Random Encounter by Allyson Lindt



I hated not being able to act. Especially after the emotional wringer of last night. Waiting to talk to Addie. Waiting for the interview with Nolan… Patience was not one of my virtues. Which was why I was in the office too early, trying to occupy my mind with anything else.

But one thing was incredible about last night, and I needed more time with Phillip to explore it. Not him so much, because I’d done a lot of exploring there, but we could always revisit old favorites and map new paths. Our shared I love yous still sang in my thoughts. I never realized how good that could feel until now.

And as soon as I got a hold of Addie, she’d hear it too. I sent her a text earlier saying I hoped she was doing okay and I missed her. I’d wait at least a little bit before I bugged her again.

When I heard Phillip come in, I didn’t look up from my work. “Hey, traitor.” It was hard to keep my voice stern.

No response.

I finally moved from behind my screen to find him staring at me, mouth twisted.

“Did I imagine last night?” he asked flatly.

I smiled. Nope. I had no patience to draw out that kind of teasing. “Not unless I did too.”

Phillip rolled his eyes, but bent to give me a quick kiss before taking his seat. He paused. “Was that weird?”

“Kind of. But weird-good. I liked it.”

“Me too. You talk to Adrienne yet?”

“No. I texted her.”

“Me too.” Phillip turned to his computer.

When I thought about what happened, I saw red. It was a shame I couldn’t go talk to Sean now.

I would be talking to Nolan, though. Probably still not a good idea to punch him in the smug face, but the impulse was stronger now than ever. I wanted Addie here, not to temper me, but so I’d know she was ok.

We got a pair of messages from Luna and Judith, letting us know Addie wouldn’t be working today. But, Luna assured us, she was doing as well as could be expected, and was just resting.

When Ivan called back to tell me my ten o’clock was here, I was out of my seat before he finished talking. I made my way to the small conference room, where Nolan was waiting. With a smile that probably showed too many teeth, I shook his hand. “It’s been a while.”

“It has. Good to see you.” His tone was cheer-flavored bullshit.

“Sorry I’m late.” At the sound of Addie’s voice I whirled toward the doorway. Her arm was in its sling, and her expression was blank-leaning-toward-sad. “I’m Adrienne.” She offered her hand.

Nolan shook it. “Nice to meet you.” Nolan smiled warmly. “Are you all right? May I ask what happened?”

“I’m not, and you may not.” Addie clipped off the words as she took the seat next to me.

I did love her. “Let’s get started. I’ve got your resume and portfolio, but tell me a bit about what you’ve been doing for the last couple of years.”

We ran through a list of boilerplate questions. Addie was quiet the whole time, and Nolan was flippant with his answers. But to his credit, they were real answers—he was treating this like an interview he had to do well on—I just didn’t like the underlying conviction that he already had the job.

“We do have a practical test part of our interview process,” Addie said when we reached a pause. She grabbed the notepad from the stack I’d brought in here, and slid it across the table along with a pencil.

“That’s right.” I stepped in to back her up. “Our players have high expectations. We need to make sure you bring your own style to the table, but can still operate within the parameters we’ve already established for the game.”

“In other words, you need good copy-ers?” Nolan’s question was smug. “I see why you’re here.”

Addie pressed her leg to mine under the table, cutting off my retort. “This is your interview, not Dustin’s. Draw a picture of our orc priest. Any of the poses from our site, or your own interpretation is fine too.”

I couldn’t hide my smirk. That was one of the designs he claimed I’d stolen.

For the first time since I walked in the room, Nolan’s smile vanished, and a scowl took its place. “This is for a digital art job. Where’s a computer? A drawing tablet?”

Addie didn’t miss a beat. “We all work with our hands as well. Concept sketches, other things. This is the interview requirement, and looking at your portfolio, it shouldn’t be an issue.”

She and I watched as he scribbled his way through a recreation that looked nothing like his art or mine.

