Dark Devotions by Nichole Greene



Nolan and Sawyer’seyes burn a hole through me as the atmosphere in the room turns electric. I lift my arms as Sawyer pulls my shirt up and over my head. My nipples harden under the guys’ heated glances. He slides his thumbs into the waistband of my panties and pushes them down my hips along with my pants.

He runs his fingers over my stomach and up to the curve of my breasts. I inhale sharply as he cups them and pinches my nipples before lifting his hands to the back of my neck and kisses me with a desperation that steals my breath.

“Enough.” Nolan says from where he’s lying on the couch. “My turn, Livvy.” He holds his hand out for me, and as soon as I grasp it, he pulls me on top of him.

I’m flat against his bare chest as he kisses me. His kiss is playful and fun, full of light strokes and teasing nibbles. He leaves my lips and kisses a trail across my jaw to the sensitive spot below my ear. I moan in pleasure as I feel Sawyer tease my slit with his finger.

“Nolan.” Sawyer’s voice is gravelly. “She’s already wet for us.”

He slips a finger inside of me, stroking with painfully slow and consistent thrusts. I push back against his hand, dying for more speed or anything to relieve this building pressure. The longer he tortures me, the louder my sounds of desire become, the wet suction of my pussy around his fingers and my needy moans are the only sounds in the room.

Nolan grabs my hips and starts dragging me up his chest. “It’s time. Sit on my face, love.” He taps my hip. “But turn around first.”

I look down at him, my brow crinkling. “You want my ass on your face?”

His eyes are liquid gold in the dim lighting of the media room. “There’s not a single part of your body I don’t plan on feasting upon tonight. Turn. The fuck. Around.”

Every part of me seizes with nervous anticipation at the dark tone of his voice. He so rarely displays any type of alpha male tendencies. Sawyer holds out his hand to help me balance while I spin around. Nolan grabs my hips and pulls me over his face, taking a long lick from the front to the back.

“Do you want to watch me touch Nolan?” Sawyer asks as he sets his palm over the erection tenting Nolan’s pants. “Or should I taste him?”

“What do you think, Liv?” Nolan asks before swirling his tongue around my clit. His arms wrap around my thighs, keeping them spread the way he wants. “Do you want to watch Sawyer suck my cock while you ride my face?”

“Yes,” I whisper hoarsely.

I watch with rapt attention as Sawyer tugs Nolan’s pants down his hips, his long, pierced cock bobbing free. Sawyer wraps his fist around it and pumps slowly. The pleasure Nolan is feeling increases the intensity he uses on me. I’m so transfixed by the sight of the angry veins in Nolan’s dick and the oddly similar veins bulging over Sawyer’s muscled forearms.

My hands land on Nolan’s abs, my nails digging in as he pinches my clit and fucks my pussy with his tongue. I can feel the magnitude of my orgasm building deep within me. Sawyer never takes his eyes off mine as he licks the tip of Nolan’s dick, flicking the silver barbell on the bottom of the head.

Nolan’s muffled curses against my pussy only increase my need for release. I whimper when he stops and then still as I feel his tongue moving back to my tight hole. I go still, nervous about what he’s planning, until he pulls away and squeezes one of my ass cheeks.

“Relax, Livvy. I’m just getting acquainted. I won’t do anything you don’t want.”

He moves back up to my clit, causing me to cry out when he sucks the bundle of nerves into his mouth. My hips begin rocking back and forth, and as Sawyer takes Nolan deep into his throat, I feel the explosion of tingling warmth rocket through me. I ride Nolan’s face through the aftershocks of the orgasm before joining Sawyer.

He releases Nolan’s cock with a pop and a cheeky wink, while I immediately grab it and bring it to my lips. I can taste Sawyer’s mouth over the salty flavor of Nolan’s skin as I begin to move my mouth up and down his shaft. I feel crazed, frenzied for these two men.

A wave of hot possession sweeps through me thinking about them doing this to any other woman. Over my dead fucking body will that ever happen again. I take Nolan so deep in my throat I gag and tears pool in my eyes. I’m not stopping though, not until I taste his release.

Sawyer stands and removes his clothes, watching me suck the soul of his best friend, and apparently more, through his cock. Nolan palms both my ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading until his dick spasms in my mouth, filling me.

Nolan is still cursing through his release when Sawyer lifts me into his lap, my back to his chest. My legs drape over each side of his powerful thighs as he lines himself up, thrusting deep into me. In a split second, Nolan is kneeling in front of us, licking my clit and the base of Sawyer’s cock as he bounces me up and down on him.

