Intense by C.M. Steele

Chapter One


I loosen my tie after another long day at the office. It’s been two weeks of straight meetings, including the weekends. That’s what I asked for. That’s what I wanted. I own an empire at the age of thirty because I live a life without distractions. I sigh as I power down my computer. It’s nearly six, and I’m just calling it a day. My soul is tired. Sometimes, I wonder if I’ve really lived at all, though.

My phone rings, and I don’t want to pick up the damn thing. I’ve chased dreams, tackled goals, and made a name for myself that my dad would be proud of. Well, the man I call my dad, although we haven’t spoken in two months. Normally he reaches out to me, but lately I’ve been unavailable for more than a minute or two because I’m at the point where I’ve reached global status and everyone wants my time. I’ve just purchased another failing company, and I have six months to turn it around. It’s what I do, and I’m great at it.

Running my hands through my thick black hair, I make a mental note to visit my barber. My cell phone rings again, and I angrily pick it up to curse out whoever’s calling when I read the caller ID. Madison General Hospital. What the fuck? I answer immediately. “Roman Edwards speaking.”

“Hello, my name is Jenny Stewart, and I’m a nurse at Madison General. I’m calling because your father has been taken into surgery and you’re his emergency contact.”

I can actually feel the color leach from my face. “What? I’m on my way there.” I hang up without asking for any details because I’m too damn frantic to think straight. I buzz for my assistant, and she enters my office while I’m packing up. “Inga, I need you to cancel all my meetings for the next twenty-four hours. I have to head to Madison now.”

Her brows knit in confusion. “Madison?”

“Wisconsin,” I add.

She sighs with a frown. “Oh. I thought you’d finally found a girlfriend.”

Now it’s my turn to look at her crazily. “Don’t be silly. Forward anything important to my email.”

“Yes, boss. What about the Mitchem meeting? It’s a big one, and you pushed it back last week to handle the Sorenson one.”

“Damn it. Okay—keep it on the books. I’ll be back for it by then.” I hope it’s a minor scare. Suddenly I feel like a little boy all over again.

Storming out of my New York office with my briefcase in hand, I call my driver. “Be ready to get to the airport in ten. Call my pilot. I need to be in Madison ASAP.” My penthouse apartment is in my company’s building because I don’t like to waste time on travel, so I head to the elevators, pressing the button frantically. As soon as I’m up there, I see my housekeeper, Grizelda. “I’m leaving in five minutes. No need to cook for tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow night.”

“Yes, Mr. Edwards.” She’s a nice older woman who came highly recommended three years ago, but I don’t speak to her about anything other than my home and food requirements.

I dash into my bedroom and pull out my typical travel case, in which I quickly pack a change of clothes and my toiletries. I’m walking out the door within three minutes.

My relationship with my dad has been strained over the years because of my mother. I cut ties with her five years ago when I learned of her deception, and then I begged my dad to come back into my life. He welcomed me with open arms. Still, it hasn’t been an easy road because I’ve let go of any love for anything but money. I don’t chase women. I don’t believe in happily ever after. Fuck, I’m a thirty-year-old virgin because one woman fucked up my whole reality, turning me into a soulless machine.

My mother destroyed all my faith in women and love in general. Now, I’m running to the side of the only man who’d ever cared about me. I wish I’d known the truth sooner, but we can’t go back in time and change the things we hate. He tried to help with my feelings, but I let work take priority.

I don’t even know why he’s in the hospital and what’s wrong, which freaks me out a bit. He’s old, but he’s not that old to pass naturally. Something serious had to have happened, knowing the truth about his marriage to Anna. My chest pounds, and I wonder if I’m having a fucking panic attack.

“Sir, we’re here.” I look to see my driver has the door open, waiting for me to exit. Holy fuck. Where the hell is my head?

I run up the stairs and board my private jet, giving my crew a quick nod. The pilot approaches me and shakes my hand. “We’re going to need another twenty minutes, and then we’ll be up in the air.” I’m annoyed, but I know that this is a last-minute thing. I’ll be sending them all a bonus for this.

