Veiled Amor by V. Theia


“Don’t mess with my amor’s claws.” - Capone



Fucking all night long rejuvenated a man more than any drug could.

Capone should be tired as hell, having only slept two hours, but he felt good.

Being happy came as a relief.

Once he got out of his head and realized the good he had.

He had Lucia.


All his.

He wouldn’t waste a second more.

Kicking his feet up on the lip of the balcony, Armado Springs waking up down below, he watched the sky as he heard the gentle whooshing of the balcony door opening, he cocked his head to the side to see a perfect sight. Lucia was standing in his t-shirt with wild hair around her shoulders.

Her mouth was kiss swollen and there was a small bite bruise on her neck.

If he looked beneath his t-shirt, let his fingers feel her down there, he’d bet her little pussy was fuck-swollen too.

He hadn’t gone easy on her. At all.

“Do you want company?” She asked tentatively, as if she had no clue how severely she owned him. Lucia was the deed holder to his soul.

His tongue felt thick in his mouth with all the love he felt for her, so when she frowned, he knew he’d taken too long to respond. “I guess not.” She turned.

“Lucia, get out here.”

She came with a smile, and he pulled her down onto his lap where she curled up like an eager puppy, wriggling over his crotch, bringing that beast back to life, though she’d rung him dry all night.

“Are you still mad?”

“No.” his lips roamed across her forehead.

“I wouldn’t mind if you were. I mean, I prefer you not to be.”

“I’m not, nena. I shouldn’t have left you like that.”

“No, you shouldn’t, don’t do it again.”

He wouldn’t. It had killed him to walk out. It felt like he’d left all his organs and limbs behind. “No secrets from now on, ? You’re mine. I’m yours. We deal with anything together.”

Her bright smile was his undoing, and he pressed a hard kiss to her lips, hooking a hand around the front of her throat. Fuck, he could eat her alive and still want more. “I was pissed that I’ve squandered so much time, Lucia. I’m mad at Santiago. Could give a shit who he fucked. I hate how your father manipulated and used it against him, he’s my brother, I would have protected him. You need to know I will always hate that man, Lucia. If you reconcile with him one day, I won’t be a part of it. When we have kids…”

“You want kids?” She squeaked, wide eyes so full of love. He squeezed her neck, making her moan, bringing their foreheads together. “As many as you want to give me.”

“Two is a good number. Can we start soon? You’re not getting any younger, and you want to be a dad who can play ball and teach them to ride a motorcycle.”

Capone pictured their future, and it was everything a man like him only ever dreamed about.

They were righting all the wrongs.

Time lost.

Their first baby not having a chance to be born.

Loving each other.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything sooner…”

“I’m sorry I didn’t fight for us, mi corazón. I made a mistake. I made a big fucking mistake. I left you to the wolf and assumed you’d be safe. I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

She smiled a watery smile and kissed his lips softly. Lingering. “Can we have a happy life instead of regrets?”

. I want to take care of you, Lucia. Spoil you in ways that will make you blush and demand things from my dick. Give you the world. I can’t wait to see how happy you become over silly things and how hard you drive me insane with your beauty and wit. I want all the special and inconsequential moments with you, everything we couldn’t have before.”

She purred, hardening him.

But now wasn’t the time for his dick to tap in, he had to give her words. Words he’d held back from guilt and shame of loving a woman he thought was out of reach of him.

“Tell me more,” she said huskily, nuzzling her nose along his jawline, fisting her hand in his t-shirt. Bet she didn’t realize she was riding his thigh, but Capone felt every pop of her hot pelvis through the jeans, and his cock tip dripped to get at her.

“I love you, Lucia. For so fucking long. And I’m gonna love you until they put me in the ground.”

“No, we’re being cremated together and then scattered into the ocean.”

This fucking woman. He smirked and nipped her chin. “, okay.”

“Go on.”

He gave her a hip squeeze. “Making you happy is going to be my only mission in life. I love the club, my brothers, and the work we do, but you, Lucia, you’re the one who makes me live again. You have no idea what you did by calling me for help. It opened Pandora’s Box. I wanna fucking eat the pleasure out of you. Devour your screams, rock you to sleep and bring you food. Take you on dates, and make sure you feel me in your stomach all day after I’ve fucked you the night before, until I can get home to you and start again. Making my woman feel good, dios. My whole fucking world, you get it now? How hard I’ve locked all this up for years, and now it’s open, and you have to take it, Lucia. You’re going to have to accept me being a wild fucking man for you. It’s the way it will be for a long time. I want to wake every morning with you hulk-pinning me to the bed like you think I might escape.”

