Veiled Amor by V. Theia


Take my advice, go at it until he forgets why he was angry.” - Luxe



Lucia wasn’t as nervous about coming to the club alone as she thought she might be.

Because she had a mission, and she never let it stray from her mind.

“This is a nice surprise, girlie,” Jed called out as he stood at the side of a blonde lady sitting on a stool at the bar. The grey-haired man grinned as she looked over.

“Hey, Jed, how are you?”

“I got no complaints. You met my old lady, Helen?”

“Not yet,” Lucia approached. Smiling, she held her hand out to the lady. “I’m Lucia. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Oh, she knows all about you.” His eyes twinkled.

“Only because you gossip worse than my mama does,” Helen elbowed her husband. “Nice to meet you too, sweetie.”

“It’s called passing on information, not gossipin’.”

“Says you.”

“Yeah, says me, woman.”

Grinning, Lucia left the older couple to their cute bickering and made her way across the common room where she saw a group of girls.

“Hey,” they greeted her.

“Hi, all.” Taking a seat next to Paige, her eyes scanned the room, looking for a dark-haired God she wanted to smack and kiss at the same time. “Do you know if Capone is here? I poked my head in the garage, and he wasn’t there.”

“I haven’t seen him. Wasn’t he dealing with the shop break-in?” Luxe said, and Lucia blinked. What break-in?

“You know it had something to do with that blonde cop-bitch.” Winter piped in, sucking air through her teeth. “Did I tell you she pulled me over the other day while I was taking the boys to the doctor?”

“That’s nothing. She followed me home, all the way to the curb of the house, I got out of the car and waved at the witch.” Added Poppy. “Texas was fit to burst when I told him. He wanted to go to the sheriff's department and lodge a complaint.”

“I knew nothing about the shop,” Lucia answered. “Capone and me had a bit of an argument last night, and I haven’t seen him since.”

Six sets of female eyes came to her at once, then they looked at each other like they knew something Lucia didn’t. Oh god, please don’t let it be another woman he spent the night with.

No, she trusted him, he wouldn’t do that, no matter how mad he was.

“What’s the story with the cop? Why would she have something to do with a break-in at the sandwich shop?”

“You haven’t heard about Sofia the bitcherella?” Luxe asked.

“Not yet.”

Five minutes later, she was all caught up on Officer Sofia Fielding and her one-woman campaign to get the Renegade Souls arrested.

“So far, it’s just annoying shit, but the woman has a crazy tick, she isn’t all there ever since Tag dumped her ass and got married.”

“She needs a good slap from my punching hand.”

“Calm down, Tyson Fury, you know she’d arrest you if you tried,” Ruby told Luxe.

“It would be worth it. Puta.”

Just then, a tall man strode through the door, he stopped to talk to the older couple. He was so striking that Lucia trailed off from listening to the girl’s conversation. “Wow,” she muttered to herself as she watched him catch his shoulder-length hair in his hands and tie it into a knot.

“That’s Rider, the Prez.” Chuckled Poppy. Lucia blushed for being caught staring. “Don’t worry, he has that effect on all the women.”

“He got married recently,” added Winter, “bet he’s looking for Zara for a little some-some.”

“So, you and Capone then?” Asked Luxe, her sleek black ponytail hanging down her back, and she was tapping blood-red nails on her leg. “Are you here to fight with him?”

“Oh, no,” she answered, remembering why she was here. “I came to seduce him.”

The group cracked up laughing.

“Didn’t I tell you I’d like this chica? Me and Nathan have the best hate-fucks.”

“Luxe, you and Grinder never need an excuse to bang.”

“Pot meet kettle,” Luxe scoffed, pointing the finger at Roux. “We all heard what you and Butcher were up to last week.” Roux smirked and buffed her nails. “I was out of town at a card game, of course, my man welcomed me home.”

“How are you going to seduce him if you guys are fighting?” The question came from Angela, the youngest woman there. She’d been writing in a school notebook until now.

Lucia chewed on her lower lip, it wasn’t like she had any experience with angry sex or seducing Capone out of a bad mood. For all she knew, he could kick her ass out.

But she was determined.

She also knew how to turn him on, which also was a bonus.

“I don’t know, I thought I’d attack him.”

It was met with agreeing noises.

“You could boss him around, my Snake loves that.”

“Get into a bigger argument. It drives Grinder wild. He loves calming me down. Sometimes I pretend to be pissed off, so he’ll get me off, dios, that man.”

Another hottie, much younger this time, strolled over to their seating area. “Let’s go.” He clicked fingers at Angela. The girl pinned the man with a stare cold enough to strip paint from the walls. “Don’t click at me like I’m a poodle, not if you want those fingers to stay attached.”