My head falls back on Sawyer’s shoulder, and he turns his head to kiss me. My skin feels like it’s on fire as another orgasm rapidly begins to build. Nolan moves up to my breasts, kissing and biting the stiff peaks of my nipples. Sawyer’s fingers circle my clit, sending me crashing into the peak of delicious pleasure. My walls contract around him, spasming until I feel him surge with his release.

Nolan kisses up my neck and gives me a deep kiss, while Sawyer catches his breath. My body feels completely spent as I lay spread wide in Sawyer’s lap. I don’t think I could stand and walk if my life depended on it.

Nolan lifts me, wrapping my legs around his waist, and carrying me to his bedroom. I manage to go clean up in the bathroom, and by the time I’m finished, they’re both lying in bed, waiting with an empty space between them for me. I fall asleep protectively cradled between them.

* * *

The next morning, I wake up nuzzled next to Nolan. Our legs are intertwined, and my head is tucked into his shoulder. He’s still passed out, his chest rising and falling in even breaths. From this angle, I’m able to get a better look at his tattoos. There’s a skull with flowers growing out of it, some look newer than others. Then there’s also some sort of knotted design. I shift a little to get a better look, which makes him grumble and pull me back closer. His lips press against my forehead.

After a couple minutes of waking up, he blinks and looks around the room. “Where’s Sawyer?”

“I don’t know. He was gone when I woke up.”

“He’s probably working. He and his dad are working on some big case.” He stretches his arms out on either side of us and yawns. “I think we should stay in bed all day.”

“There’s not much else to do.”

He turns and looks at me seriously. “How are you feeling?”


“Everything. Leaving Tripp. Being back with us. Being here at the estate. All those orgasms we gave you last night.”

“God, that’s a lot of questions.” I roll over onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. “I’m happy to be back here with you guys, but I feel like I'm lost, you know? Like my life really has no direction right now. Everything is so up in the air, and I feel untethered.”

He nods, and then a slow smile crosses his face. “And the orgasms?”

“Sufficient.” I don’t know how I keep a straight face. Last night was nothing short of mind blowing, but I can tell from his smug smile he knows it.

“Just sufficient? Guess I better practice, then,” he says with a wink as he disappears under the covers.

Forty-five minutes and three orgasms later, I walk into the kitchen to see a tired-looking Sawyer sitting at the island with a cup of coffee and his laptop. He’s got papers spread out on either side of him. He’s shirtless but has his glasses on. He looks up when I come into the room, and a big smile spreads across his face.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He holds an arm out for me tuck in beside him. “There’s coffee ready in the press.”

“Good morning. Thank you.” I step away to get a clean mug out of the dishwasher. “How long have you been working?”

“A few hours, I always wake up early.”

I open the fridge and grab a carton of eggs and some bacon. I haven’t cooked or done anything to be useful for them. That changes today. I’m not a great cook, but I can do something as simple as bacon and eggs for breakfast. Nolan should be finishing up soon and joining us.

“You hungry?” I ask. “I can make some breakfast for us.”

“Yeah, sounds great. Lake called this morning and said he’s sending someone to do a little self-defense training with you today.”

I stop what I’m doing and look at him. “Who?” The thought of letting a stranger be near me enough to touch makes my skin crawl.

“She’s a friend of his. Actually, she married a guy who went to FPA with us, but he was a few years younger.”

“You trust her?”

“Completely. You’ll like Lilith. She doesn’t take any shit from anyone. She should be here around eleven.”

I glance at the clock, that gives me a few hours to mentally prepare myself. It’s not that I don’t trust Lake and Sawyer’s judgement, it's just that I’ve had bad experiences with women in the past. The women Tripp wanted me to befriend in LA always seemed to be more interested in him, either in sleeping with him or social ladder climbing.

I try to hide my worries as I go about finishing breakfast. We sit down at the table and start digging in. Sawyer fills Nolan in on my self-defense lesson and tells me a bit more about her. I feel a little better about the whole thing now. Although not super excited to have things like this sprung on me.

I’m scrolling through a news outlet from LA when I hear the sound of a helicopter outside landing. When I walk outside, I see a sleek black helicopter with VI painted on the side. This must be Lilith. A tall, blonde woman exits and starts walking toward the house followed by a man with dark hair and a scowl I can see from here.

Nolan wraps his arm around my shoulders and walks beside me until we meet them on the sidewalk. I’m awestruck at how beautiful they both are. She has her hair up in a ponytail that still hits her mid back, and her eyes are an icy blue. He’s vaguely familiar, I must have seen him around Founder’s Ridge even though he is quite a bit younger than us. His green eyes narrow as he looks at me.

