Whipping Girl by L. Jacobs

Chapter 23 – Alexander

Myheart stops. I swear to Christ that it actually stopped before starting back up again in triple time.  Cars honk as I cut them off on my way to Ally’s school, I’m 15 minutes away but my odometer assures that I can make it there in five. Too long.


“Ally!” I yell into my phone as I speed through the city streets. “I’m coming, Angel. Hold on.” I transfer my phone to the car’s speaker system so I can listen and still be able to concentrate on the drive, I’m about five times over the speed limit and if I wreck and die then I won’t be able to save her. I hear scuffling and muffled yelling on the other end and I’m praying to God that someone is helping her right now. This can’t be fucking happening. I punch the steering wheel out of helplessness, I’m letting her down again.


“Alexander!?!” Comes loud and clear through the speakers and I breathe out a shaky breath of relief. She has her phone!


“I’m right here, Angel. Talk to me, tell me what’s happening.” I rush out, trying to keep my voice calm and even for her but even I hear the fear behind it.


“Th-they’re gone! I-I’m okay, I’m alright.” I take the first real breath since I got Ivan’s call that he couldn't find her. “Where are you?” I barely understand her words through the emotion clogging her voice and I wish more than anything that I was holding her right now.


“I’m almost there, baby. You have people with you?” I ask, once again trying to calm her with a soothing tone that I can’t feel.


“Hurry! P-please hurry. I need you.” She sobs out, breaking my heart. I step on the gas, determined to reach her as quickly as possible.




“Alex, I’m sorry.” Ivan says, striding toward me hurriedly. I look toward my girl who is currently sitting on the ground being comforted by people who are not me. I look him dead in the eye before I pull back my arm and punch him as hard as I can, he falls back and stares up at me from the ground while wiping his bloodied nose on his shirt sleeve. He wants to say more but keeps his mouth shut, understanding how close I am to killing him for allowing this to happen.


Ally looks up, finally noticing my arrival and she’s on her feet a second later as she runs toward me, I brace myself as she throws herself into me, holding onto me just as tightly as I do her. I could have fucking lost her. Fuck. She cries into my shoulder as I take her toward my car, me shushing and trying to calm her the entire way, even as my hands shake with uncontrolled rage and leftover fear.


“Babe.” I crowd her next to my car, shielding her with my body to reassure myself then try to pull back a bit so I can get a good look at her but she just clings to me tighter, I allow it, not really wanting space between us either. “I need to know what happened.” I speak to the crowd gathering around us, they all have a look of terror and confusion about them but I need them to suck it up and speak. “And I need to know if anyone got video.” Several people confirm that they were taping the whole thing, I’m thankful but also fucking dumbstruck that anyone would stand there with a camera and watch while a girl was almost kidnapped. I see a familiar face as he walks up to us, he sets his hand on my girls back and slowly rubs it up and down.


“Are you alright, Sweetheart?” I’m about to take that fucking hand and cram it down his throat but Ally finally pulls back with a gasp and then lunges herself at him. Throwing her arms around his neck she thanks him profusely over and over. I feel so fucking grateful but also sick to my stomach as they rehash the story.


Josh saved her.


He walked out of the building and saw as she backed away from the crowd when I called, he was going to keep her company while the firefighters and staff checked the building when he saw a white van pull up and open its doors. While kids pulled out their phones to video tape everything… Josh ran toward the potential danger and saved my fucking girl. Josh, the kid that I had thought about following home that first night and ending his life –no joke- for seeming familiar with Ally, saved her life. I’ve never hugged another man in my entire life but I pull him over by the collar, Ally between us, and actually hug him.


“Thank you, Josh.” I tell him sincerely, using his real name for once. I pat him on the back as I release him.


“Uh... yeah, no problem. You alright, Ally?” He asks, unease and worry clear in his voice as he looks to her.


“Yeah, I’ll be okay. Thank you again, Josh... I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.” She chokes up and I bring her in to my chest, shielding her once again.


“Anything at all that you need, anything, it’s yours. I owe you.” I tell him. I still can’t believe that I almost ended a life that just saved mine.


“Don’t worry about it. Just take care of her and we’re even.” He doesn't need to tell me that but I nod anyway.


I snap at Ivan and Tristan, telling them to get all of the information and video from anyone who may have it so I can go over it after I get Ally calmed down, then I pull us away from the car, place her in the passenger seat then drive us back to our hotel.


Once my girl is finally asleep I start going through everything that Ivan sent to me, my gut telling me this wasn’t just a random coincidence. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the work of Peter and the thugs that followed him. The piece of shit has always been messy, don’t ask me how he ever ranked because he’s always been a screwed up coward in my opinion. What happened today will not ever happen again, I will be putting Allyanna on a lockdown so tight that she won’t leave my sight again until that bastard is dead.


After I close my laptop I quietly remove all of my clothing and slip under the sheets, pressing my naked body to hers and wrapping myself around her so tightly that she won’t be able to breath without my notice. She shivers in her sleep at my cooler body temperature but doesn’t wake thankfully. I inhale her scent as I try to calm my racing thoughts, her softness helping to sooth the storm inside of me.


What if they had succeeded? If they had taken her then I have no doubt that they would have killed her or worse, they could have tortured and raped her. I lay awake all night until the sun starts peeking through the curtains, it’s only when Ally starts to stir that my brain allows me a reprieve from my dark thoughts.


“Hey.” She says as she turns to face me. “You didn’t sleep at all did you?” She asks once she looks at my face, I probably look like shit.


“I almost lost you.” I tell her quietly, pushing her sleep mussed hair out of her face.