“That’ll be fine,” I stopped him when he had a rough concept in place. It was too painful to wait for more, no matter how much I wanted to see him crash and burn.

“I’m not done,” Nolan said.

This was where I’d say we’ll get back to you, and send him on his way to let him stress and stew.

Addie slid the notepad away from him and studied it. “Your work has potential, but it’s not up to our standards.” No pulling punches with her today. Or most days. “If you’d like to take a few classes, I can recommend some great teachers, and you’re welcome to re-apply in a year or two.”

Nolan turned red. I’d never seen that literally happen to someone who was angry. “This is a bullshit test. The environment is shitty and you sat and watched me the whole time. I don’t need to prove my skill because Dustin stole the art you already have. That is my skill.”

Anger surged inside me.

Addie covered my hand with hers, and smiled sweetly and Nolan. “You’re a liar.”

“Excuse me?” Nolan stared at her in disbelief.

“You don’t have the skill to do this job. If you want to steal someone else’s work, this isn’t the place to do it.” She set the notepad back on my stack. “This will go to our attorneys. If you threaten us again, they will tie you up in court for years, and we will not keep things quiet. Can you really afford that hit to your wallet? Your career?”

“Are you threatening me, you stupi—”

“Get out.” I had to cut him off because if he finished that sentence, I’d deck him. I was already looking for an excuse. “We’re done here.”

Addie’s sugary sweet smile never faded. “Have a lovely day.” She offered her hand.

He scowled and stormed from the room.

I followed to make sure he actually left the offices, then turned to Addie, who had come with us. I didn’t know what to say first. That she kicked ass in there. That I was so happy to see her. That I loved her desperately and I didn’t want her going back to anyone’s house but mine or Phillip’s?

“Judith is in Art and wants to see both of you,” Ivan said before I could pick an option.

“You were brilliant in there.” I told Addie as we headed to our offices. Everything else tried to push its way out, but would have to wait.

Her saccharine smile was gone, and now the exhaustion around her eyes and mouth was obvious. “Thanks. I was a little pissed off. Did it show?”

“I wasn’t even looking for that. Fuck him if he didn’t like it.”

“But don’t.” Her tone lifted and I glanced at her to see a corner of her mouth tugged up.

We walked into Art to find Judith had made herself at home at an empty desk and was chatting with Phillip. “How’d the interview go?” she asked.

“Addie handled it. The problem is gone.” There were few things I was more certain of.

Judith didn’t look convinced. “I’ve heard that before.”

I patted my sketchpad. “If he comes back, it won’t be an issue, I guarantee it.”

“Good,” Judith said.

“I get that you’re all pals, but in my world, boss sitting in the office doesn’t mean good things.” Addie sounded apprehensive. “What’s up?”

Judith gave a rare soft smile. “No beating around the bush, then. You all saw the announcement about funding, but in order for that to work, this department needs some changes.”

No shit. This was it. She was here to give me my job. Dustin Lane—Director of Art.It had an incredible ring to it.

“I’ve withdrawn my resignation,” Phillip said.

Yes.” I didn’t try to hide my excitement. “Fuck yeah. Told you that you couldn’t quit us.”

He clucked and shook his head. “You didn’t say that specifically, but you are right.”

“And Phillip’s moving into the role of Director of Art.” Judith’s words brought my brain grinding to a halt.

What in the ever living fuck? He couldn’t. I’d done everything right. I’d made this company shine in the public eye. If I thought I felt betrayed before—

“Before you blow a fuse.” Judith cut off the thought, and I clenched my jaw. “I wanted to have this conversation with you in private, Dustin, but I also didn’t want this news getting back to you before you and I spoke. I’m really impressed with the work you’ve done. More than your job. You’ve gone above and beyond. I didn’t think we’d need a marketing team when we started, but we wouldn’t have come this far without you. You don’t have to answer me now, but I’d like you to start a new team as Director of Marketing and Community.”

