Grumpy Dragon Daddy by Milly Taiden



As per usual, the people mingling about the oyster bar were unremarkable. Pasty faces and drab personalities all wrapped up in expensive (yet hideous) designer clothing. At least, that was Tyla’s impression.

But she was hardly surprised. She was used to being in an elite group, used to being singled out and special. She was a dragon hunter, after all. With her blood and background, she would never be content being some oil baron’s wife or lady who lunched, wiling away her days in a Texas McMansion.

Tapping the toe of her muted bronze stiletto, she scanned the room. The person she’d come to meet was late, which wasn’t entirely unusual. They usually were. Tyla usually found that charming, but not tonight.

Sllluuurrrp.Men stuffed into formalwear stood too near, gobbling up the oysters that sat on mountains of ice. The Dallas-Ft. Worth Country Club had pulled out all the stops. The food was plentiful, and the booze was flowing.

And Tyla looked like a million bucks. The slurping that happened around her made her wince inwardly. But she knew they were also slurping as they ogled her up and down.

Why did I agree to meet him here? I should have said to meet by the ice sculpture.

Tyla was hard to miss. Her lithe body was draped in a midnight blue sleeveless dress. The fabric was sateen and looked like liquid under the soft lighting of the club. Both the back and the front were cut in deep v’s, exposing her ample front and enticing back. It was a miracle of modern engineering that held the dress up on her shoulders.

Red hair in loose waves completed the look. She knew she looked great. It was probably a professional hazard to stand out in a crowd in such a way, but sometimes a dragon hunter just had to step out a little.

Besides, she knew it would give Diego a thrill. He was her contact and the man she was waiting for. Though their paths only crossed every so often, he was key to her hunts. Though she knew not to question his sources and methods, Diego had his finger on the pulse of most expeditions. And, she had to admit, Diego’s mysterious ways were intriguing.

She was hoping he would help her track down Thraxis. Her brain did a tiny somersault in thinking about the dragon, but she quickly stamped it out. She was here for business. That little ‘business’ with her vibrator was not something she wanted to re-hash right now.

Her foot tapping became more insistent. As the minutes ticked by, she just wanted to meet with Diego and get out of here. She wasn’t even sure why he insisted on meeting in such high falutin’ places. But he seemed to like the glitz and glamor of attending such galas. Tyla suspected he enjoyed working so boldly out in the open. Dragon hunters trading secrets in a room of rich muckety-mucks for all to see.

Good thing most people are stupid and don’t notice a thing.

“Looks like we should have checked with each other first,” a voice, smooth and low, broke into her thoughts.

Her first instinct was to tell whoever was speaking to beat it. She wasn’t in the mood to flirt with old, rich dudes. Especially ones that made no effort to hide their lust.

But, when her eyes connected with the speaker, she abruptly changed her mind.

For, standing in front of her was no old, rich, overweight dude in a ten-gallon hat and a bolero collar. It just so happened to be the tallest drink of water Tyla had seen in a while.

Standing at most seven feet tall, she beheld a man with sparkling green eyes, a mane of thick black hair, wearing an exquisitely tailored suit that hugged what was clearly a well-muscled body.

“Gosh, we should have. I’ll take the blame on this one,” she muttered, trying to keep her voice even. His suit was the same midnight blue as hers. And he looked just as fetching as she did. They immediately made quite the pair.

“Not at all. Let’s say we did it on purpose. If anyone asks,” he said, smiling.

“Sure. We can pretend we’re an Olympic skating duo. People will buy that,” she replied, a smile hitching up her lips.

“Course they will. Humans are generally pretty gullible.”

The comment threw her for a second. It sounded so…out of place. Like he was referring to humans outside of himself. But his eyes sparkled once more, and she quickly forgot it.

“That they are. Are you a supporter of the hospital, or are you just out for a stroll in a finely tailored suit?” Tyla wondered why she was spending any time with this man when she knew she had business to attend to. But he was very pretty and besides, if Diego was going to be late, why not have a little fun?

“I have a friend who is on the board. All very high brow. And you? Pardon my forwardness, but you don’t look like the type who plays mahjong and golf with the other ladies.” He stepped closer to her. His cologne was expensive but rare. Tyla was instantly piqued.

“Actually, here on business. It’s amazing how much work actually gets achieved at these functions. Besides, they make a good Manhattan here. Better than the coffee machine at the office.” Tyla was happy her wit had decided to join her body in being on form tonight.

His face twitched once in understanding. At the other end of the room, the live band started up. They were impressive… a large brass section with drums, guitar and bass, led by a charismatic man and woman singer couple.

Strains of big band music drifted over the room. Without realizing it, Tyla began to snap her fingers in rhythm.

“A music lover, I see. Care to dance a little? Then maybe we can see about getting you that Manhattan,” he crooned, holding out his hand.

To Tyla, it didn’t seem like an offer she could refuse. And, as she looked in his eyes, a spark of recognition pinged. They looked so…familiar. But where had she seen them before? She certainly would have remembered someone as compelling as this.

Your quarry. Your prey. That’s who they look like.

She shook her head, feeling the sensation of her red waves brush her shoulders.

Just a coincidence. That’s all.

Gingerly, with just a hint of a touch, she rested her hand on his.

“My pleasure.”

They headed to the dance floor. Diego, if he showed up, would just have to find her on his own.