Grumpy Dragon Daddy by Milly Taiden



His mind in a thick fog; Andre needed time to think.

He craved the wind rushing past him, as it often had a way of bringing him back to his senses. And with the events that had just taken place, that was exactly what he needed.

“Why hadn’t she taken the opportunity to strike? Why didn’t she kill me?” He hissed to himself.

As day descended into twilight, Andre used the mask of darkness to summon a large storm.

With his 250-foot wingspan, he created tumultuous air currents that swept across the plains of West Texas. Lightning strikes impaled the sky, and the earth shook as thunder rolled through the ranches below. The roaring crashes masked the sound of his wing cutting through the sky.

Andre rode the wind like an arrow, his deep emerald eyes unwavering. He yearned to touch down at his ranch in the Texas Hill country.

Passing over towns and sprawling ranches, it felt as if he was fleeing. As he was desperately escaping from thoughts that deeply concerned him, he could only see her face in his mind's eye.

His lips parted, and he let out an occasional “impossible” to the mere thought of it.

In a normal interaction between dragon slayer and dragon, both would not have walked away. It would have been a fight to the death, as it has been for centuries.

If they were not compelled to honor the Scaled Curtain, would I have made it out with my life?

But her hesitation? His inability to strike, given the perfect opportunity?

Incessant thoughts kept swirling through his mind.

The recent events had caused him to rethink the order of the way things have been. His whole life, he had been under the impression that he could never feel this way about a dragon slayer. Time had stopped the moment he laid eyes on her piercing blue eyes. He could not get her out of his head.

He soared higher to shake himself loose from the grip of the thoughts of her.

The storm still raging on, Andre smiled as he gazed upon his masterpiece. He glanced over his outstretched left wing just in time to see a large lighting strike shatter an old willow tree into bits. Birds struggled to take flight against the prevailing winds. He pressed on.

In the distance, he could see the spotted shape of a faded picket fence, the outer edge of his property line. Relieved to finally be at his place of refuge, he began to descend. A mirage of her flowing red hair streaked across his mind. He reared his giant head, forcing the thoughts to vacate.

Once he had touched down onto the drive, the winds immediately ceased. The clouds began drifting softly apart, revealing the haunting blue of the evening sky. Eager to get his head right, Andre hurriedly transformed into his human state. The silhouette of his naked body was made more prominent by the moonlight that spilled over the ranch.

Defeated due to his inability to kill the dragon slayer, Andre slowly walked himself towards the house. He could barely see through the veil of his unkempt and shaggy, jet-black hair. He reached the large oak door and slowly opened it. He stepped onto the cool marble floor, the heat of his body becoming more apparent.

He navigated through the familiar darkness, as he knew every turn and corner. The edges of the kitchen counter slowly grazed his side. Although a large build, he moved with grace in his human form. He nimbly grabbed a glass from the cabinet, filling it with water. He drank steadily and desperately, as he was worn out from the day he had just had. Fighting the urge to crumble the glass in his hand, he felt his tensions rising.

I should have killed that human. Who is she to me?

That nasty dragon slayer would have shoved her sword right into my heart, given a second opportunity.

Through the vengeance, another emotion was beginning to surface. A deep missing permeated his broad chest. The feeling of sadness that he would never see the dragon slayer again descended upon him. The very thought that he may never see her again felt unbearable. Feeling like he could throw up, he began to make his way towards the bathroom.

He grabbed the shower handle and gave it a sharp turn. The water ran over his immaculate form, the beads of water collected along his barreling chest and shoulders. Placing his head fully under the stream of water, he savored the quiet rushing.

All he could see was her, the dragon slayer. Her form, her beautiful fiery red hair, and her deep blue eyes. He had never felt this way before and did not recognize the feelings that were encompassing him.

The steam of the shower gathered into a mist that surrounded him. Andre reached down and grasped his pulsating cock, hot with blood. With the rhythm of his hand, he began to pleasure himself slowly. His heart pounding against his chest, his breath began to quicken. Water pooled at the crown of his head and began dripping down, causing his jet-black hair to lengthen in the front. Water dripped down his pectorals, making its way down across his prominent abs.

Confused and compelled, he began to pump faster and stronger. The dragon slayer's face crossed his mind, and before he could reel himself back, he felt a jolt of searing pleasure radiate his entire body. The climax hit strongly and hard, causing him to buckle at the knees.

The very image of her caused him to crumble in weakness. Why he felt this way, he did not know.

Calm and relaxed from the orgasm, Andre slowly turned the knob to the shower. Reaching for his towel, he let out a desperate sigh. He did not know if he would be able to sleep with her racing through his mind.

He sauntered up to the grand French doors, leading out to the balcony. Gazing over the field covered in moonlight, he made a promise into the night. The promise being that he would see her again, and soon.