The man chuckled, unrepentant. “Sorry, mamacita, I’m in a hurry to grab the kids.”

“Fine,” Angela sighed, climbing to her feet, “you’re buying me some fries, I haven’t eaten.”

When they left, Lucia asked, “Is that her boyfriend?”

“Not if he wants to keep breathing,” Roux answered with a chuckle.

Lucia was too much in her head to ask for further gossip.

“Hey, girlie, your boy is in the back,” called out Jed.



Lucia felt her heart pump wildly as she climbed to her feet.

“Good luck, chica.”

“Go get ‘em.”

“Leave him a husk of a man.”

Lucia followed Jed’s directions and found a room down the corridor, she didn’t bother with knocking. Thankfully, it was her man’s face on the other side. He was sitting in a chair, smoking.

His head came up the moment she opened the door, and he pinned her with his espresso eyes, watching her as she closed them in together.

It was a basic room, something like a Motel 6. A narrow bed, drawers, armchair, and not much else. She skimmed her gaze over him, he looked fine, and she felt some of her tension seep away when he didn’t appear pissed off to see her.

His intense stare ate her up. A pulse of lust, sharp and sticky, went through her. He’d always looked at her in this way. Now she understood what it meant. She’d walk into his parents’ house every Sunday, secretly excited to see him there, and his eyes would streak over her so slowly from head to toe, his stare would hold hers, and then he’d shut it down.

She always thought it was contempt, but now Lucia recognized it for lust.

He toked on the smoke, blowing the smell of weed into the air, never looking away.

Jittery inside, itchy under her skin. So fucking horny, Lucia wanted to lion-attack him.

“You didn’t come home,” she spoke, not letting her voice shake with her wavering emotions. She was so scared when he didn’t come home. “You can’t do that, Giancarlo. I was worried.”

Another toke of his smoke, blowing it out slowly.

His legs were spread out in front of him. Wearing only worn-in jeans with an open sleeveless, red and black plaid shirt, he was sex itself. His answer was a grunt.

She went for it. “I’m used to a diet of dick now, you can’t take off and leave me starving.”

The joint in Capone’s lips stalled, and she’d bet all her lipsticks she saw his eyes turn to midnight black.

A whole-ass shiver rushed down her spine.

She wouldn’t let him see her jangling nerves.

Not after the deliciously deviant things they’d already done and said to each other.

He might be mad at her, but she saw how he still wanted her.

Breathing heavily, she put her hands on her hips, facing him a few feet away.

“I’m here to be fed.” She told him boldly. “Vamos, Giancarlo.”

Her heart clattered so damn loudly. Could he hear it too?

Nervous and horny was a potent combination.

Midnight eyes slipped down her body, leaving his invisible touch on her skin. When they reached her face again, he toked once more and stubbed the joint out. Capone was on his feet before she realized.

Towering over her, his whole aura wrapped around her in his masculine scent.

Another notch of her heart rate.

Sexy fucking man.

Lucia had to tip her head back to see him, he let his head hang low, close enough she saw the vein in his throat fluttering wildly.

She backed up, and Capone followed.

“You want feeding, is that right?”

“Y-yes, I do.”

Daring him to deny her, she was a woman running on no sleep and little coffee, she could take him in a fight with the temper she had brewing in the background. No judge in the land would convict her for crimes of passion.

But what did her gorgeous man say?

“Get on with it then, huh?”

Oh, god. Fireworks flew in her abdomen.

There was no need to check. Lucia knew how wet and ready she was for his body.

Grabbing her waist, Lucia would have been delighted had Capone tossed her onto the bed, but he plonked on the edge and dragged her on his lap. Even better. She latched onto his mouth with no prompting and groaned when he opened it for her.

She’d hurt him, betrayed him by lack of disclosure, so she let her mouth do her apologizing, kissing him enthusiastically. There was no gentle introduction. Lucia went in, finding his tongue, forcing it to twine around hers. Capone grunted when she bit his bottom lip, but didn’t pull away.

Her heart was on the verge of exploding out of her chest, to scatter Lucia-shaped confetti all over the carpet. She went into kissing him like a PMS’ing woman would go at a piece of cake.

Sorry, sis, but you know it’s true.

She fingered around his neck, punch drunk on his taste. Lucia clawed at his skin while he squeezed her butt, dragging her against his hard dick.

“You want feeding, Lucia?” She heard between biting kisses,

All night she’d been alone in the apartment, in their bed, so sure he’d come home. As she’d watched the hours tick by, Lucia had grown wearier and scared that they were over. Now she poured those emotions into his mouth.