She huffed with amusement, “well, you might, a girl has to make contingency plans.”

“Never, nena. I’m right where I want to be. I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m taking it because I’m a selfish prick, and I will use any means I can to make you mine.”

She purred, nuzzling him, watching Capone with watery, smiling eyes, lapping up his declaration that was far too long in coming.

His chest had never felt this light before, he didn’t quite know how to cope with it.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

Capone raised both eyebrows, and she laughed, “you make me happier than I’ve ever felt before, Giancarlo.” She ran her fingertips over his cheek and around the ear gauge.

The air left his lungs, and Capone lowered his head. It was all he’d ever wanted to hear.

“You’re mine.”

“I’m only yours.”

Damn right.

“You’re mine too.”

Longer than she’d known, he was hers. He smirked and tapped her lips.

Wanting to fuck her so badly, but even he had some kindness in him somewhere.

His hand ranged down her back and cupped her ass. “Did I hurt you last night?”

She sucked in a breath as if the air had turned dirty and cloying.

“Hmm. Nope.”

“Are you sure?”

“Did you hear me complaining?”

That was fair, she’d done a lot of noise-making, and demanding of his cock. None of that noise was complaints for him to go softer.

He touched her neck with his mouth, smelling their sex on her skin. “Love the way you take a solid fucking from me, nena.” The strongest longing overtook him, and it wasn’t for sex. O-fucking-kay, it was always for sex where she was concerned. His Lucia was arousal itself. He looked at her, smelled her, thought about her, and his want exploded.

But it was more too.

“I can take whatever you got, Gi.” She declared with sass.

He finally had the love of his life right next to him, where she was always meant to be, and he felt at peace.

Content to hold her in silence, Lucia curled her bare feet around his legs, her face pressed into his neck.

After hearing her belly gurgling, Capone placed a hand to her ass and smacked her gently. “Put some clothes on before that smile of your seduces me into fucking you, or we’ll never get you fed.”

Lucia’s head reared up from his shoulder, “so we aren’t going to have sex?”

Dios. She goddamn pouted, and he wanted to bite her all over. Pressing their lips together, he smirked. “You won’t be able to walk if I fuck you now, mi amor. I used you too much last night.”

Another sexy pout. “I don’t mind.”

“I do. I take care of you, not hurt you.”

She sighed and melted into him again, “love you, Gi.”

“Love you back. Now let’s go get some food.”



* * *


After a late breakfast in the diner, Lucia now had a mouthful of jalapeño and white cheddar crème inside a soft bread roll, taste testing for Levi again. It was divine. But her food euphoria was cut short when she heard her man curse in Spanish. His eyes trained on the shop window.

She peeked around his thick shoulder and saw someone familiar.

“What is it?”

“Cop. I can guess why she’s nosing around my shop.”

Lucia blinked. “But… Giancarlo, that’s Kate.”

“Kate who?”

“The woman I said I met recently, my new friend. But she’s not a cop. She said she worked for her mom’s finance company.”

The murderous look on Capone’s face when she glanced back at him made puzzle pieces slot into place.

Lucia had been played.


She should have seen the signs. She’d been around manipulative people all her life, it should have been so simple to spot when she was being played. Only, she’d been desperate for friends and let Kate… whoever she was, latch onto her.

“Oh, that bitch,” she hissed, furious. Trying to replay their few conversations, how Kate was soooo interested in the bikers with hero-worship, wanting to know all about them. Thank god, Lucia hadn’t told her a thing. She’d thought the other woman was pushy, too nosy, but harmless.

For fuck’s sake, she had no gut instincts at all if she’d been played so easily.

To what end? To see if Lucia knew anything about the Renegade Souls?

Capone could kill a bus full of people, and Lucia wouldn’t tell anyone. She was and always would be loyal to her man.

But she was so damn mad she didn’t see Kate’s act for what it was.

“I’ll deal with this, she probably doesn’t know you’re here,” Capone said, but Lucia pushed him into the back of the shop. “Stay out of sight with Levi, let me deal with her.”


“I got this, baby. The girls filled me in on everything the annoying cop has been up to,” she popped a kiss on his lips. His brow arched, but he let her walk out into the shop.

Kate was in street clothes, but it was like Lucia’s blinkers were gone because she saw the viper for what she was. Pasting on a fake smile, she waved through the window, motioning her in.