“Hey, Con.” Nolan greets the man with a nod. “Didn’t know you were coming out, too. This is Olivia Daniels. Olivia, this is Connor Volkov and his wife Lilith Nelson.”

She kept her own name, I like her already. I smile and nod at each of them.

“Please, as if he would let me go anywhere without his supervision.” She rolls her eyes.

“As if you want to fly without me.” He smirks at her, exposing a dimple and completely softening his stern face. She smiles back at him with a shake of her head.

“Where are we doing the training? Back in the training facility?” Lilith asks.

“No, we’ll do it in the house. I cleared space in the media room.”

Just the mention of the media room has me blushing. I doubt I’ll ever forget last night. We lead them into the house and upstairs. As I walk into the room, Nolan wraps his arm around my waist from behind and presses his lips to my ear.

“Every time I walk into this room, I’m going to remember you riding my face like an erotic angel.” He shifts his hips against me, pressing his erection into my backside.

Lilith looks at my face, which I can feel reddening, and then at Nolan, Sawyer, and her husband. “Get out,” she states firmly. “It’s just going to be Olivia and I in here for this.”

They all three look like they want to argue until she raises one eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest. Nolan’s the first to bug out, then Connor, but Sawyer hangs back for a second.

“She’s got a few broken ribs, no contact. No heavy hits.” Then he looks at me. “We’ll be in the kitchen. If anything starts to hurt, holler for us.”

“I’ll be fine.” I watch him leave before turning and giving my full attention to Lilith.

“Good. Just us now. Lake filled me in on some of what’s going on, so I figure I’ll show you a couple maneuvers to escape a hold and the way to easily break someone’s fingers. I won’t put you in any position that might hurt or make you uncomfortable.”

“Sounds good.”

She walks me through breaking fingers first. We start with some small talk as we practice and then move onto bigger conversations. She tells me that they have twin daughters and she’s in her first trimester of her second pregnancy.

“How did you get the broken ribs?” she asks when we take a break.

I pause lifting a water bottle to my lips.

She must sense my distress because she immediately holds her hand up and shakes her head. “You don’t have to answer that, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay.” I take a drink to wet my suddenly dry throat. “My soon to be ex-husband. That’s why I’m here, the guys want to keep me hidden away and protected.”

Her eyes narrow and she nods. “Well, this is definitely one of the safest places you could be. We’ll get you to the point of being fully able to defend yourself.” She pushes off the wall. “Let’s do a few more ways to break a hold.”

We work for another hour. She looks like a glowing goddess and barely has a light sheen of sweat. I, on the other hand, am winded and a sweaty mess. My hair is sticking to my temples and the back of my neck, even though it’s pulled back into a ponytail. We chat about how I met the guys and joked about overprotective men.

When we walk into the living room where they guys are all sitting, I notice lines of tension on everyone’s face. The air is heavy as the three men all share a loaded glance. I look over at Lilith and can tell she notices, too.

“Listen.” She reaches into her bag and pulls out a business card and pen. “I’m putting my personal cell number on the back of this. If you ever want to get together when you’re back in the city or continue learning some self-defense, hit me up. I know what it feels like to be surrounded by men who think they should be the ones making decisions about your well-being.”

Her husband scoffs at that. Nolan walks them out to their waiting helicopter.

“You look tired.” Sawyer’s eyes look me up and down appraisingly. “Did you overdo it?”

“No, we didn’t do anything excessively strenuous. Everything makes me tired right now.”

It surprises me at how easily I can step into his arms. When he holds me against him, his hands moving in long, gentle strokes up my spine I feel so safe and comforted. It’s like this with all of them, even with Grant when he makes a rare move to touch me.

I notice tension in his muscles that usually isn’t there when I run my hands from his waist up to his shoulders. I pull back and look up at his face. His eyes are downturned, and there are lines of stress in between his brows. Nolan walks into the living room with a similar expression.

“What’s going on?” I step out of Sawyer’s embrace and look back and forth between the two men.

“Grant and Lake are on their way here, and then we’ll talk,” Nolan answers.

“About what?” I cross my arms over my chest and stare at him through narrowed eyes.

“It can wait.” He rubs the back of his neck like he used to when he was avoiding hard topics. “Go ahead and take a shower or a bath and relax before they get here.”

I try to hold eye contact with him, but after a minute, he turns and walks into the kitchen. I look to Sawyer for answers, but he just shakes his head and shrugs. It’s clear that they aren’t saying anything until everyone is here.

Anger and bitterness rise within me. It is beyond obvious that it has something to do with me. I’m a vortex of emotions the entire time I clean up. Anxiety and anger war with each other, setting me on edge and driving all sorts of thoughts through my mind.