The Fake Out by Sharon M. Peterson


Dearest Reader,

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People often ask me where I get my ideas, and the honest answer is everywhere and nowhere. Sometimes it’s a snippet of conversation, a news story, or a line from a song. But please know these characters live in my head for months, so, in many ways, they feel real to me. When they show up on the page, I’m just writing down what the voices in my head are telling me to write. They never do what I expect them to do. Frankly, they are the boss of me.

Basically, what I’m saying is that being a writer is awesome.

But the most awesome-est part is getting to connect with readers. I mean that, truly. I’m still wrapping my head around the idea that you—yes, you, dear reader—chose my book out of so many other choices. I know time is precious; thank you for using it to get to know Mae and Chris.

I’d love to hear what you think. Reviews are a great way to share that, and they make such a difference helping new readers to discover one of my books for the first time. If you ever have questions, want to chat, or need a random picture of a baby animal to brighten your day, please feel free to find me online.

You might have noticed those pickup lines at the beginning of each chapter of The Fake Out. Guess where they came from? Readers just like you who follow me on social media. I asked and they answered. Which I think emphatically proves that: a) I have the best readers; and b) my readers are capable of epic levels of cheesiness. Thanks for helping your girl out.

You can find me on my Facebook page, tweeting nonsense on Twitter, not curating my aesthetic very well on Instagram, adding too many books to my TBR list on Goodreads, making awkward videos on TikTok, or my website.

Remember that being scared is halfway to brave.

Go do something amazing today,





