Random Encounter by Allyson Lindt



Phillip treated me to another incredible and drawn-out kiss before I left the office. And after a long goodbye kiss from Dustin at home that wasn’t nearly long enough, I made him go back to work. I didn’t like that I had to wait until tomorrow night to see them again, but I did need to heal at least a little more.

Their words, the sweet, the sexy, and mostly the love, both helped and added to the feeling of missing them. The rush of hearing I love you from two different, both incredible men was better than any painkiller high. It was enough to fall asleep to, in a longer nap than I’d taken in ages.

Dinner and watching TV after with Graham, Luna, and Cole was nice—it was fun to sit and catch up and talk and poke fun at our favorite characters on the screen—but when I got a text from Dustin, I excused myself to my temporary room, and closed the door behind me.

What are you wearing?Dustin’s message read. He’d added Phillip to the thread too.

The lead-in was cute, but I wasn’t feeling particularly sexy. A sling, and the baggiest nightgown I own.

Hot. Send pics, Phillip wrote.

I shook my head at the empty room. I feel way too hammered for that.

Instead of either of them replying, my phone rang. “Hello,” I answered.

“You’re gorgeous no matter what,” Dustin greeted me.

“You happy now?” Phillip’s sigh was exaggerated. “You got to the sweet line first this time?”

It felt incredible to smile. “Next contest—who’s going to send me the first dick pic?”

“Dude. Inappropriate,” Phillip said.

Now I was laughing. “Don’t tell my boss on me.”

“What’s in it for me?” Dustin asked. “I’ll show you my dick.”

“Moment’s passed, and I’ve seen it.” God this felt good. Natural. It didn’t matter that the conversation was ridiculous, I loved it.

Dustin snorted. “Are you kidding me right now?”

“I don’t even know anymore. I’m just having fun.” So much fun.

“I miss you.” Phillip’s tone softened. “My pillows won’t smell like you much longer.”

“Uuuugh.” Dustin dragged the word out. “Creepy, dude.”

“Jealous much?” Phillip countered.

Yup. Still grinning. “I miss you too. Both of you. And I miss my vibrators.” Where did that come from? Didn’t matter—I was rolling with it. “I wonder if Luna will make an extra trip…”

“You’re putting us in the same category as battery operated boyfriends?” Dustin sounded hurt.

I had a feeling he wasn’t really, but I’d reassure him anyway. “Not even for a heartbeat. But I have a feeling they’ll be far gentler with me.”

“Challenge accepted,” Dustin said. “Tomorrow night, we’ll show exactly how gentle we can be.”

“Hard to be rough having dinner.” I wouldn’t be able to pretend even a second longer that was all I thought we were going to do.

“Depends on who we’re having for dinner,” Phillip said.

“You, in case that wasn’t clear,” Dustin added.

I assumed, but I liked the confirmation. “Promises promises.”

“So many of them.” It was Dustin’s turn to shift to sincere. “As many promises as you want. From now until forever.”

This was definitely perfect.

We talked for at least another hour, until I started yawning and couldn’t stop. “I promise, it’s not you, it’s me,” I assured them between yawns.

“We know,” Dustin teased.

Phillip made me promise to get some sleep, we all exchanged I love yous, and I forced myself to hang up, despite wanting to fall asleep with their voices in my ear.

My phone buzzed a few minutes later with two new texts. Phillip had sent me a picture of a Twinkie, and Dustin provided a picture of Richard Nixon.

I couldn’t help my smile at the two dick pics, provided in the way only the two of them would.

The next day my bruises were a lovely shade of violet-turning-yellow. I hated it. When I got good morning texts from both Phillip and Dustin, I had to warn them not to be horrified when they saw me.

They assured me they didn’t care, and I’d need to say no if I was trying to get out of tonight.

That was enough to silence me. I definitely didn’t want to put off seeing them again.

The day crawled slowly, and I wasn’t sure if it was because I didn’t dare do much, or because I was looking forward to tonight.

No, I knew it was a mix of both, but my impatience was more about tonight. The long bath in a tub big enough to cover my boobs and knees with water at the same time was a nice break, and it was strangely comforting having Luna help me dry and style my hair.

None of that stopped me from counting the seconds until Phillip picked me up. He gave me a long kiss on the front step, and another before he opened the car door for me.

“I’ve never had this with anyone,” I murmured against his mouth.

He pulled back and studied me. “Kisses and chivalry?”

“Not like this. Not where it feels genuine and natural rather than done like it was expected and preferred forgotten.”

He kissed me again. “Their loss. And we need to go, or else I’ll keep you out here for way too long, and Dustin is preparing for dinner.”

This entire situation felt surreal. I remembered being there yesterday at the office, but the pain from the accident had been close enough it muted the memory. Phillip’s kisses made it all feel more real, though, and I was happy to keep making new memories. As many as possible.

Phillip kept contact with me in one way or another—my hand, my thigh—most of the drive to Dustin’s. When we arrived, Phillip knocked and Dustin called, “It’s open.”

