Becoming His Wife by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Two


Ireach for the door and try to open it. The damn thing doesn’t budge. Gavino, the bastard. I came back to New York with him yesterday, I’m no fool. Being on the run, living in dumps and working at run-down titty bars are not my idea of a good time.

Now, I’m back in the casino, in my apartment with my things around me. I’m surprised that everything is exactly where I left it a year and a half ago.

Nothing has moved, not a single thing.

Except my dirty dishes, thankfully, someone cleaned those up for me, otherwise I would have had to throw away some really expensive and pretty china.

I’ve slept, showered, and changed into my regular wardrobe. I missed my clothes. I’m sure it’s pretty stuck-up of me to say, but expensive designer fabric is just better. It’s softer and it just looks better on the body. I missed it.

Walking back into the kitchen, I open the cabinet and reach for a glass, then grab a bottle of mineral water and fill my glass full. Another thing I missed, good water. And it doesn’t matter what anyone says, there is such a thing as good water.

I didn’t realize how much I truly missed and how much of a snob I really am until I didn’t have the luxuries that being me provided, or rather, working for Gavino and Arlo provided.

There is a knock on the door and slowly, it opens. Turning my head, I look over my shoulder before I spin my entire body around to watch whoever is on the other side walk through the door.

I’m surprised to see that it’s not Gavino, but rather Arlo and Salvatore. Arching a brow, I make my way into the living room and sink down on my soft buttery leather chair. My favorite chair. This chair is going with me no matter where I end up. This chair is fucking heaven on my ass.

“Where is Gavino?” I ask.

“He’s in a meeting,” Arlo murmurs. “Hello to you too, Mia. I missed you.”

My lips curve up into a small smile. “Hello, Arlo. I missed you as well.” He shakes his head, leaning back in his chair. Shifting my gaze from him to Salvatore, I arch a brow in his direction. “You’re here because?”

Salvatore grins. “Contract.”

“Who’s the guy?” I ask.

He shakes his head once. “This one isn’t for the guy, per se. This is for the position of partial boss of the D’Amore famiglia and your duties. It also lays out your responsibilities and your requirements to Gavino.”

“So this isn’t a marriage contract?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Not yet.”

Pressing my lips together, I hold out my hand for the contract. Salvatore slips the papers in my palm and I bring it to my lap. I don’t ask him if Gavino has found a match for me yet, it doesn’t matter, I know that he has someone in mind. He wouldn’t let me run for eighteen months, then suddenly pop up without having someone on the hook.


Gavino watchesme from across the bar. He tilts his head to the side, then clears his throat. Licking my lips, I lean back in my chair and wait to see why he’s called only me here.

“Di Stefano tells me you’re not only trustworthy, but that you’re an amazing Capo. He said he wishes he could move you up in the ranks faster, but that there isn’t a spot for you yet,” he says.

My chest puffs up with a sense of pride. Di Stefano is not just any boss, he’s the Boss. He is the most important boss in Italy. For him to say something like that about me really means a hell of a lot.

“Which is why I asked him to be here as well,” Gavino says, lifting his hand and motioning to someone behind me.

I don’t even need to turn around to know it’s Di Stefano. The man fills up a room without having to say a single word. You just know when he’s anywhere near, you can feel it. I expect him to sit down next to me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he walks around the bar and stands next to Gavino.

“This feels like an interrogation.” I chuckle.

Gavino shakes his head. “I wanted Di Stefano here because I didn’t want you to think that I would ever ask you to betray your boss,” Gavino explains.

“What the hell is going on?” I practically demand.

Di Stefano smirks. “Gavino wants you to run your own famiglia, with restrictions.”

“Restrictions?” I ask, at the same time my heart races inside my chest at the idea of not just climbing.

“Marriage is one. The wife is chosen and she will have fifty percent control of the famiglia as well. Although, I will have one-hundred-percent control. Everything is laid out by me and in my perimeters. The two of you will just be in charge of the menial tasks, of the men, and ensuring that it’s running properly. You’ll pay me a percentage of your profits, but otherwise, I won’t step in unless there’s a need to.”

His words are a shock to me. Not just a surprise, but a shock. I blink a couple of times, watching him and wondering what the fuck is actually going on. Wondering if this is some kind of joke, but neither Gavino or Di Stefano are laughing, in fact, they are completely serious as they watch me, waiting for my response.

“A wife?” I ask.

Gavino grins as he nods. “A gorgeous wife. However, she’s as stubborn as she is beautiful. She won’t be a typical mafia wife. She knows how to run a business and she will want her fair say in how the business is run. I’m giving this to her because she’s earned it.”

“And me?” I ask.

“Because I feel as if you would be a good asset to me, and to her.”

I press my lips together, wondering what the fuck world I’m living in. Women don’t have control over famiglias. Women make babies, they run households, they throw fucking parties. What they don’t do is stand beside their husband with fifty percent power over an entire goddamn famiglia.

“If I say no to the fifty percent control?” I ask.

“Then I find someone who will say yes, but someone who isn’t as good of a fit not only for me, but for the famiglia, and the wife.”

Shifting my gaze from Gavino, I look over to Di Stefano. He dips his chin, his eyes focused on mine and they don’t waver.

“It is an amazing offer, Elio. I’ve seen the woman. I’ve followed her work ethic. She is smart, sophisticated, a knockout, and I think you should take the offer. I support it completely.”