“I’m right here, Alexander.” She tells me just as quietly, her face showing tenderness and understanding at my inner turmoil. I can’t believe how easily she is forgiving my major fuck-up. I really don’t deserve her.


“You’re not leaving my sight. Ever again.” I tell her with strong finality, expecting some kind of blow back but she surprises me when she nods her head in resignation.


“I know.” She says quietly, tucking herself into my body and breathing her warmth into my neck.


“No fight, no argument?” I ask dryly, trying to lighten the mood but she just sighs then pulls back a little to look at me, her green eyes holding onto unshed tears.


“I was so scared, Alexander. I was scared of what they would do to me but what made it worse is thinking about what it would do to you if something had happened to me.” I can’t stand the thought but it burrows itself into my mind nonetheless. I can still hear her screams on the other end of the line.


“I would have found them -every last one of them- and made them pay,” I tell her vehemently, my teeth clenched painfully, “then I would have joined you,” I say softer, closing my eyes tightly as I try to get rid of the thoughts that keep running rampant.


“That’s why I fought with everything in me.” She cups my jaw, bringing me back to the present with a soft kiss to my lips.


A few weeks later everything is mostly back to normal. Ally’s fear has been put to the back burner but mine sure as fuck hasn’t, which is why she is currently pouting as she stares out the damn window. She can pout all she wants, her safety is more important to me than her damn friendships, even if it is with the man that saved her life.


“Molly will be there and you could go with me! He just wants me to meet his new girlfriend and I can’t keep putting this off. He did save my life.” Oh, here we fucking go. “The least I could do is meet the woman that stole his heart.”


“Nobody owes that kid more than I do, Ally, so don’t start that shit with me. Call him up and have him meet us here, we can go down to the restaurant and-”


“If I don’t leave this hotel then I’m going to go insane! I understand that we need to be careful right now but this is crazy! What are we going to do, stay locked up here until Peter makes his next move? What if he got spooked and left? What then?” Her tone is bratty and condescending, it takes everything in me not to beat her little ass black and blue for even daring to question me after what happened but I try to let it go because she’s right in a way, we have nothing on Peter’s whereabouts and keeping her locked up forever -although tempting- isn’t plausible for the sake of her sanity. I know I’ve been suffocating her, not allowing her out of my sight, I even stand in the halls when she attends her classes. She hasn’t had a moment to breathe and I feel for her, I really do, but it’s necessary right now. She’s put up with me for this long but now she’s nearing the end of her rope and I may need to give in... just a little.


“Where does he want us to meet them?” I sigh, running my fingers through my hair and pulling the ends as if they are the rope to keep my balls from slipping into her purse. I am the definition of being pussy whipped.


“Really!?!” She squeals, fully turning in my direction for the first time since this conversation started. My eyes close tightly as I admit defeat, nodding my head in shame at my weakness for her. “You’re the best!” She runs over and grabs my stubbled jaw then steps onto her tiptoes at the same time that she pulls my face down so that she can kiss me all over my face. “I love you, I love you, I love you!”


“There’s going to be some rules.” I warn even as she continues to kiss anywhere she can reach, her warm lips turning my cock to stone.


“I would expect nothing less from you.” She smarts off, pulling away from me seductively as she starts to slowly remove her white V-neck shirt, lifting it up and over her head. I watch her small bra-less breasts bounce slightly as she continues to walk backward, my mouth watering at the sight of her pebbled pink nipples. I stalk forward countering each of her steps as she finally presses her back up against the cool window. I place one forearm on the cool glass above her as I lean down to her face, my other hand grabbing her hip so she knows I can keep her in place if I want to.


“Is this your way of saying ‘Good doggie, here’s your reward?’” I smirk, running my hand up her side, tilting my neck just enough so she can feel my breath on her neck.


“No. This was my way of saying that ‘you make me so happy... now pleasure me the way that only you can’.” She breathes, whimpering as I pinch one of her sensitive nipples. I chuckle, shaking my head in soft reproach at her attempted order. Nothing makes me happier than bringing her to the greatest heights of pleasure but I know that she and I are both happier when it’s done my way. Little seductress.


“That’s a little better but I think you’ve failed to remember who gives the orders in this relationship.” I circle my thump around one hard nipple, then the other before dipping lower as I thumb the button on her jeans. Her breath becomes choppy at the promise of what I can give her, a needy sound escaping her plump lips when I back away, an eyebrow raised in challenge as I sit down on the couch and place my hands on the back of my head. Time to get my balls back.


“Alexander... please.” She squeezes her thighs together, pleading sweetly for her release.


“Take your pants off. Panties too.” I order, appearing calm and composed. I’m strung so tight that I could come just watching her walk toward me, but I would never allow that of myself. If you’re not man enough to hold off coming until your woman does then you really don’t deserve her. She stands in front of me, then does as I ask, removing everything from her gorgeous body aside from the necklace that I gave her when she was six years old to let her know she was mine. She’s fucking stunning. Nothing can ever compare to the sight of her breathlessly awaiting my orders. “Are you wet? Do you need me, Ally?” My voice is husky and dark with my own desperate need and her eyes fill with lust as she hears it, her cheeks turning pink at my words.


“Y-yes. I need you.” She pants out, causing my dick to jump in my jeans.


“You want my mouth or my fat cock?” I smirk, raising a challenging brow when she turns an even deeper shade of pink, her long, dark lashes lowering with her embarrassed arousal. She swallows audibly then lifts her beautiful green eyes to meet my dark ones, a look of shy confidence finally shining through.


“I’d like both.” I huff out a laugh, loving her greed then I fall sober when she raises a challenging brow of her own.


This type of challenge from her is definitely something I’m up for.