We found him in the kitchen, putting something in the fridge, the counters empty. He gave Phillip a quick kiss, then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer for a longer one that stole my breath.

Dustin didn’t let me go after, and I loved the feeling of being pressed against him. He brushed his lips over my cheek, my neck, and the edge of my ear. “Someone stole my thunder yesterday, and I didn’t get to tell you everything I wanted to.”

“I’m listening.” I turned my ear—one of the non-bruised bits of me—toward him, angling for more attention.

He obliged, nipping lightly at my earlobe, his hot breath teasing my skin. “I don’t care if the entire rest of the world thinks I’m a party boy. What you think, what Phillip thinks, is more important than anything. I want you in my future, for as far as I can see and beyond. I want stability and a family and I want those things with you.”

“I want those things too.” Forever and beyond was a long time, and instead of fear, I was excited at the possibility.

Phillip stepped behind me, and I was wrapped in comfort and kisses and strong, protective arms.

“I was told you were making dinner.” Go me, ruining the moment.

“Technically I said he was preparing for dinner.” Phillip’s words rumbled through my back.

“That feels like a tiny, semantic difference.”

Dustin smirked. “But it’s one that makes all the difference.”

I was missing something. “Then… what’s for dinner?” Yesterday it was supposed to be me, but that didn’t seem to be the case now.

“Not until after dessert,” Phillip said.

Dustin dipped his head to brush his mouth over my ear again. “That’s you—dessert—in case there was any confusion.”

“Which answer gets me devoured faster?”

“That one.” Phillip’s reply was low and seductive.

The led me upstairs to a room whose door had been closed every other time I was here. The art that hung in thin metal frames on the walls was varied and bright, a beautiful contrast to the dark bedding and furniture.

It felt very much like Dustin.

He stopped in front of me, and Phillip moved to my back.

Dustin dragged his thumb along my bottom lip before following the same path with my mouth. “We’re going to be gentle, but stop us if anything hurts too much.”

“Okay.” The thought of some kinds of pain was tempting, but not the twisting-my-shoulder-wrong kind.

I’d worn a loose button-down top, because it was easier for me to get in and out of. Phillip kissed along the back of my neck, while Dustin worked his way down the buttons of my shirt.

Dustin teased the fabric aside, brushing it across a bare breast. “No bra?” he asked with a smirk.

“They’re a pain to put on, and I figured you’d just be taking it off…”

“I’ve always known you were a genius.” He threw the top aside. The frown that slid across his face vanished just as quickly.

But I didn’t like the look of it. “What’s wrong?”

Phillip brushed his lips over my shoulder. “He probably hates seeing the bruises as much as I do.”

“Not because they’re ugly, but because I suspect they hurt.” Dustin kissed a larger purple spot near my stomach.

“Some do, some don’t.” I sighed at the barely-there sensation of their mouths on my skin. “I don’t think the kisses will help them heal any faster. Not that I want you to stop.”

“It might help,” Dustin drew his tongue lightly up the middle of my chest, along my collarbone, and pressed his mouth to mine again.

Phillip’s pft teased my back. “He thinks his love heals everything.”

“It does help with quite a few things,” I said.

Dustin smirked and dragged a thumb over my nipple. “Because I’m amazing.”

“You really are.” I sighed at the double attention. “When you’re not being dense.” I couldn’t help the playful jab.”

Ha.” Phillip sounded smug.

I rolled my eyes, though he wouldn’t see. “I mean you too.”

“We’re trying to make up for that.” Dustin lowered his head again to draw one of my nipples into his mouth, licking so gently it drove me wild.

“You’re doing great so far.” I managed between moans.

Between kisses and light touches, they stripped off the rest of my clothes, and guided me toward the bed. Phillip sat behind me, propping me up and teasing his fingers along my stomach and over my chest.

Dustin knelt in front of me. He started at my mouth, and dragged his lips down my body.

Anticipation built inside at the notion of where he was headed. “I’m going to get used to this if you two aren’t careful.”

“We’re only being careful until you’re healed.” Phillip kneaded my breast gently.

Dustin drew his tongue along my hip. “But you deserve to be used to this, and so much more.”

He nudged my legs further apart as he dropped lower on the mattress and moved his head between my legs. My pulse screamed as his hot breath teased my damp skin, and when he licked along my slit, my heart skipped a beat before picking up double-time.

Phillip rolled a nipple between his fingers, and when Dustin plunged his tongue inside me, Phillip dropped his other hand to tease my clit.

I couldn’t focus on any one sensation, as much as I wanted to memorize them all. The feelings all flowed together, making my head feel light as air. My thoughts floated away and climax built inside. Nudging me. Coaxing. Drawing me closer until I tumbled into orgasm.

I let the scream of pleasure out, not caring if the world heard, digging my fingers into Phillip’s wrist until it was all too much.

They eased away gently, and Dustin rose to crush his mouth to mine, letting me taste myself, devouring my moans. He moved to Phillip, and their grunts near my ear were delicious.

“Wow.” I tried to grasp for something more. “I’ve never… Wow.” A realization slipped in and I couldn’t hide my faint frown.