“Hey, girl,” Kate… Sofia greeted, a smile on her flawless face, not a hint of guilt for fake-friending her all these weeks. She’d gone to a horrible spin class because of that woman. Now she knew why Sofia pretended to forget her water bottle, so Capone couldn’t give her a ride home because her man would recognize her.

Sneaky bitch.

“This is a surprise.” She said, stepping inside. “I was going to grab a latte down the street.”

“This is my man’s place.”

“Oh, really? I didn’t know that.”

Liar, liar.

“It was broken into the other night, we’ve been checking the security tapes.” Lucia could lie too. It was only yesterday he had cameras fitted, but she was pleased to see Sofia’s smile slip. “Yeah, looked like a junkie, probably earning a dime bag from this bitch cop who has it in for the bikers. She’s been making a nuisance of herself.”

Color hit Sofia’s cheeks, and anger spiked in her eyes, a look she couldn’t hide. Lucia folded her arms, still smiling. Having faced many bullies in her life, her father being the central culprit, she knew how to handle manipulators, sneaks, and liars.

Not one more person would walk over her again or use Lucia for their gain.

“Nothing to say, Kate? Or should I call you Officer Sofia Fielding? Crazy that you didn’t tell me you were the bitch cop trying with all her little girl might to ruin my man and his club. Funny that, hm? You talked about everything. Your cabin, your dating life, though you left out how you’re obsessed with Tag.”

Fine lines appeared around Sofia’s mouth, anger seething through her eyes. Her demeanor changed the moment Lucia stopped talking and dropped the smile.

“What was your aim, Sofia? Did you see me with Capone, and you hatched this friend scheme to get me to tell secrets?”

“You wouldn’t have even talked to me, let alone become friends with me if you knew I was a cop.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I have nothing against the police, except the corrupt ones. The bad ones who stalk my girlfriends with bogus traffic infringements, the ones who pay junkies to break into my man’s shop. Should I go on?”

“That wasn’t me.”

“You’ve lied about everything, from your name, to who you are, to the vendetta you have against my man’s MC.”

“My name is Kate. Sofia Kate. You wouldn’t have talked to me that day if you knew who I was.”

“You’re right, because you fucking targeted me. I don’t like liars, I hate manipulators, I’ve grown up with people like you, and nothing about you is genuine. I bet you don’t even know the real you anymore. So fucking hungry to climb on the backs of others. What was your aim in befriending me? You thought I’d fall for your charm and tell you secrets?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

Lucia scoffed. As she listened to Sofia try to justify with more lies, the angrier Lucia became. All she could hear was her father’s voice. This is good for you, Lucia. Be a good girl and don’t cause trouble, Lucia. Don’t have your own opinions, Lucia. I know what’s best for you, Lucia.

Fuck. That.

“Shut the fuck up. I’ve heard more than I want to. You’re pathetic, and this one-woman crusade stops now.”

That’s when the real Sofia entered the chat.

“Or what, Lucia? You’ve proven you know nothing, which means Capone hasn’t brought you into their circle. You’re a toy. I could have helped you, we could have been friends, but yet another stupid woman falling for their lies.”

“Lies?” Lucia laughed. “Aw, sweetie, because Tag didn’t want to drink your Kool-Aid doesn’t mean the bikers lie to their women. Jealousy is a terrible look on a beautiful woman. Let me tell you a secret, seeing as you’re so desperately hungry for them. My man could chop you up and stuff your stinking carcass into the freezer, and you know what I’d do? I’d cook him dinner that night, I’d crawl into our bed and love my man. You mean nothing, your friendship was a lie, and he’s everything you’re not.”

Sofia rolled her eyes like she couldn’t comprehend the loyalty and love Lucia described. “You’re going to get hurt, I tried to warn you.”

“No, but you will. Do you want to know why? You think I’m just a nobody girl. I bet you looked into me, right? Lucia Mercado. But do you know my maiden name? Cole. My father is Nicholas Cole.”

Oh, how the penny dropped.

Her father was well known for all the wrong reasons. Cops, especially, would have heard about him and his deadly reputation.

Sofia’s color paled, and Lucia chuckled, delighted.

“Oh, yeah. You see your fuck up now? His daughter you double-crossed.”