“Of course. I need a glass of scotch on the rocks, please.” My flight attendant nods and then leaves me to take my seat. My cell phone hasn’t rung in the past half hour, so this is really making me nervous. I call the hospital and bring the phone to my ear as Douglas hands me my glass. “Thank you.”

“Madison General.”

“Hello, my name is Roman Edwards. I’m calling about my father, Theodore Edwards.”

“I’m sorry, sir…I can’t give out any patient information.”

“What? Why not? They called me from the hospital.”

“Yes, but his wife has asked—”

I cut her off. “Wait. Hold the fuck up. Did you just say ‘wife’?”

“Yes, Mrs. Edwards is with him at the moment.”

“There is no Mrs. Edwards,” I snarl. My bitch of a mother was the last one in that position and she sure as hell didn’t deserve that title.

“There is. She’s the one who came in with him in the ambulance.” My head’s spinning. Who is she?

“I’m on my way.” I end the call and sit in my seat, more pissed off than a motherfucker because I’m hurt. He got married? Is he okay? Maybe he’s not in his right mind. I never thought he’d marry after what my mother did to him. Hell, I can’t believe it at all.

“Sir, we’re about to take off. Are you well?”

“Yes, Douglas. Once you can, please refill.” I’m not well at all. A world of emotions threatens to overflow.

“Yes, Mr. Edwards.” He walks away and I buckle in, thinking perhaps I shouldn’t even take off, but what if this woman has taken advantage of him? He’s sixty. Is that old enough to start becoming senile? I look up the info and it’s possible, but more than likely he’s not. Shit. I need to know everything. I shoot an email to my guy who runs background checks.

Knowing this is pointless, I decide to focus on work. It’s the only thing that makes me happy. Inga has sent me six new emails along with the hotel information. She’s the best assistant I could ask for. She’s in her fifties and married to the job, so I don’t have to worry about her quitting even when I’m an asshole, which I know is pretty much on the regular. She brushes it off and tosses a mini-Snickers at me.

Most of this busy work doesn’t take me long to handle, so after just half an hour in the air, I’ve finished both drinks and all my emails. Damn it. My mind whirls as I consider who my dad married without telling me.

I open my book app on my phone and start reading the latest thriller I downloaded, trying to relax for the next couple of hours. It works, for the most part. I’m so invested in the story that time effortlessly passes by.

The second we land in Madison, my rental is there waiting for me. It’s the latest Mercedes and as soon as I speed off, I consider buying one. It’s a smooth, powerful ride, but I live in the busiest city in the US and it would be pointless to get a car like that. I race to the hospital, giving the valet the keys as I make my way to see my father. My adrenaline’s pumping as I inch closer to the most important man in my life.

“Hello, I’ve just arrived from New York. I know it’s late, but I’d like to see my father.”

“Name, sir?”

“Roman Edwards.”

She looks at her papers and then back up at me with a pass in her hand. “Yes, here you are. He has two visitors already, but I was told to leave this for you. You can’t take long because he’s in ICU and visiting hours are almost over.”

“Thank you.” I turn around and ask, “I’m sorry, but do you know why he’s here?”

“A heart attack.” Does he have another black widow on his hands?

“Thank you.” I tap the desk lightly and make my way to the bank of elevators. New wife, and he has a heart attack. I need a word with his nurses and doctors. She could have poisoned him to make it look like a heart attack. Don’t ask me how I know that, but I do. I reach the ICU and arrive at the nurses station.

“Hello, I’m supposed to go to room three thirty.”

“That’s just on the opposite side of the hall.” She points over to the left, and I nod.

“Listen, could he have been poisoned? Has he been given a toxicology test?”

“Um…no, but you’ll have to speak to his doctor on the matter. He’s not the first older man to have a heart attack while doing strenuous activities.” I nod and walk away from the desk. Making my way down the hall, I reach three twenty-nine and that’s when I see her. You have fucking got to be kidding me. It immediately hits me that he had a heart attack while fucking his barely legal wife. I can’t take my eyes off the little girl in a tight black dress and long brown hair in waves down her back as she wipes her makeup-covered face, faking those tears. God, no wonder my dad caved and remarried. My dick embarrassingly hardens, which infuriates me.

