have my orders.”

Thuds of flesh pounding against flesh and the sickening crunch of bone followed by a piteous cry from Noah brought tears to her eyes. She tried harder to get to her friend. The stench of blood permeated the air, making her sick. Eventually, Noah’s body went completely limp.

The men turned their attention back to Alessandra. Luca wrapped his hand around her neck and squeezed with such force it was hard to breathe.

“If that message wasn’t clear enough, Alessandra, you belong to me. I’m going to show you.”

Alessandra thrashed like an animal caught in a snare. She knew it was pointless but wasn’t going down without a fight. She needed to keep breathing. She had to help Noah. Then Drake’s face and their promised future flashed before her eyes.

“Drake and I love each other. He’ll make you pay for this.”

Luca’s eyes sparked in anger, and he slapped her so hard her vision went white. The knife in Luca’s hand was still dripping with Noah’s blood as he slashed at her clothes, not caring if her body became marked in the process.

Once she was naked before him, he stood back, and she saw the feverish look in his eyes. Rivulets of blood ran down her body, mixed with sweat and dirt. Luca threw her to the ground and climbed on top.

He bit and sucked at her skin hard enough to leave marks. His tongue trailed across the bloody trails while his rough hands kneaded her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples until she cried out in pain. He wrapped a strong hand around her throat and squeezed until she was at the point of unconsciousness while his other hand worked at the fly of his pants.

As though through a tunnel, she heard someone telling him to stop.

“Someone’s coming, boss. We need to leave.”

“Until our next dance, darling,” Luca whispered in her ear. “You hate these scars on your wrists, so I’ll fix them for you.”

He crushed his lips against hers and tore at her lower lip. The metallic taste of blood trickled down her throat. Luca took the knife and slashed her wrists, leaving her bleeding out on the ground.

Finding strength, Alessandra dragged herself to where Noah lay motionless.

“Noah… Noah…. Wake up! Please wake up!” She was unsuccessful in her attempts to rouse him.

“Help! Someone, please help!” She screamed for help, but in reality, it was barely a whine.

Darkness infringed on her vision, threatening to overtake her. She was fading fast, but continued to fight.

Warmth enveloped her freezing body as she started floating away.

“Alessandra! Alessandra! Stay with me….”

She reached her hand to brush Drake’s cheek. Why was he crying?

“Help is on the way, bella.”

Sirens wailed in the distance.

“Stay awake, Alessandra.”

She was just so tired.

“I love you…. Please, don’t leave me….”

I love you too…