The Fake Out by Sharon M. Peterson


I know most of you will skip over this part, even though it is arguably the most important. See, this book wasn’t just written by me. It took the support, talent, and love of so many people to put it in your hands.

Many, many thanks to my agent, Nalini Akolekar, who has been a constant support and has worked tirelessly to get my books into the world. I’m forever grateful that you believed in me, sometimes when I did not believe in myself. Thanks also to the rest of the gang at Spencerhill Associates.

To my editor, Billi-Dee Jones, thank you for championing my quirky stories and characters and helping to get them out in the world. To the whole team at Bookouture, you’ve created such an amazing environment for authors to bloom. Thank you for all you do.

To Tonya Joza, who patiently answers my bazillion questions about Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, or HLHS, and for sharing what it’s like to have a child with HLHS as well as your journey of the hope your family has in God’s protection and healing. I’m truly blessed to know you and your family.

To Christie, for telling everyone you know about your friend who writes books and for being a friend who has always been like family. To Noydena and Mat, for always being willing to answer my weird, random tech questions. To the rest of the gang—Andrea, Stephanie, and Shawn—thank you for letting me vent (a lot), for your encouragement, and for funny memes just when I need them. And Brian, I promised you FDR. So here he is.

To Google, for always knowing the answer to the most random questions I ask. You truly make my job easier. Plus, I’m sure I’m on a government watchlist somewhere because of you.

To Melissa Weisner. Thank you for being a listening ear and for answering countless questions. So many questions. Your patience knows no end.

To the ladies at the Eleventh Chapter. I’m so grateful to be part of a group of women writers who support each other in so many ways. You all rock!

To Courtney Lott, who has been cheering me on since the very first word of my first book, read countless drafts, and is the queen of encouragement. I could never, ever have finished writing my very first chapter without you.

To Maria Gonzalez-Gorosito, who, along with a group of moms who barely knew me, surprised me with a new laptop when mine broke. It remains one of the most remarkable gifts I’ve ever been given. It wasn’t just a laptop you gave me; you gave me the courage to write. You’re going to be thanked in every book, so just get used to it.

To the ladies of the Ink Tank. Your constant support and the safe place you’ve provided for me to vent/scream/cry/lament/laugh/celebrate is such an important part of my writing life. You are all amazing.

To Tracey Christensen. Thank you for always telling me the truth even when I might not want to hear it. Your wisdom and friendship have truly been a gift from God. I’m so very glad I know you, my friend. HONEYMOON BABY, forever!

Thank you to the members of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and the League of Romance Writers for giving writers support and opportunities to grow.

To my mom and Aunt CC, thank you for being my cheerleaders and believing that I could make a dream like this a reality. Love you bunches.

To my sister Gabbie, who will never get to hold one of my books in her hands. I miss you always; love you forever. And I fully expect you to sell a copy of this book to every single angel in Heaven.

To Daniel, Benjamin, Gideon, and Katherine. I am incredibly blessed to be your mother. Thank you for putting up with a mom who makes you repeat everything you say at least twice because my mind was somewhere else the first time you said it. You are in my heart always.

To Carl. You’ve put up with my exhaustion, my tears, my anger, my disappointment, my excitement, my crazy ideas, my ramblings about made-up people in made-up worlds, and way too many pizza dinners. You’ve never wavered in your support of me. Ever. I love you.

To the many, many others I can’t even begin to list here, but you know who you are. Your endless support, encouragement, and prayers have kept and continue to keep me going daily. Thank you for always believing in me.

Lastly, thank you to the readers. Aside from having really good reading taste, you all have been incredibly welcoming and kind to me over the last year. I’m humbled each time someone reaches out to me, writes a review, or spends time reading one of my books.

In The Fake Out, I had two characters with health conditions, and I hope I’ve handled each with care.

For Mae’s mother, Lucy, I researched strokes and spent some time in chat rooms, reading and asking questions. There are many types of strokes, and they can affect patients in many ways. Every stroke victim’s story and recovery is different. If you’d like to know the signs of a stroke, you can find them here on the American Stroke Association’s website:

Millie, Chris’s youngest sister, was born with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, or HLHS. If you’d like to know more about congenital heart defects, more information can be found on the American Heart Association’s website here: