Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida

Sneak Peek at Marriage by Trial

Beep… beep... beep…

The monitor registered an even heart rate, but the patient remained unconscious.

* * *

Unknown number: attached video

Even with the grainy,shaky video file, Drake instantly recognized the building’s private lot. And though she wasn’t in the frame, Drake would know Alessandra’s voice anywhere. She was crying and begging before the five-second clip ended. Regardless of the circumstances, he knew he needed to move quickly.

Drake was at his safe in seconds, cursing as he jabbed in the four-digit code—the one he’d recently changed to his wedding date. Every time the safe opened, it required a code change, and he didn’t have time to waste creating a new combination. He pulled out the black Beretta and a loaded magazine. Instead of waiting for his private elevator, he took the emergency stairs two at a time.

His thumb remained on the safety the entire way, poised and ready if needed. Once he reached the entryway, he raised the gun and peeked around the corner. Training and experience had taught him the importance of keeping his guard up, even though it seemed like he was wasting precious time because every second mattered.

Nothing could’ve prepared him for the scene that greeted him. He shook as he approached Noah’s bloodied body lying prone on the asphalt. His swollen face looked like a grotesque creature wearing his skin as a mask. Drake’s fingers came away bloody after searching for a pulse, and he thanked god it was there. Noah took pride in styling his hair which was now matted with blood, and the visible skin beneath his shredded designer clothes was bloody and bruised.

After his quick assessment of Noah, Drake turned his attention to his wife and felt the blood drain from his face. He’d never experienced fear like seeing Alessandra naked and crumpled on the ground beside Noah. Drake wanted to cry with relief when she softly whimpered as he turned her over. He gathered her in his arms and again thanked a higher power.

“Hang on, Alessandra.”

Drake could hardly breathe as he examined her body to find her bruised and battered. He had his suspicions about who was involved. As soon as it was confirmed, he had a bullet with their name on it and would deliver it right between the eyes.

Her wrists had been slashed, and she was bleeding out. Drake tore fabric from her discarded clothes and wrapped it above the wounds to create a tourniquet and slow the bleeding.

“Don’t leave me, bella. I love you!” he cried.