I storm toward her and want her as far as possible away from my father. This is bullshit. Why is she giving her gorgeous body to him? She’s nothing but a gold-digging whore. “Quit the crocodile tears, Princess. Did you give the old man a good blow job for a new car?” I bite out, fighting that mental image.

Her hand comes up and nearly lands on my face, but I grip her wrist tightly. There’s no wedding ring, and I find that a relief—that means my dad can get rid of her. “Took it off already?” I tap her ring finger.

“You are an asshole. You must be Roman.” She says it with such sweet hatred in her eyes that I’m actually turned on even more. “I’m your new stepsister.” She yanks her hand away as she glares at me.

That should have shot ice-water through my veins, but my body’s more heated than before. “Stepsister?” Fuck. I’m in more trouble than I thought.

“Yes. You’re just like he says. You hate women.” She huffs, crossing her arms under her ample breasts.

“I don’t hate women. I don’t trust them, Princess,” I retort, sharing the truth as I rake my eyes up and down her body with feigned annoyance.

“I’m not your princess.” Whose princess is she? She didn’t say a princess. She specifically said your. Damn it, she has a boyfriend. Why do I even care?

“Amelia,” a woman calls out. I turn, and there’s the older version of the beautiful girl in front of me. Seeing me, she asks, “Roman?”

“Yes, this is the wonderful Roman we’ve heard so much about.” Amelia huffs, walking right past me and down the hall.

“Should she be walking down the hall alone?” I question her mother, feeling irrationally jealous of any man with eyes getting a look at her in that tight, curve-hugging dress.

“She’s eighteen. I think she’s fine. Your father is awake. You should see him before you say something else shitty to me. I didn’t do anything to hurt him. We were making love when he had a heart attack.” I move to enter my dad’s room when she presses her hand to my chest, halting me. Not because she’s strong, but that she thinks it’s okay to touch me. I look at her hand and then back up at her. She releases it with a warning. “Insult my daughter again and I’ll send you to the hospital, but it won’t be from fucking.”

“I thought she was…” I attempt to explain.

“You thought your father was dipping into the baby pool.”

“Well, he didn’t mention getting married. I think that’s a big fucking deal.”

“That’s between you two. Go speak with him.” I walk past her, feeling like a prick because of the way I treated my new stepsister, but my head still can’t wrap around the fact that she’s now related to me, her round eyes turning to slits as she cursed me out. I mentally chide myself and remember why I’m here.

Taking a deep breath, I step into my father’s room, and his eyes are closed. He’s hooked up to all these machines, but thankfully he’s breathing on his own. “Dad, I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

“Roman, you made it,” he says, cracking a smile even though he clearly doesn’t look like he feels well.

Still, it’s the first relief I find since I got the call. “Yes. I’m here.”

“I suppose you found out about Rachel?” he asks, guilt ripping through his words.

“Yes. I just met her, but now is not the time.” I don’t want to upset him when he’s just had a heart attack. I’m not that much of a bastard.

“I know you don’t believe in love at first sight. Hell, love at all, but that’s what we have. We met while I was vacationing in Florida, and I couldn’t resist begging her to marry me. I know I should have told you, but I was afraid that you’d stop talking to me. I lost you once—"

I pat his shoulder, stopping him before he works himself up. “I’m sorry about that. I wish I could have been old enough to read through the lies.”

“I know, but Rachel’s a good woman, and her daughter is a sweetheart.” I’ll be the judge of that.

“She was dressed a little too dolled up,” I growl, looking ready to be thoroughly fucked. I need to get my head out of the damn gutter.

“She was supposed to be going on a date with the neighbor’s kid.” My mind plays over everyone I remember from his neighborhood, but I can’t picture any young guys. I already inexplicably don’t like this neighbor.

“A date.” The anger in my reply causes my father to look at me strangely.

“She’s legally an adult.”

“Yes, but that little shit is going to want to have sex with her.” Who the fuck wouldn’t? Normally I’d say me, but the little princess has awoken a new part of me.

“And that’s her choice. You’re acting awfully protective of a girl you just insulted,” he challenges.