“Yes, yes.” She cried. Wanting everything from him.

His grabbing hands, perfect tongue, and gorgeous dick, his hard body pinning her, and his filthy words. Feed me, she wanted to cry.

Before she knew it, Lucia was dropped to the floor, and Capone leaned back a little on the bed and unbuckled his belt, his eyes trained on her face and panting lips.

“Then get me out and feed yourself.”

Good god. The man was a thousand-dollar bottle of vino straight to her brain.

There was no grace in the way she fell on him. Her fingers felt sixty times clumsier as she fumbled. “Ugh, aren’t you going to help me?”

“Not when it’s hot as fuck to watch you fight for it.”

Tearing at the zipper, freeing his cock, she sighed with relief before her mouth engulfed the weeping tip.

Ah, god, he was nectar in her mouth. She sucked hard, feeding inches into her lips a bit at a time. When she heard his groan of passion, her chest and stomach inflated with lustful air. Each suck hollowed out her cheeks.

“Good girl,” he told her hoarsely in Spanish.

His praise was a shot of pleasure between her legs, making her creamier than ever. A hand curled around the back of her neck, not controlling her sucks, guiding her to take him. She felt him stroking her hammering pulse, pushing the hair back from her face, she looked up at him with her mouth full, and she’d never felt so loved before.

There was no embarrassment here. Only love to die for. Hunched over his lap, she took what every part of her body craved.

His face was sliced with lust, strained under her administrations; his lips were lax in letting out the puffs of air.

“Ahh, fuck. Two more sucks, that’s it.”

Lucia was no rule follower, not in this new life of hers, so she took five long sucks, so powerful, his grunts bounced off every surface, and she found herself lifted off her knees and took back to his lap, straddling over his legs this time.

“I said two,” he growled in her face. Turning her on harder until she dripped down her inner thigh.

“So what,” she answered in her own head of steam, so thick it practically swarmed around them both. Her panties were about to dissolve if he didn’t get inside her soon. “I was hungry, you’ve left me starving.”

Capone’s growl was that of an animal, as if he took a personal insult to her accusation.

She wanted him to know she’d been alone, without his body lying next to hers.

He couldn’t give her the world, then snatch it away again. It was fucking unfair.

Her thoughts were frantic, and they each centered on the hard man beneath her.



She did. God, did she. She only had to tear up her skirt with rushed fingers, and Capone did the rest by pulling her cotton panties to the side so she could sink on the cock she was holding upward for herself.

Ah god. God. God. She cried into his unyielding and insistent mouth, squeezing his neck as she lowered down until she’d taken him.

It was the best.

Oh god, it was the best.

She was shaking from head to toe.

Capone’s hands were so warm and so big, she felt his fingers contract against her stomach as she rode. A hot wave went over her, it had taken only several thrusts to push Lucia to an orgasm, but it was far from enough.

“More,” she whimpered, exhausted from riding him like a champion ribbon thoroughbred.

The passion was too big, too big. It was impossible to breathe right. Her hands clawed at his shoulders, tearing the shirt off Capone. Her clothes were gone in seconds, torn off her by strong, angry hands, and he attached his mouth to her nipple, scraping with his teeth. Lucia made muffled noises. It was so much better now her breasts could scrape against his fine chest hairs. He wasn’t bear-like. Only a smattering over the top half of him, with a line leading down to his groin, but it was enough stimulation to make Lucia tremble.

“You need more?” He growled against her lips. Before Lucia could nod, she was in the air, their bodies still joined, and he pressed her into the wall hard enough to clatter her teeth. “You’re hungry, mi amor? I can’t have that. It’s my job to take care of you. Mine.” He rasped into her lips before they started kissing again.

They didn’t mask their noises.

Too far gone in her hazy lust to care who heard them as he wall fucked her, going so hard, he pushed her up a few inches, leaving Lucia’s legs dangling around his waist.

It was wet.



The force of Capone’s slams and the rake of her nails on his exposed shoulder blades demonstrated how insanely wild they both felt.

Angry too at each other.

Their bodies conveyed how much with each slam and moan.

His taste was sin and home.

The earthquake started in Lucia’s mid-section, with the orgasm exploding like stars, and she cried into his mouth, giving him little bites and nips of her teeth as he shoved into her so deep. Her vision cleared, and all she saw was the man she loved so very much fucking her.

This man was hers.

Through love and frustration, difficult times, and anger. Capone belonged to her. She wrapped her arms securely around his shoulders, bringing their mouths together. She moaned his name, whispered her love, and watched his eyes darkened to two black disks.