“What’s wrong?” Dustin asked.

“I’m not sure I’m up for more.” Inspiration struck. “I’d love to watch the two of you together.”

Dustin’s huff was exaggerated. “We’re not a fetish.”

“You’re my fetish,” I said. “I’ll beg.”

“You’re definitely doing that at some point.” Phillip was gentle as he moved from behind me.

“Begging?” I liked the sound of that.

He was in view now. “Yes.”

“But okay, you can watch. Only because you’re pretty.”

I raised my eyebrows at Dustin’s words, unimpressed if he was teasing.

His smile was almost sheepish, and definitely adorable. “And smart. And sexy. And incredible.”

“If you don’t want to…” I let out a long sigh.

“He almost always wants to.” Phillip grabbed the back of Dustin’s neck and kissed him so hard I felt it in my teeth.

The give and take of watching them together was more arousing than any porn. It rivaled their touches on my own body. The give and take between them. Hard bodies pressed together and rough kisses exchanged as they stripped each other out of their clothes.

Being an observer let me appreciate the lines of muscle. The way they moved. The intensity that flowed between them and threatened to ignite the air around us.

Part of me wanted to tell them to slow down, so I could take longer to appreciate the experience, but I was too turned on and could tell they were too engrossed. Sparks and desire and need flowed from them.

My skin remembered their touches and those ghosts danced through me as I watched them with each other.

They broke apart long enough for Dustin to grab lube and condoms from the nightstand drawer. They both rolled on protection and he handed Phillip the lube.

The lack of conversation and the seamless synchronicity of it all drove home how familiar this was to them, and somehow I was a part of it. I loved it.

Dustin crawled forward on the bed to kiss me. “Front row seats,” he teased.

Phillip was generous with the lube, and as I watched him ease his way into Dustin from behind, I definitely wanted to get to a point where I could try that.

Phillip reached around to grab Dustin’s cock, stroking as he pumped, slowly at first.

My arousal surged back as I watched them together. Apparently I wasn’t completely spent. I teased myself as I watched them, trying to stay away from my clit for as long as I could.

Grunts, groans, and moans filled the air. The way Dustin held my gaze was hypnotic. Desire built inside me, surging and swelling.

The delicious sounds Dustin and Phillip made grew more stuttered. Phillip’s hand dropped away and Dustin gripped his own shaft, balancing on one hand and stroking furiously with the other. His face screwed up and shudders rolled over him when he came.

Godhow was that so hot? At the sight, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I focused in on the center of my need, circling my swollen clit, pushing myself until I reached climax again, waves crashing around and through me.

Phillip made those familiar noises that said he was close, and I swore I could feel when he paused, then slammed at a stuttered pace inside Dustin, finishing with a final, long grunt, before slowing to a stop.

None of us said much as they cleaned themselves and me up, then collapsed around me, propping me up between them and wrapping me in comfort and security and hugs.

“I really don’t want to send you home in the morning.” Dustin pressed his lips to my shoulder.

Me neither. “I don’t quite know where home is right now. The apartment makes me uncomfortable.” I felt bad that Cole did all that work to install the camera and everything, and I’d barely used it. He’d assured me that it was worth it, and that he’d already billed the apartment complex and encouraged them to contract with him to update every apartment.

“We can’t leave you alone during the day,” Phillip said.

Dustin nodded.

“I’m not an invalid. I have an arm I have to be careful with and believe me, it tells me when I’m not, and it’s not my dominant arm.”

“Still…” Phillip didn’t sound convinced.

“Graham will let me stay with him as long as I need.” It was a strange living arrangement, but it worked.

Dustin trailed his hand up my leg. “I want you after work every day. Both of you.”

“I’m not a puppy you put in daycare until you’re done with your day.” My tone was light. I appreciated their concern, and I was a bit nervous about being on my own, despite my protests, or I’d be packing a bag now and seeing which of them was going to take me in.

“You are a kitty girl,” Phillip pointed out.

“In game.”

Dustin tsked. “You know how hard we’ve worked to make the game reflect reality.”

I also knew that wasn’t a valid argument. “All the way down to the magical rail gun implants.”

“We have time to figure it out.” Phillip shifted so I could lay my head on his chest. “We have our entire lives ahead of us.”

“Half our lives.” Why did I feel it was necessary to point that out? Because I was me.

“Uh, no.” Dustin almost sounded offended. “I’m going to live to be at least two-hundred.”

“Complete with magical rail gun implant?” Phillip teased.

Dustin shrugged. “Maybe. Hopefully.”

I laughed at the exchange. I loved this part of our relationship too. I loved all of it.

“My original point”—the edge in Dustin’s voice sounded exaggerated—“I’m going to want you both around as much as possible. Whether it’s here or Phillip’s, I don’t care. And Adrienne, prepare to be smothered with overprotectiveness.”

I smiled. “I never thought I’d be able to get into that, but it sounds wonderful.”

Phillip stroked my hair back from my forehead to kiss me. “Good girl.”

This was incredible. More amazing than I would’ve ever dared imagine for myself, and it was only going to get better from here.