“Lucia, look. This is all a big mistake. I wanted to be your friend. Sure, I went about it in the wrong way because I thought—”

“Honestly, you’re boring me now. This is what’s going to happen…”

“Be fucking real, Lucia. Being associated with those men will only end badly for you, or worse, they’ll get you killed.” Sofia hissed, and that’s when Lucia lost her temper, and she reached out a hand and let it connect to Sofia’s stupid fucking face in an echo-ringing slap.

That was when she heard Capone emerge. His growl was fierce and delicious.

She went on. “Shut the fuck up with things you know nothing about. This is what’s going to happen, and you better listen because I won't repeat myself. Whatever campaign you have against the Renegade Souls MC stops right now. I don’t care if you’re sucking the mayor’s dick for trade secrets, and he’s paying you in gold Peeps. It ends. You go back to being a boring cop, going to domestic fights and breaking up bar brawls.

“The RSMC doesn’t exist for you, Sofia. Because do you know what will happen if you continue to stalk my friends and their men, if one of them is arrested for bogus charges like Rider was? Do you know who I will call and what will happen if he knows you are inconveniencing me in any way? My father doesn’t care for that, Sofia. Not at all. You won’t only lose your job, you’ll disappear. Poof. No more Sofia. No more lattes and fancy manicures. And no one will give a fuck if they ever see you again, how sad for you.”

Sofia turned a bright red, there was a tremble to her voice. “You can’t threaten an officer of the law.”

“I’m threatening a bitch who has a cop badge. Test me out, it’ll take one call to daddy. Do you know how long his reach is? How many corrupt people in high places he knows? You stupid girl, your biggest mistake was sitting down to talk to me that day. Now get the fuck out of my man’s shop and consider yourself barred for life.”

Sofia got gone fast.

And then she heard clapping behind her. She turned to see Levi laughing, standing with Capone. “Man, that slap was so badass.” She hardly paid the amused man any attention, her eyes were all over her brooding biker watching her with his jaw ticking.

“Get the fuck over here, Lucia. Vamos.”

She got over there, and he yanked her into his chest. Hands she loved dropped to her ass, squeezed as she pressed herself into him. “You sexy little rebel. Where did that come from?”

“She fucked with the wrong Mercado. No one messes with you.”

He growled and pressed their lips together.

Lucia chuckled, “now let’s hope she believes my lie.”

Capone cracked up laughing. “Do you wanna go wait outside for me? We’ll leave Levi to open the shop. I want to take you home and fuck my wicked woman.”

Oh yay, she was on board for that. She popped a kiss on his lips, told Levi bye, and made her way around to the back alley where his bike was waiting.

Adrenaline gushed through Lucia’s veins, her euphoric happiness making her giddy as she rested her butt on the bike seat, lost in dirty thoughts about what they were going to do once they were home.

So into her thoughts, she didn’t hear the approaching figure behind her.

Nor did she see the hood that came over her head until it was too late.

It was far too late to struggle as a massive body lifted her off her feet. “You scream, bitch, and I’ll knife you, got it?”

The shock of it made her lungs open, and she screamed anyway, panic setting her bones like concrete. Kicking and flailing her arms as a hand shoved over her mouth.

There were two of them because suddenly her feet were off the floor.

Lucia struggled and fought so damn hard as she was thrown in the trunk of a car. Listening to the doors open and then slam, as the engine kicked in and shot off down the street. She kicked the hell out of that small space until her limbs were fatigued and sore, her hands secured behind her back, caused pain through her shoulders, keeping her at an awkward angle.

And she didn’t stop for what felt like forever. Sweating, and worn out, so fucking terrified she was seething. Hoarse from screaming for help.

The car rolled to a stop. The trunk opened, and she fought like a wild dog to no avail because she was thrown onto a shoulder, then she felt that body incline on some steps, her ears desperately trying to figure out where she was.

It was some seconds later she was dropped into a bucket seat, and the hood was removed. Lucia blinked at the brightness surrounding her.

And came face to face with her father watching her.

They were on his private jet, and he looked like a father who was picking up his child from detention.

“Enough now, Lucia. You’ve had your fun. Make no fuss, and I won’t have to go to measures to hurt him, you’ve already wasted enough of my time forcing me to come for you.”

She stilled, her heart thumping hard.

He meant it.

He’d hurt Capone and not blink an eye doing it.

The plane door closed. His soldiers took their seats, and she watched the scenery start to whizz by the window.

“You’re a fucking monster,” she whispered.

Nicholas Cole didn’t react.

Why would he? The Devil didn’t have a sense of right and wrong.

“Let’s go home, daughter.”




Her heart screamed.

Against her will, she was going back to Miami without him.