Wait. What? I let out a short laugh. “No. Yeah? You’re serious.”

She started back, expression bland. “Have you ever known me to joke?”

“There was that one time—”

“Shut it.” She cut Phillip off with a glare.

He shrugged.

I wanted to hear that story.

Judith turned back to me. “Think about it. Get me your answer by Wednesday.”

“There’s no need. My answer is yes.” Absolutely. This was better than I expected. This was… wow.

“Great,” Judith said. “Contracts will be in your emails in the next couple of days. Office is Phillip’s. Dustin, pick one of the empty rooms for you and your team. Adrienne, go home. For the rest of the week. What are you even doing here?”

“I told Dustin I’d help him with the interview.” Addie’s reply was firm.

“I don’t care,” Judith said. “And this isn’t up for negotiation. How did you even get here? Tell me you’re not driving.”

“Cole dropped me off.”

Judith rolled her eyes. “That man, I swear.”

“I begged him to.”

I’d never seen anyone counter Judith so completely, without sounding even a smidge aggressive. Another reason to be impressed with Addie.

“One of you take her home. Now.” With that, Judith left.

“Do you think she actually meant now?” Phillip looked at us.

I shook my head. “No. I’m sure there was some room for interpretation.”

“Do I get a say in this?” Addie asked. “I feel like I should be the one to say where I go and when and with whom.”

“I mean, yeah, but also… if the boss says go home do you really argue?” That didn’t make sense to me. At least not as a general concept.

Addie scrunched up her nose. “Phillip’s my boss now.”

“Judith’s word still overrides mine,” Phillip said.

This was ridiculous. We were wasting words when something far more important needed to be discussed. “I’ll take you back to Graham’s. If you want. But first”—I rested a gentle hand on her cheek, careful to avoid the bruises, and brushed my lips lightly over hers. I wanted to do more, but I didn’t want to hurt her. “I have to tell you I love you.”

Pink crept up her neck. “That’s… anti-climactic.”

I stared her in disbelief, and failed to ignore she hadn’t said it back. “I had a whole speech planned. Dinner Wednesday night. But I’m supposed to be taking you home now, so you get the abbreviated version until I have time for more.”

“Except we’re still here,” Addie said.

“I’ll give you a flowery speech.” Phillip reached past us to close the office door, then stepped up next to Addie. He grasped her fingers and brought them to his lips, kissing one at a time. “I can’t imagine a future without you. Last night was terrifying, not knowing if you were all right. I don’t want to let you go. I will, if that’s what you want, but I’ll do everything in my power to prove how incredible we would be together. Anything you ask. I love you, Adrienne.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “I love you too. Yesterday was hard, but seeing you at the hospital when I got out… I wish I’d felt up to sticking around, and that I hadn’t already used up so many words in the last day or so. I love you.”

I cleared my throat loudly, drawing their attention. “Excuse me? Phillip didn’t even figure it out until I told him, and I was going to say it to you first, Addie, but then you were hurt, and now he’s stolen my thunder. I love you too. I’d do anything for you too.”

Addie focused on me, still gripping Phillip’s hand. “But you did say this to each other?”

Did that matter at this moment? “Yes.”

God I was wondering how long that would take.” Her exclamation caught me off-guard. Before I could reply, she rose on her toes and kissed me on the cheek, then the lips. “And I love you too. You’re both stupid boys, with stupid egos. But I love you, Dustin. And as much as I love a public display of affection, one, I don’t want to get fired if Judith finds out I’m still here, and two, I don’t want to get fired for doing anything inappropriate in the office. Again.” She smirked.

“Eh, we’ll save that for after hours.” I kissed her on the tip of the nose. “And fine, I’ll take you home. But tomorrow night, as soon as my place is my own again, you’re mine—ours.”

“I’m yours now,” Addie said. “But yes. Definitely.”

I hated to wait, patience was not a virtue of mine, but Addie and Phillip were worth waiting for.