Grumpy Dragon Daddy by Milly Taiden



Three thousand years old, and I’ll always be a sucker for a plunging, backless dress any old century.

Tyla stood out among the dour socialites and dull hangers-on of elite Dallas society. To him, she was a unicorn in a field of weeds.

And Andre had actually seen a unicorn. But that was a story for another time.

Once his eyes had locked on her from across the room, he could not resist approaching her. Well, he knew the risks. He knew the danger. But the danger almost added to the thrill. To confront the woman who wanted him dead? What self-respecting dragon wouldn’t take that bait? Bonus that she was unbelievably attractive.

He was also pleased to discover she was a dazzling conversationalist as well. Witty and smart, acerbic and caustic. Perfect.

It was almost too easy to convince her to dance with him. But she had placed her hand oh so lightly on his palm, and he was only too happy to lead her to the dance floor.

But just as they began to move, she hesitated.

“Something wrong?” He threw out the question casually, but he was a bit surprised to feel a lick of panic in his chest that she might now reject him. He wasn’t sure what he’d do with that.

Her eyes were scanning the room. They were clearly looking for something – or someone – specific.

If she’s looking for her companions or her fellow hunters, I would do well to keep her distracted.

“Oh, nothing,” she said distractedly.

“I’m sure your business associate will be able to find you. You don’t exactly blend in here. I mean this as a compliment, of course,” he said, giving her a little bow.

Puzzled, she looked at him. Inwardly, he kicked himself. He simply had to remember that these age-old customs were deeply ingrained – and were very off-putting in modern times.

“Umm, yes. Thank you.”

“I like it when a woman knows how to take a compliment,” he purred, trying to get things back on track. “Now, have I convinced you or not? I promise the Manhattan will be on my tab.”

Finally, she looked at him square in the face again, a look of fresh sarcasm creasing her cheeks. “Oh yeah? Pretty sure the booze is free tonight.”

“Well, that may be so, but you have no idea what donation I made before I got here.”

One of her eyebrows arched. Human females did appreciate a man of means, after all. “Are we talking a large amount?”

“Very. Think novelty check size,” he retorted.

Her head arched back, and she let out a healthy laugh. His eyes took in every inch of her long and slender neck. His teeth ached to take little bites of that delicious skin.

“All right, you’ve convinced me. Take me dancing, Mr….?”

“Let’s keep the night mysterious for now, shall we? More fun that way, wouldn’t you agree?”

“As long as you’re not something you shouldn’t be, then…yes,” she said. He could tell she was curious, perhaps even guarded. But, like him, she couldn’t resist.

“Very well, then,” he replied, gesturing for her to lead the way.

If only she knew…

They were so striking and beautiful that the crowd in front of the parquet floor seemed to part like the Red Sea before them. Andre noted more than one set of eyes followed her path, and many others (more of the female variety) darted in his direction.

He was used to being looked at, and he could freely admit he enjoyed it. To be appreciated in the company of a beautiful woman only added to the sensation.

The band was in full swing by the time they stepped on the wooden floor. Various couples were scattered throughout, of varying degrees of aptitude and enthusiasm. But, like the crowd before them, the dance floor seemed to open up so that they alone occupied the central space.

It seemed everyone wanted to take in the gorgeous couple. As they took their place in the center, the band broke into a light little swing number. Andre had to reach back in his memory but soon recalled the dances of the early to mid-twentieth century that went well with the rhythm.

Coiling one hand around her back, Andre easily led Tyla through a series of whirls, twirls and steps. He was elated to see she was a quick study and followed his lead perfectly.

It’s almost as if we are made for each other.

The thought, along with his body, swirled around. He wouldn’t allow himself to give that thought much more sway. He couldn’t. It still made no sense.

Still, it was nice to enjoy this moment with a dragon hunter, no less. Andre had learned, over the centuries, that sometimes just enjoying the present was what mattered most. Thinking about the future could often be crippling. Or downright depressing.

As the number ended, Andre heard scattered applause from the other dancers. They obviously had made quite the impression.

Quickly, the band segued into another song. This one was more of a jive with an up-tempo beat. Andre and Tyla, by some unspoken agreement, seemed to move about the floor as one. Andre twirled Tyla, and she spun outwards and then was immediately reeled back in, like two magnets joining.

The chemistry between them was almost palpable – a thin ribbon of pure sensuality that stretched, coiled and snaked its way between their two writhing bodies. More than one older woman clutched their pearls at the spectacle, and a handful of older gents wished they were thirty years younger.

It had been too long since Andre had really let himself go. His body felt attuned and alive. He couldn’t be sure if it was because he felt good and admired, and he dearly loved an audience. Or if it was because the woman before him was maddeningly seductive.

Tyla’s limbs and agile body ignited his thoughts. He wanted to devour her – in all the right ways.

With a flourish, the band’s brass section came to a sudden stop. Andre and Tyla snapped into a tight embrace, their hot breath on each other’s necks. Andre felt his loins fire.

Once again, applause erupted around them. But this time, Andre barely heard it. All his thoughts bent on Tyla.

I want her so much.

“Would you like to see the view from the roof? Perhaps get some fresh Texan air?”

Her chest heaved, barely contained in the plunging dress.

“Sure. Yes. That sounds just fine.”

Reluctantly, Andre pulled his body from hers and led her from the dance floor.