One of Capone’s hands slipped under her hair, gripping her neck so he could control their kissing. She knew the second he was about to lose it, when his entire body grew more assertive.

Their tongues mated. He grunted and found his release inside her, splashing her hotly until she squirmed in his arms, her womb contracting from the last deep thrust before Capone stalled.

When it was over, she unlocked her arms from his trembling frame, stroking his back and up to his hair. Their mouths were gentler now, tasting in small sips. They panted in tandem, and then she dropped her forehead to his broad shoulder, the last vestiges of pleasure leaving her body in a solid shudder. Then another one when Capone slipped from her body. She felt lost already without his thickness filling her walls. The carpet met her feet when he let her down. She was too exhausted to do anything but stand there as he put her back in her clothes.

Lucia felt her heart sing as their eyes met.

He loved her.

That much she knew for sure.

Whatever issues they still had to work through, he loved her.

And she adored him.

He was zipping his pants when she pushed herself off the wall, standing on jelly legs, he’d worked her over so good.

“Thanks, I got what I needed.” She told him cheekily and heard him chuff.

De nada, mi amor.” His smirk lit her insides on fire.

He didn’t snuggle like usual when they were done making love, not touching her with anything other than his brooding eyes, but the tension melted away from the room. She wasn’t unsure about him breaking her heart any longer.

He wouldn’t.

If he’d needed time to work things out in his head, she could understand that. Rising on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his jawline. “I’m tired, so I’m going home. Take as long as you need to be mad or whatever,” she told him, “but I love you so fucking much, Gi. Let’s not waste any more time on things we can’t change and focus on what we can do now. And that is to love each other so hard. I hope you come home soon to our bed.”



Content to give him the space he needed, Lucia exited the room, knowing he wouldn’t come after her. Yet. She didn’t need him to. She’d rather he came home with his mind clear, knowing it would make them even stronger.

The group of women were where Lucia left them, they caught her eye as if they’d been watching for her. “Well? Do we have lift off?” Luxe shouted like she didn’t care who heard. Lucia’s cheeks turned cherry tomato red. She liked these women for all their loudness, so she put up her two thumbs, grinning.

They started clapping loudly.

Nothing could ruin her joyful mood on the drive back to the apartment.

Not even as she stepped out of the elevator and saw a text lighting up her lock screen on her new phone.



Unknown: It’s time for this nonsense to end, Lucia. Before someone gets hurt, contact me asap, and I will have the jet sent to bring you home where you belong and where I can protect you. There is nothing I can’t forgive and make right. Remember that.



No longer the weak-willed daughter she’d been all her life, she gave the text no more attention than it took to swipe-delete it.

A quick shower later, she yawned and climbed into bed, wearing only one of Capone’s t-shirts. Still on a massive high, tasting Capone in her mouth, though she’d brushed and flossed, she was too hyped to sleep, so she buried her face in his pillow and went into a heavy dose of daydreaming.

It wasn’t an hour later when she heard the front door locks disengage, and then the alarm set again. She smiled like a lunatic, wiggling like an excited puppy under the sheets.

Her man was home.

He didn’t wait to come into the bedroom after clanking his keys and stuff into the hallway bowl.

Their past or the up-in-the-air issue with her father didn’t matter, because she loved the man dropping his clothes on the bedroom floor before picking them up to toss into the laundry basket as she knew he would do.

What mattered most was the way she watched him from the pillow mountain as he strode around the bed and then climbed in. Coming across the mattress until he was up against her back, arms around her, he pulled her in until he was satisfied he had Lucia in a comfortable position.

It was so arousing the way he curled around her until they relaxed. He did this without saying a word.

Lucia smiled, melting against his warmth when he put a knee over her legs, and then a hand went around the front of her neck.

She was pulsing hot now for other reasons. Her pussy quivered with need.

The roped muscles held her in place.

And when she heard him grunt after minutes of silence, sure he’d fallen asleep, her legs were suddenly wrenched open, and she felt the tip of his erection as he guided the broad crown to her entrance.

God, yes. Yes. Lucia moaned into her pillow, dipping her back as he plunged his nine inches of perfect cock into her mercilessly before stalling once he hit the bottom of her.

Pleasure bombs went off in her brain.

Their shared arousal was indescribably good.

So good.

Capone turned her head, capturing her mouth in a bruising, lovely kiss, shunting his hips forward to fill her once more.

On and on, he moved, eating the moans directly from her throat.

And all the noise they made until dawn was the ragged moans of love.