“You heard too?” Shit. I’m the King Asshole right here.

“I don’t think there’s a single person on this floor who didn’t hear. I get you’re worried. Rachel’s only fifteen years younger than me, and I’m happy. I should have been eating better. My doctor gave me a warning before I went on vacation, but I didn’t listen,” he says with a light shrug.

“What are the doctors saying now? Are you going to be okay?” Please say yes…

“Yes. I need to rest and relax, but I’ll be back home tomorrow. How long are you here for?” There’s hope in his eyes, and I hate to dash them. It takes all my strength to tell him the truth, but he deserves it.

“I’m only here for the day, and then I have some things I need to take care of before I can consider coming back, if that’s okay.”

He smiles like I remember from when I was a boy. “Son, I’d be happy to have you live with me. I know that’s not gonna happen, but I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. I promise I’ll be back.”

“I know you will.”

A knock on the door frame grabs our attention. A nurse walks in and says, “Sir, visiting hours are over.”

“Okay. Dad, are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I can take my meetings from my hotel room.”

“That’s actually a great idea, although I still have your bedroom at home if you wanted.”


”Yes. There’s no need for you to stay anywhere but home. In fact, I’d appreciate it since Amelia will be all alone in that house. She’s too beautiful and vulnerable to leave unprotected.” There’s that look again. I don’t give away that I’m the one he should be worried about. It’s like sending a wolf in to watch the henhouse.

“Take it easy and rest. I’ll head to the house tonight.” As I walk out, I see Amelia and Rachel speaking. Amelia’s eyes meet mine, and I feel like a piece of shit in so many ways. I try to push this new urge to fuck out of my head. Perfect or not, I don’t trust vipers.

“I’m heading to the house tonight.”

“Oh, that’s good. I was just worried about Amelia getting home. I trust you’ll be kind enough to give her a ride.” I’ll give her a ride, all right. A ride on my cock all damn night long. Oh, hell. I need to chill out.

I nod. “Sure. I’m sorry about earlier.” It takes a lot for me to apologize, especially to women, but I find I do it more often than not.

“It’s okay.” She’s glued to her phone with her head down, pissing me off that she’s essentially ignoring me.

“Well, let’s go.” I start walking, and she better pick up her steps or she’ll be looking for a ride home from the boyfriend she’s so eagerly texting. Why does that rankle my nerves? I don’t even know the girl.

“I’m coming.” Damn her. I adjust my cock the second I’m in the elevator, grateful that she’s still typing away.

“You shouldn’t walk and text. You’re going to crash into something,” I remark, hating the petty way I’m acting.

“I wasn’t texting until I stopped moving. I’m not an idiot.” No. I am.

“No, you’re just a teenager with her head down the entire time I saw you.”

“Not the entire time. Anyway, just because we’re step-siblings doesn’t mean we need to fight. In fact, we should just do our best to keep our distance,” she adds with enough attitude that I use to keep her at arm’s length.

“Good. I like the sound of that.” I really don’t care for that shit, but she’s a kid and I’m a grown man. Maybe I need to finally get a woman. That idea holds no interest, and I quickly squash it. I’m forever going to be alone.

The elevator dings open, and I step out first to adjust my cock and she walks straight into me. “Paying attention, eh?” I challenge.

“Ugh. No one told you to stop moving.”

I snatch her phone out of her hand.

“Hey, give that back to me.”

“No, little girl. You can have this back when we get back to the house.” I tuck it into my pocket and continue walking.

“Dick,” she mutters behind me. I’ll give her a real big dick if she keeps it up. I’m so damn horny, it’s stupid.

“Is that what you’re asking your boyfriend for? Sorry, little girl, but you’re going to have to wait. Your parents have me babysitting you.”

“I’m an adult.”

I look her up and down and then add, “Physically, but mentally? I’m not quite sure.”

“You don’t know me, Roman. You think you’ve got me pegged, but you don’t.”

“If I have you pegged, sweetheart, you’d know.” I walk to the valet in silence and hand him my ticket.

I’m walking a fine line, and this little thing has me so fucking intoxicated, I’ll never be sober again.