Becoming His Wife by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Three



My breathing comes out in pants as I stare straight ahead at the mirror. I don’t see my reflection, I don’t see anything at all. All I can think about is the prison that I’m entering into. All I can think about is the fact that I won’t have control over my life any longer, or my body.

Thoughts of Roman who raped me when I was fifteen, and later the man who kept me as his mistress only to sexually abuse me over and over again, doing things to me that he couldn’t and wouldn’t do to his wife flow on a loop inside of my head.

A knock sounds on the door and I spin around. I try to open my mouth, but no sound comes out. I whimper instead and hate myself for being so damn weak.

Luciana appears, along with a barrage of women behind her. Though, I’m glad to see that Maci is missing from the group. It’s been eighteen months, but I’m still completely embarrassed by the way I behaved. Although, to be honest, had Tiziano taken me up on my offers, I wouldn’t be right here getting ready to be some stranger’s plaything for life.

“You’re freaking out,” Luciana announces.

Nodding my head, my knees knock together. Pippa hurries toward me, wrapping her arm around my waist as she guides me over to my favorite leather chair. I sink down, not caring if I wrinkle my designer wedding gown. I should really care, but right now, I don’t.

“He’s really hot, if that means anything?” Chloe murmurs.

My eyes widen as I look over to her. “It doesn’t,” I snap.

She shrugs her shoulder as if it’s no skin off her nose and stands back, crossing her arms over her chest as she watches me.

“This is the end of my life,” I whisper.

“How so?” Luciana asks.

“No more being in control of my own body, for starters,” I snap.

Chloe snorts. Narrowing my eyes, I press my lips together as I look at her. She has no fucking clue, not one, what it’s like.

“I thought the same thing,” Luciana whispers.

“Me too,” Nicola murmurs. “But Gavino isn’t going to make a decision that is going to harm you, not ever. He loves you, Mia.”

“Arlo wouldn’t let him make a mistake, and I know he was in on all of this,” Lenora says, speaking up.

Shaking my head, I want to explain to these women, but it doesn’t matter what I say, they all think their husbands are fucking perfect beautiful creatures who care and love all women.

They have no goddamn clue, none, what men are truly capable of. Except Nicola, she has an idea. She’s probably the only one in this whole room who sees clearer than the others, but even she is blinded by the love she has for her man.

“I’m sure you all think that you know what’s best, but trust me when I tell you that I know what I need and being tied down to one man who owns me is not it,” I point out.

“Maybe he doesn’t want to be tied down to one woman either,” Chloe says. “Maybe he wants other pussy just like you want other dick. Maybe you have not one clue about him and you’re jumping the gun. Maybe his dick is so good that all other dick ceases to exist.”

I blink, staring at her for a moment, then I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. It’s what I needed to break the tension. I don’t feel any better about the wedding or the marriage, but at least I’m not frozen in fear anymore.

“Are you ready?” Luciana asks.

Shaking my head, I stand slowly. “No,” I exhale. “But I’m going to do it.”

Without another word, the women help me out of the room and down the hall. I’m glad that the wedding is here in the casino, there’s really nowhere else I would rather it be.

This is my home, it’s been my safe haven for years. I fucked everything when I ran like a coward, but I’m back and I plan on earning Gavino’s trust again, even if it means marrying someone.

The music begins and I stand at the end of the makeshift aisle. Everyone stands from the seats, but my eyes are focused on one person and one person only—the man at the end of the walk.

He’s beautiful.


Stunning doesn’t describemy bride. The photographs that Gavino showed me, do her no justice. She’s even more breathtaking in person than any picture could ever convey.

The kiss left much to be desired, but I have to admit, it’s odd having your first kiss be in front of a roomful of people and your wedding all at the same time.

Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her close against my chest as we dance. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Greco.”

She looks up at me, her eyes wild and the fear is clear to read in her gaze. Sliding my hand from her waist, up her back, I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck firmly. Dipping my chin, I don’t break eye contact with her.

“I have you, cuore mio.”

“No, you don’t,” she whispers.

“I will.”

She shakes her head once, her gaze never leaving mine. “No,” she hisses. “You will not.”

My lips curve up into a grin and I realize this little one is going to be a challenge and I can’t fucking wait for that. We continue dancing. I think about all the ways that I am not only going to take my wife, but seduce her, and make her crave me as well. I will too. I am determined now.


Tiziano cutsbetween my new husband and me. I’m surprised not only to see him here, but that he’s dancing with me. Looking up, I lick my lips and watch him for a moment. Clearing my throat, I try to think of what to say, but nothing comes to mind. I am at a complete loss.

Tiziano grins. “I wanted to see you before the wedding, but life has been hectic,” he chuckles.

“Has it?” I ask.

He hums. “One toddler, one baby on the way, and I’m still getting the Bianchi famiglia in order.”

“Was the takeover difficult?” I ask.

He nods his head. “It was, but worth every moment.”

We don’t say anything for a few beats of the song, then he speaks again. “Elio is one of the best men that I know, Mia. He will not hurt you.”

I blink, lifting my eyes to his. “He won’t?”

Tiziano shakes his head slowly, his gaze focused on mine. “He will be a good partner. I’ve known him for several years. He will be good to you, he will take care of you. He is calm and constant, Mia. Your match is a good one.”

The song ends and he takes a step back, releasing me. He doesn’t say anything else before he turns and walks away. I don’t watch him go, turning my head, I look over to the man who is now mine. He is watching me, a dark expression on his features.